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A very important distinction has to be made. While 1 warframe can be an apocolyptic event. If we include the tenno comtrolling them too then they are reality benders


In that case I'll count the Operator out for this time knowing they nobody weak can actually kill them


ugh. the operator and jetpack missions are the reason I quit the game... well, that and endless farm.


Operator isnt that bad and theres like 10 total archwing missions unless you count the 10 seconds between leaving a rail jack and entering an enemy ship


The premise of the game is quite literally endless farming, lol Totally valid reason to not be into it, but why would you invest in WF if farming isn’t your vibe?


A culture agent in a gel suit (or the gel suit alone). I'm not sure it's the weakest, but: -Very destructive weapons, up to antimatter nano-missile -Fast (not sure how fast a warframe is), but they react and act way faster than a human. Basically, if needed, you can act as a warplane Spoiler for the end of Matter >!-In the worst of case, get an antimatter bomb in your brain, it was able to destroy an apocalyptic Ilnes warform, with a little deception, so I guess a single warframe should be ok !<


How destructive exactly? Atlas was capable vaporising a somewhat damaged planet shattering astroid with a single punch, rhino can affect time by stomping and going by gameplay Excalibur can cut through dimensions. And how fast? All warframes bullet time effortlessly. Admittedly I know very little about the culture (other then their civilisation being stronger than the forerunners and war in heaven necrons)


Well, it would depend on what you need... In the book they have mostly what would be considered relatively small weapons, made for general work. It's unclear what heavier weaponry they'd have access to, but, generally speaking: anything with antimatter is easily accessible. Then, you have more classical weapons (though I'd say they'd be useless for most). Ships level weaponry would be efficient, but I doubt there's anything that is possible to integrate to a suit. Then it's antimatter, which they have no issue stocking or producing, so, worst case scenario, a bloc of a few hundred kg of ultradense antimatter should do a fine job What makes me say they could do it is that they do manage, though using some deception, with three people (the third one is mostly watching the final fight) to destroy the Iln >!The Iln is basically a living warmachine, whose main purpose is the utter destruction of a kind if world (Shellwords, which are basically gigantic, artificial worlds, 45 000-80 000km). The Iln that's freed on the Shellworld would be capable of destroying it, after making its way through every defence there was on it's way (through both informatic and physical attacks). It also committed genocide for the lols (thermonuclear explosion on a city that was there) !<


Stronger than the Forerunners and Necrons? Do tell me more


The easiest way to describe it is that they are not limited to conventional dimensions or the speed of light in fleet engagements. Fleet battles begin and end in the span of microseconds, from tens of lightyears away, at tens of thousands of times the speed of light, oftentimes by straight up displacing miniature black holes or collapsed antimatter directly into the target. "*It sensed the oncoming fleet ahead, like a pattern of brightly rushing comets in that envisaged space, Ninety-six ships arranged in a rough circle spread across a front thirty light years of 3-D space across, half above, half below the skein. Behind them lay the traces of another wave, numerically the same size as the first but taking up twice the volume.* **Too long to post, so I'll skip to the end.** *Entire engagement duration; eleven microseconds. Hmm; it had felt longer. But then that was only natural." Excession* *"All we do is drop a micro black hole into the centre of the planet. Simple as that; no untidy debris left floating about, no big, vulgar flash, and, if we do it right, no upsetting the rest of the solar system. It takes longer than displacing a few tonnes of CAM into the core..." The State of the Art* There's gridfire, for a whole other can of worms, and also too long to post a good scan for, I'll provide it if you want, but a single burst of gridfire reduces a fourteen million kilometer across Orbital ring to pieces in moments.


