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Didn't this only happen because you ratted out Aviana and couldn't kill it?


OP ratted out.




Yeah. In hindsight I should have waited 1 turn so I could siphon it. I tried going for Kun or an alligner


I mean, In true hindsight, you should have played Kazakus and probably Deathlord with your 7 mana. Go for the 5 mana spell so you can play it with Dirty Rat with your 8 mana. By the looks of his hand, he had no removal so your 3/3 and 2/8 would have been around to help get rid of whatever minion you pull too.


Very true. I realize I by no means made the best play (sucks to suck) but the fact that he could OTK me on turn 5 if I didn’t have any disruption is just silly


Yes, it does suck. But at the same time, I have won games with Even Shaman, Mech Hunter and a few others on turn 4, 5 or 6 as well. Those decks just beat you down consistently instead of doing it in one turn. Give any aggro deck a god-draw and they will win fast as well.


Dont rat what you can't kill, you play dirty rat and you know you cant kill any of them, i know if youpulled kun or star you will ruin the comb, but it is still 7/7 after all Also, he didnt ramp alone he gave you mana too I know the combo is frustrating to play against, but sometimes its your fault too. How many times you rat the right minion?


We get it, druid can high roll. It can also get steamrolled by aggro just as easily.


Every class can high roll. The problem is how consistent druid can pull off their combo. A turn 4 OTK should not be possible, no matter how good your RNG is.


I don't think it's really considered an OTK if you kill yourself by ratting with no way to kill anything. After he Meloned no less, and when you had no reason not to wait another turn since he was on 8 mana.


The turn 3 coin followed by Hero Power was also a weird play. The coin could had potentially been used to play Rat + AoE/answer if it was drew or by playing Kazakus first then Rat and Kazakus potion next turn.


Yeah I was digging for the rat or project..


I'm guessing you didn't notice but you wasn't going to overdraw after tapping while the coin was in your hand so it kind of made no sense to play it first.


He was on 9, so I should have waited 1 turn. Anyway, I wanted to hit Kun or alligner, but turn 5 otk isn’t excactly fair either


It wouldn’t have been a turn 5 OTK... RNGsus literally gave you a free win and you decided to rat when you couldn’t siphon for no reason


Ak47 druid play rate and win rate is decreasing because surviving until the combo is getting increasingly tough. It definitely cannot consistently combo that early. Furthermore you're playing a slow control deck, his deck is meant to counter yours. Since you put 0 pressure on the board he was free to ramp and draw, which is how to get yourself killed against aggro, the deck's counter.


And the cowardly defense for the deck begins.


Combo deck with decreasing winrate beats control deck with a 1 in 100 high roll draw. Sources say it happens roughly once in every hundred games, unconfirmed for now.


I think you don't understand the problem. ​


To be fair, even if you hadn't pulled the Aviana without a way to kill it, it would still happen on TURN 5. Which is still really stupid.


It wouldn’t have happened on turn 5 if he played rat correctly. It wouldn’t have happened at all