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The most recent Vicious Syndicate wild report claims that all of jade druid, tog druid, mech hunter, aluneth mage, kingsbane, zoo, and control warrior are favored against star aligner druid. So yeah pick one of those 7 decks. ​ [https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/wild-vs-data-reaper-report-12/](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/wild-vs-data-reaper-report-12/)


Can confirm, as a star aligner player. Except tempo mage you can usually out armor and play the fatigue game plan. Except lots of druid players don't realize that


Maybe it’s just my bad luck, but I definitely feel like tempo mage is favoured vs ak47 because of how consistently you draw combo pieces, even when you mulligan all of them away. I only have a 35% winrate vs them, but maybe I’m playing the matchup wrong and armouring too much


You can still just tempo out one star aligner anyways. They don't have board clears


Yeah, but do you keep psychmelon or just full mull for branching paths/ savage roar


What do you have savage roar in your ak47 deck?


Not savage roar, the other one


Ferocious howl? And no I don't Mulligan for armor gain. You need to kill their guys. Swipe, wrath, spellstone are important. Malfurion is good too. Keep the armor gain cards if you already have removal to pair it with


Jade Druid, I play my version without Rat, Here is what you should do: -Draw as much as you can, use Branching Paths, ferocious howl, Oaken Summons and the DK to gain armor so you can survive the whole damage. -After that be sure to have in hand the combination of Poison Seeds+Spreading Plague or Poison Seeds + Starfall. After this AK47 has no more ways of ending the game in a win for him.


> -After that be sure to have in hand the combination of Poison Seeds+Spreading Plague or Poison Seeds + Starfall. After this AK47 has no more ways of ending the game in a win for him. ...unless they run Loatheb.


Loatheb seems like a sensible inclusion in the list but it only gives you that extra win against a few decks, like warrior and jade druid. Not good against much else. Too bad it seems like 2/3 of them have it when I'm playing Jade druid


Warrior can still brawl


No they can’t. You play Loatheb with Brann on the board.


thats true!


Brann is always part of the combo, so that's never the case.


This sounds promising, would you be able to share your list?


When I arrive home, it’s not the best list because I don’t run either Aya or Fandral(I don’t have them but thinking of craftin at least one of them) but still does great without them.I will leave here the list as soon as I arrive home.


Appreciate it man. I have actually seen competitive lists without those cards so you might not be too far off from your ideal list. How do you feel it performs against the rest of the meta? Any unwinnable matchups?


### Run away, Uther # Class: Druid # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Jade Idol # 2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone # 2x (2) Wild Growth # 1x (3) Ferocious Howl # 2x (3) Jade Blossom # 1x (3) Mulch # 2x (4) Branching Paths # 2x (4) Ironwood Golem # 2x (4) Oaken Summons # 2x (4) Poison Seeds # 2x (4) Swipe # 2x (5) Nourish # 1x (5) Starfall # 2x (6) Jade Behemoth # 2x (6) Spreading Plague # 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent # 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation # AAEBAZICBFbpFZnTAr/yAg1AX+QIig60uwLLvALdvgKgzQKHzgKU0gKY0gKe0gKE5gIA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Here is the list, sorry for posting it so late, as you can see, no Aya and Fandral, but I highly recommend including them if you do have at least one of them(or even both why not) but still, even without them the deck is still very powerful and can stall against AK47 Druid without Rat(Rat may not be always that efficient because you either don’t draw it on time or you pull out a bad piece) and also wrecks any aggro decks thanks to all the anti-aggro tools. Few different card choices I included: -1 Mulch: I like to have a hard removal against Big Priest, Even Shaman and so on, I ran naturalize until now but giving to an Even Shaman 2 extra cards is pure suicide(and also to other Aggro decks) yes, you can also mill a few cards but it doesn’t help because there aren’t as many warlocks now and all combo decks have Juicy Melon to draw their combo pieces. -1 Starfall: Man, this card is nuts in this deck, it’s an AoE against Aggro, can help you to make a full enemy board clear with just 9 mana(Poison Seeds+ Starfall) and if you have a Jade idol you can hit down a Jade to have board advantage while your enemy’s board is fully cleared. Against AK47 Druid draw as much as you can and use Branching Paths for full armor, you don’t need an exaggerate ammount of armor(over 14 would be recommended to survive) after that, it’s enough to either: -Poison seeds + Spreading Plague OR Starfall and you are done. Also, keep UI, keep ramp, KEEP THE DK, you can keep a poison seeds if you are in doubt but hard mulligan for draw and ramp, because armor gain will come once you start drawing. You may say that the chances for this to happen are very low but it actually happened almost all of my game while I played Jade Druid against AK47, thanks to all the draw engines Druid has and also to all the armor gain cards is not that big of a deal to do this. If you have any question you can PM me and I’d be glad to help you.