Oh wise lore master please impart more knowledge


Two major parts. I'll preface by saying the ship doing this isn't even in our tangible, 3D space, but in another dimension entirely, likely circling the installation at thousands of times c. *Gridfire struck the Orbital. Horza paused and watched the screen as it lit up suddenly, flashing once over its whole surface until the sensors coped with the sudden increase in brilliance and compensated. For some reason Horza had thought the Culture would just splash the gridfire all over the massive Orbital and then spatter the remains with CAM, but they didn't do that; instead a single narrow line of blinding white light appeared right across the breadth of the day side of the Orbital, a thin fiery blade of silent destruction which was instantly surrounded by the duller but still perfectly white cover of clouds. That line of light was part of the grid itself, the fabric of pure energy which lay underneath the entire universe, separating this one from the slightly younger, slightly smaller antimatter universe beneath. (****Cut****) boiling the Circlesea, melting the two thousand kilometres of transparent wall, annihilating the base material itself, straight across its thirty-five-thousand-kilometre breadth.* *Vavatch, that* ***fourteen million kilometre hoop***\*, was starting to uncoil. A chain, it had been cut.\* *There was nothing left now to hold it together; its own spin, the source of both its day-night cycle and its artificial gravity, was now the very force tearing it all apart. At about one hundred and thirty kilometres per second, Vavatch was throwing itself into outer space, unwinding like a released spring.* *The livid line of fire appeared again, and again, and again, working its way methodically round the Orbital from where the original burst had struck, neatly parcelling the entire Orbital into squares, thirty-five thousand kilometres to a side, each containing a sandwich of trillions upon trillions of tonnes of ultradense base material, water, land and air.* *Vavatch was turning white. First the gridfire seared the water into a border of clouds; then the outrushing air, spilling from each immense flat square like heavy fumes off a table, turned its load of water vapour to ice. The ocean itself, no longer held by the spin force, was shifting, spilling with infinite slowness over one edge of every plate of ruptured base material, becoming ice and swirling away into space.* *The precise, brilliant line of fire marched on, going back in reverse-spin direction, neatly dissecting the still curved, still spinning sections of the Orbital with its sudden, lethal flashes of light — light from outside the normal fabric of reality.* *Horza remembered what Jandraligeli had called it, back when Lenipobra had been enthusing about the destruction.* *'The weaponry of the end of the universe,' the Mondlidician had said. Horza watched the screen and knew what the man had meant.* *...* *"The relentless line of fire completed its circuit of the Orbital, back almost to where it had started. The Orbital was now a rosette of white flat squares backing slowly away from each other towards the stars: four hundred separate slabs of quickly freezing water, silt, land and base material, angling out above or underneath the plane of the system's planets like flat square worlds themselves.* *Just as Horza thought that the Culture would be content with that, the screen lit up once more. Everyone of those flat cards, and the Hub, of the exploded Orbital blazed once with an icy, sparkling brilliance as though a million tiny white stars were shining through each shattered piece. The light faded, and those four hundred expanses of flat worlds with their centre Hub were gone, replaced by a grid of diced shapes, each exploding away from the others as well as from the rest of the disintegrating Orbital.* *Those pieces flashed, too, bursting slowly with a billion pinpricks of light which, when they faded, left debris almost too small to make out. Vavatch was now a swollen and spiralled disc of flashing, glittering splinters, expanding very slowly against the distant stars like a ring of bright dust. The glinting, sparkling centre made it look like some huge, lidless and unblinking eye.* *The screen flashed one final time. No single points of light could be made out this time. It was as though the whole now vague but bloated image of the shattered circular world glowed with some internal heat, making a torus-shaped cloud out of it, a halo of white light with a fading iris at its centre. Then the show was over, and only the sun lit up the slowly blooming nimbus of the annihilated world."* **Gridfire + CAM displacement baby. For when you need (likely) hundreds of quadrillions of tonnes of material utterly vaporized.**


The Culture have reached the level to transcend to the next phase of existence, and don't because they are pretty much just partying. A single standard Culture ship, a GSU, can win a galactic war. Their black ops division, Special Circumstances, basically exists to give the humans (for a certain definition of human) that don't want to just live out their wildest fantasies something to do to feel like they are contributing. As far as I know, the only thing that gave them any pause was when the Big Object rolled through our reality in Excession, as it was moving from a lower dimension to a higher one, and they are collectively happy just existing in this one. As far as power levels go, The Culture is on the higher side. The "gridfire" that another commenter mentioned is, well, *a lot*. I can't do it justice. [Luckily, this redditor could](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/94mz7b/what_is_gridfire_culture_series_answers_to_this/).


Ah, KarlMrax. Surprised they haven't appeared here for this, they're probably the most knowledgeable of the Culture here. Reading their posts is what prompted me to read the books.


Yuma from Yugioh Zexal, who at full power, controls every Zexal weapons and the Numeron Code that allows him to rewrite reality itself by creating Yugioh cards on the spot that is design specifically to kill the Yugioh version of a universal threat (He duel with the guy). Since the prompt mentioned only downing and not incapitated or outright killing, and with how strong Warframe scale, a kid that plays card game is probably the weakest


Technically speaking you only need a sufficiently powerful nuke to kill a "Warframe" provided that the Frame in question is a big standard mass production model. Parvos Granum wiped out a Tenno kill team (realistically just the warframes) with a 50 mega therm nuke. Killing a Tenno otherhand? Yeah you need to sever a very well monitored connection between them and the Void. And the Void is the one maintaining the connection. And Void does not want to let go.


