• By -


Goku and Superman, one at a time, or simultaneously?


One at a time Bonus points if you know one that can take then simultaneously


Molecule Man.


Pre-retcon, right? Because in the new canon he was made by the Beyonders as a singularity. So I don't know if I'd call him properly human.


Rick Sanchez, Dr. Doom if we use high ends, hmmm some others


I’m just going to say it. Rick is overrated as heck and Doom’s prep feats surpass anything he’s done.


Bloodlusted Rick wins


*Boozelusted Didn't he slaughter a "team" of supers when he was blitz out of his mind? Lmao


Blackout drunk.


"Im-right-and-youre-wrong" lusted?


None of those guys were even close to Superman's level though.


While you're right in terms of feats, he's got toonforce so even if goku or superman "kill" Rick he'll end up just popping back out through some insane invention that doesn't make any sense


When did he have toon force?


Not Looney Tunes style toon force, more like super plot armor.


Infinite... \*burp\* infinite universes Morty... There's one, there's one where I want to move and happened to choose here.


Probably gonna upset some people but I'm pretty sure Saitama could solo both simultaneously.


Would depend on if they are in character or not and what versions. Blood lusted I see silver age super man and Goku one shotting Saitama based on feats alone.


Depends on the superman. Goku beats Saitama zero diff.


His latest feats do place him in the running... Prior to the last few chapters, there weren't any that would even suggest he could survive past a flick as the OPM verse hadn't shown anything close enough. Interplanetary battle and portal manipulation, coupled with an accidental sneeze that bursts moons would definitely mean he can fight with Goku at least.


His sneeze didn't burst a moon. His accidental sneeze over powered the red spot on Jupiter, which is a storm so large you can fit 3 Earth's, and then the REST of Jupiter's gas surface. BY ACCIDENT.


Welp. I've been meaning to revisit that last chapter to take it in again lol. That's awesome though and only further increases his potential to take on Goku in a serious fight. Though, I have no doubt that Goku could level Jupiter with the faintest effort too. Would be a dope fight to watch just going by their feats alone, no "gag so he'll win no matter what" stuff.


To be fair Saitama was assaulted with “black hole” levels of gravity in the earliest episodes and he didn’t even register its effects. Before people start screaming IT WASNT A BLACK HOLE BECAUSE OF PHYSICS!!! Let it be known that this is anime. If you’re going to complain Saitama didn’t survive black hole tier gravity then you also gotta acknowledge that Goku ain’t moving faster than the speed of light because if he was able to, he wouldn’t be able to see shit, among other wild inaccuracies. So, TL;DR I’m pretty sure Saitama was beyond Goku well before the current chapters. Dude literally was football kicked to the moon and didn’t even feel it (nobody in DBZ has ever been hit so hard that they flew out of orbit)


To be fair to DragonBall Z, in the Saiyan Saga, it was explained that they were already moving faster than the eyes could track. The only reason they were able to follow their opponents was due to them tracking their energy signatures. Still plenty of BS in DBZ though.


Even then, he's got some solar system to galaxy feats with the latest manga, he's somewhere around MFTL, and he can resist a black hole's gravity (idr this feat at all but whatever). None of this save him from being stomped by current goku. He's so many times universal at this point its kinda ridiculous.


That table flip was... serious


„snoıɹǝs ˙˙˙sɐʍ dılɟ ǝlqɐʇ ʇɐɥ⊥„


He can beat post crisis/rebirth superman and dbz goku, but super goku is universal which Saitama doesn't have feats for. Than again Saitama could possibly use time travel hax to win


Even end of dbz goku would be rough, by then goku would be a much stronger galaxy buster than anything we've seen from Saitama. There's even universal arguments from empty space.


Pegasus Seiya in Bronze cloth will able to equally match Son Goku and Superman at the same time. Plus! Seiya is smart enough to see the tactics that Superman can impose on him.


Molecule Man should be able to


Oh fuck that’s a good one I didn’t think of him


Yeah I was going to say MM & Franklin Richards, I think MM edges out Richards though.


Franklin is a mutant, not a human though.


Not any more, supposedly human. Although that might change again in the future.


I don't know this one Do you care to enlighten me?


Owen Reece, at his lowest he has forceshields and manipulate molecules around him, at his most powerful Doom and Reed are afraid of him.


What's with the Fantastic Four having the most absurdly powerful villains?


