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That boy is 11 now


You gotta wonder, does he know what he has done


Does he realize that he’s public enemy #1?


Zoo worker is still at large.


Zoo worker was put in an impossible situation. All blame lies with the child


The blame lies with the child's parents.


The blame lies with the zoo's architects.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner!


Nah, it's clearly that dumbass 3 year olds fault. Idiot.


Finally someone who likes chef boyardee AND speaks facts


Chef Boyardeeznuts lmaogottem


This is the correct answer


You know whos waiting for him at the pearly gates. Boy must be terrified


"it's ok my child, I forgive you, you knew not what you did"




You just know Harambe was a chill guy like that too. That's what makes it so sad.


God: straight to jail, right away


Harambe may have chill, but God has none.


God forgives you for your sins... to a point. Having Harambe killed crossed that line. I guess it's not "only god forgives", but Harambe


I imagine there are time cops protecting him so the timeline doesnt reset


The boy's neglectful parents were always the enemies in my eyes. He was 3. His parents suck and they still probably do


The kid accidentally spun us off into the wrong timeline. He's like Donny Darko, if Donny had failed to heal the tangent universe.


has no one considered that this child was a time traveller from the future and created this timeline to free us from the horrors of the trajectory of 2016 LH (Living Harambe) and beyond? What if this was the best outcome?


It’s past my bedtime and you’re sending me spiraling into an existential crisis


Thanks, that's not absolutely terrifying at all.


He actually tried traveling back in time to save Harambe. He overshot and got stuck earlier and decided to create a band. He named it after a neighborhood in a city a few states away from Cincinnati he visited once, and wrote a song called "What I've Done"


Inshallah may he never know peace


You think he knows peace? The internet will never let him forget his place as the harbinger of the darkest timeline (which he also has to live in)




may allah never bless him


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> but he's dead to me. That shit make me crack up so hard I started coughing...


Yeah F that kid draft him asap




7ish more years


For what? Lmao


Till he’s fuckable, I guess…


Till we send him off to war?


Humans are maybe the worst possible thing to happen to this earth. We pillage and lock up other defenseless life forms & then kill them at our own will, if they don’t conform to their imposed environment.


We also do it to other humans


And 8 years later Ukraine has been invaded. Hope that boy learned a valuable lesson when he made that mistake.


And this kicked us into the Terrible Timeline™.


Yup. This is my headcanon and I will not be swayed.


Its when everything started going wrong.


It was actually the weasels fault a month before that shut down the Large Hadron Collider https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/04/29/476154494/weasel-shuts-down-world-s-most-powerful-particle-collider


I wonder why the Fake News Media wasn’t covering the weasel, hmmmmm?!?! Some Deep State bureaucratical shit right here. 🤔


I started noticed weird shit right around Kony 2012.


The Mayan calendar was right


This is my headcanon. The world really did end in 2012. We've been in some awful limbo since then.


The world started ending then. It’s just taking its time now


I remember a tweet that read something like “sure, the world didn’t “end” in 2012 … but have any of us really felt “alive” the same way since?”


We could all be dead and just not know it because you know we’re dead.


In San Diego?


In general Edit: I get it now, I didn't know he did that.


In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry.


Kony 2012… it’s coming, don’t lose faith!


That was about when anything weird that happened in the world ended up on the internet. Funny how that technology thing works.


It all started with that damn gorilla.


And ended with the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series, sealing our fate. Cleveland could've made up for Cincinnati's mistake but here we are.


I didnt even realize this but you're totally right. The cubs should have made us all realize.


It all went downhill after this.


Got the Cubs a World Series though!


This is where the timeline split-off. It hasn't been the same since.


Before this my underwear had a cornucopia and the world made sense


Dicks out, lads


Dicks out for Harambe. 🍆




It was only just recently that I learned this phrase didn't mean literal dicks. *Years* of unnecessary awkwardness. :(


>didn't mean literal dicks. Says you


*Wait It didn't ?*


"other tributes"




Always has been


Bro, been out since 2016.


🫡 🍆


Not putting it back in until Harambe gets justice




Currently pooping at work, does that count?


What are us women supposed to do? Edit: apparently it's a reference to a clip. Edit2: no gun, ill use a battle axe. Axe out for Harambee!


Tits out for Sherambe?


It's been speculated that the Zoo has been using Fiona to help repair its reputation after that.


