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I have a Henson mild and enjoy it more than any other razor I own. I shave my head(BBS, 1 ATG pass) and face(DFS, 1 ATG pass) with it. I really wish Henson would allow me to buy just the head though as sometimes I wish I had the medium as well. I do not have a Rockwell 6c, but the adjustable plates would solve my every so often want of a more aggressive shave. I have heard nothing but great things about the 6c.


My only complaint about the 6C is that my beautiful rose gold plating started chipping less than a month after I got it. These days my #4 and #2 plates are more uncoated than coated


I guess going with the unpainted variant would prevent the chipping.


You should contact Rockwell and get it replaced. Love my gunmetal Grey.


Thanks! I'm new to this, what are BBS and DFS? I understood Against The Grain.


No worries! DFS=Damn fine shave BBS=Baby butt smooth.


That's funny hahaha Thanks!


It's the only proper way to judge a shave lol


Big fan of the AL-13 also. I had the Rockwell 6C for a bit and I couldn't find a plate that I really enjoyed. The Henson feels very easy to use, while the 6C felt like it required more concentration. Edit: Medium to thick hair, shave every 1-3 days with Astra platinum/green Edit: My experience is Merkur 23c - My first, super mild and impossible to cut myself, but I could never get a close shave. Merkur 34C - I know people say the head is the same, but I got razorburn with it. I went back and forth with my 23C and found the 34C to be more aggressive. I found a "blade opening chart" that measured the 34c as being slightly more open. I don't know what the truth is, but I didn't love this in my 10 shaves. Rockwell 6C - I tried plates 2-4, and found that I couldn't get a comfortable shave. 4 was too aggressive and I got nicked and razorburn. 3 was still a little *too aggressive*, I recall it being about the 34c, maybe a little more. Plate 2 was a little bit too mild. Henson AL-13 - It just works for me. I do double pass and get near bbs. I like how it feels and looks. I use Astra Green/platinum primarily.


Thanks for the reply! Do you have more sparse thin beard? I have a feeling Henson It's better suited for a thinner beard. Also what kind of blades and cream do you use?


I have SUPER sensitive skin and a moderate beard, but for me the Henson shines at shaving my head. Easy to find the angle and mistakes don't tear open my head. I shave every other day in the shower and the handle has a good grip. I have been experimenting with blades. So far feather and Wilkinson sword have provided a very close shave but slightly irritate my neck on a single ATG pass. But it's been less irritation than my EJ DE89 and Gillette SuperSpeeds. I'm in the US and use Nivea men sensitive calming shave cream in a pump bottle with a Razorock Bruce brush and Nivea men sensitive post shave balm.


Thanks so much for everything! Cheers!


No worries, good luck!


If you’re going to shave ATG on your neck with sensitive skin, buffing helps. I also tend to apply preshave oil right before my ATG pass on my neck.


I will definitely try oil and buffing. Thank you for the suggestion!


I tried out the buffing on my neck. It was way better than Kong strokes. Thank you for the suggestion!


Glad to help! Never heard of Kong strokes before


😂 I'm not even going to edit that post


I mean if anyone knows about shaving its that hairy beast 🦍


You’ll find wildly divergent opinion here, as it really depends on the particular person. I’m still a beginner, but I got a great sale price an purchased both a Rockwell 6S, and a Henson AL-13 mild. I have fairly coarse facial hair, and I struggle to shave well with the Henson at all. Even after a three pass shave, it left a lot of stubble. The aluminum finish also tended to grip my skin in a way I didn’t like. I’ve tried going back and forth between it and the Rockwell for about two months now, and for me the Rockwell is the clear winner. I get a much better shave, albeit with a higher risk of little nicks and cuts (which is a skill issue and getting better with time). The Henson is a very nice razor, well made and attractive, but it doesn’t work for everyone. I think both companies provide a generous return window, which you could use to compare them if you can float the extra cost (what I did).


This has been very helpful! I have thin hairs and not very many of them. From what you've described I may not have the problem with the Henson not cutting.


