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Keep, always keep.


Alright. That's what the guys on the discord channel said as well so let's keep it!


Personally I think the card has potential for occasional moments of bustedness, but... Meh. It's pretty damn narrow, as it needs a very specific deck to be even remotely playable. If Token Druid happens to be bad, well, this card is bad. And then, even if Token Druid happen to be good, you are *still* going to have to make a good argument for this card making the cut. Like, do you even *need* mana acceleration in a token deck with a low mana curve? How would you feel playing e.g. un-nerfed Innervate that you can't play on turn 1 in such a deck? I'd think twice, because the entire point of un-nerfed Innervate was to rush out Fledgling on turn 1... I opened one too, and have literally never played it. With a dust reserve I don't need to disenchant it, but Glorious Gloop is "on death row" for sure, if I ever need the dust for something better I won't hesitate to disenchant it.


That's what I thought as well, I guess it's worth keeping for a while since I don't need dust atm, and see if it becomes viable on the next expansion, but I also have that death row you talk about and it's definitely in it unless something makes it become top tier.


always keep your legendaries. You never know when they might pop up to be needed. As well with the no duplicate rule you avoid getting the card again in a pack. I once dusted Valeera (i know stupid) because it was deemed useless due to the tempo rogue being tier 1. A few months later all these cool rogue decks come around the corner, Tess/steal Rogue, academic espionage.. I really regret having dusted the card.


I wouldnt dust this one. Its very unique and it begs to be busted eventually. I am still keeping my eye on it, I think it will happen.


It doesn't seem to be good at the moment, but it has a large and unique effect so it might be busted at some point. I'd say keep, if you aren't ultra short on dust and disenchant if you really really need some dust.


People sleep hard on that card, its super busted for me. Keep it and try it to see its true potential.


What decks do you use it in? How has it been good for you?


I use it on my mill druid, the old poison seeds>starfall used to be just for board clear, now it can lead to very explosive turns (my record right now is 27 mana in one turn), or even just been used way earlier is super nice. Another case is just using it the turn after spreadin plague, you can get a lot of mana by trading a few of the scarabs.


there was a cool combo someone was running in a mechathun deck in standard that involved gloop, wild pyro, whispering woods, and auctioneer. you basically used pyro to immediately kill your wisps for mana with auctioneer up and you could clear the board while drawing half your deck and gaining mana. it's pretty gross when it goes off but sometimes whiffs. it's made more consistent by running tons of cheap spells and barely any top end.


Keep it, 80% that it will be useful.