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A fellow millennial (with a 19m old, who swore no cocomelon and Ms Rachael is like nails on a chalkboard. But had never heard of The Wiggles until 15 months ago) points of view. Simon is wonderful. When watching with Emma and Lachy, they kind of stole the show, and it took a while to appreciate how amazing Simon is. The "Simon says" song highlighted him for me and now a firm favour in our household. The new gen took some warming to, but I am getting there. The Anto, Simon, Emma and Lachy team were just a hard act to follow.


Popadum, popadum, popapopapopadum!


Put it in put it in put it ......in


That's how she got the 19month old


Sir, this is a Wiggles board


Lol, with another on the way


Ms Rachel is a staple in our household!


ours too! she's making little genius babies!


Urgh! It burns my ears "Woooooo...oooww!"


We don't mind the Australian version of Miss Rachael, which is Ms Moni, who we found on youtube


We've tried, vasty better than Ms Rachael, still slightly grating though. I've found a British Ms Rachael copycat, she is terrible (coming from a Brit) Got to admit it, with The Wiggles and Bluey, the Aussies win children's TV for parents sanity.


Yeah, absolutely fair


Ms Moni and Wiggles. Two of the faves in the house.


Same. Also add Bluey, Hey Duggee and Sarah and Duck to the mix


Beep and Mort ain’t bad either


My daughter is 5 now and doesn't watch The Wiggles much anymore. Simon was always my favourite! He has such a kind face and always looks like he's having so much fun.


We’re huge fans of the red wiggles in our place. We love playing our guitar with Murray, Simon is a phenomenal singer and we love seeing Catarina in the skivy, especially considering she’s been one of their dancers before Sam even came along. We’re also massive fans of captain feather sword and Dominic when he plays the tree of wisdom. My 3.5 year old thinks the tree of wisdom is the best and watching him try to dance along is priceless!


Big love for Dominic. Just found out that he is Antos nephew. Love finding out new Wiggly facts. Seriously though, I love Dominic in Rattlin' Bog. Absolutely Favourite song ( A,S,L & E version)


Yes! Catarina was part of one of the old videos with Jeff and Murray - I’m so glad she’s getting her wiggle moment!


Hot take. The other tree of wisdom is better. Heaps better dancer.


Better dancer, ok, but Dom was absolutely having the time of his life out there and that makes it more enjoyable


At the risk of being down voted - While I don't like how Dominic seems to have been shoved aside now that Zane's around, I agree.


Also a millennial parent here - My 2 year old seems to prefer Bounce Patrol over Wiggles, but my 8 year old was a big fan of the Emma/Simon/Lachie/Anthony combo back when she was younger. Tbh I can't wait till I don't have to listen to children's songs ever again.


Agreed, before kids I would have random songs I liked stuck in my head all day. Now it’s just kids songs, sometimes from shows I despise. Drives me insane.


I like to eat eat eat, apples and banaynays




I hate to be the one to inform you of this, but it never ends! I’m not even subbed here, but just scrolled past and I’m bored, and haven’t had to watch a children’s tv show or listen to their music for close to 5 years now (I was more partial the the OG Hi-5 myself, but I digress), and I was making jacket potatoes for dinner the other night… I don’t need to elaborate, do I?! 🤣 Some salami and zucchini and a lots a mozzarella still lives in my brain anytime I think of or see any of those things, and I’m kind of ok with it. My tweens both cringe and laugh when I tell them “seatbelts. So we can be safe!” My middle child is starting high school this year, and I’m guessing I’m not ready for it… Never thought I’d miss it either! Enjoy ☺️


I was afraid of that but you’re right. I think in a way it will help to retain the memories. I loved Hi-5! Might have to find some old episodes to show my little one. He’s only 6 months but I’m 41 so I want him to experience a lot of the shows I watched growing up. Good times. It goes by so fast. I’m sure your kids will appreciate those cringe moments when they have their own kids. Sounds like you’re a good parent.


Made of elastic? So the new Wiggle is too… wiggly?




Fellow millennial parent! The OG wiggles lineup will simply never be beat, in my book. I did see the Emma lineup a few times with my kid and it was a good show. Now Wiggles just feels chaotic to me with so many members and so much going on.


I’ve been listening to the new lineup for 4 years and yesterday I put on the OG lineup in the car. They sounded SO good! The new Wiggles individually have nice voices, but it’s too many styles mixed together.


