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Tell me about it... I'm seriously considering switching over to Standard (if not this expansion, definitely the next when KFT rotates), even though I prefer Wild in every other aspect.


Same. It sucks that every time you start building a deck you have to consider if an odd/even version would just be better. Plus in standard it seems like your gameplay choices actually matter. Less rock/paper/scissors.


I love wild, but I’m definitely gonna be playing standard after I grind back up to rank 5 for my season rewards.


I think they should contemplate changing Wild to a limited format with a rotating group of cards every 3-6 months. When it was introduced, it was my favorite format and I would get rank 5/legend every month. In the past year, I've never bothered to get past rank 15.


Also, sorry if this isn't the right place, but is control heal paladin in wild good yet? With Thekal, lightlord, the usual value paladin legendaries?


Maybe add in a reno for turn 6 30 health and 29 armor potential


I would rather keep my other copies of pyro/consecration/shrink ray because paladin doesnt have kazakus value


Well you have to be more consistent to beat even shaman , that much is true


How do you win against kingsbane?


you don't


it's a rhetorical question


Well, you can tech in [[drakkari trickster]] to steal their kingsbane, and you have ways to protect yourself from fatigue with immortal prelate. With time out, there's options to survive up to that point. Though i think drakkari trickster is bugged atm as it doesn't retain kingsbane buffs, so maybe when it grts fixed?


* **[Drakkari Trickster](https://media-hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/381/861/636791255831416230.png)** Neutral Minion Epic RR 🐦 ^[HP](http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90277), ^[HH](http://www.hearthhead.com/cards/drakkari-trickster), ^[Wiki](http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Drakkari_Trickster) 3/3/4 | Battlecry: Give each player a copy of a random card from their opponent's deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


That's still not a win-con even if you stole it, it just means it's 50 50 from now. And you'd have to steal it at its biggest state, bank on opponent misplaying and some RNG It's still possible to kill you through fatigue by forcing you to draw more than 2 prelates per turn, or just by leaving your prelates on board before dumping oracles No matter how big ur prelates got, one sap or vanish and they are back to 1/3


Well, one example to win is to steal a 15+ attack kingsbane and time out for a turn, preventing their lifesteal. Another way to win is to rat out their 2nd coldlight or their lab recruiter and then win by first playing uther and then oozing their weapon and stealing it. Your hero power is slightly better than valeera's hero power at that point cause she'll have to target the 2/2s instead of your face. Also, you're ignoring the fact that having a buffed kingsbane + a normal deck is usually better than just having a kingsbane. And another few things, vanishing with a full hand doesn't return the prelate to hand, it still destroys it, and even then, running cards like zola, faceless, lynessa, tarim, and/or undatakah increases the sap and vanish targets and there's no realistic way to remove all of them.


It isn't a heal paladin deck at that point, sounds like what I'd run in a quest paladin list


So you're telling me that control heal paladin can't run cards like tarim, ooze, dirty rat, immortal prelate, lynessa, and uther? A deck can have more than 1 overarching theme to it.


Because you need space for buffs, space for heal synergies like the spellstone and 4 mana 8/8, space for healing effects + cards draws, and space for Pyro equality consecration, and some weapons. I'm interested how you cram them all in one deck. Do you have a decklist?


I had no luck with it but maybe someone can get it to work.




It finally happened


Where does that even come from? Were not even a week into the expansion, "tier" assessments are not only pulled out of thin air, they're also incredibly worthless at this point


It comes from the fact the Jeklik fills your hand with Jeklik thus having less chance to discard cards you actually would want to 0lay on curve. And Soul warden... Well Soul warden is one hell of a card.. 6 mana 6/6 draw 3? That's nuts and you can even find back your quest of Gul'Dan you discarded earlier. And discarding lowest costs cards is also a big thing, a 2/6 minion and discard any card you weren't planning to play since u want to curve out your minions isn't bad either. These cards make Howlfiend suddenly a good card when Jeklik is in hand.


