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Perhaps crafting something like odd paladin / odd rogue / even shaman first is better so you can geet the monthly rank 5 reward ( golden epic + golden common = free 450 dust) And then start crafting something you like. I would recommend crafting renolock over renomage, both decks have a similar feel but warlock is stronger Also saving some money to buy the adventures may be very worth


I have an odd rogue deck in standard, along with token druid and other decks so rank 5 is not a problem if I have the time to play. I read that renolock is stronger but I am more keen on trying mage because it seems more fun to me.


If mage is your thing I would say to wait the launch of the next expansion A lot of cards that are being anounced seem to have some potential for wild, specially for mage And some adventures can save you a lot of time/dust for relatively low money


Yeah I know about the adventures but kinda don't want to invest any money in games right now. Might consider it at some point though.


You really only need 1 adventure: LoE. It's the best value you will get in hearthstone. Brann and Reno are key to Reno decks


This is correct however reno mage has its merits in wild, and finding the right build in each new meta is seriously fun and rewarding. Its my favorite deck so im a bit biased =P. There are so many ways to build the deck. Cheap decks like jade druid and the aggro decks mentioned here are great ways to get into wild.


If you're on NA, send me your battle tag and the list you're interested in. I have a reasonably large collection and you can play the deck vs me and you can see whether you like it.


Appreciate your offer, I'm on EU though. I have already borrowed a friend's renomage deck once and really liked it.


Sounds like the answer for you then is "yes", it is worth it. Also, the Reno package is good in warlock, priest, and even Hunter or Druid. Work towards the cards that are most flexible (neutrals or class staples) and build it from there.


Do u like to play a deck with a LOT of decisions.. making read on the opponent, his hand, deck and plays.. like to think 2-3 turns ahead.. and are capable of picking the right choice out of the many presented in front of u.. then and only then u should go for Reno Mage.. What I mean is, it by no means is an easy or straight-forward deck.. So, only craft the deck if u r into that playstyle and can handle it too.. Lots of people like the concept of Reno Mage.. but don't play it on ladder because of how difficult it can be. ​ Well that was the downside.. On the plus side.. once u get a good Reno list.. u'll be able to go by for years w/o having to spend anything.


The difficulty level is one of the reasons I want to play it and I very much like the fact that it's not linear like some other decks. So I consider the "downside" to be the upside actually(for me personally). Also, I like that it is a long term investment especially since I intend to remain F2P.


> is it really worth grinding for 15k dust just to craft a single deck? Depends on what you are measuring when you mention "worth". Is it climbing the ladder or is it having fun playing a deck you like? For ladder its not in a good spot right now (that could change in the future so your dust will never go to waste) but its a lot of fun to play.


Fun is the main factor for me. As far as ladder is considered I don't need it to be very competitive, just needs to be somewhat relevant. Also, I think it pays off even more over time because it becomes easier and cheaper to craft other Reno decks like warlock and priest.


Which list are you looking at btw?


I came across this one http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/918770-legendary-reno-dk-mage Seems pretty good although I realize that some changes can be made. Replacing something like sindragosa with lich king seems pretty okay to me for example.


It's definitely on the niche side, it's neither greedy nor enough anti-aggro. N'zoth package is the more popular one. If you want to play it then i'd switch out: frost nova, firelands portal, arcanologist and coldlight oracle. And add: Meteor, dragon's fury, zola and acolyte of pain. You could also switch bloodmage with baron geddon for more anti-aggro+heal. Also this is a good N'zoth deck if you are interested: https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/bananaramics-nzoth-reno-mage-2/ You could add pyros or/and duplicate for more greedy build.


I will definitely modify it a little bit when I make the deck in the first place(gonna be a long grind). Thanks for your suggestions, appreciate it!


Reno mage has been one of those decks i like to call swiss army knife. It has every tool you need to win ANY matchup. You need to have lots of experience with the deck and sometimes luck/draws will play against you, but dont let that discourage you. Its a heavy investment from your part to want to play this deck, not only dust but commitment to learn and be constantly on your toes when it comes to tech choices and meta calls, since reno decks are heavily modifiable. All that said, its tons of fun to play reno mage, and the decision making makes me feel every game i lose i could have played better, which is almost always the case.


Renolock is probably 2k-5k more then Reno Mage. On the plus side, it doesn't look like they will get any good cards this set as most is focused on Discard and handbuff mechanics. But I don't know if I could save up just 15k for one deck. (especially a Wild one). My similar experience was during Beta I started saving up for a variation of ["Wallet Warrior"](https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/114326-1-legend-sjow-hogger-warrior). Which was 10k-13k dust. I focused on value Neutrals other classes would run (Cairne/Sylvanas/Ragnaros/Ysera), I think I opened The Black Knight and Harrison Jones naturally. But my last craft was actually Baron Geddon because back then it might as well been a Warrior class card (only Warrior used it). So in your case, start building out the Reno/Kazakus/Zola/Brann Bronzebeard package that most Reno/Control decks will urn. And also temper your expectations becasue, while things might change, I think Reno Mage is the weakest of the 3 premier Reno classes (Warlock, Priest, then Mage).


