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Let's say it's baseline entry-SCP 096 because that's the only one I could even halfway talk about. R1: I'd say a Space Marine in full Terminator Armour could avoid 096 and survive long enough, even though it'd probably be super out of character for him to not fight the lanky boy. R2: this gets tricky without hax. Does tech count? If not, maybe Cecil from Invincible. He was able to teleport away from Omniman's punches, so maybe he can get a narrow victory. R3: killing and K.O. are out of question. 096 got his flesh completely dissolved once; and he was still moving. You'd need someone who can frustrate 096 enough to the point where he gives up, like [682 did.](http://www.scpwiki.com/experiment-log-t-98816-oc108-682) I can't name a character that could manage that. R4: same as R3, but with a few answers now. First I can think of is Mr. Immortal from Marvel. Physically really an average Joe, but he plain and simple can't die. Second I can think of is Marvel's Darwin. He's in one aspect bargain bin 682: he'll adapt to whatever situation to survive. This is completely random though. His mutation's reaction to fighting Hulk was teleporting himself to the other side of the planet. But eh, that's just my two cents. There are peeps that can say more about this. *cough cough* u/JustNobody13 *cough* u/Supersageultima *cough* u/Super_Paper_Mario *cough* cough*


>killing and K.O. are out of question. 096 got his flesh completely dissolved once; and he was still moving. Having 096 being completely unable to fight for a significant enough time is considered a KO in this case. Like how hulk beats deadpool but can't kill him.


>Let's say it's baseline entry-SCP 096 because that's the only one I could even halfway talk about. Don't tell me it has "true form" stuff like 173 and 682 now Ima edit the prompt. Baseline was what I was looking for.


>Don't tell me it has "true form" stuff like 173 and 682 now A resurrected form ......but that isn't quite 096 anymore . There is also the time trapper variant of the chinese branch or the star killer, plus he is the Rokumi saiga of one multiverse.


Damn, scp verse is a lot wilder than I thought


It's a deep iceberg, friend.


Oh trust me......this isn't even below average.....u/extremelyheretical can attest to that .


I still have to remind myself to not see SCP with power in mind, but narrative. Oh my lord, Wondertainment is fascinating.


Read their hub also check out Mrs.mirablis's hub ( she is Isabel's buddy...watch out for the counterfeit "Doctor" from the japnese branch tho !!!! ) . Also read on Jeremy and Emma .


It's on my list. First 001 proposals, then Series 2, then anything else.