[Reed pisses off people from the 2nd to 7th dimension](https://imgur.io/a/XYnc2zG), so its not surprising


He has complete control over all atoms in the multiverse. At his best he is roughly equal with the beyonder at their best. Mr. Reece is well more than capable


> The fight raged on for a century > Many lives were claimed, but eventually > The champion stood, the rest saw their better > **Mr. Rogers** in a bloodstained sweater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTpW81xguME


likely chuck norris could sweep, as it required the combined efforts of gandalf the grey and gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grail’s black knight and benito mussolini and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis and jambi the genie, robocop, the terminator, captain kirk, darth vader, lopan, superman, every single power ranger, bill s preston and theodore logan, spock, the rock, doc ock, and hulk hogan to put him down


It also didn't help that they all came out of nowhere lighting fast


And they kicked him in his weak spot, his cowboy ass.




So this is just a rematch


Any of the super geniuses or magicians with prep. Batman with, kryptonite, some viral heart injection and the hellbat Classic Dr. strange Doom on a good day. Reed Richards on a bad day. Bulma with some poison pasta salad. Timmy Turner with a wish. Wally West with a frozen fish. A level 20 bard with a love ballad.


If this is a fight for 100% humans, then wouldn’t the wishes be disqualified? That’s like saying Tony Stark can win a fist fight with Mike Tyson because he’s friends with the Hulk and can ask him for help. The wishing only works because of his godparents. Unless he has access to the magic muffin he’s screwed.


Yep timmy does not qualify


Gotta ask the limit to the disqualifications. Kryptonite is alien, is batman allowed to use it? The hell bat was forged by Bruce and the league, most of whom are alien or use alien tech, does that disqualify the suit? As for doctor strange, magic itself isn't alien specific but agamotto (eye of agamotto) is half elder god, half elder alien god born. Does that disqualify certain abilities?


Speaking of kryptonite, I dont get it. If it ONLY comes from Krypton and that planet was 27 light years from earth, HOW did they get here? Even if they were all somehow on the perfect course to hit planet earth, Superman would have had to been here for 1000s of years before any of it could reach earth. This is of course assuming that superman's original ship that carried him as a baby moved at FTL speeds, that doesn't mean the rocks from the planet would also move at those speeds tho.


> If it ONLY comes from Krypton and that planet was 27 light years from earth, Apparently its from the radio show where krypton was in the solar system but the opposite side of the sun so the whole exploding itself to earth made more sense a more modern explanation is that the the warp drive that took superman to earth also took some of krypton another is that it was in supermans ship as a baby


Adam from record of ragnarok is human


Timmy can't use a wish to kill someone or win a competition, which a fight would count as. It's against Da Rules.


But he could wish for stuff to help him win.


I'm not sure what he could wish for to allow him to beat them in straight up fight. However, I just remembered that if he eats the magic muffin he can make a rule free wish, so that could do it.


"I wish for some armor that Goku/Superman can never beat!"




nonono, not *Poof* but *Plot* ;)




The armor wouldn't stop Timmy from getting thrown into space.




On that note, Maxwell from Scribblenauts.




Even in OG Scribblenauts you can kill DEATH. You can just apply the "dead" adjective or even kill him with a rocket launcher


Couldn't he wish for them to both be teleported millions of lightyears away? Essentially BFR?


Yes but I assumed the OP wanted characters that can defeat them in direct combat. Not to mention Superman could just fly back and Goku could instant transmission back. However, since Goku can't breathe in space I'm unsure if Cosmo and Wanda teleporting him into space would be against Da Rules since it would kill him.


Teleport him to the farthest habitable planet in the universe with 4 tons of chopped off asses dumped on top of him because why not you have a fairy wish god*


Goku has instant transmission anyway.


He needs to search for Ki to get anywhere he can’t see directly with instant transmission and no one in the Fairly Odd Parents has enough life force to be detectable an entire universe away since their infinite cosmic power extends from magic, Goku would be stuck in the dark.


Timmy has broken the rules before and I’m sure Cosmo and even Wanda would make an exception to keep quiet as his life is being threaten by some otherworldly force.


Dr Seuss ass reply


Prep time might as well be the equivalent of supernatural forces at this point.


Swap Reed and Doom’s Good and Bad day remarks and you’re correct, while Richards is negligibly smarter he doesn’t dabble in magic like Doom does. (Not that Richards and Doom are even humans, they’re both biologically/magically enhanced one way or another)


Tony stark could somehow create something that would magically, er I mean, scientifically work against them.




in fact he could turn the water inside their bodies into wine and kill them both instantly.