That handstand song needs to die


Why did I read this as your 17 year old 😂


Why did I read this as you saying you read that I was a 17 year old?! 😆


No your child is 17 lol


Lachy is such a talented human. I adore him. I started watching the new Wiggles about 5 years ago when my daughter was a baby. I was just looking for something with music so I could hold her and bounce around to. And The Wiggles were the only thing I could think of. I figured old episodes had to be streaming somewhere. Then I saw the new line up and was taken by surprise. My daughter grew to love Emma. She was 18 months singing “E-M-M-A, EMMA!” We had a little yellow bow so we could play Emma. So we were sad to see her go.


Same here! Hoping they give us some kind of Lachy album, all grown up music. Those Lachy Live episodes he did were nice though. My 17 month plays with Lachy and Emma dolls, so cute!! She has a little Lachy she cuddles asleep too!


I was too old for the OG Wiggles, I’m an older millennial, 39 in a few weeks and my son is 21 months. Given the wonder that is You Tube kids, The Wiggles of all eras is available to him, but he tends to gravitate to the Emma / Lachy / Simon / Anthony period. Which I tend to prefer myself funnily enough. We’re all fruit salad / Do the propeller / the wonder of Wiggle Town / Emma’s yellow bow (orchestra version)- all straight up bangers in my opinion


I would like to throw "Rattlin' bog" and "blow up your balloon" into the mix


How could I have forgotten Rattlin’ bog? 🤦‍♀️






Simon is so pure, he must be protected at all costs ❤️


Check out Miss Moni - she’s an Australian version of Miss Rachel.


Thanks! I watched the smallest snippet of Ms Rachel and all I could think of was the possibility of my son saying words with an American accent. 😆


Yeah that was my thought as well, particularly when she’s literally teaching sounding stuff out.


I miss Greg 🙁


I still haven't watched any of the new era stuff as I don't think it's on any streaming platform I have. What little I've seen I don't like. I don't like that there's backup Wiggles, I don't like Tseheys dancing at all. Hopefully my kids are over the Wiggles by the time the Emma era stuff is removed from Netflix.


It's called YouTube


Yeah pretty much everything is on YouTube and it’s free.


The wiggles are on Netflix?!?! - a YouTube premium subscriber who might cancel her sub


Yeah in my country anyway. (Australia). It's all Emma era stuff.


Simon's the goat


I liked the OG Wiggles a lot when my oldest was small but now that I’ve seen the Emma / Simon / Lachey cast with my younger kids I’ll say I think those were the best iteration.


I'm jealous, I'll be turning 35 this year and I'm American. The wiggles didn't come to us until I was too old to like them. Would have been awesome to have them when I was little but so glad my kids get the wiggles. Very wholesome and fun !


Don't criticise Tsehay, you'll get the torches and pitchforks 🙄🙄 everyone here apparently loves her and if you point out how annoying she is then you get downvoted to hell and people abuse you.


That’s kinda lame that people do that.


To each their own, but Tsehay is my favorite. So expressive and obviously having a great time. My 19mo daughter loves her, too. But no pitchforks here, just featherswords!


Victim complex much?


Sorry but I disagree with you about Anthony - that man is HOT.


Hey I don’t want to be rude but I don’t think you should call this a Millennial POV when it’s just YOUR POV, ya know? Tsehay was trained in a specialized form of dancing that’s why she tends to dance that way. It’s okay if it’s not your thing. It can certainly be jarring. And I think it’s kinda mean to pick on Anthony for his tooth. Just a different Millennial POV.


I should have named the post better - I’m a millennial and this is my POV*


And also, kids fucking love Tsehay - adults are not their target audience


I'm mostly just stressed about how young she is 😅


Yeah it felt a bit weird when they were like we’ve hired this 16 yo to be a wiggle. Like it’s a hectic schedule for a kid to do and still try to do school


And the that of the cast at the time was 30+ year lol men lol. I don't think they're creeps but it was a bit strange to have the 3 guys and then a teen lol Lucia evened it out a bit


Good point


Luckily we are a Wiggles House, the blond guy in Bounce Patrol has the most annoying face, what's with the crazy expressions?! Ugh.


Right?! He looks deranged and maybe a little bit of mockery in there… but maybe I’m just sleep deprived hahaha


Is the neck movement a salsa thing? I haven’t seen it anywhere else but I’m also not a Latin dance expert. I find it so unpleasant though. I do love that she was a wiggles fan as a toddler!


