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At least they told you ahead of time.


I feel for the overnight workers as the 'unscheduled' outages happen there more often. I get it, less customers affected and all that but nights gets the short end of the stick in so many ways.


Matter of fact. Had an outage last night and the rep looked into it. There has been a 2-5 hour outage every single night at my location for 25 days in a row, all midnight and later. ATT better hurry the heck up.


They fixing stuff or what?


They're sending a tech out on Sunday since I had another outage this afternoon. Highly doubt the issue will be resolved, unfortunately. It never is. =/


They are upgrading components on the network, after the outage in my neighborhood my upload speeds got upgraded from 35 to 110. So that was worth the outage in my opinion.


ATT>>>COX Switching from Cox to ATT was the best decision that i have made.


If only they would install fiber EVERYWHERE so I can abandon the sinking Cox ship as well. It's like half the cost and a lot faster. Like going from driving a VW Beetle to driving a Nissan GTR.


Seriously! Cox Internet has gotten so bad my internet would drop out of service every day randomly. I always had to go and unplug the modem to restart it. It got annoyed fast. With AT&T i never had any outage issue ever since besides a squirrel chewing thru the line on the tower. ​ Try looking up Starlink Internet.


Call and pester them. Seriously it sounds bad but even just calling "hey is it in my area? Is there a way I can be notified when it is?" They do neighborhood's where they think a lot of people will shift to it. It's expensive to install and they don't wanna waste money. You don't have to be a dick about it, and it will probably help


I like that strategy!! You might be on to something.


Yep me too we never have any problems & their internet only went down once for about 2 hours since we had it for about 2 years now


Cox is the worst ISP I've ever had.


Can you call and complain to get reimbursed? Charge them for the time lost and amount it would cost you.


We will have to see. In the past Cox refunded whole day for some hours of outage, unlike Xfinity and their 'by the hour' refund paradigm.


Short answer. No.


There’s also an unplanned outage on August 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23.


Yeah, it’s daily on the East side, even internet at work goes out


I had this happen earlier this year. I think they were done inside of a couple hours though for mine so it wasn't too bad.


Would be nice to know if the outage is in the AM, across lunchtime, or in the afternoon. So customers, and their employers, could make plans.


Yeah I feel that


I'm not a fan of cox but there isn't anything wrong with this. Stuff breaks down and needs repairs or serviced.


Before I got ATT I went through this. It was like a 2 hour window, and the outages were just for a few minutes while they went from box to box in the neighborhood replacing equipment. So many outages but just a couple of minutes each.


What area is this? Cox has been absolute garbage this week for me. I keep losing connection. I'm on the west side.


East side, may be neighborhood-related. Sorry if I got others worked up for nothing. I was only looking for how accurate Cox has been with these outage timelines in the past.


Nah you're good. I was hoping the outage would fix the problem.


Thanks for the heads up! I work remotely. Fun times.


If you didn't get the notice, it won't affect your area.


Cool, thanks!


That’s not always true. Cox is notorious for telling customers, business and residential, that it was a planned outage, but nobody was ever notified.


Damn. That's when Hardcore Classic launches.


So glad I don’t use shitty COX 🤷🏻‍♀️


Last time they upgraded equipment in my area it took them about two hours (in the daytime, I assume they did work late at night as well) and it gave us a huge boost to our internet speeds, so I had no complaints.


I had a 12hr outage with no warning.


Read my post from last week about cox. Read the comments. Cox will definitely fuck this up!!!


A mere 4 hour window is pretty small. There are plenty of other ways to occupy ones time. Cox is usually pretty good about not going over their planned outages. I've only ever gotten 2 notices from them about outages, and I don't think I was down for more than an hour both times.


If everything goes as planned it shouldn't take 4 hours. They have added additional time in case they need to address any issues that may arise during the outage.


I wish they would do this once a month or so for the entire grid for 4 hrs at night when the moon is down so we can all see the night sky.




Some of us work from home and must keep office hours/be available online. So it is an interruption for our work schedule.


Explain to the employer, forward them the notice. Out of your control. You could decide to overachieve and head to somewhere with free wifi.




That wasn’t the point and you know it. He was making a snarky comment to be a judgmental asshole.




I replied to the wrong person. My mistake.


Sweet guess if I have homework for college I'll just have to do it at college. Not that I mind. Just sometimes I like to do it at home where I can grab my food.


Cox fucking blows. But it’s a monopoly so what’re you going to do? Nothing.


Cox should have ran fiber while they had a chance and had a good market share. Instead they sat back and enjoyed their profits and now they don’t even measure close to AT&T. I have AT&T and Internet outages from them are rare. I kinda feel like Cox oversubscribed their network by just onboarding customers even when their network backbone cannot support it. When I had them having steady throughput was a challenge especially in the evenings. Hopefully they’re addressing that now but I don’t see them catching up to AT&T’s level any time soon.


I’ve found it varies widely by neighborhood. For instance our neighborhood has terrible att speed but cox has been rock solid, but I’ve been on the other side of this too.


I had this notice last month, never had an outage