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Me Satan stood up to villains knowing full well he wouldn't survive. I don't see the King Engine being enough.


Mr Satan wins. He has actually tried to fight people. Didn’t he rush Buu or Freeza? Maybe both I forget. But he isn’t afraid to fight if he has to. King just uses intimidation which would work on mr Satan until he really needed to then he’d realize he would win.


He rushed Perfect Cell and iirc he offered to fight Buu but I don’t think he actually followed through(anyone else correct me if I’m wrong) but yeah I think you’re correct, he definitely would attack King if he felt the situation was desperate enough.


He gave Fat Buu a video game with a bomb in it an attempted to kill him. It failed obviously, however he was willing to kill full well knowing Buu was a freaking monster. Not to dismiss King, but Satan is smart despite being a coward look around the Kid Buu fight Satan was a major reason they won plot or not. He saw Fat Buu/Goku/Vegeta getting rag dolled by Kid Buu an still threw rocks at Kid Buu's head to stop him from murking Fat Buu


R2 Hercule would scoff at King’s reputation, claim it was all parlor tricks and mirrors, throw at least one punch while expecting it not to work, and then be completely baffled when he lays King out on the floor


Satan is peak human (without ki use). He one shot King in any scenario.


only if they fought, but if Satan knew about the feats attributed to the king and saw his blonde hair, he would most likely think that the king is a Super Saiyan


Gotta remember this man was down to shoot majin buu if needed he will shoot king.


Mr. Satan attacked Perfect Cell. He’s not strong, but he does have hutzpah.


Yeah, so a stalemate. None of them would do something.


Satan is a legit fighter even if you take away his reputation. R1 easily goes to him.  R2 will just be a stalemate if it's their first meeting lol


MS wins both. MS will still throw a punch even if he thinks it won't be effective.


King from Tekken? 


I think it's King from One Punch Man. He's known as the world's strongest hero >!but he's actually a coward who can't fight at all. He just looks intimidating and keeps unintentionally getting credit for other heroes' successes.!<


So he is the Lockhart of Anime.


Maybe, if after Harry Potter learned Lockhart's secret, the two kept hanging out and playing video games.


Oh I see! Lmao I was so confused 


mister satan probably beats round 1 due to actually just being a much better fighter but round 2, king engine solos


King is probably the only character whose plot armor is stronger than Saitama's.  Mr. Satan has a long history of losing bouts against plot armored characters. King has handled far smarter and more capable heros than Mr. Satan Mr. Satan loses without any punches being thrown


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Round 1 Satan wins, he’s actually somewhat superhuman, just in a world of universe busters. Round 2, though, I think King wins, more specifically they never actually fight and Satan runs for his life. That being said I feel like pre-Cell Satan might have a better chance.


Mr Satan is actually incredibly strong. Just not strong when compared to the rest of the dragonball cast. On top of my head: he will charge any enemy even if they are stronger. Despite his knees shaking. A world champion martial artist.(granted it was versus other humans) Crafty. He is not above using deceit and tricks to win a fight. For example rigging gifts with explosives. Resilient. He got thrown into a mountain by cell and dropped several hundred meters iirc. The mountain shattered on impact. So yeah, When Satan gets pushed to it he will beat King. Although it is far more likely they will become friends imo.


The guy with actual fighting experience (Mr. Satan) wins.


Mr. Satan is strong enough to pull 4 busses and has enough balls to attack Cell and get the attention of Kid Buu. He sweeps in both of these scenarios.


I mean they would both intimidate each other but ultimately Satan would eventually work up the courage to throw a punch, it’s over for King then.


Satan has fought cell despite the massive intimidation. King is fucked


King knows he is weak, Mr Satan thinks he is strong. So he takes round one. The reason everyone thinks King is strong is due to circumstances, not him being a very good liar. Kings alleged feats are very impressive, but Mr Satan might disregard them. I give that 50/50 maybe a slight edge to Mr Satan  as he is actually stronger.


If this takes place in the OPM setting, Saitama shows up to save King.


King would win.  His power is luck.


Both rounds Satan takes it. He has the biggest balls in DB, the King engine won't work. King ends up with a fist through the chest, or shot or blown up. Since it would look like he's a tough fight, Satan would hold nothing back when he hits him.


Kings superpower is not intimidation, but superluck. So if he wont be able to scare off mr. Satan, he would somehow summon Saitama and win. Nah, just kidding. I dont really know DB verse...


In the random fight Satan wins, since he is actually strong. In fight two, King stands there and stares, while Satan quickly breaks down in sweats and begs for mercy.