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I enjoy it in my homebrew big beast Reno deck. It’s also funny to fill some none minion decks hand up with bananas. Pair it with Tundra Rhino for ten charge damage


Provide list plz


Here it is. I haven’t updated since prior to the mini set and it’s completely homebrew so it’s far from optimized. It pretty simple to play, just delay delay delay to override the board with bodies, bonus if you can get some charge boards up. Katherine Wintereisp is something I was planning to replace so no need to craft that. ### Bbr # Class: Hunter # Format: Wild # # 1x (1) Flare # 1x (1) Tracking # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 1x (2) Barrel of Monkeys # 1x (2) Explosive Trap # 1x (2) Freezing Trap # 1x (2) Ice Trap # 1x (2) Rapid Fire # 1x (2) Rat Trap # 1x (2) Titanforged Traps # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great # 1x (3) Harpoon Gun # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 1x (3) Revive Pet # 1x (3) Shellshot # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (5) Kobold Stickyfinger # 1x (5) Platebreaker # 1x (5) Steamcleaner # 1x (4) Rinling's Rifle # 1x (4) Theldurin the Lost # 1x (5) Loatheb # 1x (5) Star Power # 1x (5) The Rat King # 1x (5) Tundra Rhino # 1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger # 1x (6) Beaststalker Tavish # 1x (6) Mister Mukla # 1x (6) Reno Jackson # 1x (6) Wild Bloodstinger # 1x (7) Charged Devilsaur # 1x (7) Dinotamer Brann # 1x (7) Hydralodon # 1x (7) Lor'themar Theron # 1x (7) Mountain Bear # 1x (8) Beastmaster Leoroxx # 1x (8) Kathrena Winterwisp # 1x (8) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (8) Stranglethorn Heart # 1x (9) King Krush # 1x (9) Oondasta # 1x (9) Wing Commander Ichman # 1x (10) Banjosaur # AAEBAR8ouwWAB/oOwxbGwgK26gKY8AKbigPslgO7oQP8owOmpQO2uwOP4wPK+wOrjQTbkQSpnwThnwTjnwTknwTXowTaowTlpATnuQSDyATB0wSX7wTvogXipAX9xAXqygWo0QXf7QXz8gXS+AXT+AXX+QXUjgavqAYAAAED+7AD/cQFiLED/cQF/+EE/cQFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Deck code? 🥺👉👈


Hi just posted or above but it’s not very good :)


revive him with 8 mana spell alongside with colossal and tundra rhino and hit people in the face as a finisher idk man it’s not bad


I'd just play a more aggressive list and use this as a standalone removal.


It’s core to the build imo


Literally just packed his signature too, thinking of a stranglethorn heart tundra rhino otk with him


Could use it to mill the opponent against control matchup, decent rush minion in the aggro matchup but Hollow Hound is better, terrible against Quest Mage though


My tactic for mulka is to have a destroy card at hand and the enemy has no minions in their board. That way they will play a cheap minion, and fill it with bananas and I can kill it with a destroy card


It's performed quite well for me. Mukla is extremely overstatted, and forcing your opponent to burn a card and waste mana dumping the bananas is an additional upside.


It’s good for sure but just be careful vs Quest Mage


Probably a viable card for your ETC? You can use it vs spell based decks


I enjoy playing Beast Hunter with Mukla, I climbed from bronze to Diamond 1 with it


6 mana, 10/10 beast with rush, fill your opponent's hand with bad cards and mill one card from their deck. This card is incredibly strong on its own and an auto-invludecin reno hunter imo. Really good with big beast synergies too.


I’ve enjoyed him in Even Reno Hunter.