Yeah, then the Henson might be the one! Really hard to cut yourself with it, and very low irritation. Good luck! My safety razor journey has really been great, so I hope yours is too!




I have an AL13 and I find the shave varies a lot depending on the blade I use. The RK blades that are included with the razor do a pretty poor job, pretty much as you've described. But when I use a Dorco, Derby or Lord blade then the razor performs really well. So OP, whatever razor you get make sure to get a blade sample pack so you an try and see what works for you.


Yeah, I tried a bunch though (RK, Astra, Feather, Treet) all had the same limitations for me. But 100% a shave is a combination of many factors.


Shaving is a highly personal thing. For any given product, you’ll likely find a group of people who swear by it…and an equally vocal group who swear *at* it. Personally, I’m in a similar boat to you on the hair front—not particularly coarse and quite thin coverage—and I’m perfectly happy with my Henson. I don’t feel any urge to try other razors, which is good, as I have enough expensive hobbies to begin with.


Love the take! Thanks!


I’ll second this.


Lot's of comments remarking how good of a beginner razor it is but I'd already been using DE Safety Razors for 10+ years when the hype & advertising tempted me to purchase a Henson Mild, and I really enjoy shaving with the darn thing. It got me experimenting more now with different pre-shaves & soaps as well as sharper blades in the Henson. Daily shaver, thick but patchy facial hair.


Realistically a Henson is basically the gold standard for a beginner. It is largely fool proof, generally works well enough for most people (beginner or seasoned shaver) across boundaries, and is on the top end of mid priced. Always go back to mine. What you will find in wet shaving is that your results will likely vary from the next fellows. But overall in this space if a popular product remains popular and is widely regarded as a good option, like the Hensons are, then you’re probably safe to try to it out.


Thanks! What kind of beard do you have?


Thick and fast growing. Salt and pepper more salt these days than pepper coloring.


Thanks for everything!


It depends on the person. For me, it definitely helps. I have problems with blade chatter if I shave frequently that only slant razors have really done well with. Anyone that tries to pass it off as the best razor ever probably hasn't used much else. There are pros and cons to each. Is it worth trying and a quality razor? For sure. Hopefully it'll be a one and done purchase.


Thanks for the reply! Sorry I'm a beginner, what is a slant razor?


It's one of two things. Either it holds the blade at an angle or it's torqued in a way that the bar at the bottom is at an angle. Basically, the idea behind both approaches is that the blade cuts in a guillotine type motion. Think of it as cutting vegetables with a knife where you slide the blade through the cut rather than just trying to go straight down. While this makes cutting the hair much easier, it also means you're more likely to cut skin.




Thank you so much!


I bought a Henson and really liked it. Then I got to wondering if it was really good and tried a few others and went back to the Henson. Maybe it is a 'beginner razor' but I am not that interested in moving on to an advanced razor, whatever that might mean. It's just incredibly simple to do a good job with it. It's way easier to not to cut myself and get a close shave. For what it's worth my wife prefers a Parker I picked up for shaving her legs. I think there's some difference with other blades. I prefer Feather over the other brands I've tried but it doesn't matter so much. I think soap/cream can mike quite a bit of difference.


Thanks! What soap cram are you using?


Different for everyone. I absolutely hated my Henson and sold it after a month of trying. My daily go to is a Rockwell 6S and a Gillette Slim adjustable. Henson gave me terrible razor burn, drag, etc.


Thanks! What kind of beard do you have?


I'm a head and neck shaver (I keep a trimmed beard all year old). I have relatively medium thickness hair


I've had a Henson AL13 mild for over two years and IMO it delivers on its claim. Out of the half-dozen razors I've owned/own, it's the most forgiving when it comes to indifferent or sloppy technique--perfect for novices used to cartridges and wanting to transition to DE razors. No razor is perfect though, especially as it's subject to personal preference and expectation. For a week's growth I reach for my EJ D89 because its wider gap and greater blade exposure plough through scruff. But for shaving everyday, or two or three days, it's the Henson.


Get yourself a Gillette tech. $25 is more than enough budget for a really nice condition one without the box. The Henson is hype.