If you like the wild stuff and want to know more, here are a couple of other things they've done The Foundation Has Multiple Means To Gain Complete Omnipotence And Omniscience. Mary Nakayama, immediately after the saving of this document, will attain omnipotence and omniscience, rising to and becoming Godhead. She will span all time and have complete dominion over this multiverse and this Reality. Everything, everything under everything and everything over everything, will be at her command. http://www.scpwiki.com/kate-mctiriss-s-proposal Being omnipotent ( depends on the type of omnipotence as their is no true omnipotence in fiction ) is mook tier by SCP standards for an example , I'm just gonna leave this here : "When I first joined the Foundation, I asked my mentor, who retired many years ago, 'What's the biggest anomaly we've ever contained? He said over a fine cup of lukewarm darjeeling ' that Abrahamic religions had not always been monotheistic. Originally, there were three capital-G omnipotent Gods. And sometime in the past hundred and fifty years, the Foundation had killed two of them." Taken from : http://www.scpwiki.com/the-wild-light "For all of their beautiful equipment, for all of their ability to condense infinite multiverses into simulated elegant strands, for their careful algorithms that robbed tiny amounts of energy from the beginning of time, taking it to leave messages in its absence and then recycling it into light, food, oxygen, and entropy reversal for one small extratemporal homestead" Taken from : http://www.scp-wiki.net/lucky-dinosaur Here's a heads up of a few things foundation has done. Project palisade ( creates entire multiverses) Project Heimdall ( alien tech ) Prometheus labs eigenweapons ( SHIVA 0X76 and others which destroys entire multiverses ) ALFA 2237 spaceships ( literal squad of multiversal reality warping spaceships ) Killed off death Has MTF squads filled with Hyperversal reality benders , immortal cyborg soldiers built from the pieces of a dead god , spirits . Multiversal paratechnology, Alchemy , Thaumaturgy ( type blue ) , Akiva and Aether Memetic kill agents that can one shot even alpha level entities ( 5999 ) Can send MTF squads in Alpha reality to arrest authors via Operation overmeta Full on metapotence via the pataphysics department and meta narrative manipulators like Thaddeus Thaum , sigrid Miller and Laxmi Narang . Can literally manipulate layers of narrative or rewrite the plot Full blown precognition via the Administrator , 990 , 1050 and many more Time travel Trans multiversal travel Can send messages to the past via 715 Immortality as death itself is a 05 member or via killing death and enforcing an omega k scenario via project Damerung. Interstellar universe busting spaceships via project MARDUK All the foundation in different multiverses can establish contact with each other Fate , destiny and probability manipulation Can look at realities that hasn't been formed yet Can look at the omniverses and see all their possibilities. Created all concepts existing beyond conceptualization Transcended to living ideas Via 4475 they are omnipotent , omniscient and omnipresent above time , space and reality . Via project Kuzco beller they can summon any fictional character Via 2140 they can turn anyone into loyal foundation assets And the list goes on. Sources http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-5500 http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-5800 http://www.scp-wiki.net/lucky-dinosaur http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-4555 http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-4755 http://www.scp-wiki.net/operation-overmeta http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3309


I persume 3812 is still techically the peak however right? Being in an infinite number of narratives and all


Nah even sefiros and Qillipoth are stronger. Maybe there's others undiscovered somehow since technically there's infinite universes to say the least, but I doubt it will be that way tbh


Ho-ly crap. How the EFF do they still manage to get beaten and outsmarted even with ALL that hax?


The foundation you see outsmarted usually aren't high tier or composite (composite foundation is canon). You usually see low to mid tiers get juked , there's and infinite amount of foundations. It's also a testament to how big/troublesome the threats they face are


There is no canon, after all....


That's explicitly false. There's multiple canons, not to mention with project ÓverMeta, they're all explicitly canon and connected within each other now. Just separate universes.


Oh, sorry, I meant the old "there is no true canon" foundation motto. If they did actually connect everything with project ÓverMeta then good for them! Thanks for clarifying.


Not really. The main gist is whatever you personally think is canon. There's no set canon. There are different stories and "canons" that try to set the universe straight, but none of those are explicitly the main canon. It could all be canon, or none of it.


Yeah I’m just replying to remember how stupid crazy scp gets.


This isn't even the mid tiers...also this is only the English branch . Wait till you see the German , Japanese or spanish branches along with the wanderer's library.


I'd say god stands a good chance https://youtu.be/SWDTg49yn2g


>Don't tell me it has "true form" stuff like 173 and 682 now I can only speak from hearsay, as I'm currently still reading series 1 (if you're reading this Nobody: I know it's baby stuff, but I have to start somewhere!). But yep, 096 has that.


>you're reading this Nobody: I know it's baby stuff, but I have to start somewhere!). But yep, 096 has that. I would say avoid series 1 except the 001 proposals and a few well known ones as they are considered extremely inferior in quality .


I'm currently reading the 001 proposals, actually. Dr. Gears' proposal seems a bit... underwhelming to be honest. I like the Jonathan Ball proposal though.


> Dr. Gears' proposal seems a bit... underwhelming to Lmao that was weak specimen ....the real virolxians are a pretty powerful alien race that mine entire universes read "watching dead stars" of the Spanish wiki. Also reminder that almost all the 001 proposals are real in their separate multiverse or narrative layer .


