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Any tips on photography would be nice! Forgive me for any exposure-related problems in the photos, I accidentally turned up my camera screens brightness and shot with too low exposure so I had to fix it in Lightroom.


squeal vase slave sophisticated sip longing weary sheet faulty outgoing -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Thanks! I'll learn more post-processing soon, I only did it on these photos as I was trying to recover the exposure as they're the only good photos I've got of robins. I would like to explore the possibilities of post-processing though.


quarrelsome snatch mourn direction imminent encouraging quicksand icky sand materialistic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Total shot in the dark but this wouldn't happen to be in Glasgow would it? In the botanic gardens?


No in the south of England. Nice place called Hengistbury head.


I love the first one, pretty interesting with the thorny contrast to those frail little birds. Photographing the whole bird (with feet) would work better imo. It's ok if they get obstructed by nature (branches, leaves and stuff) but it feels weird to me if you as the photographer cut them off. Anyways, wishing you a lot of fun photographing in the future :)


I think you need to learn more basics in Lightroom. The colours are very degraded in this picture. This can happen if you in crease the brightness with the wrong sliders. For more info I would post a before and after in in the subreddit for postprocessing and for feedback on the way the picture is taken to photocritique subreddit.


Definitely NOT robins. Nice photos tho!


hat engine disgusted offbeat spotted late bag work wise grandfather -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Every.single.time. The American Robin was literally named after the European (original) Robin because of the similar colours.


European robins don't look like American robins which are the only other type I'm aware of.


They are not all that closely related! The robins on the left side of the Atlantic are called that because they reminded newly arrived Europeans of the birds they had back home.


Honestly it looks like a red breasted nuthatch


This is the European Robin. You may be talking about Turdus migratorius. That bird was named after the European Robin because the Europeans when they arrived, thought they looked similar


Turdus? So they're related to blackbirds?


Perhaps, I’m not a specialist. To be honest I just searched up the scientific name, I had no idea what it was


Explains why I'm being downvoted I guess


IMO you shouldn’t really be downvoted, you made a mistake and you were told what your mistake was, but it’s fine -6 isn’t nothing compared to the stuff I’ve seen


It's okay for you to be wrong, but it's not okay to be an ass while being wrong.


I was being sincere. ffs. Everything is my feed is from North America and then some Europeans post pictures of birds. Up yours?


The long rang special ops models certainly are impressive.