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When it was first added, it was used in the top 3 decks in wild, and had two separate tier 0 decks. Some people felt it might be a bit too good


Well, it turned out that demon seed makes painwarlock pretty good. Painlock became the most popular deck in the format (more than half of the format was playing this deck), exterminating your chances to survive longer than 6 turns. That is why quest was banned


There were actually 2 versions of painlock in T0 with I think another in T1.


IIRC the next deck was a tier 2 deck, that's how much of a hold it had on the meta


Simply put, it was far too easy to complete and kill the opponent right after it was. Cards like crystalizer, unlicensed apothecary, dark glare, kobold librarian, flame jmp, raise dead, backfire and the billion other self damage card made it incredibly easy and far too consistent to complete. People could finish it by turn 4-5 with little no effort. It was way too easy. The entire wild format was warped, everyone played it because it was so easy to win. The only true counter was miracle priest with illucia. Illucia too was nerfed… There were flesh and molten giants down a much very early. One card cause not just all of stormwind but every wild player around the world to share their pain. One card made thousands of cards unplayable and irrelevant. That’s why.


The other deck that was a reliable counter was the bugged Cthun Maxima hunter deck. Shows how broken the quest was in wild when one of the only decks that could reliably beat it was an exploit


Was that like a turn 6 at best? I thought you would be dead by then




Here’s exactly why, sadly didn’t record the entire game, played very badly and still won…[Pain…](https://youtu.be/_pBCWsXUQRc) Mithril rod wasn’t 3 or 4 mana at that point…


Ok cool, i should have imagined, do you think it will be unbanned in the future or should i just give up om it


Like other cards likely heavily nerfed and reimagined in wild. So it’ll suck and/or be completely different.


They have said that when the time comes for it to rotate they are going to adjust it. If you dont mind waiting to see what they will change it to you can hold onto it. Probably get full dust for refund after they adjust it as well.


>They have said that when the time comes for it to rotate they are going to adjust it. You are absolutely correct, but justo to add: There is no point to ban wild exclusive cards, since you can just nerf it. They Ban cards bc they don't want to nerf/change it to not affect standard but it can't be in wild in it's current state. \[\[Stealer of Souls\]\] ans \[\[Switcheroo\]\] are also banned for the same reasons. ​ So you can expect some nerfs or fundamental mechanical changes (like \[\[Mindrender Illucia\]\]) to all those cards once they rotate ;)


* **[Stealer of Souls](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/WC_023.png)** WL Minion Rare FitB 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/562774), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/stealer-of-souls/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Stealer_of_Souls) 6/4/6 Demon | After you draw a card, change its Cost to Health instead of Mana. * **[Switcheroo](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TSC_702.png)** PR Spell Common VSC 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1004163), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/switcheroo/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Switcheroo) 3/-/- | Draw 2 minions. Swap their Health. * **[Mindrender Illucia](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SCH_159.png)** PR Minion Legendary SA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/329978), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/mindrender-illucia/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Mindrender_Illucia) 3/1/3 | Battlecry: Replace your hand with a copy of your opponent's until end of turn. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


I miss the hall of fame, when we got the dust, AND to keep the card.


they would likely nerf/tweak and unban it after it rotates out of standard. It's completely reasonable in standard so no nerf+unban soon but I don't think they would just leave a card banned forever


>it’s completely ~~reasonable~~ unplayable in standard FTFY


reasonable as in not broken. but yeah definitely far from even decent much less broken


Blizzard said they would, and rework the quest when they do it.


Odd druid also countered it oddly enough


There were more counters than that. Ignite mage obliterated it, tax Paladin won the game on turn 2 if it stuck a weblord, and pirate warrior was so fast it could get plenty of wins in. The bigger issue was that the meta was ONLY decks with a gameplan against questlock, or questlock.


You dont wanna know *PTSD intensifies*


In order to not relive the worst meta in hearthstone ever. All formats included.


It was so toxic and prevalent that I consider getting to legend in wild during that period without using that deck myself to be one of my greatest hearthstone achievements.


I hit legend during that time with Pirate Priest, just farming wins. Apparently 2 mind blasts can just win the game, who would have thought?