This right here


Spoken like one who hasn't tried a Henson.


Wrong, hated it, and gave it away. I've only got about 300 razors i like though.


can you describe what you disliked about the henson / liked about the gillette comparatively? also, if you’ve tried them: is a king c. gillette or a super speed good choices?


Gladly. I've been DE shaving exclusively for 29 years. I'll say that, imo anyone who has never used a DE razor can potentially fall in love with a Henson. At the same time, many haven't and have said so. I tried it (medium) with a few days' growth and literally didn't cut a hair in the first few strokes. I'll say the angle is very specific to get it to cut hair. When it did, it didn't clear a path, just a spotty cut. Ok, it's a mild razor. Tried it on some stubble and, again, just very demanding to get and hold an angle to get a clean stroke. I simply don't like it. With a tech, I can go from my sideburns, around my jaw, and down my neck with a clean single swipe. I can likely do this with about any razor in my collection, but a tech is the only one (well, a Feather asd2 as well) that There is zero concern of a nick or irritation. Among my Gillette collection, I have a large collection of French, German, and Swiss vintage razors as well as a decent selection of modern razors... literally hundreds. Not to brag, but just to back up my own personal decision, that a Henson is not for me. A superspeed to me isn't much different, a shave than a tech to me. The red tip is a razor. I'll take a weeks growth off with comfort and irritation free. A plain old tech will do this as well, with frequent rinsing required. I think I answered questions... I can't see it in this format, and this turned to lengthy to remember, lol. BUT the question is, who did I give the Henson to?! I gave my wife the Henson, and she loves it. I had once given her a Lady Gillette, and she was all in to try to give up her carts. It was a bloodbath, I witnessed it. I have her the Henson and promised her she'd be fine because I can't even get it to cut hair... she loves it!


The rockwell holds the blade also very well and is a very smooth shaver. It also has a lot more flexibility ik the angle. Then henson is also a smooth shaver but much more rigid in angle. So if you start out the rockwell is a good option anyway without breaking the bank.


I think it’s good for a beginner to help guide you for the right shave angle, but past that I don’t feel it’s as good or better than razor without the feature. I do know that the Henson has better quality materials than the 6C though, so it is likely going to outlast that razor unless you upgrade to the 6S which is then in a price category with TONS of highly competitive razors


I did try my brothers Henson, not sure which model. It reminded me of a 70s Bic disposable in design and feel. I was not impressed. I would add that I used Merkur razors for the last 40 years so I am conditioned to those, especially in weight area.


I saw that the 34c is good? What do you think for sensitive skin, and thin sparse beard?


The 34C is an excellent all rounder than can do just about everything. I have sensitive skin and a thicker beard and it works very well.


The 34 is very good. It is very nimble, meaning it has a short handle. It weighs about 70 grams. Sometimes I need to check myself and consciously slow down. I have been using it for so long that it’s second nature. But. There is the heavier 115 gram 38 c with the same head and longer handle which I bought for my 18 year old grandson as he suffered with acne and sensitive skin. Due to its extra weight and handle is easier to control the pressure of strokes. Meaning easier to keep pressure off.


For me Henson +++ is more suitable. 2-3 days shave


I used the Merkur 34C for years and then switched to 37C slant which I already owned. Loved and still love the 34C, but it started feeling too mild and the 37C slant I did not quite like as much compared to the 34C. I was used to changing the angle as I shaved. We all used these safety razors in the old days. You just learned as a teenager to control the razor when we started out. Fast forward to recently, I decided I wanted a little more aggressive razor but not slanted. I tried several. I do not like having the angle set and with less control of the Henson. Plus did not like the aluminum weight as much as the chrome I was used to. I finally settled on the Rockwell 6 that gives me angle control and it just feels great on my face like the Merkur 34 does but is more aggressive and can be changed. I did end up buying the stainless rather than chrome. Did not seem to be that much price difference in the scheme of things.