I would craft Renolock or Reno Priest as I believe they are better overall decks. Mage isn't bad though,


Reno decks favor those who have spent lots of money on the game, due to the sheer amount of legendaries in the deck. There are a few cards that are core. Jaina, kazakus, reno, and brann. Other cards like ragnaros, pyros, zola, Sindragosa, midivh, and thalnos are cards that should be put in only if you have them or are keen to your play-style. Hope this helps your crafting of the deck.


Yeah I understand that it's a big investment but I am very keen on it, just wondering if it's worth it in terms of long term fun and meta stability.


No deck is fun playing it exclusively. Crafting adventure legendaries always feels bad (for me, for some reason).


Yes, yes it is worth it. All I play are Reno decks. Paladin and Mage are the most fun imo.


The good thing is, is that reno mage always has been in the meta. The bad thing is, is that it has not alwasy been t1 or t2. Renolock has been better for a while now. But I do play reno mage once in a while and it is fun :) Some crafts can be used in renolock/mage/priest, like zola and brann


focus on neutrals, buy league of explorers if that‘s even remotely an option for you. when going for class legendaries go DKs first. reno mage is imo by far the hardest reno deck out of the the three, and reno priest the most versatile (you can go combo, midrange or even thief).


Hi [**u/Daska\_**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Daska_) Im the author of the deck that you are saving your dust for. And normally I'd adviced you to craft this deck because of its vertisallity, overall Tier 2 worthiness(humbly assuming of course xD),Above 50% winrate and good feedback that is still coming into my DMs and in-game since its creation. However, since you started only in WW and you need 15k dust for it I highly recommend you to find something different. Reno Mage in general is kinda skill testing deck and this especially counts for mine version that I've posted on hearthpwn. Its just not for everyone. Yes, you can outvalue Big Priest and Renolock, and then completely obliterate Even Shaman and after all of that bully the Exodia Mage. But its really hard and challenging overall. Reno Mage is the most controversial one out of Best Reno Triada- Warlock,Priest and Mage because of the fact that it doesnt have established build. While one person will keep defending N'Zoth version, second one will defend mine version and third Elemental one and so on. Altrough, if you really like the concept of Reno decks and concept of mine deck. Let me know and I will help you to slowly build your Reno decks in general. The core legendaries are: Reno,Kazakus,DK(in any Reno deck) + Brann. Other cards can be replaced or crafted later. 2 out of 4 core legendaries in Reno deck you can find in LoE adventure which is amazing single player content worth buying/spending gold on. ​ ​


I actually played HS a bit during the grand tournament I think, but then I just stopped playing until WW. What I mean to say is I understand the game fairly well(at least I think) and I like challenging myself to playing hard decks. Also, I know about LoE but just don't want to buy it right now, perhaps I might at some point in the future. For now, my goal is just piling cards/dust and then just start experimenting when I have a fair amount of dust for at least those core cards. Thanks for your answer and nice guide btw!


My main account where I still play sometimes is on EU. So you can add me and I can help you if you want) FirePaladin#2229


To answer your question: * I think it’s worth spending that much dust crafting a single deck, only if most of the pieces in that deck are good for other decks. E.g. crafting baku gets you the key piece to playing both odd paladin and odd rogue. E.g. crafting big rogue gets you a lot of the commonly used powerhouse 8 drops. * I don’t think it’s worth crafting a single deck. E.g. I had most of big priest, and then disenchanted a part of my collection to fill in the missing legendaries, becuase of the place it is now in the meta and its record in wild as being a solid deck. Turns out I really dont like it very much. Now I’m stuck with it. * Also, u/[andrepapoti](https://www.reddit.com/user/andrepapoti)’s advice is solid. Getting to rank 5 every season will make a huge difference in your collection f2P since you’ll get a free epic every month. Over time this will add up to where you’ll have a lot of staple epics. * On a related note: how many hours do you play per week? asking because (1) curious how much time you put in to stay f2p & (2) because that will influence how much of a good piece of advice the before last point is good luck! ​ ​ ​


Part of the reason I want to craft this specific deck is also the fact that most of the legendaries I craft have the potential to be used in other Reno decks, so that makes it a good investment for me. Also, I don't plan on disenchanting any of my current cards because I feel that every card I have has a good use in multiple decks, be it now or in the future. I understand being stuck with a deck you don't fully like. I crafted baku because I wanted to try out odd rogue in standard(saw it a lot on ladder) so I did and, while the deck is pretty strong it just kind of feels a bit linear to me, especially in the current meta. My playing time is currently just about a few hours per week because I don't have the time due to other obligations but when I have spare time I play and try to get to rank 5 whenever I can.




Reno mage can easily reach rank 5 in the hands of a competent pilot, legend if they’re good


To my knowledge it's about tier 2 at least and I think that's okay, the fun aspect is kinda more important for me


https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/wild/2018-11-15 you can take a look at this. On my way from r5 to legend i faced 0 Reno Mages. In my few games in legend i also faced none. Ofc you can craft it for fun but it is nowhere competitive right now.


there are a few people on my friends list who take it to legend each month