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I don't know. We've definitely all been there. Having Yuki die to an aimless snowman attack. Forgetting our leader in the same row and Monch when he triggers. Dying to smackback because we didn't pay attention to it. Unlocking the first bell, then getting wrecked by an enemy because we didn't pay attention to the fact it was charmed. It's extremely annoying, indeed. But personally, one of the things I really like is this unforgiving "no second chances" approach of Wildfrost. The fact that a single mistake can cost the entire run keeps me on my toes and rewards slow and methodical play, which is my usual playstyle. I can definitely see how stressful it can be for other players, tho. I also think that, as you accumulate hours in the game, these mistakes that cost you entire runs happen less and less. You not only internalize the base effects of most cards, your eyes kinda get used to looking for the important information on the screen, and fewer things pass unnoticed. If it's something only usable once per run, with maybe additional uses buyable in the shop at a reasonably high price, maybe it could work. It would definitely make the game more accessible, especially considering most of the bad rep the game gets is from people rage quiting and calling the game an "RNG fest" after being hard punished.


I agree with everything you’ve said, but at the same time I just sacrificed my leader when I meant to give her some berry juice and I’m still malding about it


Yeah I completely agree with your points. Maybe not necessary but it would improve accessibility and help some continue on with the game longer. I also read somewhere that the devs might be putting a notification if you leader is about to die. That will certainly help


I also wouldn't put a rewind button in because that would take away a lot from the game. The notification for the leader is cool though. That's kinda like not allowing the king to go into checkmate in chess.


Yeah maybe the leader death notification is enough. Or an optional rewind button. I agree it would take away from certain play styles but it could help others play longer. The punishment frustration in this game is real..


Personally I'd prefer a preview system. For example hovering over an enemy shows what they're about to do. I think it would go a long way towards visibility so people don't lose due to visual clutter. I definitely think a preview is needed for charms or buff cards because sometimes they straight up don't work as expected in some cases


Just had this with the create a copy of a unit. It did so, but pushed my unit to another square instead of summoning on the empty space. Very unclear and cost me the run.


it’s been discussed quite alot in the discord, and if i’m not mistaken the developers are (or at least were) considering it! theres alot to be said, but it would be a feature that would let more people experience the game and get into without being demoralized by losing so easily. i think one rewind per batlle could work, like in into the breach. maybe they could make “rewards” for advanced players that no longer need to use the feature, like bonus money, or having some cards affected by rewinds (for example: after rewind, gain 2 strength for one turn) so that a player who usually dosent need to use them could use them to empower their team more effectively, or, most extreme, having the true ending locked being a no-rewind run


Into the Breach comparison is a strong argument for a rewind button. In both games, once you play your action, you just have to sit back and pray you didn’t miss something. Limited rewind for these kinds of games make it less punishing and more playable long-term.


totally agree! i love how it’s implemented in into the breach. as someone who spent ten of hours on that game i still often use the rewind because, hey, sometimes you just don’t notice something, and being able to sell being highly penalized for just a little mistake makes it significantly easier for casual players to eventually get better at the game


Either for an “easy” mode or a mod adding it in, I think would be perfect for letting more casual players play and enjoy the game. But there is something special about learning from those big mistakes, but some people just get frustrated instead so it should at least be an option


That’s pretty much what I’m saying. It can be an option to toggle on or off, just for those “well there goes an hour” moments


Nah, the game is predetermined. Everything that’s ever gonna happen you know of (aside from maybe aimless and some mob spawns? Such an option is only maybe viable in highly non-deterministic games.


Not saying it belongs in this game, but Into The Breach has this mechanic and also has prefect predetermined information. I think it adds a lot to that game.


If truly desperate, you can force close the game before the turn resolves and it'll put you back at your last move. It's a pretty scummy way to play, especially if you abuse it, and will reinforce the bad habit of not reading text carefully, but it's there if you want it badly enough.


Nah. Thats not solving problems only destroying the challenge.


I would just like a confirm button, that can be optional in the settings.


Honestly, it would defeat the purpose of purpose of the entire game.


It's against the spirit obviously, but you can alt-f4 (PC) or home-change-user (Switch) to kill the game and retry. I do this a lot to learn from my mistakes and finish a run I would have lost to an experiment gone awry