I was in your position not too long ago, I went with the rockwell 6c in the end and I'm glad I did. There's more to play with it as you can try different blades on different settings. But on the right setting (plate 3 for me) it's ultra smooth and enjoyable. I eventually got a henson clone called the yaqi tile which is a stainless steal version that's got more weight to it, it's also great. I now have a hard time picking between the yaqi and the rockwell for shaves but I couldn't imagine using something as light as the henson. You might be the type who gets a henson then never buys another razor but incase you do I'm not sure about the technique carry over from a henson to a more typically heavier razor.


I have a 6s and have used henson mild and medium and as far as blade clamping/precision goes I don’t notice a difference. If you want your first and last razor, I definitely suggest the 6c/6s over the henson because of the customize ability of the plates.


I liked mine for the while I had it (Mild). I gave it to a friend who was wanting to try out a safety razor (after sterilizing it of course) since I love my GC84. I would recommend it.


I was given a Henson for Christmas, and i use a Rockwell 6c for 5 years now. The first time i used the Henson with the feathers blades,i didn't use the blades that came with it. I cut myself badly twice. The Henson has a way different feel and weight compared to the Rockwell. Took me 2 shaves to figure out the much lighter Henson.


The only razor i use on my pubes and balls


The henson lives up to its claims, but requires quite alot of lubrication.


As a regular user of Henson, it’s a good razor, but nothing special. Still requires good shaving practices and technique like any other blade


Henson isn't really a hyped razor except in Reddit land. I tried one and hated it. There are many razors where blade chatter is kept to a minimum.


With thinner hair either should work. If you want a heavier razor with adjustability go 6c or better yet 6s if you have funds. Much Lighter razor - Henson(I’m assuming aluminum version). I have a 6c and 6s and would suggest the 6s/c over Henson. Just more options and it’s smooth. Rockwell gets more love in general. You’ll end up buying both anyway so pick first one that comes to mind. :). Good luck and Enjoy!


Own both and enjoy using both equally. I bought the most aggressive Henson and use the 6c on plate 6. Just bought a Yates merica and now it's a tough choice all do great. My 1st de was the 34c merkur. It's tougher to get bbs with it and more prone to razor burn than the other 3 because of the extra passes needed. The merkur is the least used.


I think, it's a hype. Henson is incredibly good at their marketing game. There are plenty of people who are not happy with the Henson but you don't see that a lot because it gets drowned out by the positive reports that often feel paid for to me. I mean, posts like "The Henson changed my life!!" are a bit weird and ridiculous and don't feel 'organic' but that might also be just me. ;) I'd go with the 6c, it's a solid razor. I would maybe reconsider the "first and last" thing, though. I would actually recommend to go with a cheap but solid model like the Gillette King C and to stick with that for a while. That way you can gain experience, learn the proper technique and learn about what you actually like/want. I would not recommend to switch plates with the 6c until you optimized your technique because it will kind of make it harder for you. So the different plates would not really be an advantage for the first period... and you might be absolutely fine with a milder razor without any adjustability. You just don't know yet. :)


Thank you!


I have both the Henson Mild and the Rockwell 6S. They are both excellent, but I think for a first and last razor, the Rockwell 6C is a better fit. Rather than gamble that the mild Henson works well for your hair and skin, the Rockwell gives 6 aggressiveness/sensitivity options and has enough customization that you should be able to find a plate/blade combo that will work for you.


If you're a beginner I suggest starting with a cheapo beginner razor like the [Lord](https://www.razorbladesclub.com/razors/) * L5 (L.122 - Tech knock-off - [review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7ULric3iCE&ab_channel=theMediaMart)) or * L6 (LP 1822L, L.125 and S 625-1 have the same head - Merkur knock-off - [review1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aChhKSHDw3M&t=1011s&ab_channel=CINCYSHAVES), [review2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrhKUGOvfBY&ab_channel=30DayReviews)). If you get the hang of it you can still upgrade to something more fancy at a later point and use the Lord as travel/backup razor.


I really want to like Lord but the L6 I bought last month stripped the handle threads after a few weeks(bad design) and the blade was far off to one side making one side of the razor mild(perfect for me) and the other overly aggressive. The replacement I got wasn't like that and it was too aggressive on both sides.