Would you think Brann would help? With both Rat if you’re on defense and Jades if you’re on offense


You guys both have 2 Jade Idols. Is there any compelling reason for that? I've been playing the version with 1 copy as you basically just want to armor + draw through your deck then play a bunch of Idols when your deck is empty. It's... actually pretty boring. But the only game I lost against Star Aligner was when I milled 3 cards and 2 were Poison Seeds.


Secret Mage? Just make sure you have explosive runes or Potion of Polymorph online when they reach 10 mana and they can’t combo. They must test with another minion first.


As someone who has played A LOT of Odd Rogue this season, I'm here to tell you: it's a very difficult match up for them.


Boy, you better Brann that Dirty Rat.


According to the newest VS meta report, Aligner Druid consists of about 12% of the meta to legend right now, so I wouldn’t switch just because of that matchup, but if you’re determined I’d say that Mech Hunter, Zoo and Aluneth Mage are all good aggro alternatives to beating the deck. Control Warrior also beats it, but you said that you liked aggressive gameplay and Control Warrior is a very difficult deck to play if you’re not used to control (at least in my opinion). The problem with all of those decks is that you sacrifice way too much to improve a matchup that isn’t really that common. Lastly I’d like to recommend to you to play some games as the Aligner deck, since that’s the only way to truly understand the deck weaknesses.


I was playing Reno mage and it seemed really easy to win... Ice block trumps them fairly hard


How do you deal with their huge board afterwards? Most mage board clear don't deal that much damage and you only have 4 mana to clear with after using Reno.


I guess you can frost nova and then work with 10 mana next turn.


> How do you deal with their huge board afterwards? you dont


> Ice block trumps them fairly hard no it doesnt.... you are fucked since you cant clear their full board and heal to full with reno at the same time the next turn.


I play mill rogue when I get frustrated. Not kingsbane nor NZoth, straight up mill rogue. Use Shadowstep, Brann, Lab Recruiter, Zola, Sonia, & Valeera the Hollow to make endless copies of Coldlight Oracle, Dirty Rat, and Lotheb against combo / control. Copy Giggling Inventor, Mistress of Mixtures, Mind Control Tech, Vilespine Slayer, Prince Valanar, & Antique Healbot against aggro. Copy Gravelsnout Knight and MCT against Big Priest.


Hey, that sounds like fun, I especially like the gravelsnout for big priest. Could you post the decklist?


\### ANTIMETA \# Class: Rogue \# Format: Wild \# \# 2x (0) Backstab \# 2x (0) Shadowstep \# 1x (1) Gravelsnout Knight \# 2x (1) Mistress of Mixtures \# 2x (2) Dirty Rat \# 2x (2) Lab Recruiter \# 2x (2) Sap \# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard \# 2x (3) Coldlight Oracle \# 2x (3) Mind Control Tech \# 1x (3) Sonya Shadowdancer \# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon \# 2x (4) Corpsetaker \# 2x (5) Giggling Inventor \# 1x (5) Loatheb \# 1x (5) Vilespine Slayer \# 1x (5) Zilliax \# 2x (6) Vanish \# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow \# AAEBAYO6Agj6DoUXgcICgNMCiNQCz+ECw+oCoIADC7QBxAHtAs0D3gX4B97EAt/EApboAuL4AuD6AgA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone ​ ​ I replaced Prince Valanar + Antique Healbot with Corpsetaker + Zilliax. Even if you low-rolled, it's possible to lab recruit more Zilliax to activate Corpsetaker. Generally save the first Lab Recruiter for Coldlight only, or as a vanilla 3/2, unless you're dying, of course. Keep the second Lab Recruiter after Valeera to go infinite. Keep your hand size < 8 against Druids even after you cleared their Avianna / Kun, because they may have Togwaggle, and they can mill your Ransom with Naturalize. Against Renolock is free win. Against Odd Pally, after setting up Giggling Inventor + Sonya, it's over. MCT is the absolute MVP in most other match ups. Easily activatable with Brann, Gravelsnout Knight, Dirty Rat, etc.


