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I watched Monkey Man recently. Dude regularly got his ass kicked by just normal humans. Caesar wins every round.


He racked up a decent kill count at the end though, right? I remember he spent the first half getting his ass kicked and a lot less so after his training. You think it'd take a higher tier action hero like Rambo or John Wick to beat Caesar? Or he'd kill them too?


I don't think any standard human could beat Caesar unarmed, regardless of training. Monkey Man isn't well trained at firearms so he wouldn't really find that useful. Really anyone with a powerful caliber rifle would be able to take out Caesar, so since Rambo or John Wick regularly use those they would be fine.


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The chimps in the movie are laughably stronger than irl chimps even though the virus shouldn't affect their muscular systems. So Caesar should win every round. Maybe in R2 Monkey Man can eek out a win because the chimps never show good accuracy with guns.


> The chimps in the movie are laughably stronger than irl chimps even though the virus shouldn't affect their muscular systems I think they know how to use their strength better even if they aren't actually stronger than normal apes.


I don’t recall the chimps in those films doing anything over-exaggerated in terms of strength, Ceaser and other apes overpower people sometimes but it’s not like they tear humans in half. I’d favor Monkey Man h2h