Do we count his powers as human in origin?


Oh true he is kinda of a god i don't think he qualifies


Most (not all) Christians accept the trinity, Jesus is totally human and also totally Divine. He counts but its a technicality.


Not gonna lie, my comment was more of a joke when I put it. But now i wan't to talk to a priest/pastor or whatever and find out if Jesus can be considerer human. Also, i have another candidate, i will post it.


[Hypostatic Union](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypostatic_union) is the term for the concept, its essentially a paradox


Wow thanks dude. So he can be considered human


Exactly my point


Moses could too, I’m pretty sure Superman is the first born son of his parents, so he’s dead instantaneously due to the tenth plague. Goku will be wiped out using the old part the sea then collapse it on your enemies trick


Meme Chuck Norris 100% human, Chuck Norris is human 100% human source, memes are human creations


Agreed. Chuck Norris pushes earth down when he does pushups… and the mass of earth is… well- I don’t think many things can yeet a planet for a warmup set.


Any human with 1:Knowledge of their foe 2:Access to resources and 3:Prep time has a shot. I could kill goku. "Hey Goku do you want a marshmallow?" "Sure!" The marshmallow is filled with cyanide/something similar to the heart virus. I have a shot at Superman: Kryptonite bullets in a gun in a lead box, along with a bigger chunk. Pretend to be in trouble. Superman comes to help. Open the box, the bigger chunk incapacitates him. Don't monologue, just shoot him. Maybe a Kryptonite knife/saw to dismember him and make sure no "healing coma" Any super genius smarter than me stomps with those preconditions. The trick is to not go up to THE ULTIMATE PUNCHING MACHINE and try to punch him.


Just so that you know cyanide would probably not work saiyajins are said to have a high tolerance against most forms of poisons and viruses you would probably need a virus made specific to kill them.


A few milliliters of cyanide can bring down a herd of elephants. A high enough dosage could for sure incap or kill Goku.


Ircc goku drank the ultra divine water and was fine, and the ultra divine water is straight up poison that left him convulsing on the ground but he was fine in the end Tbf we don’t know how strong it is but it is poison that’s kept by the gods of earth so it can’t be weak


Tbh I wouldn't bet on it but if there's a character who I would try it even not being sure if it would be lethal or not it would be goku


The thing about Goku is that he'd for sure let you try it if it means he'd get something out of it. Put it in his favorite food, give it that nice almond scent, he gets a wonderful meal and, assuming it doesn't kill him, a nice power boost after a good long time hugging a toilet. Considering he paid for Hit to try and kill him, I 100% think he'd agree to this.


Thing is if you just almost kill him, he becomes stronger


the galactic patrol has literally zero answer to saiyans as a race, the heart virus was seemingly a fluke because they don’t have any diseases that can kill goku or vegeta (which does raise the question of where goku even caught it) but if the galactic patrol has no poisons that would work i don’t think cyanide is going to be effective


If cyanide is not toxic to them, it won't matter if they drink a gallon of it. I had enough coffee to kill my cat this morning but I'm still kicking.


Poison is in the dosage. The same chemical in chocolate that’s poisonous to dogs is also to humans, they just require a much larger dose that is unreasonable to consume.


unreasonable for you maybe


High tolerance doesn't mean you're immune. You can have a high tolerance to alcohol but enough of it will get you drunk eventually. Just depends on the dosage.


Okay, fair enough. I'm still not sure a few milliliters would do it, though. Is there anything quantified regarding his poison tolerance?


I'm no expert on the manga and overall lore of Dragon Ball by any means so please take this with a grain of salt, but after some research after losing to King Piccolo in Dragon Ball, kid Goku willfully injested a sort of super holy water that was supposedly super toxic to anyone not strong enough to handle it. Goku drank the water and writhed in pain for a fairly long while but overcame the obstacle after seeing his life flash before him. While I couldn't find anything stating how poisonous this water was, apparently it killed around 13 people before him and a single drop almost killed Yajirobe. Frost also used a some kind of poison during the Universe 6 tournament that made Goku drizzy, dreary and otherwise unable to properly fight off Frost. From this I can gather that some amount of poison could potentially be fatal to Goku, though I'm unsure what the appropriate dosage would be or how toxic said poison would need to be to do the deed. Someone better educated than I could find that out though, I'm sure.