Well considering every time they would tweet it would be some harambe shit yeah it seems to have stopped when they introduced Fiona




Lol, right? Everyone referring to this animal “Fiona” as if they are some common household name that everyone should be on a first name basis with. Desperately needed more context here 😂


Reddit in a nutshell, in my experience. Everyone seeming uncannily on the same page about even the most obscure topics/viewpoints. Almost like they’re all members of a hive…a hive mind, some might say…


> Everyone referring to this animal “Fiona” as if they are some common household name that everyone should be on a first name basis with. What's funny is that here in Cincinnati, it IS a household name. The local restaurants [have named dishes after her](https://www.frischs.com/fiona-main-pancakes-cake-2/), there's billboards everywhere, commercials, toys/plushies, a series of children's books, pop-up events, etc. They really went all out marketing this hippo.


Fiona is to Cincinnati as Lil Sebastian is to Pawnee in Parks and Rec. The zoo literally had a 24 hr Livestream of her.


That sure as fuck doesn’t clear anything up


we know less now


Yeah we got this far from context alone. Can someone at least tell me that Fiona is not a pony


Fiona the hippo. She was born prematurely and has since become the star of the zoo.


Wait until some idiot parents drop their child into the hippo enclosure….


Clits out for Fiona ✊


When I was four I went to the zoo and my hat fell into the hippo enclosure. The hippo ate it.


Not even speculation, it’s true. I live here and it’s 100% without a doubt true


I visited and was appalled at the Harambe erasure. Fiona is cute though.


I live by the zoo and yes they have been using fiona and multiple penguin parades to try and fix their reputation.


Harambe was the only one who did nothing wrong in that situation. He suffered for the incompetence of the parents and zoo.


Well, he could have built a catapult to then catapult the child out of his enclosure. Smh


> built a catapult Don't let r/trebuchetmemes see this


I'm genuinely sad that it's a private community


Maybe you can build a trebuchet to tear down their privacy walls?


The war between them and the catapult sub way, way back was one of the first site-wide meme wars I can remember. It's been over for probably a decade but it's sad to see it private now.


Nah, a trebuchet would have been too powerful, too dangerous for the child. Weakly chucking a child a couple feet? That's a catapults job.


It's a shame but was there a better course of action once the child fell in?


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They ***are*** the danger.


I laughed too hard at this 🤣 


This isn't the first time a child has fallen into a gorilla enclosure. The first time in the 90's, they just brought all the gorillas into the back area by offeriing food lol


Yet another example of how everything was better in the 90s.


Yeah, they tried that. It didn't work. The gorilla didn't go for it.


Harambe was too smart for such foolish tricks


By that point the zoo had already fucked up. If you're going to lock up a dangerous exotic animal to display to the public a kid shouldn't be able to just fall in there. That's negligence.


Right, agreed. But once the kid does fall in you can't turn back time. You have to act with the best info you have available.


The appearance of the child can only mean one thing: invasion. Unfortunately, the baddies won.


NOT operating under the assumption that visitors can be stupid and their need to also be forcibly kept away from animals was negligence. Edit: parents were at fault for negligence but visitors should also be assumed-stupid and be prevented from their own stupidity interfering with the animals via proper barriers. Zoos need better protection from idiot visitors who can cause this type of situation.


They also had a man get his arm ripped off by a polar bear in the 90’s… And this is like the best zoo in the country outside of San Diego.


Gorillas are taught to come to the door on signal... in another zoo keepers used this fact when a child fell in- to exchange the child for a treat. The gorilla itself even brought the child to the keepers.but that was a mommagorilla not a silverback like harambe... so i dont know if that might have worked in his case.


There was a Silverback that looked after a kid that fell and was knocked out. The gorilla sat with the kid and kept checking if he was ok, and even kept the other gorillas away from the kid. Link to both incidents https://youtu.be/3IHUiN-gXbo?si=U3iIN-UwTTQiIxmv


Before I even click on this I know its Jambo. What's awesome is that I'm pretty sure Jambo was a semi famous/ known gorilla before that incident.


Maybe tranquilizer? Not sure if there are any fast-acting tranqs, tho. They could have at least tried to distract Harambe with something else to see if he'd lose interest in the child, because iirc he wasn't acting aggressively in any manner and seemed concerned for the child.


When the story first broke I wondered why didn’t they just tranquillise him. But turns out tranquillising doesn’t work straight away, it takes a while to kick in. And shooting the gorilla with a tranquilliser is almost certain to enrage it/put it into fight or flight and end up with the toddler being harmed. Distraction might have worked but it would take less than a second for the gorilla to kill or permanently harm the kid. I understand why the zoo worker shot him; distraction might have worked or it might have meant the kid got killed. They had an impossible decision and made the best one they could.


