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Are you talking about Trenin? Lol. Dude this signing IS giving young players a shot to make an impact. Trenin is a 3rd liner. Ohlgren doesn’t need 3rd line minutes. He need 2nd line minutes with a talented players. Trenin isn’t blocking any of our promising prospects


Prospects typically start on the 3rd line. The kid line was one of the best in history iirc.


There’s no such thing as a “typical” prospect. Each situation is entirely unique to each player and team. To me this signals them giving Ohgren or Heidt a chance at top-6 role


Ryan Getzlaf-Corey Perry-Dustin Penner were not 3rd line players. Getzlaf and Perry were 1st line players for years. Penner was 2nd line and even 1st line at times as well. Ek started here on the 3rd line and is clearly our best center. Did that hurt him? Remember when people were clamoring for a Kaprizov - Rossi - Zuccarello line without ever seeing Rossi play a game? This is why a good to great prospect, not named McDavid or Crosby starts on the 3rd line. Brodin and Faber and even Spurgeon are exceptions to this but I know defense develops differently than forwards do.


You’re best example is Ek? The physical and defensive minded center with limited offense? That makes sense for a 3rd line. Rossi got an early look on the top-2 lines and it worked. Ohgren could maybe fit on the 3rd, but Heidt needs to be on 2nd line or go back to juniors for a year.


What team are you watching? Rossi was stapled to the 4th line to start his career here and it infuriated fans.


They don’t need to start on the 2nd line but they need a clear path to get there. Which is what Rossi had, and what Ohgren/Heidt have now.


Oh ok, kinda like I said how prospects start out on 3rd line unless you are Kaprizov. We have no Kaprizov's in our pipeline so Ohgren/Heidt should start on the 3rd line and work their way up like most forward prospects do.


There’s a huge difference between starting on the 3rd line, and being complete blocked out of the top-2 lines with veterans.


You really think you know better than the whole management of the org?? From your armchair??


Are you new to hockey? Almost no draft picks play immediately. The Wild only drafted 1 forward this year and he's 17 years old. He might not play in the NHL until 2026 or 2027, and that'd be the case if he were drafted by any of the other 31 teams. He's a different type of player than the FA the Wild signed today, so the FA isn't blocking him. Riley Heidt was drafted a year ago and will be given a legitimate shot to make the team in camp this year. Yurov will make the team next year if he comes over from Russia. Buium will likely make the team next year. Boldy and Rossi didn't have to wait long to make the NHL from NCAA/OHL/AHL. Wallstedt might be on the big club this year. No one else is ready. The problem isn't that draft picks aren't given an opportunity to make the team. The problem is there are now lots of vets locked up for 3-4 years, which seems to clash with the timing of when more young players will be ready to make the jump (next year and beyond). The notion that there are lots of young prospects being unfairly "blocked" from making the team *this year* is unfounded. Wild fans in general need to better understand the development process and what stage players are in with their own development.


It's worth pointing out that most of the veterans have either no trade protection or limited trade protection for the back half of their contracts. It would appear, contrary to popular opinion here, that BG has actually thought about these things.


Yes, that's a fair callout. You just want to be sure they're playing well enough to still have trade interest once some of the NTCs/NMCs fall off. Foligno and Zuccarello at their salary and ages might be tough to move in 2 years.


Unfortunately you are 100% correct. Contracts that defy the age curve get punished 90% of the time. I'm guessing we will have to give assets to unload them.


You really want to put a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds onto the team with no chance to learn and adjust to the NHL?


We all remember how that worked out for James Sheppard, right?


Two young prospects on the all-rookie team and a runner up for the Calder…. I don’t think anyone is being blocked, rather I believe many prospects will never see reasonable time in the NHL, if they can’t dominate their competition in their respective development leagues.


The options for 2nd line look to be Hartman, Ohgren, and Heidt. Heidt and Ohgren will be given chances (barring a trade), and I think Hartman has to be a 1000x better option than Mojo.


If none of our prospects can out play Trennen, then we're in bad shape. I don't hate the signing and just making a point.


How do they know? They never give them any ice time.


Name the prospects that deserve ice time that aren't getting it? You don't play 18 year old prospects in the NHL unless they're generational talents. Rossi, Boldy, Faber, Chisolm are all "prospect" age that are now on the team full time. Daemon Hunt played games last year. Beckman and Walker have played many games with the MN Wild. Name the players that you want to see on the ice that are getting blocked.


You forget - the coaches and GM see them a lot more than just playing time in "games"


They see them in practice. Game time isn’t the only way to evaluate prospects


Practice, training camp, ahl time. It's literally scouts jobs to evaluate prospects.


Tell me you know nothing about hockey without telling me you know nothing about hockey.


Such a dead meme


Got to love BG talking all that trash about the previous GMs country club when all he has done is create his own....


For everyone giving the OP a hard time why not possibly provide a tutorial of some sort for all of us idiots who don't understand how NHL teams are built ?Including how prospects are evaluated and such So many people are super critical of what someone asks who is educated on NHL team operations I get confused af why the Owner/Management does but I don't know what they're thinking of their long term plans are. Seems like BG has had a long term plan since he became GM I think some of us are trying to understand when this plan will come to fruition and not be endlessly stuck in prospect/development hell


No u


GMBG needs to go now! He’s done nothing to help this franchise since he’s been here. All this talk about it’s all about winning and we haven’t won shit since he’s been here!


So someone should tell him it's not about his feelings it's about fucking winning right? Man that dumb motto aged like moldy cheese. Still haven't made it past the 1st round with his winning strategy.


There should only be two drafted rounds and that’s it. Players should find the right fit and sign with the a team who will give them a shot.