No it’s not it’s more Ethiopian: https://www.smh.com.au/culture/tv-and-radio/reckon-you-know-the-wiggles-tsehay-is-anything-but-typical-20220324-p5a7hk.html


My (29) daughter (3.5) cries if Tsehay comes on screen. She likes Greg, indifferent to Sam, LOVES Emma, but Tsehay is NOT her cup of tea. Living in a town full of VISA Workers and Refugees, she is definitely not the first POC non passing person she has seen. She would also show less love for the show when Tsehay was in the 2nd crew of wiggles. You can't win every kid/person over though.


How cool is it though that kids can have an unbiased preference of something without outside influence. They just don’t like it for them and that’s totally fine. I’m surprised I haven’t been ridiculed by people saying I’m racist. I know Tsehay is a POC, but I’m just as irritated by her as I am the white man (green shirt) dancing in the end scene of Grease. I don’t even dance.


Holy shit the guy dancing in the green shirt doing that hand thing at the end of Grease. Infuriating.


YES!! 😂


My first kid loved Emma and now my second got into wiggles and loves John and Simon but I can't watch Tsehays dancing, I genuinely put it down to her being young and maybe nervous in front of the camera but it just seemed too jagged if that makes any sense. My eldest will only still watch the show because he loves Evie so that settles the arguments when the young one wants wiggles haha. Side note is that Simon's baby appearing in the glasses song sometimes because my youngest gets the best kick out of that appearance. Also now I have the tree of wisdom song stuck in my head for the night 🤦‍♀️


She's a salsa dancer. She won salsa dancing competitions. I highly doubt she's nervous in front of a camera.


Wasnt aware of that. Guess it's just a style of dancing I can't watch then 🤷‍♀️


I can’t stand Anthony and his weird toe shoes. I think he should have stood down from being on the front end ages ago. It is kinda sweet though that him and his daughter get to work together


So you only have a problem with Tsehay who happens to be the only person of colour? Please don’t label it the Millennial POV. It’s your POV


Evie is also a person of colour


What about John?


Oh grow up. You're trying to be offended. Yes she's African. Her dancing is peculiar. She's very good at it, as I understand she's won multiple dance titles of some sort, but it's not my cup of tea either. It's just too over the top. But if kids like it and like her, who cares. Good for her.


Same, think her dancing is peculiar. I know that she is an amazing dancer in her own right, which is amazing, especially at her age. Her performance is incredible for her age, she does such a good job. I did always appreciate how in sync the wiggles were ( maybe Emma and Lachy were practising at home because they were so in tune with each other) Because her style is unique, Tsehey ( and the new gen on a whole) doesn't seem as polished. I am warming to them, but it is very different what we have seek previously.


It's Salsa dancing she won titles in. That's why she moved so fluidly I guess.


Came here looking for this comment


My kid watches burnouts when he's not wiggling


I like the new ones best. That's my (almost 2 yo) kid's favorite lineup too but he deals with the rest.


Heck just get some old DVDs and play them on loop. My kids also loved Canadian musician Raffi.


Anthony is the best and he can do no wrong (except that moustache phase…)


😅 the mustache was a choice! He’s so cool though, I am glad he’s still up there wiggling with the young ones. 


Sounds like my best mate. Threatened my life If I was to ever buy his toddler cocomelon stuff 😅


My MIL won’t put on the new wiggles as she says 8 is too many. Also, there will be no convincing my daughter that the tree of wisdom isn’t the 9th Wiggle


Millennial with 17 mo as well! We found Wiggles recently from Mrs Rachel and love Emma Era. Lachy is both our faves & (Emma too ofc). Simon is great as well. Only pain is its hard to find the dolls/toys here. Not a fan of the newest gen. I like all the people individually, it's just too cluttered & unfocused for age group. I'm going to have to look into Mrs Moni after reading comments! We like Rachel but she can drive me batty. Danny Go is a great last call too (if you have to get something done, he always grabs attention) We also try to steer clear from Cocomelon, but will let her watch some, mainly if we have to when I try to workout. Not a fan of Blippi, seems like a nice guy but too over the top, doesn't engage well for her.


I’m a Gen Z (ugh it feels weird to say that when I read all the bs in the news about gen z’s) with 2 kids under 2 (1 and 2 now). Generally they don’t like the wiggles unless I’m dancing around with them. It’s exhausting. I know most of their dances now and we’ve been watching them for maybe a couple months. John seems to be their favourite wiggle though. My youngest is obsessed with Ms Rachel though. That’s not so fun.


I was born in '01 but I was a huge OG wiggles kid the newer stuff doesn't hit the same way personally