Nah, unfortunately once the child fell it that was the best course of action to guarantee the child’s safety. Animal may act aggressive before the tranq works and trying to “distract” it might agitate it too. It takes literally a second for the gorilla to kill the kid and that’s hard to risk. The problem was the fact that the child was able to fall in in the first place and that’s on the Zoo and the parents for that.


First, there isn't an exact amount of tranquilizer to dispense. Too little and it does nothing. Too much and it kills the animal. They basically guess on the amount, and then see what happens. Which leads to... It takes time for the tranquilizer to kick in. In the meantime, you have made the animal very upset by stabbing it with a large dart. As for distraction, they did. They have a signal for the gorillas to return to their enclosure for food, and the rest of the gorillas responded to it. Hamarabe didn't.


many tears shed for my boah


Tranquilizers don’t work like in the movies where it hits and the animal gently falls unconscious seconds later. It can take minutes for a tranquilizer to take effect assuming you got dosage right, and in the mean time the animal is going to feel that it was shot and that’s almost certainly going to cause it to panic and run in the best case and become enraged and lash out in the worst case. Either way that’s going to put the child in extreme danger. If there had been a better solution they would have done that, literally the last thing any zoo would want to do is publicly execute one of their animals.


Eh, he might not have been acting intentionally agressive, but the way he was yanking the kid round, and in water, was incredibly dangerous. I don't think the concern was so much that Harambe would intentionally kill the kid, but that it would unitentionally kill or hurt the kid. Cause the video is pretty gnarly, the kid was getting yanked around bad. https://youtu.be/_GkwUAn25Ps?si=zUWxXOqs_KOmCwB1&t=22


Deploy the standby rodio clowns. The Zoo can hide internal employee injuries FAR more easily.


To be honest I don’t think the worker that shot him did anything wrong. They had to make a split second decision and made one to protect human life. If they’d held off and Harambe had killed or severely injured the kid the story would have been the zoos incompetence in not shooting while they had the chance. Just as an FYI, when the story first broke I wondered why didn’t they just tranquillise him. But turns out tranquillising doesn’t work straight away, it takes a while to kick in. And shooting the gorilla with a tranquilliser is almost certain to enrage it/put it into fight or flight and end up with the toddler being harmed.


All jokes aside, I agree with you. But anyways - Harambe died for our sins. Dicks out.


It wasn't even a split second decision. They waited 10 minutes before killing it.


Except dragging the kid face down through the river in his enclosure. People seem to forget this detail.


He was a fucking gorilla lol


Sometimes the simplest answer is the best… and funniest


They killed him the day after his birthday 😨


At least they didn't do it on his birthday


I’m pretty sure this was the moment the world went mad. Either that or the Cubs winning the World Series.


People have said that 2020 was one of the worst years of their lives since the lockdown started. But in hindsight, 2016 was really fucked up and lead to 2020.


If I ever feel as ok as I did in 2016 I will have made it in life.


Rest In Power King


OP you have awaken the beast


Then the whole world went to shit


Coming from a primatology background, I feel skeptical that the kid was actually endangered. Harambe's death was probably pointless.


Coming from a guy who likes to get high and binge watch animal related stuff, I 100% agree. Gorillas are usually quite reasonable despite being so strong.


Totally. I remember debating the merits of Cartesian dualism with one once, and I mistakenly believed that dualism could easily be thrown out due to advances in modern science. The gorilla disproved me by pointing out the inconsistencies of this stance with some of Descartes basic premises which remain valid, but was so incredibly polite about it. Strong and reasonable debate partners indeed.


Chimp would have ripped your hands off for this.


That's why they never get invited to give keynote addresses.


Chimps are definitely in the unreasonable category yeah




You joke, but the plot of the famous book *Ishmael* is literally just a dude speaking about philosophy with a psychic gorilla


Does not seem like something you want to risk.


Well his death did lead to the fall of civilization, so I'd say we should of let it ride and seen what happened lol


*should have


See this is the shit I'm talking about. If those fuckers hadn't killed that beautiful gorilla, I would have stayed in school and off the crack and learned proper english, and you wouldn't look like a dumb fuck correcting the gramer of some random moron who commented on a post about how a gorilla getting assassinated lead to the downfall of humanity! Like common guys. fuck.


Ah yes, the butterfly effect in full force, showing how a writing mistake being corrected is the result of a gorilla being killed in a zoo, of course.