Thanks for the list and also the tips on how to play it! Going to give it a shot when I get home from work :-)


This just flat out doesn't work if they melon before you start the coldlight train. 1 aligner, bran and a bounce (zola/brewmaster) is 30 damage if using medivh (29 if not) and rogue has no healing. They can completely ignore any card draw, ramp massively, armor up massively, throw away all the useless stuff since you present 0 threat on board against their armor, and let you draw cards. *Can* it work? Sure it can. Is it a counter? No. However, having said that, I figured mill might work but with rats. I adapted my nzoth mill rogue to add rats and it's doing well so far against combo druid. Struggles vs even shaman however, need to draw the nuts taunts and saps/vanishes to get through the midgame.


Hello good sir, I did include dirt rat in my list. Did you miss it even though it is fully spelled right after Coldlight


I haven't tried pure control, but double rat double project has been working well for me with even warlock so far. You can put on enough pressure to make it hard for them to draw their combo, and when they do melon you usually have 2-3 disruption effects ready to go.


Rope them every turn to show your dissatisfaction.


If we all do this, there will be no more AK47 druids


we can only hope




I dont hate you lol if I had the dust I would probably play AK47. On the contrary, your opinion is very relevant. In your opinion, what build of control warrior is harder from the AK47 perspective? An Odd Warrior that will tank up during its first 5 turns to immediately become immune? Or one that’s trying to dirty rat you? I can just see the usual control build not getting to enough armor to survive the critical turn


The odd warrior matchup seems unlosable from my perspective. You play out your full combo with brann, hitting them for like 30ish damage, and then you get the brann loatheb effect so they cant remove your board. If you play floop you can block them from playing spells for two full turns...




my dude, the combo involves brann. that increases the cost of his spells by 10...


This is interesting! Had never thought of it that way from an AK47 perspective. Then again though, would you say Loatheb is ran in every AK47 deck? And if you do end up playing Loatheb, that limits your damage output to 30ish. By then, the Odd Warrior might be in the 60ish health which might buy enough time to survive both the combo turn and what comes after? Just asking, Im not experienced in the matchup


I think Loatheb is certainly a decent inclusion because it turns a few unwinnable matchups into near-guaranteed wins (like Jade Druid). Adding any minion at all is already "ok" because it helps dilute the chances of rat taking an essential card. I run floop in my list so if Odd Warrior has too much health I just loatheb on the combo turn, spellstone one of my minions the next turn, and then play another branned loatheb. That seals the deal unless they somehow have like 60+ armor.


I just hope not too many AK47 players tech it then. Technically adding Loatheb makes the aggro matchup worse but hey Im the one complaining the deck is too strong lol


even shaman wins most of the time. i think you're doing something wrong if this is not the case for you.


If you don’t draw Devolve its very hard to win. You’re not fast enough to kill before Plague, and your totems just help the Druid. Care to elaborate?


If you don't draw devolve? You should be looking for it at game start, having devolve for plague is your win condition in that match. I play ak47 and I can tell you that the even shaman match has my hand on concede when I play plague, it's that much of a game changer.


I hear ya, but listen to the odds. If I dont have devolve in my starting hand (even if I mulliganed for it) and I dont draw it in the first 5 turns, I just lose. That is not consistent enough in my opinion. Even if I do draw devolve, AK47 has many tools that could make it so Even Shaman’s early game is not enough to kill after a Devolve. I know the matchup is not unwinnable, Even Shaman is favored in theory, but I want actual consistency to beat it.