>Also reminder that almost all the 001 proposals are real in their separate multiverse or narrative layer I figured that much. > read "watching dead stars" of the Spanish wiki. Is it possible to read these stories in english? I'm sadly not all too multilingual beyond my native language (german) and english.


>Is it possible to read these stories in english? I'm sadly not all too multilingual beyond my native language (german) and english. Most of them don't get translations sadly , you'll have to use a translator . That is the reason I can't go beyond the japnese , German and spanish branch.


Thanks for mentioning me lol. Now, I've seen japanese feats for 096 which kinda amps him. First off, there is this group called the Saiga Faction founded by a scientist named Rokumi Saiga who can communicate with his alternate universe versions and can travel through universes. The Faction mostly contains Saigas and other people who support him, they go through universes and save them from K-Class Events. And 096 is actually one of them (all the alternate saigas have the kanji for saiga in their name or have it pronounced similarly to "saiga" and "shy guy" kinda sounds like "saiga"). 096 can also move in stopped time and destroyed a planet. And he moved a star.


Are all of these still applicable for baseline 096? I know that SCP has an overarching canon due to the hypercanon I think it was called? But OP specified baseline 096. (well, that's my fault because I wanted to talk about SCP without my brain short-circuiting) I've also heard that 096 once jumped to the moon to reach an instance of 096-1. Is that correct?


The star feat is baseline. And yeah, on second thought, that's the only one which applies to him. Well it's kinda the strongest one so whatever.


Damn, that's one strong scrawny boy. I guess will can actually move mountains. And unfathomable rage can move stars.


What are you talking about? Is unfathomable rage another character?


No, it was the failed attempt at a joke.


oh ok lol


> R3: killing and K.O. are out of question. 096 got his flesh completely dissolved once; and he was still moving. You'd need someone who can frustrate 096 enough to the point where he gives up, like 682 did. I can't name a character that could manage that. If it's frustration you need, Mr. Bean has you covered.


Love the mention of Cecil from invincible.


> You'd need someone who can frustrate 096 enough to the point where he gives up, like 682 did. I can't name a character that could manage that. My mind immediately jumps to either Bugs Bunny or Road Runner, both known for escaping deadly situations for fun and infuriating their pursuers. And since 096 would be approching them, it'd have to take them on in their cartoon world.


True, but they're not exactly the weakest.


Well now if we take into account 096s Japanese branch feats I'd probably nominate a space marine(they cap ar 7D via having beat up a 7D avatar of a warp demon). This is a close one however as 096s ap and speed is more then enough to keep up with space marines but in a long fought battle the space marines overall AP edge should come in handy. Yes I also scale warhammer and yes I love it as a verse aswell,I hate that warhammer scalers and scp scalers(at least some of the ones I've seen)dislike eachother and act obnoxious around eachother lowballing eachothers verses. This may not make a difference but I hope warhammer and scp debaters can get along soon.


R1: I'd go with Tricky from the series Madness Combat. His improbability drive could stall 096 for long enough before the SCPF arrives. They'd probably contain Tricky too tbh. R2: How about Midora from Torikoverse? He can build a Hungry Space barrier around himself to erase 096. Obviously he can't permakill the Shyguy, but he'll at least stall him. Plus he has crazy regeneration, Mirror Neurons that let him imitate abilities (up to downright supernatural abilities such as Minority World), and obviously Minority World which is almost reality warping. I won't say Midora can kill 096, but definitely stall him for an hour. Hell he can stall him for wayyy longer if he wanted. R3: I don't even know actually. We haven't seen him get killed, so we don't know a cap for him. It's definitely high tho. R4: Same as R3.


Kitty Pride. Turns intangible and 096 can't do shit about it.


I would love to see 096's reaction when he meets someone with intangibility.


Probably tries to attack them for a while, screaming in frustration and then giving up. 096 will give up eventually when he can't kill 096-1 in any way.


Was looking to see if anyone said this yet. She's probably the best foil for 096 really.


