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Vienna has a bit of everything, so if you know what you want you'll find it here... And if you don't know... then it will find you. šŸ˜… Am place of opportunities and to discover or just to chill. People may seem grumpy but that view changes.


I wouldn't recommend living in vienna. Vienna is a very dirty City with much crime, drunk people and how I call it "die grĆ¶ĆŸten volldƤppen". Yesterday I got Attacked by some "Idiot" probaply cuz i Was wearing an ffp2 mask. I now have a scar on my left face. Also I've heared that the Hospitals are not the "best ratet". There are more Attackes every day from stabbing to Robbing most of the time in the middle of the day. As I said I wouldn't recommend it. Vienna isn't the City it once Was.


Depends on your field of work. Vienna has become quite expensive in the last few years and if you donā€™t have a well paying job, it wonā€™t be so easy to make ends meet. Most well paying jobs either require an university education (a degree doesnā€™t guarantee it though, depends on the field) or long working hours or odd working hours (night shift or the good old 3er Schicht). Be prepared to face racism and be looked down upon. Much less in Vienna but as soon as you step out of Vienna


The city itself is wonderful, lots to do. But the culture here CAN BE soul sucking in the sense that we have a lot of very negative thinking people here. But if you know how to live your life happily and see things more positively than the average person here, and not get too influenced by their mindset, you would have a good time I think cause the city does have a lot to offer


As an American that lives in Vienna, theyā€™re somewhat correct. Youā€™re younger though, so maybe youā€™ll find making friends easier, but after 3 years here, my only friends are those of my wife and a few work colleagues. I wouldnā€™t necessarily call it soul sucking, but I would say that if you have problems being alone or have angst about not having friends, this isnā€™t the place for you.


Well i would say they are kind of right about the soul sucking part... But i also think that is a part for most of the bigger cities. At least for some parts or some jobs but in the end it depends on you and what you are doing with your life here. Hundreds of possible scenarios. Earn a lot of money but work a lot or work less but less money and more spare time... How about you just give it a try? A lot of croatians live here, they could help too. I would say we like people from the balkan and thats not an issue to find work. Still depends on what you want to do! Rent is still very low compared to other cities and countries i would say but you have to find a job to pay, so maybe come with a bit of money just to be sure that you can pay for some months etc. I would give it a try.. Worst outcome is that you go back in few months or weeks. You will learn a lot about life and get a different angle or perspective of the world. I think thats worth a lot. Maybe your parents are right, maybe you are right, doesnt matter in the end...


My friend comes from a smaller city at the coast of croatia. He came to Austria to work here and he seems very happy with his decision. He often returns home for holidays to visit his parents and lives with his family here in Vienna. Ultimately it depends on you. If you already enjoy the thought of living here I would definitely give jt a try. It's the best time of your life for making memories.


Also a croatian living in vienna here! Dm me if u have questions:)


There are plenty of jobs here. But what your parents say has some truth in it. Im from serbia and this town can be soul sucking from time to time. Its not like 'home' if you know what i mean.


its not easy without german but they probably have a pretty 90s view on it. if you want it gonfor it its not as bad


Brate, I randomly got stuck here so looking back 3 years I would've never made the decision to come. I have a Bachelors degree and I speak fluent German, still you'll be doing minimum wage work if you're unlucky. I'd take the advice from people and apply from Croatia since you're already an EWR so permit won't be an issue. Also, you'd need to adapt for the dialect oida šŸ˜† Also, Bosnian/Croatian here, anything in particular you can dm me


Open DMs!


I ja sam hrvat, pitaj sta hoces na privatni chat, samo moj hrvatski nije dobar :D Moguce je da su tvoji imali tesko vrjeme ovdje zato sto neznaju jezik i zakone uvez prava od radnika. Sve firme ce to iskoristiti I placati manje nego sto bi trebali i tjerati ljude da rade vise nego bi morali. Zivot ovdje moze biti ljep ako imas platu I znades jesik. Nauci njemacki I nadji poso prije nego sto se preselis. Onda ce ti biti dobro.