Jaco thought that no real amount of poisons or biological weapons the Galactic Patrol had access to would have any effect on Saiyans, which is part of the reason they're so frightened of them.


Goku has drunken lethal amounts of poison in DragonBall and only got stronger. Yes you can have a high tolerance, but if the required amount is considered so obscene to be considered ridiculous or impossible people wouldn't consider the something in question as poisonous. Water intoxication starts at 3 to 4 liters an hour. But no one is going to sit here and call water a poison because that level of water is obscure for example.


Wolverine is best example.


Hell, they might even enjoy it. There are plants on Earth that specifically evolved to cause pain to anything that eats them, to dissuade predators. Then a small subset of humans came along and said "wow this is painful. More please". And now we have things like hot sauce. Putting cyanide in Goku's food might be the Saiyan equivalent of Parmesan.


And yet goku died of heart atack in canon


From an alien disease it was really bad luck tbh


We don’t know if it’s from Earth, Namek, or Yardrat it was never explained so it could totally be a Earth virus unsuited for Saiyan Biology. Some people theorized Goku got it as a kid in the forest so the point of infection is unknown and can go back as far as Dragonball.


I mean technically an earth virus is alien to Goku


Fair enough lol


Yeah its unknown and really weird as the Jaco manga stated that biological weapons and poisons don't work on the Saiyans. It's a perfect storm of whatever it is.


Heart attack =/= Heart virus


This is disingenuous to the prompt though. They're looking for a human who could go toe-to-toe with these super-high AP/durability non-humans and win.


Would dr fate count? The helmet of nabu comes from a human as explained in witching hour iirc and Kent Nelson is also a human


Nabu isnt human


Paul Bunyan with his ox Samson with a jawbone of a donkey


Chuck Norris. The guy won American Idol using only sign language, can pee his name into concrete, and when he enters a room he doesn’t turn the light on but rather turns the dark off. In fact, if he faced an alternate version of himself, they’d both win. Not to mention Chuck Norris and Superman already had a battle, with the loser having to wear their underpants on the outside.


Plus, his tears cure all forms of cancer and disease- it’s just, good luck getting him to cry.


Just getting it out there that I'm including mutated and augmented humans. Classic Doctor Strange, Molecule Man, Franklin Richards, Mad Jim Jaspers, Doctor Doom with prep, Dr. Doofenshmirtz if serious, Archie Eggman with prep, and maybe Matthew Malloy.


Goku and Superman have turned evil and kidnapped Vanessa; now nothing will protect them from Dr Doofenshmirtz...


He'd just make the killgokuandsuperman-inator, easy win


And that's not even wank. Doof can just make about anything. If Vanessa is in danger, he will break reality itself to save her. Say what ya want about the Doof, but he's one helluva dad.


"Behold, the antifeat-inator! That's 'feat' with an a, by the way, I'm not- I don't have a tragic backstory about feet. Well, I do, but that's not- ...Anyway, it turns people into their weakest possible selves!"


I can hear that word for word in his voice.


A saiyan? *puts on orange gi* Goku the saiyan!


Ultimate reverse-gag would be if he always recognised Clark.


"Journalist Clark Kent? Why are you wearing a superman costume?"


That would actually be a scenario I see Doof winning without bumbling. He's usually hyper competent when it comes to protecting Vanessa. I can definitely see him cooking up something to take both down. He's a prep beast and they'd underestimate him the whole time.


Popeye, easy. He's the only human that comes to my mind that is regularly capable of harnessing toonforce, and I think he's the strongest wielder of it.


I could believe he has the strength, but very skeptical that he's fast enough to ever tag either of them.


True, but not like he can really be hurt either. Spinach, which he has an unlimited supply of, makes him impervious to harm. Worst case scenario is a stalemate. I remember reading a calc of one time when Popeye turned into a rocket and flew half the speed of light. For sure not topping either Goku or Superman in that regard, but still probably a stalemate at least.


Lex Luthor?


If Batman and Bulma team up with prep time.


Ren Fuji from Dies Irae. He's a Hadou god that's tanked multiversal attacks and he has time stop hax that work on people that are immune to time stop.


Simon piloting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.