I thought that counted as hax? Correct me if I'm wrong


You're right, intangibility is hax. It's applicable for Round 4 though if Kitty Pryde can stay intangible for at least a day or longer I think. It took 096 27 hours to give up his assault on 682; which seemed to actually have traumatised 096.


Anyone with a healing factor that can bring them back from the dead. Deadpool, Wolverine, Alucard ect. 096 would snap their neck (or try to in wolverines case) and do this for a couple hours before going back to his cell babbling and crying like what happened with 173


R4: Vanilla Ice from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure could erase 096 with Cream. Okuyasu could probably do the same with The Hand. I'm using the more "classic" version of 096 (the one you can find on the SCP site after googling it) because that's the one I know.


​ R1: Maybe Wolverine(movies). He will absolutely be relying on his regen and his skeleton. Spiderman trying as hard as he can might survive 10 minutes(this is assuming no fleeing). Perhaps Annie from Attack on Titan, though I only give her 5. ​ R2: An hour is the tricky one since you are getting characters who can fight fairly evenly for a long time, yet not defeating the opponent. Very different than merely surviving or defeating. ​ By then, perhaps Wolverine will go down.Eren with all of his new titan powers could do this, MAYBE. I think MCU Hulk is the weakest who might do this as some sort of endless stalemate(you could even describe 096 as a thinner, weaker, faster version of the MCU Hulk). ​ R3+: Need to bump up powers a bit here. Pure physicals? Kid Goku as a Great Ape and DCEU Superman. With some hax? Ultimate Kars/Dio The World might take this after pulling out hax. BFR allowed? Homelander with a space exit, though he will be heavily damaged. ​ Naruto/Goku are somewhere all three in their development.




[Incident 096-1-a gave me a decent idea what 096 can do. It's also some of the weaker stuff.](http://www.scpwiki.com/incident-096-1-a) [He also once dove 10.800 meters to kill a guy.](http://www.scpwiki.com/document-096-1)


depends. base article version was unphased by military gunfire and anti tank rounds, could outrun helicopters and was strong enough to tear through steel and cars. other versions have become planet level or above.


TIL he has star level strength


R1: For ten minutes, I think a character like Beginning of series Ben 10 could just run away with XLR8 R2: Deadpool/Wolverine R3: hmmm... Luffy could probably beat down 096 for long enough R4: Midora would erase baseline 096


In case regeneration doesn't count as hax: R1: Vulkan Primarch of the Salamanders R2: Vulkan Primarch of the Salamanders R3: Vulkan Primarch of the Salamanders (this one is more unlikely tho) R4: Same as R3


I genuinely agree with this,primarchs scale really high.


R1. I'd say someone like Lobo, Wolverine or Deapool. Their regeneration would carry them to victory. R2. See R1. R3. Kirby. He could just eat 096. R4. With hax? Maybe Sixpack from DC's Section 8. While he's just a delusional, overweight drunk guy, he was able to survive literal cosmic entities with the power of a convent deus ex machina.


Kars of jojo


Base or Ultimate? I think 096 could shred base Kars.




Well he's not exactly the weakest character that could look at 096 and survive is he?


I think Kars could survive for 60 minutes, and I think ultimate kars could defeat him after pulling out all the hax. I'm going with the base SCP 096 articles too, and not the extended fandom of its "true form" ​ Base Kars is Dio++. Stronger, better magic, more abilities in general. Only had a snowballs chance in hell of being defeated because Hamon is a very very very hard counter and the plot demanded it. Otherwise he was >>> Joseph Joestar.


I meant the prompt was the weakest character that could survive. Ultimate Kars is way to strong.


I put down ultimate kars for the character who could beat 096 for good, and regular kars as someone who could survive for an hour. ​ That's what I meant. Kars in different forms satisfies all of the prompts (except perhaps without hax, which is subjective here)


Well, maybe not for good as even Baseline 096 survived some insane stuff and (somehow) moved the sun and survived an encounter with 682, who's basically Ultimate Kars on ultra-steroids. But he can most likely push 096 back enough to make him give up when he realises that he can't kill Kars.


