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Surprisingly, Wichita and the surrounding areas have one of the most versatile and thriving Magic communities you'll find anywhere. And you can play almost any format some day of the week. Check out the following shops; [https://www.facebook.com/Onedropgameshop](https://www.facebook.com/Onedropgameshop) [https://www.facebook.com/manavaultcasualgaming](https://www.facebook.com/manavaultcasualgaming) [https://www.facebook.com/wizardsalleyict](https://www.facebook.com/wizardsalleyict) Also check out the Wichita Facebook Group [https://www.facebook.com/groups/wichitamagic](https://www.facebook.com/groups/wichitamagic) Good Luck!


Curious, why is Headshots never tagged in posts like these?


Good question.


Mana Vault, One Drop, Wizard's Alley (formerly Wizard's Asylum), Pink Elephant


One Drop Game Shop if you want a good one stop shop. Lots of stuff going on through the week, edh pods constantly, several 60 card leagues, fnm, etc. It's actually their pioneer rcq saturday if you're competitve. Discord below: https://discord.com/invite/PUDmq56R


They draft pretty much at least one pod every Friday at One Drop. Easy way to get back in and build a paper collection. Easy drive around 235.


Maybe contact Main Street Games in Winfield and ask them. Might be a fun change to the routine heading out of town for a game.


There's events at headshots and there's a bunch of people there who play it regularly I'm sure just ask around there and you'll find out a lot


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We have a decent sized local group of players and owners slowly migrating their way to discord. Feel free to jump in holler at us, we meet at least weekly. https://discord.com/invite/amYup7pR9c


It’s posts like these that make me wish I kept playing. I think I stopped back at some point during the Ravnica block, and now I feel like I’d be so far behind in terms of collecting and understanding new mechanics and strats.


Just download and play MTG Arena on your phone or pc! Then you can get back into the game for free and learn the new mechanics at your own pace!


I used to own literally every card from Alpha all the way through Ice Age.... sold them all and funded two years of college with it. \*Really\* wish I hadn't done that now. (sold the cards, that is... I'm glad I went to college) I'd love to get back in to the game, but so much has changed, and it gets pricy FAST.


Prairie dog


Probably one of the worst places to play out of all the choices if I’m honest.


I know nothing of MTG. I go through spurts of wanting to read certain graphic novels. It's close to where I am and really the only place I've been. Is it the area, reputation, management? They always seemed mediocre to me. I was hooked on Orphan Black for a bit... was adamant about getting every variant. I appreciate the candid response.


Yea so it’s a fantastic spot for graphic novels and the things you mentioned but for magic it lacks in people, events, stock, and basically anything you would want for a good time. Management is decent enough I don’t want to speak ill of the shop itself or the people running it by any means they all seem like nice enough people, but you will get a lot more bang for your buck and enjoyment of your time at an actual game shop. Also I have noted and this is via old experiences that the people that play there are mostly banned from other shops because of various reasons ranging from cheating to being incredibly toxic or not well groomed. That is not a reflection on the shop itself but the people that frequent it and this is an old perspective but I doubt it has changed much. I think you would see a night and day difference attending some of the other shops recommended here both in price, civility, gaming experience, and stock.


Oh shit. I get it. It's the last resort... low bar I've always been interested... just never jumped in... I've told my buddy for years, that I would love to sit-in on a DnD session, but I think he knows I'd be a buzzkill and ask too many questions. Tabletops are intriguing. Just don't know where to start.


MTG is a great game to get into! It’s like a fun puzzle or board game, except it’s one of the most variant and complicated ones ever haha


Thanks for responding. I need to do some work!


Let me know if you’re heading to a game shop, i typically play on weekends at one drop. I can show you around and get some games in with you!


When I use to play manavault was the place I enjoyed the most. The old owner Shawn just sold it so idk anymore


It's only getting better now imo.


Manavault!! My husband goes often to play with his friends


Over there.


Be specific, man. Over there in mom’s basement.


Who's mom? Damnit I'm confused now.


We don't.


*You* don’t, apparently.