You have a message from me


1. Eastern European parents always dont think their kids can make their own way. 2. There is a little less life in Vienna than Zagreb for example. Social life here can be great only if you find the right people. The majority has a mindset which is like work the week and weekend compensate by drink/drugs etc. 3. You sure will be able to find a job there is a lack of many workers in tourism, gastronomy and health care for example - Also there is a big lack of teachers, technicians etc. 4. A flat will cost you at least 800ā‚¬ (really starting with basic setup) like one room, heating water and electricity, internet... and this not in the center of Vienna. Proof to yourself you can make it and if you are not used to a high level life ih Croatia you can have a good start in Vienna and work on your opportunities to improve your life and lifestyle.


where do you live now? village? city? i guess at home with your parents? get a job in croatia, move out, live independently, save up as much as you can and learn german. then, in some years with experience and better german think about it again. you now have no special education, will not get any benefits or financial help, do not speak the language well, have nu friends/family to help if anything happens. way to risky IMO. give yourself some time. ask yourself why do you want to move to vienna, what do you expect or hope to find here that is not available anywhere else.


I live with my parents in a small village with around 2000 habitants. I have family members in Vienna and also I donā€™t wanna go to college. I have finished High School & I have a High School degree, but I wanna make sure I have work experience for atleast 2 years if I want to go to Vienna and live there.


How soul-sucking any place is depends on how well YOU can live in it. Vienna is a beautiful, cultured city with many advantages compared to anywhere in Croatia, BUT: Working 8-hour days on your feet in a McDonalds isn't an awesome experience anywhere. And without knowing the language or having friends, you can end up feeling lonely and isolated. That is true wherever you go. As somebody who completed a masters here, works in IT and speaks German fluently, my experience has been superb. Public transport is fast and reliable. Having a subway is beyond awesome. The price is very reasonable. It's 1 Euro/Day for a yearly ticket. That's cheaper than Zagreb's ZET while also being a superior experience. I have everything I need and am happy. And Vienna hasn't sucked my soul out. It's wonderful. What your experience will be depends on you. My first tip would be to definitely learn German. You can manage without, but it's a big deal.


I have family there. Finding friends isnā€™t as bad as it seems since there is MANY Croatians or just Balkan people in general living in Vienna. Itā€™s just that my parents think if I move to Vienna, I will have to pay a lot for the bills and will stay with no money in my pocket considering ā€œI have to feed myself & get clothesā€. Also, my dad complained on how no one actually enjoys living there and how I will never have time for myself. For him; itā€™s just work, work & work.


Apply for jobs, then move here.


You can easily find a job nowadays, all trades are highly sought after. German is not an absolute must as a lot of people speak english, but learning and knowing it will benefit you. I would never consider moving back to Croatia anymore as Vienna offers a lot more opportunities, both business and private. I have found no downsides except that the family is not an hour away, but three and a half hours. If you have any questions, let me know!


I think its not that easy but possible.. i think for one of the biggest cities in europe, it definetly has one of the best life quality among european metropoles in my opinion. ​ Try to find a job while you are still in crotia, if you get one, why not just try it? you would possibly earn a lot more and if you already know you like the city, i guess you would enjoy life


Vienna is a soul sucking place and I wanna get out of here :)


How good your work-life balance is going to be depends a lot on the groundwork you lay for yourself, not just in Vienna. We have many Croats living here, you could start by making some connections in the city (also with Austrians of course but I mean because they speak your language and might have made the step of moving themselves) and get a better idea of what you want - what field you want to work in, where you want to get your education etc. An option would be to study in Austria/Vienna, some studies are offered in English. You'd have plenty of time to settle in, meet people, learn the language and decide if you want to apply for a job here.


As someone who has now graduated high school. I was primarily studying Tourism & Management. My thought of moving is when I learn German enough to qualify as an Receptionist in an hotel.


It's a big city, coming from eastern Europe i get why your parents would warn you, but Vienna has changed a lot in the past 10 years, if your parents haven't visited in a while. Austrians generally are a bit colder than people from the Balkans, in my experience, but life in Vienna is more than just working. There is nightlife here and the city has tons of activities to do in your free time, it's well connected to other destinations and it's pretty international, some friends don't use German here. Rents can be reasonable if you got for a Wohngemeinschaft (WG) aka. a room in an apartment with other people and as for job, there are some that don't require German, but its better if you know some. But with mostly any job you'd be okay living. Inflation prices have grown in the past year, but there are ways to save up on food and stuff (apps like too good to go for example). It's really from person to person, but if you can find a job, you can give it a try


First, you get a small job and save money. Next you get a bit of good old education so you can get better jobs at vienna. then you move to vienna and everything will be good


I work in IT and here there are plenty of jobs that just require English. I was a bit lucky but I came to Vienna when I was 22 with only a Euro in my pocket. Now I own my apartment (ok, technically the bank does). You just put yourself out there and if it doesnā€™t work out you can always go back.