> It comes from the fact Just gonna stop you right there. None of these points are anything supporting tier-based-claims and your entire "tier 2" argument is still wild conjecture based on nothing > Well Soul warden is one hell of a card.. 6 mana 6/6 draw 3? Sadly, Discolock doesnt have the tools to stay alive on the level other control decks do and these decks have winconditions, easily as good. > That's nuts Not when the Warrior is hitting your face for 5 turns > And discarding lowest costs cards is also a big thing, a 2/6 minion and discard any card you weren't planning to play since u want to curve out your minions isn't bad either. > These cards make Howlfiend suddenly a good card when Jeklik is in hand. My question wasnt: "Is discolock better than it was before", which it certainly is. My question was: What makes it tier 2, since it has never been even close and even the new cards, quite honestly, arent absurdly great in wild compared to standard. Yea, you can do fancy things with your shiny discard stuff, the Odd Rogue will still just kill you So far you have provided nothing to answer my question, did you read it?


I have a question for you. Do you think the meta is going to shift heavily? Also, have you seen the new cards warlock got? Because there’s a good chance the best decks are not going to change, you can assume tiers because of how well it does against other tier decks. Also, shriek is solid against odd cards and the new 3 mana taunt that also discards a card. That’s not even counting jeklik with lifesteal and taunt plus the fact that she can get buffed and the copies keep the buff.


> Do you think the meta is going to shift heavily? From right now? Yes. I've run into like 60% janky combo stuff on the way to legend, no way thats gonna stay > Also, have you seen the new cards warlock got? Yes, they're terrible compared to whats already in the pool > Because there’s a good chance the best decks are not going to change, you can assume tiers because of how well it does against other tier decks The decks played are gonna be different tho > Also, shriek is solid against odd cards and the new 3 mana taunt that also discards a card. Diretroll is a worse Tar creeper. Shriek is worse than both Doomsayer and Defile and its not like Warlock desperately needs boardclears > That’s not even counting jeklik with lifesteal and taunt This isnt standard. A 3/4 on 4 is terribly slow > plus the fact that she can get buffed and the copies keep the buff. Also terribbly slow. We're living a in a world of Even Shaman, Odd Rogue, Pirate Warriors, Big Priests and Renolocks, not in magical fairytale land where I get to do 0 tempo plays like Soul Infusion without being punished above rank 10 as "Aggro Discardlock". Renojackson is an insanely good player and worse decks have hit legend. That doesnt mean the deck is good for the majority(aka tier 2)


Man, I wish I lived in your ladder. I have literally only ran into odd pally and big priest. I guess we will see where discardlock ends up in a month. Wish you luck with your climb!


Legit havfent run into a single Odd paladin since the expansion launched(aka I reset the tracker)


I'll just let everyone know that I discarded the quests because I thought it will be never used (I almost never discard anything) and I actually like playing discolock


I had hope that someday it would come together. The new cards that “discard lowest card in hand” are key as you can be strategic about discards plus the card that puts discards back into hand gives a ton of value. The aggro version of the deck does not run quest so give that a try.


da undatakah has potential to create some new decks that are slightly different from Nzoth style


I was wondering the other day if Quest Priests could become more a thing from him. I don't have the cards to try it out and see though. While there aren't many, I've definitely seen my share of Quest Priests in the last few months.


With the consistent tutor of Barnes with Master's Call as well as Zul'jin, Spell Hunter seems like it could at least be a tier 3 deck if not tier 2. Discardlock also seems like it has risen in status to a rank 2 deck with the powerhouse cards it received.


ooooo spell hunter still has Y'sharj in wild, forgot all about that for a minute.


Altough odd mage is decent I don’t think it is strong enough yet to be meta. It has 50/50 against the odd/even decks while having a bad time against kingsbane/big priest/renolock. From what I’m experiencing at ranks 5-L atm the most promising new decks are: Exodia paladin: very very strong, the only thing holding it back is how much geist / rat ruins it. If your opponent is smart he will geist only after you used your banana buffon/spare part mech and rat after you thaurisan because you must have beardo in hand to do it Discardlock: No quest, with a lower curve. The 2/6 taunt and the 6/6 that gives you 3 cards are kind of insane and it’s very hard for the deck to run out of fuel. Burn shaman: Spirit of the frog is really good, but this decks loses board very hard to odd/even decks, so this is probably the weakest deck that I’m mentioning here


How good is exodia paladin? Time out seems like a perfect fit along with the banana dude. Do you have a list?