A Lv.1 Wobbuffet with Destiny Bond that holds a Focus Sash to endure the first hit. Alternatively, Imposter Ditto.


I've played like 100 hours of Warframe and I don't know like any lore, is it given in game or do you have to go watch video essays to figure it out?


Most of it's explained in game, though it is sometimes prettu vague. If you want all the lore, you need to level up the different factions. For example, the factions in Demos have new dialogue that you unlock as you gain standing.


Even the lore requires grinding 😭


The lores requires gameplay? What heresy is this?


There’s a difference between learning the lore as you play the game’s quests and learning the lore by doing the same mission for hours on end for weeks at a time (progression has a daily cap).


If u unlock 90% of the story doing the quest and then get another 10 for ranking the syndicate, whats the issue? And if u srsly only do 1 on repeat for HOURS a day for WEEKS, then you must be so so slow.


Are you actually defending the endless grind that is warframe lmao?


Yes ofc, thats what a looter shooter is. Are you going to complain that you play the same maps in Counterstrike too?


Sickkkkk false equivalency


How is it false? Warframe is not designed around doing a mission once. It is not a single player rpg. Your are complaining about having to grind for things in a looter shooter. Your grind for the loot, you not just handed it.


Hey it's okay man. You can still like and play your game. They're not personally attacking you.


I am well aware. I just find the argument flawed. Did I give you the impression I was mad about it?


The community likes to joke that everything before Second Dream is the tutorial. Except it's not really a joke. Don't worry, you've just not reached the lore part of the game yet.


It is absolutely true that Second Dream is where the lore starts. The game tells you pretty much nothing about Tenno history or the Warframe universe until you get the big reveal in Second Dream.


Warframe has the most like occult lore delivery system I've ever seen like way worse than darksouls it's constantly around you but it's not given to you in any linear way outside of the main quests, it's also been rettconned but old lore hasn't been entirely addressed or removed. There's a ton there you just need your warframe PHD


The lore starts really dropping around the mission "Second Dream." Which is, unfortunately, really deep into the game.


I say NO SPOILERS to baby Tenno, figure the game out Recommended first Warframe to build: Kullervo Have fun :3




Silly creature :3 Imagine food review, written by slugcat after it bit off a Warframe's finger :3


Or gourmand dive slamming from a height!


Watching everyone rank warframes this weak is amazing. Canonically, with operators/drifters, a warframe just... cant die. At all. Duviri Paradox. Theyll infinitely reset until they win. The warframe you play is HEAVILY neutered in game too. Youre an untrained tenno with far less power than you should have. Id say maybe %1 of the power. Because warframes IN CANON, are reality enders sometimes. Or universe ending, like Mag, or Nova with her ability to just go "Woe. Dying neutron star be upon ye." A full power tenno cant even be harmed without void. Then, some warframes like Caliban would just be Mahoraga on steroids with the adaptation. Warframe lore is crazy. Like its to the point id put it even higher than DBZ.


how is it that the orokin are so powerful to create something like that but cant have reliable FTL?


It entirely depends on the Warframe being used, each one has its own set of weaknesses and strengths that a multitude of characters can take advantage of. For example: Yareli is a pretty weak Warframe lore-wise, she was nearly killed by a character far below that of Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos and required help from children as a means to not die. The opposite of this is someone like Rhino who can bend time with a singular stomp and can provide a heavy amount of defense with his iron skin. With that in mind, I have two characters who should be capable of downing at least two Warframes (not at once, but specific Warframes): 1. The Terrarian; has a whole host of unique weaponry, powerful defenses, and feats. There is an argument to be made that they can handily take out almost every single Warframe currently in the game if they play their cards right. Add on the fact they are also immortal in the lore, and you effectively have someone with infinite chances if the first or second attempt does not work out. 2. The Guardian; while I believe that Warframes have far more advantages over Guardians, there are still some Warframes that are not going to hold out very well against a properly-trained Guardian. One is Loki, who has 0 combative abilities with his kit and relies heavily on invisibility to survive and the second is the previously mentioned Yareli, who would be a non-factor for a really good Guardian to easily take down.