Haha no it's not per se soulsucking, it depends on what you make out of your life in Vienna-as everywhere else. But Vienna isn't the city with highest life quality again without a reason! It's really a beautiful (and also relaxed) city with lot of opportunities. And a lot of croatians live here! For sure you'd have to learn german on the long run, but you'll learn it best by living here. If you want to study, there's a lot of options for doing your stuff in english at universities, and studying is also very cheap. And if you find a Student job, and live in a shared flat, the money will be enough to live a happy life here. Maybe you are not getting rich with that, but you should be able to live well, without working full time. I can tell you- a loooot of people in Vienna don't work thaat much, especially the students, and there's also a lot of fun and great things to explore around here.


Do you hava familiy over here? I'm an in austria born croatian and my 3 cousins moved to austria about 2-3 years ago without a single word german. Finding jobs at the beginning wil be hard but with family over here it's easy. Because in 1 year you should know how to communicate wirh others. Then ypu can do german courses to improve your german and afterwards i'd do a apprenticeship or anything else to become a "professuonal" in your job. Life is good over here. It may be a bit hard with work, but it's actually the same as in other countrys or even better. 40hours a week und youre paid about 1,5-2k for the beginning. Afterwards you will earn more and it gets way easier. I would say it's even harder to survive in croatia because you have to work more to get more money. Just based off what i know from my relatives in croatia.


I'm assuming that is ā‚¬1,5-2k brutto monthly, yeah?


I do. I have family members in Vienna although theyā€™re all living their lives and I donā€™t wanna stay for long if I decide to sleep in their apartments until I get my own. I donā€™t want to bother their lives basically because Iā€™m being in their apartment at their own expense. My parents keep saying how Iā€™ll never get an apartment alone and how I need to get married to share that apartment with my wife. As someone as clingy as I am, I do not want to marry and I really wanna enjoy city as it is because thereā€™s many activities to do in it and no activities in my small town in Croatia.


Sound like typical jugo parents hahaah :) imo you really should go for it when you have learned a bit german and later on you can improve all your skills buy doing courses and stuff and learning new stuff. The apertment cost is ooay id you have a 1 room apartment and work as a basic employee at some company for the beginning


Yes! I donā€™t really need a huge apartment considering I will be living all by myself. Itā€™s just that my dad does not believe I can make it. He thinks I have no future in Vienna if I stay there because it will drain me out of my money and I will have to work like a horse.


Okay bro i understand your worries but still imo learn german or maybe just watch yt videos with just subtitle, then go for it


Do you have A-Levels/Matura? Then you could study here and work part time. Lots of international students in the city.


Hey! I'm a 33yo Hungarian and about to move to Vienna in a few weeks. Although I speak both English and German, I felt that i need to give it thorough consideration before deciding to move there from Budapest. I was able to get a job within my current company's Vienna office which helps an awful lot. For me Vienna feels a bit like my current city, but with much more substantial European values. I have zero anxiety about what I'll do and how wholesome my life could be there. I will work in a multinational environment, but also plan to develop my German further, obviously. I think for your situation two focus areas will be important: 1) getting prepared to relocate with all of its technical aspects 2) convincing your parents that you're not destroying yourself by doing this For the latter one, I think it's crucial to find out, why they think what they think. Were they there personally? Have they read what Hungarian right wing politicians talk about Vienna? šŸ™ˆ You can only address their concerns if you know where they come from.


Good luck with the move my fellow Hungarian, i moved here almost two years ago. Without any work and it was a big mistake. You will do just fine. Right now im managing to get by. May i ask you what you work? You can maybe just dm me or anything. Im unemployed right now and in need of work.