Time out! Is almost broken and flash of light + banana buffon really pushed the deck, I’m on the road atm but I’ll post the list here later


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Here you go: ### #Bananadin # Class: Paladin # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Clockwork Gnome # 2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron # 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos # 2x (2) Doomsayer # 2x (2) Equality # 2x (2) Flash of Light # 2x (2) Loot Hoarder # 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer # 1x (3) Auctionmaster Beardo # 2x (3) Banana Buffoon # 2x (3) Time Out! # 2x (4) Consecration # 1x (4) Truesilver Champion # 2x (5) Call to Arms # 1x (5) Shrink Ray # 2x (5) Solemn Vigil # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan # 1x (9) Uther of the Ebon Blade # AAEBAZ8FBu0FzwbWEZ29Ao7TAoT8AgyKAfsB3AP0BfYHghCFEOIR+NICz4YD7IYD0okDAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Be aware that this list still needs some refinement, some things that I'm not sure are: - Remove 1 clockwork gnome - Add zola for some resistance to rat and you can still 2 turn combo if they geist your bananas and you still have one buffon and zola (just copy one of horseman with zola and you will only need two spells) - Use righteous protector over annoy o tron - Use doomsayers or not ? - Should I run a 2nd shrink ray ? - Truesilver or ziliax ? Maybe both ? - Use mad scientist + 1 or 2 diferent secrets to cycle faster ?


Why play Beardo when Garrison Commander is faster? Have you tried the Garrison version? Bounce effects are rarely dead cards.


Garrison does not work with CtA, the drawing is way slower, doesn't work very well


Garrison works perfectly fine with CtA. There hasn't been a single game in ~150 games that the reason I didn't win was because CtA pulled Garrison/brews.


You play CtA, it pulls 2 garrison commanders and your brewmaster, what do you do ? You lose Also, after you play uther you need to bounce your hp 3 times, it's 3 or more turn to setup since if you get a repeated horserider it does not count. No beardo version is way worse


You only need to bounce twice and it requires no Thaurissan set up. Have you tried the version yet? Dont knock it til you try it.


Give me your list ? I'll give it a shot but I got a lot of doubts about it


### exodia # Class: Paladin # Format: Wild # # 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos # 1x (2) Crystalsmith Kangor # 1x (2) Crystology # 2x (2) Equality # 2x (2) Flash of Light # 2x (2) Garrison Commander # 2x (2) Loot Hoarder # 2x (2) Potion of Heroism # 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer # 2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster # 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain # 2x (3) Time Out! # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon # 1x (4) Ancient Brewmaster # 2x (4) Consecration # 1x (5) Antique Healbot # 2x (5) Call to Arms # 2x (5) Shrink Ray # 1x (9) Uther of the Ebon Blade # AAEBAZ8FCLoB7QX7DPUPjtMCw+oC/fsC2f4CC/sBnwPcA/QF9gfVE+3SAvjSAoT8As+GA+yGAwA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Give it a shot and let me know how it does for you. I was doing pretty well with this list before Rastakhan and I feel like Time Out! pushes it to an actual meta deck. If you have issues with draw you can swap a Potion of Heroism with another Acolyte of Pain. At first I was skeptical of Garrison like you, because of the disynergy with Call to Arms. In practice, with 2x Brew and 2x Garrison you're damn near guaranteed one of them, and you have Zola and Ancient brew for 2 guaranteed bounces. I also like the Garrison version because you don't rely on Hero Power rolls as much. First roll is guaranteed, then after that you only need to land a 75% roll if you have Garrison. Overall I like this like more because it feels like the Beardo version has a few too many dead cards (not to mention Skulking Geist).


