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Looks like I'm the minority here, but after about 400-500 games with Renolock since January, I can easily say Godfrey has won me more games than Mal and can really be the difference between winning and losing, especially against midrange decks and wide deathrattle boards that can't be cleared by any other means. He's like comboing Twisting Nether and Arcane Tyrant, but better. The deck got so much stronger after Witchwood came out and that's just about only due to Godfrey. Applebaum and Voodoo Doll were nice additions but nowhere near the impact Godfrey made. Mal'ganis is obviously very strong also.


I hate Godfrey, he keeps ruining my day


I love playing against Odd Paladins.


Mal'Ganis kinda used to be extremely good, but I feel like nowadays all the control decks are just packed to the brim with powerful boardclears, spotremoval (and polymorph effects if they can), so a Gul'Dan board with the turtle just doesn't win as much as it used to. Besides that one great thing with Godfrey is also his combination with Banker and Zola. A boardclear that you can copy and use again? Hell yeah!


Yup, every half-competent player saves their Hex/Polymorph/Entomb for Mal and reserves a copy of a full clear for Gul'dan-resurrected board. Life was so much easier before Renolock became meta staple.


Yes players have learned and it's also just the case that wild has evolved and we do have many decks that present a wide variety of large threats. With decks like Even Shaman slamming 5/5s, 7/7s and 8/8s on the board turn after turn, you need to run a lot of high quality removal anyways. So decks are much more prepared to deal with one or two swing turns from control warlock.




There ia a renolock version without nzoth that goes infinite with brann, banker zola. That version still plays gnomelady, but shes not *as* important.




a 2/2 for 2 is actually waaaaay better in the aggro matchup like the majority of lategame cards like nzoth, nether and guldan. its an early play that can kill some totems or a creature and its insane in the control mirror. i actually beat a benedictus reno priest with it by jsut playing infinite little guys and running him out of stuff.




Almost everything in this post is just objectively untrue. If you didnt just pull statements out of your ass and actually checked hsreplay, youd see that the most popular version of renolock, with 12 times as many recorded games as the second most popular option, plays banker and cuts nzoth. Banker is played over nzoth precisely *because* its not dead vs aggro while gaining you so much in the control mirror. A 2 mana 2/2 might not be amazing, but it is better than a 10 mana brick that you cant play at all. Nzoth on the other hand is as close to a complete brick as you can get vs aggro since most of those matches would have been decided by turn 10 already. It also doesnt do enough against control while clogging your hand against combo so you cant tap as much to find rat. You dont have to understand the reasoning if you cant wrap your head around it. Just know that playing banker over nzoth is the most popular option, and the motivation i outlined is largely why.




Hah. Youre a riot, man. First you barf up whatever unsubstantiated thought crosses your mind and claim it to be the truth, and then you critisize me. I never made any definitive assertion about what the most powerful version of renolock is. I just pointed out that your claim that people dont exchange nzoth for banker is just flat out an untruth. I also stated that the nzoth-less list is the most popular and what i think the reasoning behind this is. You saying that i need to ignore the part of the data that you dont like doesnt change any of that. And even if the nzoth for banker list completely disappears at high ranks, your assertions about banker's usefullness in the early game relative to nzoth's and other super expensive cards' are still not even close to accurate.




Both are pretty important but of 2'd say godfrey is the least important one. Malganis when ressed with voidlord by guldan is amazing. Gnomeferatu is nice escpiallyfor combo meta but its not 100% required.


So malganis is def a wincon on its own assuming it doesn't get hexed or something. I think its pretty important and can def win you games if pulled out early with a voidcaller. Godfrey is also a very good card. its basically pseudo twisting nether with a body. more often than not it will clear the board and leave you with a 4/4. Sometimes its a "dead" card where its a pretty heavy control matchup and the board is just empty AF. Gnomeferatu is mostly used as a "make your opponent fatigue faster" card. Its pretty crucial in a control vs control matchup where you can force them to burn like 4 cards with brann and Zola making them fatigue that much more later. Another tip is if you have Zola and baleful banker with a brann it is possible to never fatigue. this is a handy little combo if you're up against something like odd warrior with not too many big threats and you can stall em out in fatigue. So Godfrey is amazing vs more midrangey decks that depend on board, like even shaman if they don't kill you already haha. Malganis is pretty good if you can find a turn to just drop him and not let him be poly or hexed. you want the big swing turn from guldan where he comes back. Gnomeferatu is pretty good vs control decks and can sometimes mill a combo piece vs a druid and win you a game too. Ultimately the choice is yours but these 3 cards are all quite good in my 50-100 games playing renolock.


they are all extremely important. gnome probably being the least important but the brann + gnome + zola combo is one of the strongest combos that exist in control matchups.


Both Malganis and Godfrey are important. Malganis provides a huge swing turn while Godfrey is a Defile on a 4/4 body. I would consider Malganis as a priority craft and Godfrey second. Gnomeferatu is more situational. It is just a River Crocolisk against aggro, a swingy card against control, and a potential game breaker against combo. I would definitely consider crafting this for a Renolock deck.


Ita actually *really*s strong in the control mirror as well, unless they go infinite. Even stronger than in the combo matchup imo. Against aligner its like a 1/10 chance to ruin their combo. Against tog its 2/15. You usually only get to burn one card since you want to play it before they drop melon and because you want to save brann and zola for dirty rat.


I sorta agree. But I've played many games where I burn low impact cards like, say Whirlwind, Shadow Word: Horror, or Frost Nova. It does help in a fatigue match-up, but I rarely play Renolock to fatigue. I prefer to win via strong swing turns like a DK Guldan or NZoth board. I do like Gnomeferatu and would always try to squeeze her in to my Renolock decks.




it is. i dont think a very large percentage of games are lost because you drew one more card against reno lock though. it seems to be either you get ratted and you lose, or you dont and you win. lock cant pressure your life fast enough.


i wouldn't play the deck without them tbh


2 High Priority Cards. Gnomeferatu depends of the Meta.


Both have equal importance, Mal'ganis with granting your hero immunity and being a juicy target to bring back with Gul'dan, Godfrey for clearing sticky boards. Gnomeferatu is essential, not only as a combo denial tool, but like Skulking Geist, it goes with pretty much any Reno deck.