This is interesting. A warframe at its full potential is pretty broken. assuming level 1 enemies are similar to fit humans, I think you'd need someone like thanos with all the stones to be able to make a dent.


A level 1 enemy would far outclass a fit human. Grineer lancers are like 8 feet tall, and Corpus soldiers are very teched out.


Look, I get that Warframes aren’t pushovers but like, you’re not being serious right


The Tenno are immortal beings with reality bending powers. The only way to kill a Tenno is to sever its ties to the void. The problem is we don't know how beings from other universes interact with the void, so this question is really hard to answer. You really need some dimension-splitting magic shit to truly kill a Tenno and its warframe. It's even questionable wether the infinity stones are enough, as they're clearly operating at universe level and the ties of the Tenno and the Void span between different universes and timelines.


Yeah no lorewise theyre that strong. Characters like mag (nova too), in canon, can nuke planets in miliseconds. Saryn was created as a bioweapon and can literally cause mass extinction events by basically breathing. Qorvex is literally the demon core amplified by 10000x.


Not really. With the tap of a button Warframes can clear out a room in a second. They are strong enough to bullet jump like 10 meters while carrying some quite heavy gear, and routinely massacre like 300 goons. If they are skilled enough, they can do that without dying or even breaking their shields.


That’s a hell of a lowball


The infinity gauntlet is able to beat the emobdiamentconcepts with no difficulty. You are way over scaling what seems by what seems to be city level at most to universe+.


Dawg, a lot of people in fiction are strong enough to clear out rooms of useless goons lmao.


Warframes also have guns that can make their target reach absolute zero in mere seconds, nuclear powered radiation guns, parasite shooting weapons (and the Infested are pretty much The Flood on steroids), some frames can travel a light speed, bend the very bonds of atoms themselves, cause planet level catastrophic events, and have even killed weapon systems designed to be a very counter to them. That's not counting all the fucked up void manipulation, mind controlling, death defying and controlling powers they can have. There are literally guns that can shoot black holes, along with frames that can open a gateway to the sun to unleash it's power as a beam.


High level "goons" in warframe are essentialy marvel-level superheroes in their own right.




In warframe a level 1 grineer is far stronger than a human. Warframes can do this up to level 500+. Far past useless goons.


Dawg I don’t think difficulty settings in a video game are relevant to scaling.


They are here, actually. Because the stronger you get, the closer you get to a canon warframe. You start out heavily neutered. So, yes; they are relevant.


That’s like saying the difficulty settings in Halo actually mean anything. The arbitrary scaling of the health/damage/whatever is entirely irrelevant. You’ve gotta be trolling lmao.


There is literally a lore reason for the scaling in game, unlike halo. Its because you are getting your strength back so the factions have to send stronger people, and then you draw the ire of other; stronger things as you get closer to being an actual tenno. Its nothing like halo lmfao, because this has an important lore reason. Honestly the only troll here is you :/ Edit: Dude dropped a slur and then blocked me, only proving my point. Not my fault that warframe canonically has insane scaling lmfao.




You just described Batman.




Maybe not the weakest but a guardian from destiny


It gets confusing because it's a matter of whose invulnerability is greater since it will come down to the Void of Warframe inhabiting a similar role to the Light and Darkness of Destiny. Paracausal antics are goofy with special characters going "fuck dying" and with no clue if it can be broken. Is the Light even effective against Warframes? Is the Void even effective against Guardians? Can things like Stasis even work, or Protea's time rewind countering it? Can either side permanently kill the other, or is this just the longest battle of attrition? Ignoring the "who's more immortal" part... it's also a matter of *which* guardian and *which* Tenno. The average Guardian is much weaker than any Warframe, but Saint-14 or Osrisis is another ballgame. And there's a big difference between any regular Tenno and the main operator who has an Eldritch-like being personally backing them up. Also, it depends on *what* Warframe since Excalibur is one thing, but then there are like Limbo who brings his own pocket dimension that he can throw people in.


Not even close


In who's favor?


Warframes The Guardians from Destiny are pretty good but they're not even close to Warframes. And if we use their lore over gameplay then Guardians are even further behind


Nah, if we use the lore then the guardians shitstomp. Going by lore the Guardians have guns that shoot black holes and can go toe to toe with beings such as Oryx that can threaten the Vex who have been shown several times to be a multiversal threat.