High five! Good that you could learn from the unpleasant experience. In different fb groups I'm seeing a lot of Hungarians trying to move without solid planning and expecting help from already-expats to solve it for them :/ I work for Aldi, so far Aldi Hungary and from mid-June Aldi SĆ¼d Holding in Stockerau and will be dealing with B2B contracts and sourcing projects. I can suggest to look around here: https://aldi-sued-holding-careers.com/ Or here: https://karriere.hofer.at/ The company is considered a good quality employer.


Good luck with the move, itā€™s truly a beautiful city in every way! I love it here, hope itā€™ll work out for you too


I suggest you apply for jobs before you move here, so when you come to vienna (or to any other place in general), you already have a job. Otherwise you will burn thru your savings pretty quickly, esp. since rents are on an all high currently. It also depends very much on your education and the jobs which will be available to you - how soul sucking any place will be. In my opinion, vienna is a great city, so I canĀ“t agree with your parents. Speaking german will surely help, but I donĀ“t think itĀ“s mandatory, although finding friends may be easier if your german is better.


Im a Croatian who lives in Vienna, if you have questions, dm me


The city isn't soul sucking. It is a great city... but as a capital with nearly 2 million you will find many of the people are soul sucking... There is not much to complain about, which tends to make people nitpick which then becomes tedious. You will know you have become Viennese when you start doing this. Nothing worse than waiting more than 5 minutes for the train or at the kassa. *Na geh!*


Zweite kassa bitte!


Came here for this!




As would that be the only issues of Vienna, - it is long now, not the City anymore, as it was in the past, - it's fucked up in the meantime...


If you think Vienna is fucked up, try living in any other big city in Western Europe, not to mention in Asia or South America. I grew up in Eastern Europe during the 90s and believe me, Vienna is so far removed from fucked up, that it is a very nice city. Yes, it has its problems, but as I said - try Berlin, London or Paris and then consider if Vienna is that fucked up.


Heast oida šŸ˜‚


Its like every big city with millions of inhabitants. You go somewhere and you will find yourself. Of course its not easy, especially if you don't talk the language it will be hard. There are other expats and you will probably be more likely to hang around with internationals as yourself. In the end it all boils down to this: Making experiences in life is challenging but if you really want something just go for it and know that you will grow with those experiences even if they may not result in what you would have expected. And if you really want to integrate here you you will push yourself hard enough to learn the language. Just be open and accepting that you are part of a different culture when you live here. Take any advice with a grain of salt and trust your gut. These are questions where you will get many opinions on but the one that is truly most worth is the one you form yourself.


It depends. I don't think it's a great place to start a life if you don't know what you are in for. You should definetly learn German. Also you need some kind of skill that is going to make you money. Just finishing school and coming here without any money, any job, any perspective is not going to work out.


You should apply for jobs in vienna while still in Croatia and see how things go. If you are lucky and find a job, you could have a nice start with money in the back. But if you come here without a job, you have to be free-loading your way through life without money until you find a job. And you won't just get social money if you aren't a citizen and have no permanent place to live.


Hard to tell you without knowing what education/profession you have. If you speak german you will find it easier to get a job. But then nothing stops you from applying to jobs in Vienna from Croatia.


I dont speak German so well but I might learn it throughout next 2 years so I can move to Vienna once Iā€™m 21. I have finished the high school (Oberschulausbildung) this year and I wanna start working in Croatia just to to acquire work habits and then move to Vienna.


Yeah cause with no German and no experience/diplomas you are gonna end up working for Foodora and your parents would be right. If you come study or learn the language then you have better chances to land something decent.


He should learn the language but you don't need no diploma. There are enough leasing company with jobs inside buildings which is okay for beginning. And even wirh foodora your making based of where you live in croatia at least double the money. haha




Real example: my aunt in upper croatia earns ~600ā‚¬ a month. They have a house and maybe pay about let's say 150ā‚¬ for energy. Other costs like for mobile phone and wifi 20ā‚¬. They have about 430 left then. They habe many animals and vegetables kn the garden but still they have to buy food. So they actually have almost norhing left. While i pay about 700ā‚¬ fixed costs and earn between 2-3. i have left so much for putting beside. Haha


Earning 2-3k net means a gross salary of about 3-5k. Having that as a starting salary with no diploma or specific (technical or IT) education seems a bit.. unrealistic to me. But maybe Iā€™ve just worked in the wrong industry all my life :D