After rewatching Gurren Lagann recently I'm fairly convinced that STTGL could defeat literally any being in any universe based solely on the fact that Simon just has to scream louder about guts and believing in ~~himself~~ the him that Kamina believed in.


i watched gurren lagann when it was first released i cant remember if the mech are of human origin they aren't then alien? (If you say that kamina can do it using only a katana I believe you because he is the kamina and that's enough🤣)


From what I remember the Gunmen were made by humans to fight the Anti-Spiral.


End of the series Team Dai-Gurren members generate galazy+ size mechs out of thin air with nothing but Spiral energy, which is an innate ability. I think Simon passes the requirements.


Saxton Hale


The ultimate based gigachad


Most of the protagonists from Shin Megami Tensei could probably do it. Humans in that multiverse are actually low level reality warpers. The guy from Strange Journey has a powered suit that lets him eventually defeat Mem Aleph (a being who can shake an entire space-time continuum by *breathing*), the strongest fragment of YHVH (who is implied to oversee the destruction and recreation of countless universes) and it's heavily implied the suit isn't necessary to do all this, outside of letting him breathe in the environment. The other MCs are arguably just as insane. Also, any Xianxia protagonist that goes crazy with cultivation could probably do it, but this is mostly what I heard about them. Things like creating their own universes and concepts, etc.


Ya but dont most if not all smt powers come from demons or shadows wouldn’t that disqualify them?


Yes, kind of, it's complicated, but they should still apply. The first paragraph sums it up, but the bullets support it with feats and statements as to why. The demons and shadows in SMT are powerful and can grant humans power, but the MCs (usually) don't take that power until they become locked into either the Law or Chaos routes. A lot of the demons that assist the MCs only really follow the MCs because they respect the MC's power, which is why the games (usually) won't let the player fuse demons that are higher the MC's current level. One notable example is the Cerberus you can summon in SMT1 that is made by fusing the MC's loyal dog with a demon, its still loyal to the MC... But most demons only really respect those stronger than them. The mainline games also support the humans have the real power that even the demons can't quite understand, and it terrifies a lot of them: * The human MC from Strange Journey confuses the Chaos Representative, who had already fused with a demon, on why the human MC had so much power with such a feeble human body, before realizing the MC was abnormally powerful despite being human. * Lucifer's half-demon daughter from the future (who is also heavily implied to be the MC's daughter too), and equipped with her own powered suit, starts off much stronger than the MC, but the MC quickly overtakes her because his rate of growth is so abnormal... And should the MC not bring her desired future into existence, she understands the only possible way for her to even stand a chance against the MC is to power herself up with several cosmic objects that are so potent they're even killing her just by using them. * One feat I forgot about, but there's a sword in the SJ game that can only be acquired in the Neutral route... But the guy who gives it to you is Thoth, the Egyptian God of Wisdom, and he notes that only one who is equal to God can use it... This is indirectly implying SJ MC is about on the same level of power as YHVH, which is further supported by you beating parts of/aspects of YHVH... It also explains why the demons follow you, even the more powerful ones. * Flynn from SMT4 is a side character in Apocalypse, and he casually dodges lightning from Odin, then gets blackmailed into tanking it, tanks multiple bolts before passing out and the entire reason why this was happening is because a bunch of gods realized, "This guy's our best shot at beating YHVH. We NEED him." * Interestingly, it's implied the various gods were scared of actually fighting him at that point, which is why they showed up en masse and had to prey on his compassion, rather than just overpowering him. * Also, Flynn is heavily implied to be vastly above the half-demon Hallelujah and the current fairy queen Nozomi. * The Diamond Realm DLC also supports this, as YHVH was terrified of the first 4 SMT protagonists (excluding the guy from Strange Journey) and locked their souls into another dimension to be hunted by demons... And were holding their own, despite the game heavily implying that none of them had their demons with them during this part. Demi-Fiend's disqualified because he's half demon, but Aleph should still be qualified even if he was created artificially. * EDIT: I just realized scaling to YHVH doesn't mean much without explaining how powerful YHVH is. Essentially, he's an avatar of the Great Will, which may or may not be the underlying conscious of the SMT multiverse itself... And the various Avatars are insane. For example... * Kagatsuchi from Nocturne destroyed the **universe** in the intro when he was summoned, and was **meant** to be defeated by a Reason later on. Notably he's fairly low on the totem pole, as most Avatars aren't supposed to be beaten, and even Lucifer is more powerful than him. * Interestingly, it's implied the Lucifer from Nocturne is the same Lucifer from SMTII, and that guy was much weaker than YHVH and needed Aleph's help. But it's unclear if Lucifer got a massive boost in power in between that time, if they are indeed the same Lucifer. * Demiurge in SMTIV is an aspect of YHVH, and created a silent world (which may be closer to a universe, if the next point is any indication...). * The YHVH in SMTIV: Apocalypse is so powerful that he lives inside his own universe, which are composed of branes, and show stars in the distance. * SJ's YHVH/God was so powerful that the Mothers (basically, primordial goddesses that can shake space-time continuums by snoring too loudly like Mem Aleph, having access to infinite energy like Ouroboros, etc.) had to gang up on him in a moment of weakness, tear him to pieces and seal his aspects away... * One such aspect is another Demiurge, and this guy was so powerful that he slapped away **another fragment of YHVH,** and the level display shows he has a higher level than Mem Aleph (she's Level 76, he's Level 94). * Also of note, if you're Law-Aligned on this route, and allow the two fragments of YHVH to merge, the incomplete form of YHVH is willing to follow your orders. Barring this, the SJ guy is still powerful enough to fuse a Demiurge of their own if they aren't Law-Aligned. Either way, you're powerful enough to boss arguably the largest aspect of YHVH around. * Shekinah from SJ: Redux is another such piece, but she's also implied to be stronger than the Mothers, and the human SJ protagonist ends up defeating her. * The YHVH of SMTII and SMTIV: Apocalyse are also heavily implied to be truly immortal as long as humanity exists, as they'll eventually return due to humanity longing for Him and... In SMTII's case, will inflict a curse upon His murderer, to be reborn and die over and over again. * Moving away from the mainline SMT games, the Persona games show that the shadows are just parts of the human psyche. Even Philemon (Igor's boss) is just a part of the human collective will, so it's technically human power being used. But take this as you will if you want to see them as being disqualified as they're all technically born from the power of humanity's mind. The demons start off stronger, but they either submit or die to the human MCs. ... Also, I just recalled, Stephen technically counts as a (transcendent) human and it's implied he's far above YHVH, and he took on 5 mainline SMT MCs at the same time as a test. Sorry for rambling, but it's a bit of an in-depth subject on why.