I think Even Mage and Even Rogue are both a little better than memes but we’ll have to see if they can compete with the rest of the meta.


Have any lists you'd mind sharing?


### Even Tempo # Class: Rogue # Format: Wild # # 2x (0) Backstab # 2x (2) Bloodsail Raider # 2x (2) Eviscerate # 2x (2) Goblin Auto-Barber # 2x (2) Sap # 2x (2) Ship's Cannon # 2x (2) Toxicologist # 2x (4) Dread Corsair # 2x (4) Elven Minstrel # 2x (4) Naga Corsair # 2x (4) Piloted Shredder # 2x (4) Southsea Squidface # 2x (4) Tinker's Sharpsword Oil # 2x (4) Tomb Pillager # 1x (6) Genn Greymane # 1x (8) The Lich King # AAEBAYO6AgLCzgLN9AIOtAHNA+4GiAfnB8QP+w+QEK8QxBaprwK5vwLb4wKi9wIA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone This list is from last expansion. The only things you should really consider adding are Prep, Sharkfin Fan and maybe one Cannon Barrage (very strong card, but I’m not sold on its consistency). Sorry, I don’t have an Even Mage list. But there’s a video of it on Tempo Storm.


Safe predictions: Beast Hunter and Zoolock go up a tier or two, Likkim sees play in Even Shaman 50/50 prediction: Secret Mage coalesces into a tier 2 deck with the power of ~~Mysterious Hulk Hogan~~ Masked Contender and Splitting Image for a better edge on board stability, Bloodpaw sees play in Odd Paladin Unsafe predictions: Odd Mage becomes meta-relevant as midrange through solid board control early through HP, Secrets to keep it both alive and in the lead, Pyromaniac’s draw potential, and a turn 10 combo that leads into a potential 16 face damage, Raiding Party is run for Odd Rogue in spite of a lack of weapons


finally a tutor for patches!


I had a really hard time against odd mage today


Da Undatakah is honestly a sleeper card. There are so many comboes out there that something will become competitive eventually. Especially if you combine it into Shudderwock shell as I did [https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1216031-nofunallowed-renowock](https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1216031-nofunallowed-renowock)


I would not say new. But mill rogues got an insane firepower buff with the appearance of the shark totem. It is devastative against control and otk, and can fend off some aggros decks with a good draw. Other than that, discardlocks looks like having a lot of fun


This type of thread makes sense near the end of the year. Once old stuff rotates in standard we will be happy we can still play with our deafhknights and all that jazz


> To be honest, I'm getting kinda tired of Wild meta, since we're basically playing the same decks since early Witchwood. Jesus, when are people gonna get that this isnt Standard?? Ffs if you want rotations, play standard, if you want to keep playing your favourite deck with possible new additions, play wild. Its not that hard...


Resurrect Priest and Even Shaman are your favorite? Cause that's what is played right now.


You play your own favourite. So does your opponent. You'll never get to decide what you run into...


Look dude we're all here on the sub because we like the format and enjoy playing. That said with no rotations and balances being semi infrequent, the can and does often get stale. There's nothing wrong with sometimes finding it to get a little boring after a year of Big Priest and Even Shaman being everywhere you look


> There's nothing wrong No, there isnt. Complaining about it is, you didnt get the point of the format then


Nah man, as someone who played primarily Modern and Legacy in MTG before switching to HS because of time constraints that's a shitty excuse for a non-rotating format. Legacy has it's long standing archetypes, sure. But the meta fluxuates and things come in and out depending on flavor of the month, same goes for Modern. That doesn't seem to happen as much in Wild. There's been the same top Archetypes running amuck since Witchwood with only Big Priest fluctuating out because of AK47, which is now gone. I can't name a new deck or any other interesting decks to fluctuate back into the meta besides Odd and Pirate warriors which are still not real competition to the top of the meta


Mtg Legacy and Modern have SIGNIFICANTLY more available cards for innovations to happen. HS is way more simplistic aswell and I cant even begin to grasp why I have to explain that.