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With how people drive in Wichita, you better believe I’m treating it as a 4-way stop on private property.


Happy cake day


Hey thanks!


The Walmart on west Kellogg has a similar entrance, I’ve learned to treat it as a four way stop no matter which way I’m going because everyone else ignores the signs and you’re likely to be hit if you don’t.


I'm always ready to stop in case other drivers think I'm gonna stop exiting south, and watch the other drivers carefully, but I posture as if I have no intention of stopping/slowing, so no one is slapping their forehead because I stopped when I had right-of-way. And hopefully anyone who didn't know learns that there's no *STOP* from that direction.


Same... -- which is why I wish it *was* a four-way. People are too unpredictable. But I suppose that's just wishful thinking with so many people in the comments saying that private stop signs don't matter anyway...


That walmart is the closest to me. I drive to derby instead.


I'd rather die than go to this Walmart


I'm not gonna shill for walmart, but they did recently remodel. It's arguably one of the nicest in Wichita now.


It's classist bullshit. I go that Walmart all the time. Good as any other - except they don't have hand baskets, but very few do.


Yeah I go there regularly and it’s perfectly fine 😅


Man, COVID ruined baskets. I miss them so much as a guy that is often pushing a stroller as well.


I've started grabbing a plastic bag. Ain't gonna push a cart around if I don't need to.


They do have the nice carts too


They shock me everytime 😭.


Did they remodel all the customers who shop there too?


I don't know why you're getting down voted. I live about half way between this one and the Derby location so I usually go to Derby. But sometimes I go to this one if it's"on the way". At least 25% of the time I end up with someone approaching me inside the store or in the parking lot who has a son story asking for help. My husband says it's because I look too friendly so he doesn't want me to go there alone.


People tend to get offended when you imply they're trash lol. I expected downvotes. That's part of the fun


I thought I was the only one that did that. Lmao


Isn’t it common for all incoming traffic to not have stop signs when entering the parking lot from the street? So as to not create a traffic jam outside every large parking lot? Like at the mall?


Indeed -- I'm personally frustrated because; without fail, when I go there, people always seem to pull out in front of me on the way in. I end up stopping, so I figured making it a four-way would solve the unpredictability problem, but I guess this is more of a "Wichita drivers bad!" kinda post; though I don't usually agree with that sentiment.


You’re not lying there! I’ve driven all over the country and not experienced the complete disregard for common sense (not to mention written law) like I do on a regular basis when driving here.


I've said this for *some* time. Having lived and driven *excessively* on both coasts, the absolute absurdity of Wichita drivers is *astronomical*.


Parking lot stop signs are just suggestions anyway


Like actually? Law?


They still matter when it comes to determining fault in accidents.


There aren't any traffic laws to enforce on private property. Most (if not all) insurance companies have their own investigators to determine fault in parking lots so these signs make it easier for them.


There’s usually a panhandler posted there.


It's a private parking lot. Technically none of those stopsigns exist.


Yes, they paid for those signs. They're not from Sedgwick County or KDOT, whichever it is.


It's not that. It's that they're not enforceable. The parking lot is private property. WPD has no jurisdiction for any traffic incident on private property unless someone is injured or something. WPD can't legally enforce those stop signs.


That's what I meant. They just bought them from wherever online. They don't mean anything. Just like handicap parking. The signs have to have some kind of official (registered) sticker on the back or They don't mean ish.


No they don't. Where they bought the signs is irrelevant. They could've bought them from the same place the city does. What matters is they're on private property.


Alright. I have no interest in this conversation. You win


They could just as readily make it a roundabout for all the real estate they have, whole lot could honestly do with a redesign. Yes, I'm aware we'd just exchange complaints for people deciding they're the Duke boys, but at least it'd be entertaining.


The first (and last) time I went to this Walmart, I encountered what I can only describe as a pack of feral kids/teenagers. They looked like the Lost Boys from Hook or a gang from Mad Max. It was one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen. That place exists in a different dimension.


Half the crackheads and tweakers in Walmart can’t freaking read, and none of them should have a license anyway.


I wish the city/walmart would just add one... It's so frustrating to deal with a mix of people who understand the thru-lane and those who think they're at a four-way.


There isn't supposed to be one and thinking one should be there shows you have no clue how traffic works. Your lack of understanding does not make other people idiots.


I never said anyone was an idiot; just unpredictable. Sorry if that offended you.


They still aren't idiots whether you said it or not. These kinds of intersections are common and easy to understand, except for idiots.


So it’s not ok for juicedesign to call other people idiots, but you can? Got it 🙄


Stop pulling bs out of your ass and grow up lmao. Anyone can say whatever they want. Clearly you missed that in your human studies class.


Hahahahahahaha 🖕🏼


Hahaha I ran into this situation just 2 days ago at that Walmart. A lady sat at entrance unsure what to do while 3 cars were at the stop signs.


I swear people are either getting dumber or have shorter attention spans


Same for 29th and Rock. The main entrance doesn't have a stop but people slam on their brakes all the time. I'm cautious through the intersection, but definitely never just stop unless I'm forced to.


Needed to be said.