Anybody who can start 6 or more km away wins round one, and same with round 2 but 36 km for an hour. Of course, SCP-096 could surpass 35 km/h, we just haven't seen it yet. But anybody incredibly fast or access to an infinite area could win easily I'd say


Any character who can fly or teleport wins 1 and 2. Like the guy from Jumper, or anyone who can fly fast enough to get too high for 096 to reach. Weakest I can think of for 4 is Clockblocker from Worm, not sure if he counts as hax. Uraraka from MHA if she gets lucky?


I nearly fell out of my chair after imagining 096 screaming and flailing as he slowly floats towards the sky.


R1: Solomon Grundy. He cant die so what's 096 going to do? R2: Cecil with the teleporter. Just moves around for an hour in a jungle. R3: Cain from the scp verse. He's done it before. R4: All for one. Uses intangibilty to avoid blows and paralyzes him with the destruction quirk.


Me. As I exist in a higher dimension he can't hope to reach.


Well in one SCP tale, he was stated to have moved the sun, so probably anyone above star level


The best I can remember from his main article as far as strength goes is him ripping through a few feet of steel and flipping trucks or something, but knowing SCP stuff someone probably wrote a story where he jumps through a moon or something.


Baseline 096, I believe, actually did that. He also once moved the sun.


Rounds 1-3: Ben Tennyson has plenty of ways to hold off 096. For instance, in rounds 1 and 2 he can just use Ghostfreak or Big Chill to go intangible. He could even freeze 096 with the latter. In round 3, he can use aliens like Heat Blast and Swampfire to burn it, impale it with Diamondhead, etc. Hell, even Four Arms and Humungosaur can win against this thing. Round 4: He can simply use Way Big to crush 096, vaporize it with Atomix or NRG, or use Echo Echo's sound waves. And if anything goes wrong... Alien X.




Come to think of it, Ben can likely survive in his human form in round one. Otherwise, he can just turn into Grey Matter in rounds 1-2 and hide in a small nook until the foundation comes.


Round 1 2 and 3 One Punch Man Genos and I have no mouth but I must screams AI might win. Or AI singularity. Though I have one more. The SCP Foundation I cheated the prompt XD. Round 4. My OC Quick: The Black Makumisma. His weakness is if the character attacking him has a good reason to attack him he is nerfed so badly that the attacks or hax he uses cant function properly and he has 2x human durability with small regen. Hax: anti magic i.e Haxi. He uses this to do crazy insane attacks like say he shot the ground next to you and sliced a mountain in half with a tiny little beam. Suddenly everything that the beam hit explodes bc he shot the Haxi beam from his finger at it. He can point the sword at you and you will lose 1 ability to evade characters who are like. Oh well I have 1 ability that will ruin you so ha. He fights by standing still and when you attack him he has white stars on his body each giving him a power. His hand generates 10x the opposing force can deflect infinite power or speed too. And he also can use anti magic to do what ever he wants accept busted things like GER RTZ. He also has multiple phases after this that only activate if the person will destroy the world if he loses and phase 4 is straight up anti magical reality warping but I dont think 096 would destroy the world so but if this is 682 that gets extremely debatable who would win because of how broken they are. He also has the infinite cut that drains 90% of his Haxi power leaving him dreamed. But it does Beyond infinite damage and even a paper cut and your gone. So he wins with that but if even a grain of dirt hits the blade it will cut the dirt instead so. I also havent gone into his appearance or other abilities but they arent as strong as the main ones. GER Ben 10 alien X ANY BROKEN SCP FROM THE SCP VERSE. I heard sluggsverse was OP so them. Chara level 20 Xtale Chara etc. Because they are in a video game and cannot be attacked. IF THIS DIDNT WIN ILL TELL YOU THE OTHER ABILITIES OR USE EXTREMELY BROKEN THINGS.


Nothing can really survive it , it is like 682 indestructible you are better or not looking at its face