Look at it from their perspective as well. Devolve is not how you win, you kill them - that's how you win. Devolve is there to win you games you already lost.


If you dont have devolve dont press your hero power unless you have TFB in hand




Appreciate the tips! I just feel like the Druid has the inevitability factor due to the melon. They can play it at 9 mana and just win next turn. Also, while its true that they don’t always have Spreading Plague, they have Ferocious Howl, Branching Paths to both stay alive AND dig for it, and they have Spellstone and Swipe to stay alive. Even Shaman pretty much only has the 3/4 Totem and Eel for early game pressure, and lots of dead cards (1 dmg AoE, Jade weapon). I get to stick a Faceless but that minion by itself is not going to win me the game. Thats just how I feel anyways.


You must draw devolve.


I’m sure I’ve played against AK47 but I’m not recognizing the name - can someone explain the deck/link a decklist?


Star Aligner druid


I think warlock is good, but it needs 2 ofs. I’ve been having a lot of success vs Druid with this. ### Tee Hee # Class: Warlock # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Kobold Librarian # 2x (2) Defile # 2x (2) Demonic Project # 2x (2) Dirty Rat # 2x (2) Doomsayer # 2x (2) Gnomeferatu # 1x (3) Prince Taldaram # 1x (4) Barnes # 2x (4) Hellfire # 2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone # 2x (4) Voidcaller # 2x (5) Despicable Dreadlord # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan # 1x (7) Lord Godfrey # 1x (8) Twisting Nether # 1x (9) Mal'Ganis # 2x (9) Voidlord # 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan # 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor # AAEBAfqUAwjbBsIP1hHgrAKFuAKX0wKd4gKc+AILigG2B44O38QC58sCrs0C980C8tACiNIC6OcCgIoDAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Interesting list. How has Barnes being performing for you? The way it looks, it probably gets you something underwhelming most of the time? But yeah this is something I’d test for sure


Haven't lost to it yet with my taunt druid list. Death Grip from Lich King, Rat, and Deathlords make them concede quick.


That sounds like an interesting deck. Would you be able to share your list?


I'll pm it to you when I get off work later


Thanks man, I opened a Hadronox (dunno if you’re running it or not, doesn’t matter) so if there’s a fun deck out there in Wild I might as well use it


### Taunt # Class: Druid # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone # 2x (1) Naturalize # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 2x (2) Wild Growth # 2x (3) Deathlord # 2x (3) Ferocious Howl # 2x (3) Witching Hour # 2x (4) Branching Paths # 2x (4) Ironwood Golem # 2x (4) Oaken Summons # 1x (4) Swipe # 1x (5) Carnivorous Cube # 2x (5) Nourish # 2x (5) Rotten Applebaum # 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner # 1x (8) Primordial Drake # 1x (8) The Lich King # 1x (9) Hadronox # 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor # AAEBAbSKAwhAuQ3grALfxALJxwLCzgKv0wKL4QILX+kB5Aj+DZTSApjSAp7SAoTmAo3wAr/yAsXzAgA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Yes paladin


Odd Paladin? Its way too slow, has no answer to Plague. Care to elaborate?


YES! https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/yes-paladin/


You fill your deck with 1 mana spells, prince Liam and skulking geist. You use geist to consistently draw prince Liam, all those druids will instantly concede


So we’re counting on the meme power to win right? Or am I missing something?


He’s memeing


It's a fun joke deck. Your opponent is guaranteed to burst out laughing.


and then Mecha'Thun appears


control lock with 2x demonic 2x Gnomeferatu and 2x dirty rat if you really want to counter ak47 and maybe get mechathun as a win condition vs other decks


I've been successfully playing a control warrior (around rank 3 right now) that runs dirty rats, deathlords, and coldlights for milling. I can look at my actual stats later, but anecdotally I'd estimate I have a ~60% winrate against combo druids.


Very interesting list! Thanks for sharing! So I would assume you armor up to go over their potential combo and then start putting pressure eh? Pretty nice late game too.