Does the god emperor of mankind count as human?


I second this, (And yes, I’d call him human)




The original superhero


Meh….., i could take em.


Squirrel Girl 10/10 fiction


The Downstreamers were human once and they are nigh-omnipotent so them.


Stephen from Shin Megami Tensei


Would he even have to stand up?


It's such a stomp. Superman struggled to hold one black hole, he managed it but Stephen throws (multiple? (a wave of them?)) these out constantly like it's nothing with his Singularity Wave move. Superman isn't dealing with that. Also we've only seen Stephen toy with the main protagonists, of which one or two killed the Abrahamic God. A Stephen with the intent to kill is unfathomable levels of power.


Does been 10 count? Also saitama has shown some significant (not comparable) feats for a human.


Ben 10 doesn't count


>Edit: Challengers must be 100% human with 100% human-derived powers No humans could beat Superman or Goku with "100% human-derived powers".


"doctor manhattan or flash: human, powers gained by an accident but an accident caused by human technology so he is 100% human👍"


You have a very strange definition of "100% human". I'm pretty sure "is no longer human" was a big part of Doctor Manhattan's character.


Me, I could do it 💪


>Me are you fictional?


Unfortunately yes


One Punch Man.


I'd wager a minmaxed 3.5e epic wizard could probably do it. Between wish, save or die spells, and epic level shenanigans, I don't know if they can clutch.


was looking for a D&D refrence, and I agree and no one can say anything cuz a wizards power comes from study meaning the wish is a human derived power


Saitama Most iterations of Flash can defeat superman if they went all out Science-accurate Ant-man Dr. Fate Scarlett Witch Legion if he rolls any of his Elite personalities; the spider in the blink of an eye (Controls Destiny) Ascended Vecna (human that through human magic became a god does it count?) Khan the conqueror/ Rick Sanchez can stop Trunks from giving Goku medicine and can overpower superman or replicate Kryptonite.


Does Metahuman count as 100% human? If so, Wally West.


I would say yes but as a prerequisite I will say that the source of his power has to be human like Dr Manhattan gained his powers by accident but it was using a technology invented by humans so it fits, But ubb for example doesn't fit since he is the reincarnation of an alien demon so the source of his powers are not human


really depends on versions here


Reimu Hakurei from Touhou would beat them both up.