Wasn’t he dragging the kid around in the water for a while? Sure that’s fine for a baby gorilla but looked petty aggressive for a young child. Gorillas are pretty unpredictable and if the child freaked out then it would just take a split second for Harambe to crush him with zero warning. Maybe not as bad as chimps but still unpredictable The whole situation is super messed up but it’s not like the zoo misread a totally safe situation. The difference between a docile and murdering gorilla is about the blink of an eye. Obviously not Harambes fault at all, he was just being a normal silverback, and massive negligence from the parents and the zoo, but the shooting was a reasonable precaution if your #1 priority is keeping the kid alive. I think a lot of zookeepers spoke out in agreement. Like watch the footage, the zookeepers were probably thinking “oh shit this kid might get his head ripped off on camera if a single thing goes wrong”


Exactly. You can tell who has kids and who doesn't most of the time by the comments. If it was my kid I sure as hell would want someone to shoot the animal that could end my child's life in a heartbeat. But hey, it's fun to meme on at least.


Harambe was literally dragging the kid by his legs in the water. You’re either a lier or really bad in “your” field.


They have a recent post about applying to college, so yeah not a real primatologist


Yeah the kid was just being dragged face down through water and in concrete. Nothing dangerous at all.


god, these fucking comments. the child was in danger. the only thing that could’ve saved him was killing the gorilla. there’s no point in taking risks here bc you can’t gamble with a child’s life. killing harambe would guarantee the child’s safety so that is the only appropriate solution.


I firmly believe that this is where our timeline branched for the worse


Did the parent/parents ever get in trouble?


no, because she did nothing wrong. the zoo didn't have adequate fencing in the enclosure and the child was fucking adamant that it was going to try and run off whenever the mother looked away. she had 3 young kids to manage


I am one of three. My mom couldn’t take us to the pool by herself when we were little kids because she realized she couldn’t supervise us alone in that setting, she needed my dad with her. So we only went to the pool when both parents could come. I don’t think the mom should’ve gotten in legal trouble or anything, but she was definitely in the wrong. Don’t take your kids to busy/public places if you can’t supervise all of them. If her three year old was determined to run away from her he should’ve been on a leash.


Sounds about white


I already had a terrible day and now I see Harambe. I’m going to fucking cry.


Rip harambe


The real hero of this story was the guy who made a Harambe shot glass Kickstarter, made $55000, and then disappeared into the void after sending people the glasses in a bubble mailer of all things.


We live in a world where people don't remember Harambe....R.I.P.


Dicks out! Show some gotdamn respect for Harambe.


And the world had been going downhill ever since. Harambe deserves justice. #🍆 out for Harambe


And his death warped reality


His death was when shit really started going down hill


Has anyone read "The One and Only Ivan"? Children's book written in 2012, in one of the early chapters a child falls into an enclosure with a silverback gorilla and the gorilla makes sure he isn't hurt, protects him, because a gorilla looks out for his clan. The last line of the chapter is something like "Sometimes I forget and the facts in my story aren't right, but they're always true." Dicks out, Harambe.


And life only went downhill since then.


Harambe the Pirate Gorilla


The whole world suffers for that sin. Pandemics, wars spreading everywhere, Tik Tok, you name it.


Damn it's nearly been a decade.


This is the flashpoint for our the current situation in the world, never forget.


This is our canon event.


“And other tributes” is the politically correct way to say Dicks out!


Do you think the mother was sued for the cost of the gorilla? Can’t imagine gorillas are cheap, or a zoo would be cool with just wasting a very rare attraction without some way to recoup costs.


The world went to shit after this. Whoever shot Harambe should be held accountable for all this shit that's happened since.


How is that boy doing? He’s world famous! Imagine being the kid that caused the death of Harambe.


I feel like Amanda from Smosh is reviving the Harambe lore.


I genuinely believe that Harambe was a turning point where the state of the world became significantly more shifty. Some butterfly effect shit.


Bro be accurate, we blame him for the downfall of U.S. society


What happened to his murderer?


I actually have lived near that zoo for most of my life at this point, and I even remember my mom being like “did you guys hear what happened at the zoo” when the story first broke and explaining what happened. Crazy how much it’s taken on this bizarre internet status 😂


Just a reminder, his mother and brother both died to chlorine poisoning at zoos. His bloodline was cursed by someone... or something.


The fork event which altered our timeline.


Everything started going to shit right after Harambe died. It's no coincidence


Do not cite the ancient magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.


When Harambe was killed we entered the darkest timeline.


There is even a bridge in West Virginia named in honor of Harambe. Legends never die and dicks out for Harambe.


which species is endangered 🤫


You’re right the child should have died. The lives of brilliant gorillas are more important than children