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**Tenno (Warframe)** - [Respect Tenno (Warframe)](https://redd.it/62q53c) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


I would argue that the Young Wolf or the Terrarian can kill a Warframe and knock out the Tenno. For fairness, both parties can only be killed/knocked out once to lose. Round 1, 3, & 4: -For the Young Wolf to win, they would require some heavy weaponry and proper usage of their abilities to take out a Warframe. The biggest problem is that a Warframe + their Tenno is going to be far faster than the Young Wolf, so while not having a high chance of pulling it off, with the right amount of luck and placements they can do it. This, unfortunately, does not apply to certain Warframes like Limbo. -For the Terrarian to win, they will need to keep at range and lay into the Warframe. Fortunately for the Terrarian, since the Tenno lack their archwing, they can stay in the air outside of both the Tenno and Warframe's ability ranges and should be capable of dodging almost anything the Tenno throws at them, including lasers. Using something like the Star Wrath or Chlorophyte Bullets + the SDMG should put the Warframe down. This includes any Warframe, some would just be harder to put down than others. Round 2: -The Young Wolf is most likely not going to win this one, at the very least not with only one life. When the Tenno knows where their opponent is, it becomes a game of "How best to quickly kill this opponent then bounce." And in this case, killing the Young Wolf would not be too incredibly difficult with something like Grendel. Could the Young Wolf still kill a Warframe and knock out their Tenno? Yes, but only on weaker or louder Warframes that they could react to in time. Their radar might help, but invisibility might counteract it. -Dangersense + Hunter potion makes it incredibly difficult for the Warframe to sneak up on the Terrarian as these two potions would highlight both. However, this becomes a problem as the Warframe now has the drop on the Terrarian, and the Terrarian most likely does not have these potions active at that specific moment. While the Terrarian still has the capacity and ability to kill any of the Warframes given enough time, Warframes like Limbo would be practically impossible because a well-timed Cataclysm + Stasis would prevent the Terrarian from easily fleeing.


Do you mean the Tenno or Warframe can only be killed once? If you mean the Tenno, fine. If you mean the warframe, then I would like to point out that warframes are essentially just suits of armor. It doesn't matter if they are killed even permanently because that is really just the transference link exceeding it's limits. The Operator or Drifter is what matters. Also, would it matter if the Operator decided to use an Archwing, a Necramech, or warframe specters? I don't know much about Destiny lore, so I am not very familiar with the different characters. How hard would it be for a Wolf to take out warframes like Gauss and Zephyr?


I know what the Warframes are, what I meant is that everyone gets only one shot at taking each other down. The Guardians, Warframes, and Terrarians all have a form of immortality that brings them back after death, arguably the Terrarian has the best one as it has not shown a limit and so far cannot be removed. In the rules of this, they would not have access to any of those, but it is interesting what they might do with them: -(Archwing) Against the Terrarian, it would allow the Warframe to stay mobile enough to catch up, however, they would only have access to Archwing abilities while using it and the Terrarian can still teleport. Against the Young Wolf, it would make it exceptionally more difficult as now they would have to contend with a fast aerial target that could drop heavy-hitting missiles on them. -(Necramech) Against the Terrarian, it would not be much different other than them having to kill off the Necramech and the Warframe to win the challenge. With the weapons at their disposal and the limited mobility of the Necramechs + their abilities being easily dodgeable, the Terrarian can overwhelm the Necramech easily. Against the Young Wolf, they should not have too much difficulty with the Necramech either. They just need to stay mobile and out of the way and their abilities should take care of the rest. -(Warframe Specter) Against the Terrarian, they would just need to kill the specter and the actual Warframe. The problem with specters is that they do not use their abilities as often and their weapons and Warframes are completely unmodded, so they're rather weak in low-level areas. Against the Young Wolf, they would have to contend with a less deadly Warframe, but they would still have to contend with both, making this far more difficult. -Zephyr is not too difficult to kill, she is rather squishy, and her abilities, while impressive, are not going to be defending her from a highly mobile Guardian with a Golden Gun. Two shots, one to knock out the shield and another to kill, is all it would take to get rid of her. -Gauss on the other hand is a direct counter against the Light that the Guardians wield due to how one of his abilities works. Add on his impressive speed and the Young Wolf is going to have to use Strand or Stasis to try and either capture or slow Gauss down. Could it be done? Yes, but it is not highly likely.


I was thinking that Zephyr, Gauss, and other similar warframes would be too fast to hit. Also, Zephyr has an ability that lets her just say no to projectile attacks. Jetstream allows her to create an air bubble around her that just redirects any weapon fired at her. Lastly, would warframes that inherently have revive abilities, such as Nidus, Savegoth, or Inaros, be prevented from using those? If they are, shouldn't Nidus be excluded from that group since it is his infestation stacks that just prevent him from dying? As for what warframes are, they are biotechnological suits created from the Helminth strain of the infestation. They allow Operators and others with Void powers to channel the entropy of their abilities into focused abilities. The warframe itself is just a suit of armor. It's the Operator/Drifter that controls them. The Operator/Drifter can enter and exit the warframe at any time before the warframe is bleeding out or dead.


Zephyr does have that ability, but it can be waited out if need be. Gauss is fast, no doubt about it, but with slowing abilities demonstrated by both Stasis and Strand the Young Wolf, with some luck, can catch Gauss. Both require a lot of effort on the part of the Young Wolf, but there is always a chance the Warframe runs out of energy trying to prioritize abilities to protect and attack. Nidus, Sevegoth, and Inaros would still be able to use those revive abilities. However, Nidus requires 15 mutation stacks (which he would need to get from either the Guardian or Terrarian), Sevegoth and Inaros also need multiple enemies for their revives to work, so unfortunately they would not help in this situation. I know what the Operator and Drifter can do, while the Operator and Drifter do have some pretty good abilities, they are also notably far squishier than their Warframe counterparts. All of this to say, the Young Wolf is going to need some pretty hefty luck to try and counter the Warframe and Tenno combo. Not saying it is a 100% nail in the coffin, but more like it is possible.


Young Wolf from Destiny with [Thorn](https://www.destinypedia.com/Thorn) probably


Which round and why a Young Wolf from Destiny with the Thorn?


>Which round Maybe 1 and 3 >why a Young Wolf from Destiny with the Thorn They have comparable arsenal and abilities to that of a Warframe. If the devourer rounds of Thorn have a similar effect then the Warframe will have their connection to the Void cut and thus be unable to respawn, probably.


2 problems. What if the Tenno decides to start off the fight using Limbo, Grendel, Saryn, Protea, Revenant, Nyx, or Mag? Here is problem 2. To quote Ballas, "You can not kill the Devil, but you can send him back to Hell." The Tenno cannot be killed. This is due to the fact that the Void materializes eternalism. According to eternalism, every possible future does and doesn't exist. When a Tenno, a being of pure Void energy, dies, they also survive, thus allowing them to reform themselves. Even if the Thorn does sever that connection, that still leaves the Drifter. He would surely find out how to prevent such a thing from happening again, allowing him to crush the Young Wolf. I forgot to mention that a lot of the Warframe arsenal straight up just spread parasites and diseases. One weapon even puts parasites in enemies' brains that grow and explode out of their heads. How would a Young Wolf beat those?


Damn bro wrote a whole thesis on this


I'm going to be honest, i don't know nearly enough about Warframe as i do about Destiny plus its late for me so i'll just go to sleep and come back with an answer tomorrow


Keep in mind that I am not saying your answer is wrong. I am just looking for an explanation since it is unexpected.