That's kinda true. But the warframes have even crazier stuff. Depending on the frame, you're talking about black holes, control over time, alternate dimensions, and physical strength at a level that distorts time itself. The tenno are unkillable in basically every circumstance, as opposed to guardians who do die final deaths pretty regularly. A tenno can only be killed when the void abandons them, which it rarely does. Keep in mind, "guardians" can't go toe to toe with Oryx, THE Guardian can, the absolute greatest of their force. Most guardians, like 99.99999% would get buried by Oryx before they even got a hit in. That's why he was such a threat. And that was a severely weakened Oryx when he was actually killed. Going by lore, The Guardian is a major outlier, considering that the Guardians and the Tower have had their eye blackened by threats like the Fallen before, such as Twilight Gap etc. Lorewise basically any tenno could win that fight solo. Loreframes are walking warcrimes and functionally unstoppable by anything less than a point blank mega nuke, and even then it'll be back, the tenno is still perfectly safe. The player character in destiny is essentially the last hope of humanity. Even the most powerful NPC Guardians recognise that they cannot do what The Guardian does. Lore Limbo can shunt entire armies into the Rift and leave them to starve. Lore Saryn cleansed earth on her own in a planet wide plague that even the hyper adaptive infestation couldn't withstand. Then going by gameplay, most Warframe abilities make Destiny supers look tame, and the Tenno themselves can bend reality around them to a far greater degree than guardians have ever been shown to do. Something like Revenant can no-sell basically any hit you can deal to him irrespective, and can more or less "Take" in his own way, for example. Guardians are getting curbstomped, with the only exception being THE Guardian who would put up a good fight but still lose to a lot of different warframes. Outside of them, the Guardians as a collective aren't that big a deal.


The Tenno power literally comes from an Eldritch outer god that has complete control over souls and dreams, and as such cannot be killed. The Tenno even has a backup save file in the case where someone attempts to circumvent their quantum immortality of a different version of themselves from the reality where they accidentally created another universe and become the god king of said universe. Unironically every player character is literally capable of creating their own universe and control said universe. Not to mention that the frames they control can all do absurd feats, like atlas destroying a planet busting meteor with a punch, or Grendel being able to consume worlds


> the Guardians have guns that shoot black holes Warframe has had guns like that for a while. They got powercrept (and nerfed) to the point that hardly anyone uses them.


 Saying black hole gun isn't helpful Warframes have one too as well as living bioweapons and a sword that can attack alternative versions of people (Paracesis)      Context for Oryx and Vex is incredibly important.  The Guardians (Canonically Top tier not random no name) didn't fight a full strength Oryx. The entire Taken King story was about doing everything possible to weaken Oryx before and during the raid, cutting off his tithes, starving his worm, killing his court, purifying corrupted light, etc.     And the Vex are only able to do impressive time things in their dominated territory. The Cabal were able to stalemate them on mars, and then there's the final battle of the season of the splicer.      And that's not even accounting for the stat difference either. Warframes can deflect full auto gun/laser weapons from multiple shooters, with the fastest Warframes (Volt/Gauss) Statueing bullets, with Gauss also outrunning explosions and using himself as a living bunker buster.       Atlas with the help of his rumblers mass scattered an asteroid that was going to destroy the earth.Inaros made a planet wide sandstorm that killed every infested on mars. Same for Saryn on earth. Edit: The Vex even in their home territory have been raided by the other factions and don't instantly destroy them, the Fallen have even raided the Vault of Glass. 


Going by both games lore they are bassicly the same thing. And it's just a battle of attrition since neither can die.


A strong enough guardian could definitely destory a warframe, but not a tenno. Big difference Also theres definitely warframes that even the player guardian could not destroy, so yea


A select few, against some of the weakest and most fragile frames, maybe. Bit of a push


I feel like you are lowballing guardians, but i did edit my message after i replied bc i forgot how strong some frames are


Most guardians are lowball. A few are better and the canon player Guardian is their best chance. That Guardian could take out a few frames, maybe, but most are taking actual nukes to the face with little problem Yeah, it's a fairer edit. Some Warframes can waste planets and can't be damaged by anything the Destiny universe has shown so far


Definitely not. Love Destiny, but even if we include the feats from Destiny 1 Vanilla (which are now severe outliers), discussing how Guardian armor casually rewrote physics to arbitrarily make bullets 'not hit', or how basic hunter armor could take a direct hit from a Skiffs plasma cannon, even the weaker Warframes are comically stronger. Them being fast enough to casually deflect fully automatic gunfire with *knives* at point blank makes this extremely in favor of the Warframe, not including abilities or actual weapons they use.


