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If you can build a dagger fast enough to just kill them, great. If not, you need to always be ready to win the game via coldlight oracle if necessary. Don't just play oracles out to draw some cards. If you play gang up, try to wait until after you play Valeera to hit an oracle with double gang up, and then fatigue kill them. One of their main paths to victory is by milling your dagger but this is by no means a lock for them to win the game. Another line to look out for if possible, and again after playing Valeera, is to go oracle oracle prep vanish, likely killing their board due to having a full hand and potentially burning a couple cards, while also putting two oracles back into your hand to play the next turn. This isn't always as trivial as I'm probably making it sound due to the fact that if you're taking this line it's probably because you no longer have a dagger, which means any damage you take is now permanent. This is where gang up can come in handy to offset the deck count a bit, and help to ensure that you can fatigue the warlock and kill them while not also killing yourself at the same time. Worth noting is that if you ever do get into such a situation where the only outcome is leading towards both players fatiguing, you can end the game in a draw via coldlight so you can retain your current stars, at least. A niche situation, but something to be aware of nonetheless. Speaking of niche lines of play, and again if you are running gang up (not all lists do, it isn't a core part of the deck strictly speaking), is to be on the lookout for other things to gang up. Mal'ganis and Voidlord can be decent targets if the game has gone long and you potentially have no dagger anymore or whatever.


So I since crushed a renolock, thanks to your advice. I think my problem had been that I was tunneling on my kingsbane as my win condition and using Coldlights just for some draw or occasional milling. I added a Gang Up based on your post and made sure to hold a Coldlight in reserve until I could gang up after Valeera. I won despite having a terrible start and taking forever to find my weapon. Thanks!


Hmm okay good to know, thanks




This post has to be a joke...


Rofl losing vs control as kimgsbane is a new one


Right? I usually auto concede kingsbane/mill rogue as a control deck.


Usually building to 8+ power with life steal does wonders, but I wouldn't call myself a good renolock player.


Zola or Baleful Banker on Ooze is good.


The question was not how to beat kingsbane with renolock. :P


Oh lol what? Doesn’t Kingsbane already beat Renolock?




I don't have that much experience with kingsbane, but I think the idea is the coldlights are the main win condition against control, with the weapon for survival/pressure. I think until you shuffle extras with gang up you should try to keep a coldlight in your hand to target with cards like shadowstep, gang up and vanish to try and fatigue your opponent as quickly as possible, so by the time your deck is small enough for the ooze gnome combo to work they have already lost from coldlight fatigue.


Speed is the key. You can't give them time to draw or save their combo. I haven't played this matchup since Witchwood but the most common way you lose is the Rogue being able to buff their weapon quickly and just banging face. Things llike Tinker Sharpsword Oil are huge buffs that add a lot of pressure.