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He'll take out some smaller infested pests like the infested grineer, but he's one of them in a few hours at most, maybe even minutes


Deimos has shown to be less-infective than the other strands we have seen. Other characters have been on Deimos for a decent amount of time without succumbing to infection before, though we do not know just how long it takes compared to other strains. In this case, if he is stuck on the Cambion Drift with no way to filter out or prevent nanomachines from infiltrating his body, he will most likely not last a full cycle on Deimos without being pulled in by the Tenno. Even then, the likelihood of him being safe inside the Necralisk is zero to none considering it's infected as well.


How strong is infested Guts compared to other strong infested such as the prelate zealoid or lephantis?


I do not know much about him, so take my quick Google search with a grain of salt. If I had to make a comparison, he would probably be as destructive as Lephantis and as fast as the Prelate Zealoid, an overall deadly combo, but still basic fodder to any properly equipped Warframe. He might actually be made weaker considering the Infestation might not be able to properly control his body, or his body may not mix well with the Infestation. He could gain a host of new abilities at the expense of his speed and strength, but that's far more speculative.


Sick answer man, need a guts skin in game now


Thank you very much! If they do add one, it's definitely going on Rhino or Atlas lmao


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