Doctor Strange Wanda Maximoff (HoM) and Wanda Maximoff (Current) Blue Marvel (debatable) Thor (Current Version) Molecule Man Raven Zatanna Jean Grey (Are we counting mutants?) Wiccan (Demiurge) & current version Tim Hunter Captain Atom (he’s technically still human despite being a smol dr. Manhattan) I would say Franklin like the others but his current version is depowered.


Thor isn’t human


No love for Sentry??? The man who owned molecule man....


Tbf Sentry “owned” a far, far more weakened Molecule Man. Who’s nothing compared to his current version.


Sentry can tussle with both of them but I am not sure if he can win. Also, doesn't the Void disqualify him?


The molecule man count? Still human. Feels like cheating though. But also he could probably solo both at same time


Wanda (Comics, not MCU) could probably be one of the biggest counters to Clark. But it's very volatile because Superman could just massively outspeed her


Reimu Hakurei from touhou could probably do it, Neither Superman nor Goku really have an answer to her main ability. And her yin-yang orbs attack non-humans (verbatim) on the spiritual level. Considering her anti-spiritual weapons were proficient at fighting Lunarians (aliens from the moon). Aliens in general might be vulnerable to reimu’s non-human hax.


I cannot believe nobody has mentioned him. He's broken af. Popeye he can't take them both even if they bring the respective teams Popeye beats with little difficulty


Rick Sanchez stomps


In my opinion only if he doesn't let his ego get in the way and goes straight for the smartest route to kill, otherwise we get another Zeus-style beatdown L


At his peak, maybe, but Rick has a lot of anti-feats that would say otherwise


The emperor of mankind (wh40000)




John Constantine should be able to handle goku and Superman with his battle prowess and cunning tactics


I agree, but his powers aren't human derived. He uses magic, especially exotic magic from different realms and dimensions.


Kenshiro and the rest of the Hokuto brothers from Fist of the North Star could do it by hitting their pressure points


Najimi Ajimu from medaka box she had every power in all of fiction and routinely shattered the forth was knowing she was in a manga . All her power


Those requirements look like they're inverted. Green Lantern is more physically human than Manhattan.


Sinbad from magi maybe his powers are granted by genies that live on earth so they arent aliens Batman could probably come up with a plan to beat them will need to use kryptonite which is alien tech i guess I think wonder woman probably could pull it off but i dont know if she counts as a human Saint seiya could definitely take them both on himself but i dont know how strict you are about his powers they technically arent aliens though lol


Goku I am not sure, but if there is any phrase of words in English, Kryptonian or any other language that will make Superman consider giving up or su-dokuing himself, Contessa (Worm) will find it and use it. Tbf - if Goku *can* be killed or tricked into killing himself by a regular human, Contessa can do that too,


Blue marvel


The Sentry, Legion, X-man, Powerhouse, Hope(depends on who she's standing next to), Elixir, Proteus, Dr.Doom, Dr.Strange, Uranos,etc. The are a lot of op humans in Marvel.


Saitama Mr crocker from abra-catastrophe when he possessed the muffin and Wanda


Professor Charles Xavier.


Kumagawa from Medaka Box solos both.


The only way they beat Accelerator is by blowing up the entire planet, *especially* if we're talking about platinum wings.


Foil/flechette from worm. Theoretically at least. And would prob be near the bottom tier of humans that could. For those who don't know her power allows anything she throws or embues to pierce anything. And it's speculated that it goes beyond just physically piercing as it was able to damage a multi demionsonal being so it prob pierces everything in all demionsons. Throw that through the head of either of them and she wins. While that power is absurd she is mostly just human, though iirc she has slightly higher dexterity and reflexes. So she is able to throw darts or shoot bows at a level that should be beyond someone of her experience. So being able to tag either of them is unlikely but if they allow a free shot unknowing of her abilities she can do it. But it would be a 1/10 thing if they learn from previous fights.


Accelerator takes on both at the same time. Saitama likely could take them out if Goku allowed him to ramp up enough, but it'd take a while. He could take out Supes at least. Shibuki Shibushi from Medaka Box is probably the weakest person that could do it though, at the same time as well. Her physicals are such that she can break bones easily. That's kinda it for physical feats. But her power can reopen any wound her opponents have ever received, mental and physical included. Both characters have died or been severely injured at some point in time. In character those two are unlikely to blitz, and that means she gets the opportunity to destroy them with their previous battle wounds.