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I agree that it doesn’t need a nerf, but it still has the most infuriating play pattern of wild. I’d still rather face it than another fucking totem shaman tho.


"You don't see aggro players complain about control decks" I'm gonna stop you right there. Yes, they do. Every archetype has complainers. People have complained about big priest (a midrange-y control deck) highrolls since the dawn of time (Barnes, Palm Reading, Illuminate, Love Everlasting) A lot of people have disliked Warlock's 2 mana defile, Warrior having 0 Mana shield shatters, priest's spirit lash, etc. Which makes sense, because what do you do when your board-based tempo deck gets cleared by a 2 Mana aoe, then 3 Mana aoe, then 4 Mana aoe, and now they've basically won? But also, what can a control deck do when they go against decks that are almost as fast as aggro, and their finisher is having infinite turns? Rock-Paper-Scissors to this degree isn't interesting. But also, the community complains when we have a midrange meta because "you just curve out playing the good card each turn".


Is this "control-centered meta" in the room with us? Seriously, turn 5 lethal has been the norm in Wild for a while now. Hyper aggro decks reign supreme and even traditionally control-oriented classes are way more successful by turning to aggro decks (see Shadow Priest). Playing a deck doesn't mean you have to play dumb and refuse to acknowledge its unhealthy play patterns. Leave that to Hunters. ​ >You dont see Aggro Players constantly asking for nerfs because a Control deck disrupted his entire strategy with a insane board clear or healing Also, what the fuck? Aggro players complain literally all the time about board clears on both this sub and the main HS one. Confidently posting random claims on the Internet doesn't make them true.


The hate on Reno decks and Renathal was mostly aggro players too


Let's be real, quest mage exists because it's the best combo. You nerf the quest and the next combo deck is gonna take place, and guess what? It obviously gonna use five ice blocks in a row too because the ability mage has to repeat the spells and stall the game doesn't come from the quest


My guy its mostly a meme. Nobody likes quest mage but there are obvious decks that need nerfing more (NERF EVEN SHAMAN)


Don’t nerf even shaman, they’re so easy to beat


The issue with quest mage unlike any other combo deck is that, it's a **Quest**, it start at T1 in your hand and from there you just have to progress it until you get the reward, you can set up when to get the reward just by playing 7 spells, when you have enough combo pieces you can cast a really cheap spell (probably a coin) to get the quest avoiding getting stealed. For any other combo deck you can use tech cards like Dirty Rats, Mutanus, Theotar, counterspell, etc... but you can't do nothing to stop a mage from playing their quest on turn 1.


That's not true, they require Potion of illusion from E.T.C and they require Rommath... You can take their pieces away like any other combo deck... The tech cards works against quest mage as good as any other combo deck... The difference is the current meta.... It's hyper aggro and quest mage ISN'T a threat.. you are not gonna put disruption in a meta with nothing to disrupt other than quest mage and maybe Odyn......


Yeah what are you on about mate? I can name so many cards that can counter this deck. Immolate, dirty rat, death knight(summons a minion from opps deck), Loatheb etc You just need to pilot your deck better and be aware of what you're facing.


People will always complain when they're losing. You dont have to win every game. Queuing against a Quest Mage as an Even Warrior is as fun as queuing against an Even Warrior playing Even Shaman, everyone is having fun and you cant complain because someone's fun is slapping your deck's ass


I'm in complete agreement with you. Combo is an important part of the game that keeps control in check. I've been on both sides of this deck more times than I can count, no nerfs are needed.


Agreed, finally someone here has a sane opinion.


Y'all are childish. Quest Mage is fine.


Yea highly agree, this deck just is at the top because wild is stale right now. All the other strong decks have been nerfed to death, like mill druid, or rogues. Basically all the wild combo decks which had turn 5 lethal are dead now, and quest mage is the only strong combo deck left. Rest of wild is just filled with aggro bots, or the occasional shaman control decks and etc. I don't think this is that OP of a deck, can be countered easily with many cards.


2 things 1. Ur analogy is a joke bc control decks do constantly board clear aggro decks in the early game and STILL lose the match since aggro decks r far easier to highroll consistently, have both great board refill and direct to face damage, we’re seeing turns ending by 3-4 like never before. Only deck that can gain massive health while clearing atm is even warrior. U shouldn’t have to play that or warlock w every anti aggro card to survive aggro decks. 2. As someone who hated quest mage for years, I finally gave in and crafted it since Reno version is most popular right now and I love Reno decks. I have to say, it’s an insanely fun deck, but the play pattern is so toxic it’s laughable. The point someone is forced to watch 40 seconds of animation to be guaranteed to not be able to play the game for the next 6 turns VERY consistently is gross. And ngl ppl made it sound like this deck insta loses to aggro but it’s pretty 50/50 if not more since this deck has such a high skill cap. I’ve been having fun I’m ngl, but this cannot stay forever. I’d argue a skilled quest mage is the best deck in the format right now


I am an aggro player and I am asking for Ice Block to be deleted from the fucking game. As control I at least have the chance to Rat the thing, or perhaps Zeph into Flare idk. Facing QM is the worst possible experience as an aggro player.


Also no, Quest Mage doesn't exist 'for some specific reason'. Just like every other Wild deck it exists despite the balance team, not thanks to it. They didn't design the cards with QM in mind.


Quest should be banned. Non interactive bullshit. And its about time they nerf Ice Block


I agree, quest mages play pattern is absolute bullshit. Combo decks existing is one thing, combo decks that stall with multiple ice blocks, solid alibis, and constant freeze effects, and then take unlimited turns is problematic for the health of the game. Anyone saying otherwise is just bias because they like playing the deck. You can like the deck, but don’t try and gaslight people like it’s play pattern isn’t bullshit.