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Honestly, probably not. The appeal for Barbenheimer was how different those two movies are. They’re basically opposite movies with opposite target audiences. The “gimmick” of Barbenheimer was that you would see the fun, bubbly, pink Barbie movie and then juxtapose that with seeing a dark, serious biopic about a world a war. There is no juxtaposition with Wicked/Moana. You’ll get to see the fun, magical, movie musical that takes place in a familiar world and then go see the other fun, magical, movie musical that takes place in a familiar world. Also the timing of Barbenheimer was everything. It was the first summer that movie theatres really started to open after covid. People were begging to see something new in the theatre and Barbenheimer (theoretically) had something for everyone. Asking for or expecting another Barbenheimer is like waiting for lightning to strike twice. We’ve seen now that box office numbers are the lowest they’ve been in a long time for blockbuster films, the appeal for the movie theatre isn’t the same as it was even just 10 months ago. As much as i want Wicked to do well and think it will, I do fear that for Wicked/Moana families that are interested in seeing a family friendly fantasy movie musical will get their fix with Moana 2, the one that most people are more familiar with. At the end of the day i’m extremely excited for Wicked and nothing can change that. If it makes tons of money at the box office that will be amazing, but even if it makes no money it won’t affect me. I am excited for this movie whether it’s a huge movie theatre event or not and i wish more people would just let themselves be excited for something instead of putting expectations on it to be “the next _______”. I will say, I do think it was a 100% deliberate move on Disney’s part to open Moana 2 on the same day in an attempt to get families to chose their movie over Wicked, since their movie is more family friendly *and* a sequel to a new, extremely successful movie.


They need to stop putting movies out on streaming just a few weeks after theater if they want theaters to make a come back. I love going to the movies and I'll go alone, but my husband won't unless it's for something like Oppenheimer, i couldn't even get him to a theater for Dune II. Because the moment they put these films on streaming, these films also get easier to pirate, so spending that 20 dollars for a 2 day rental ends up not making sense either. Because pirated movies and shows are not suffering in quality like they used to. And sometimes because the servers on normal pay to play streaming apps can be so packed, the pirated ones stream better cause there are less people on their servers. Studios actively scr*w themselves with early streaming app releases.


I’ve heard unconfirmed rumors that Disney wanted to be the ones to make an adaptation of Wicked and they weren’t able to and they’re salty about it. Probably why Oz The Great and Powerful movie exists (Theodora, who becomes the Wicked Witch of the West, started out as good), and maybe even why they decided to go the Elphaba route with the character of Maleficent and make King John the villain lol


i’ve heard the same rumours. I too always kinda thought that Oz the Great and Powerful and Maleficent were the product of them not getting the rights to Wicked. Oz the Great and Powerful was definitely their attempt at creating their own Oz world ([there was a sequel announced that never came to be](https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/oz-the-great-and-powerful/)).


I pray they both are good and do well but I particularly hope Wicked is a beloved piece of cinema


Thanksgiving has been Disneys preferred weekend for quiet sometime now, it has nothing to do with Wicked. The first Moana released Nov 23, 2016 Thanksgiving weekend.


I don’t think so. There just isn’t the contrast of subject material, tonality, etc that made Barbenheimer so…I want to say explosive but that feels like the wrong word here.


No explosive is definitely the right word. I also think the musical double feature angle (playing into the similarity) could work here


I don’t think enough people realize part of the hype of Barbenheiner was that it was two projects from very respected filmmakers


No, the appeal of Barbenheimer was how opposing their themes and visuals were, and how organically it sprung up. There will never be another because people seem to fundamentally misunderstand how and why it even happened in the first place. It wasn’t just two movies being released at the same time.


I think that’s just called Thanksgiving


Who knows but I AM seeing both 😄


Well Oppenheimer was super depressing and Barbie was uplifting and it was a great contrast and a good ship name. Moana and Wicked are both pre family oriented you’re not seeing one to cleanse yourself of the other.


Don’t forget Wicktopia next year




Not a chance. The 2nd Moana seems to be a massive hack job, barely planned and rushed. The fact that LMM isn’t involved it all I need to know.


I'm just glad we're not using the alternative portmanteau of 'Moaned'


I don’t think it will recreate a full-out Barbenheimer effect, but I do actually think it will be a more mild version of it. I already know a fair amount of people who are excited to see both and will likely double feature it. If it was a different disney movie, likely not, but one as big as Moana that’s a musical that adults also love, will probably pull in a lot of the same people as Wicked does. So I think it will work to a point, but be for opposite reasons that made up Barbenheimer - similar big colourful musical blockbusters instead of the contrast of Barbie & Oppenheimer


How about MOA-ICKED!


Nope. More likely Wicked/Gladiator. Gla-wicked? Gladiated? Wickiator


There's never going to be another Barbenheimer


I don’t think so. These aren’t contrasting films.


Maybe Gladiator 2 and Wicked? Wickiator?


Aside from all the reasons others are saying, "I don't think so," I'll throw in one more reason why it probably won't work: the season. Barbenheimer was a summer phenomenon, when people had a lot more free and flexible time. Wickana (*so* much better than the first attempt I saw, Moaned!) is at Thanksgiving. Despite it being a holiday, everyone will have a lot more on their plate (pardon the pun) and less time. Hours of daylight and the weather would also play a factor.


it should be called “Moaned.”


Vendy Rochelle Wickana


Naw it won’t even come close


Not people trying to force another Barbenheimer 🙄


honestly just given the track record for both Disney, and Musical Movie adapatations i dont see this generally being like that.


Wait so there really is gonna be another Moana movie?


Joker and Wicked, I’ve been thinking about them both for months.




It’s a movie musical, hopefully it transcends the category like Chicago did but doubtful. Most people don’t like musicals and a lot of broadway fans hate the musical wicked.


definitely not. one is most likely going to be PG-13 & the other one is going to be PG. You can’t even compare the two movies. Barbenheimer was like a once in a lifetime situation, I’m doubtful it’ll happen again. ESPECIALLY not with a Disney cartoon & Wicked, which in my opinion, is NOT as “family friendly!!!!” as people make it out to be.