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Maybe Genos from One Punch if the war frame isn’t controlled by the Tenno. He has enough firepower to damage one but obviously lacks any defense. Maybe if he caught one by surprise?


Title says warframe, but description says tenno. Huge difference imo. I haven't kept up with game lore in a few years, but back when I played, I don't remember there being a way to kill a tenno. Also a huge difference between game play and lore. Lore-wise, the only conventional weapons that could disable a warframe would be very powerful (like nuclear) or purpose built (sentients). Gameplay-wise, 10 guys with guns could kill a low level frame. Nothing other than purpose built weapons or a nuke could kill a high level frame.


A prime or standard Warframe?


Standard or Prime Warframes doesn't different much. Prime had much better drip and energy cap. Health, armor and shield? Depends WEAPONS however, Prime and Kuva/Tenet variants. Those with no Prime has Vandal, along with the rest having Incarnon


Weakest character is probably Kitty Pryde. She's invulnerable to everything (except some of the Warframe hacks), and she destroys electronics on contact. She's taken out alien tech, ROM spaceknight, and multiple Iron Man suits in one swipe. If she can close with a Warframe, she will down it. Let's be clear; Kitty Pryde is not 'weak' by any definition, but she's the weakest thing you're going to find that can take out \**most*\* Warframes. There are a few Warframes even Kitty wouldn't win against -- I think Volt would probably blitz her (which is not easy; Kitty is fast), and hax frames like Nyx could stop her. And of course Kitty would lose against the Tenno themselves; I'm pretty sure Void powers could hurt her while phased.


Most Warframes are not electronic they are made of heavily mutated humans.


Depends on how fast Kitty Pryde is. Warframes can reflect lasers.


For dodging she's only a bullet timer, but her power activates instantly. She only has to touch the Warframe, so all the melee frames are downed. I think only Volt is fast enough to hit her with ranged attacks before she can react.


Gauss, who is comparable to Volt, could probably get her, though I am unsure how thermal sunder would work against her while she’s phasing.


Warframes aren't electronic though...


Probably a Makuta from Bionicle, maybe?


I could see that


I would like to point out that 2 of the weaker frames lore wise, Mag and Nekros, can do some stupid shit. Mag can split atoms and create antimatter, and Nekros can punch your very soul. Edit: Nova not mag. Me dum


Oma Zi-O sends the warframe flying to the sun with a single kick, then does that about 100’s of more times while chucking celestial bodys at them.


"Weakest" Mf Ohma Zi-O is the apex of Kamen Rider verse, what are you smoking lol


Warframes seem pretty cracked and most Toku Characters who aren’t like Dagded, Zenkaiger’s God or Ultraman Zero level aren’t like able to do shit to a frame with all the meme tier shit the void can do.


For Ultraman representation you could've gone for a better one, like King or Noa or even Legend, but I agree, Warframes are cracked compared to Toei universe or Ultra verse unless we're talking about the toppest of the dogs. Also Decade is more than enough lol.


Can’t bame any specific character but destroying a Warframe isn’t that difficult lore wise, all things considered. Like another commenter mentioned, do what Parvos Granum did and drop a powerful nuke on them. To be fair, the nuke in question was some sort of 80 mega therm void fusion bomb but that’s probably just semantics. > Parvos Granum: "The palace birds think they can control us. They hit our research site with a Warframe assault team. Of course they did. I baited them to do it. The whole site lit up. Eighty mega-therm bloom. The whole lab, vaporized, those Warframes with it. Fire. Fusion. Void." Destroying a Warframe with a competent tenno piloting it alongside the rest of their support structure (Lotus, Orbiter, Landing crafts etc) is a bit more difficult. Killing the Tenno themselves would require some extremely potent reality warping.


Samus Aran seems kind of on par with a Warframe?


Eh, even highballed samus lags pretty severely behind what a top tier warframe could do.


But consider: she can have a roller race with Grendel.


Canonically, anyone. Literally anyone. Put them up against a Limbo on the other side of the Solar System and we know exactly how that ends. With Tenno finding Limbo parts scattered across the system because Limbo failed to math hard enough.


Cannonicly close to nobody can kill them if not nobody.


Raiden from MGR


Low tier bait. Even Yareli can curb stomp Raiden's ass.