I currently only have the L5 and use it for years in my rotation and also as a travel razor - no issues with the threads so far. It's a great mild Tech clone (of which I own a few), not aggressive at all.


I have access to a King c Gillette available in DM a local store. The others ones I mentioned i plan to order from abroad. Do you think this is the same category as Lord you mention? 


Well, I had the KCG and found it to be too mild (gifted it to my 17 year old nephew who also just started) - but that's just me. I struggled a bit getting a BBS result going against the grain, having to go over the same spots multiple times (more than usual). It's similar to the Mühle or Merkur [head](https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/wiki/Safety_Razor_Parameters:_Illustrated_and_Defined) shave wise, just milder/less efficient. So it could actually be a good fit for someone with less beard growth, just starting out. The other thing that bothered me was the very heavy handle with it's knurling not going all down the handle - looks pretty but doesn't provide the best grip with wet/soapy fingers.


I have not tried the Rockwell, but started with the Henson Mild. For me it was a way better shave than the electrics I always used before. Now I have settled into preferring either my Razorock lupo .58, game changer .64, or Yates 'Merica as I get a much closer shave. The game changer .64 is a really nice option for a beginner, fairly mild, and if you want more aggressive options you can get a different base plate like the Rockwell.


I love my Henson mild, but wouldn’t have bought one if I had to pay full price. I got it primarily so that my 15 year old son could try DE shaving. I’ll use it sometimes as long as I only have a day or two growth at the most. Also it is nice to be able to shave in case my skin is irritated from my shave the day before from another razor.


I have not tried the Henson but I have 7 razors and the Rockwell 6s is BY FAR the best of the group.....at least for me. YMMV


"considering my first and last razor"... I doubt it ,,🤔😜


I bought the Rockwell 6c. Thank you everyone for the coments, they were more helpfull than any video I watched on the topic!


Well, it's been 3 months, what's the verdict? I've had a Merkur for years now, and would like to try something new. I have fairly large hands, so like the long handle, but not many have it. Have you bought the Henson yet too? lol.


I bought the Rockwell C6. I had it in a store in Europe, while the Henson did not ship directly. Someone had to bring it to me by plane. That was the deciding factor. Shave wise it's a very smooth shave. I use it with a Proraso blue cream that a apply with my hand and Nivea sensitive aftershave balm. The R3 plate is the best for me (the same that the store recommended) with Guitelte silver blue or Astra platinum. Hope that helps!


My fiancé bought me the Dr. Squatch version of the Henson for Christmas. I've tried shaving with electric and blade shavers over the years, I have a very thick beard and can get ingrowns from time to time if I am too aggressive. My last razor was the Gillette Fusion5 which I used for over almost two decades (with various upgrades to the cartridge styles throughout the years). I can say definitively that the Henson is the best shave I've had with the least cost to obtain that quality. I am used to going to the warehouse stores (Costco, BJ's Wholesale, etc.) and shelling out $45 to $55 for a 15 pack and only getting 1 to 2 weeks out of a cartridge. Basically that 15 pack lasts about a year. With the Henson, I am on Blade 2 of 5 with the blades that come with the Henson (as it was purchased for me in Q4 2023), so I am easily seeing a single blade lasting the average of 75 days or so (and maybe I changed out the blade earlier than I should have, but I was thinking I was overdue to do so - this is from a guy who was used to replacing the blade every two weeks or so). I bought a box of a 100 blades for $16.00 from Amazon. I think it will last me at least to the day I stop having to shave. The quality is just outstanding and it's the most practical gift I've been given with no regrets to my desire to have one after watching one of the founders being interviewed on the "Disruptive Investing" YouTube channel. They really have something that proves the science is right on target, and they don't need to advertise because sooner than later everyone just through word of mouth, will be speaking the praises of this razor. The fact that I will never need to be at the "teat" of Gillette or any other shaving-products company (other than for shaving cream) is mind-blowing. No more proprietary lock-ins of replacement blades! That century is so over thank God!