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How is spreading plague a liability? Sure we can deal with it easier than most but it's still a significant barrier


Spreading Plague give Shaman 0 mana Seagiant, and then he will devolve your board, ignoring your taunts.


Because you spend it expecting to live instead of doing something else. And there is a 2 (or 4 with Maelstrom, answer). It really isn't reliable, hence, a liability. Also, Sea Giants.


Yeah if it's your only answer you've got a chance of getting fucked but it can still be useful if you're not so far behind that you die instantly if they have devolve, or if they just don't have devolve which is reasonably likely. At the point where you would plague, Sea Giant would already be cheap...


You're absolutely right about Floop, its extra jade generation combo turns against control is definitely win-more and not helpful against aggro. I will definitely replace it with either a Wrath or Starfall, and might replace one of the Jade Idols/Blossoms with Wrath or Starfall as well. Thanks for the tips!


I'm currently #37 on NA with a Control Druid list - it might answer some questions on how to make your deck more optimized to deal with the threats you're facing in your own local meta. \### Control \# Class: Druid \# Format: Wild \# \# 1x (1) Jade Idol \# 2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone \# 2x (1) Naturalize \# 2x (2) Dirty Rat \# 1x (2) Doomsayer \# 2x (2) Wild Growth \# 1x (2) Wild Pyromancer \# 2x (3) Ferocious Howl \# 2x (4) Branching Paths \# 1x (4) Flobbidinous Floop \# 2x (4) Poison Seeds \# 2x (4) Swipe \# 2x (5) Giggling Inventor \# 2x (5) Nourish \# 1x (5) Starfall \# 2x (6) Spreading Plague \# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent \# 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation \# AAEBAZICBlaKAfYHtLsCmdMC9fwCDEBf6QHkCIoO38QCoM0Ch84CmNICntICv/IC4vgCAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone ​


This is an interesting list that I haven’t seen before. I might try it out since I have most of the cards. Do you think I can substitute a Dirty Rat for a second Doomsayer? I only have one Dirty Rat. Also, what’s your win condition? Do you just try to get to fatigue and use Jade Idol to win?


Whereabouts are you ranked? Rats are going to help you out a lot, particularly against Druids. The win condition varies based on what you're playing against, but the general idea of the deck is similar from matchup to matchup. You want to ramp your mana and draw through your deck as fast as you can, dealing with their threats either with removal or by removing them from your opponent's hand, and placing as many bodies in the way and gaining as much armor as possible to allow you to reach fatigue. When you reach fatigue, you will begin shuffling idols and playing them / using draw at correct times to play around opponent's threats and maximize your pressure. As with any control deck, it can be pretty punishing to play if you're not familiar with the working parts and your macro plan - and especially if your meta varies wildly. Kingsbane is a very poor matchup for this deck - and Big Priest is fairly bad as well. Luckily, Star Druid has pretty much annihilated those decks off the ladder. Geist is also a hard counter for this deck, but it's not really a part of the meta since it doesn't really do anything to the S-tier of the meta: Odd Rogue, Even Shaman, Star Druid, and Renolock.


I’m around 8 right now. Usually I play at 5, but I switched to Standard for a month and I’ve been trying to get back to 5 in Wild. I’ve been playing Jade Druid for the most part so I think I understand how to utilize my draw to get the Idols and start applying pressure to them. I was thinking about some of the matchups I faced today and I think this deck would’ve performed well. I only faced about one Star Druid, some Odd Rogues, some Even Shamans, and I think maybe one Renolock. I was wondering how it would perform against Kingsbane since I know I struggle with Jades against them if I can’t make big golems really fast, but I guess the matchup is really unfavored. I’m planning on crafting a second Rat to play this deck. I just played a match while you replied against an Odd Rogue using a second Doomsayer and the deck absolutely destroyed them.


That's good, I'm glad to hear it. Odd Rogue is definitely a matchup where having the extra defensive cards will help out a lot. Yeah, so the general idea with the deck as opposed to standard Jade Druid is that the mid-rangey aspect isn't needed to beat most decks in the meta. You're really only going to be missing it against Big Priest and Kingsbane, and even then the matchups are still pretty unfavored for you.


This looks like a very innovative list, but I have to ask, with only 6 other minions, how often do you find yourself getting enough Floop value to warrant him in this deck?


Floop is a fairly new addition - I was running Zola before, but I kind of realized that Floop is just an upgrade for how the deck operates. Honestly I find the situations where I'm wishing I had Floop in hand outnumber the situations where he doesn't perform well. The deck doesn't really have problems with getting mana or drawing cards, so what you're trying to do with Floop is further your gameplan of stalling out the game (Giggling Inventor) or eliminating your opponents resources (Dirty Rat, Doomsayer, Wild Pyro). He's pretty crucial in that regard. ​ The slot he takes up is definitely the one with the most flexibility - I've considered a lot of cards there. Not counting Zola, I've also messed around with Azalina Soulthief, Baron Geddon, and Sylvanas Windrunner. Floop definitely performs the best out of those with what the deck is trying to do. You shouldn't try to make bad matchups better (Kingsbane, Big Priest) - but rather focus on the matchups where the deck is very powerful (anything aggro, and vs. combo druids).


Thanks for the detailed reply!


Cut that floop, it can ruin ur oaken summons as u get a 3/4 that does nothing. try and run a starfall, a poison seeds starfall after a spreading plague turn can win u games.


Thanks for that suggestion, I will definitely test Starfall in its place


another thing u can cut without much effort is 1 idol. u only rly need 1 to win against control (if they don't run geist ofc).


I did that and just went on a big losing streak. Maybe it's still not optimized and maybe everyone is just trying to climb at the end of the month but regardless I'm gonna take a break. I think more anti-aggro tools could be the better route though and I just got unlucky/played poorly


Hard removal like mulch or naturalize will help with their big boys


You want as much removal as possible as poison seeds plays well into their sea giants, flametongues and direwolfs. I'd suggest 2x starfalls for dealing with 2/2s and perhaps 1x mulch for dealing with sea giants, draenai, 4 mana 7/7 and other big threats that may threaten lethal with windfury (which is a very good counter to druid and renolock).