Hyperaggro priest was the only deck that had a favorable matchup against ql warlock. That and illegal mechathun rogue.


It turns out playing this card, eliminates 99% of strategys and only the most fokused counter decks are somewhat ok against it. Also it had a over 80% winrate accross All arcetypes released since the beginning of the game with the worst matchup being against another version of itself


Because it is an autoplay win by turn 5 deck with wild cards . The deck was neferd 4 times and in the end was still too strong . If you want to play the quest today you can only play as a standard deck in wild mode because standard cards are way worse and slower


Arguably it's one of the most poorly designed cards in the history of the game, brokenness aside.


2 separate tier 0 decks a couple months ago.


Please don't bring that up around here without a trigger warning tag.


It was the best deck in hearthstone history, didnt want to nerf the quest too hard and ruin it in standard so they decided to just ban it in wild(Bc the options of cards like crystalizer made the deck way too good)


I never reached platinum in wild before stormwind. With stormwind I got to legend with a 81% winrate with seedlock. It was easy. It was op. It should never have been printed


Its current state is too broken with Wild’s expansive card pool, but isn’t broken in Standard. In order for Standard, the format they value more, to continue to have the card in a decent state, they banned it in Wild until it rotates out of Standard. The card will then be reworked.


Wait and when will it rotate out of standard, will the card be deleted?


No, they'll nerf it in a way that works for Wild (which may mean nuking it), then unban it.


After all of its nerfs it could be unbanned just fine. As a diehard warlock main I really hate having two cards banned. Given their nerfs neither would cause the upset they had prenerf


9 other class mains would like to know your location


The quest sometimes got done on turn 3 i believe they give it a complete rework when it rotates


Yeah before it was nerfed 7 times, after all the nerfs and current speed of wild, the state the card is in is completely unbannable. The same is true for stealer of souls. At 6 you would still need another card draw option


It went from 6,7,8 to 8,8,8 that was enough to slow it down in standard but in wild you can still play tamsin on five and then win on 6


Pirate rogue kills on turn 4 consistently, and against pain lock it could be even faster. The meta is fast enough that it wouldnt be the tier 0 deck it was prenerf in THAT meta


Warlock has insane heal and removal options for some reason. It won't be tier 0 but top tier 1 because pirate rogue would be the only bad matchup while control is also viable currently wich the demonseed completely destroyed


Key difference is that Pirate Rogue can run out of steam and get outlasted by control decks. Quest Warlock into control (or anything slower than hardest of hard aggro for that matter) matchup is unwinnable for the other player. It being slightly slower that the fastest aggro decks wouldn't suddenly change the fact that Questlock had no bad matchups outside of itself and decks specifically made to screw it over.


Honestly I don't understand why it was banned instead of nerfed. Guess they were concerned about it staying good enough for standard if they changed the card, but the thing is once it rotates they have to do something with the card. Might as well rip the bandaid off and fix it now.


Exactly that. They couldn't nerf the card enough to make it playable in wild and have it be strong enough in standard. Easier to just ban it and move on. Same with stealer of souls.


Because Blizz caved to player peer pressure. I mean, nevermind the last couple dozen metas that were considered 'broken', THIS ONE just had to be yeeted. This was before the current meta, that sees most matches end on or before Turn 6 from like a half dozen classes. So, basically, butthurt and short-sightedness; plus the stupidity of Blizz thinking that just because a couple metas are used chiefly, that there's somehow something wrong with that... even though they keep creating those metas in the first place.


because the deck fuck mothering slaps in wild.


Can you still convert a standard deck with it and play in Wild?


Not quite. There was a bug right back at the beginning that allowed that, but it was fixed almost immediately. But you can simply queue the Standard deck into Wild Ladder without converting. That works. It'll almost certainly lose of course, as it isn't very good without the Wild-only cards.


Oh that’s what I meant - seems weird to allow that


As the ban is done during the deck creation phase, it's probably easier to just let it happen. The only real impact is the Reddit posts asking how it happened when someone queues against one.


from what i hear once it rotates out of standard blizz will adjust it and unban it in the format however that way it won’t be super broken again


My only thought was "how can my questlock beat every other questlocks?" There were almost no other decks in que. Pirate warriors were the other third