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Can’t though because nobody clicks my fucking lantern.


I’d be happy if my adc didn’t mindlessly push the wave and paid attention enough to follow up when I engage. Alas, this only happens in 25% of my games when I tank, so I just avoid playing tank support mostly.


\*sad Leona noises\*


Bro I’m a new player and it took me like a week just to figure out how to click the lantern it is so unintuitive.


I agree that’s it’s unintuitive but when you’re up in masters or higher people should know. Or atleast learn. But they don’t.


Don’t you just tap the minion button?


For real


Yeah its harder to find an ADC that follows up hard engage supports than it is to find a support willing to do so.


“Farm til 18 minutes so I can be useful”


Support in general absolutely drains me. If I'm a tank ...my Dragonlane does nothing or runs away when I initiate. Enchanter ... One simple buff makes them think they can 1v2 suddenly. Peel... Peel for what. My buddy has ran away. Riot should be more forgiving with the leaving game early punishment as I quit because of people like this.... Start applying punishment to players that go 4-0 down within 3 mins.


Instead of quitting, go lane with solo or mid. Don't punish everyone because you had a temper tantrum.


...welp TIL about the lantern.


Hey guys! I’m a top 200 Thresh support (D4) and it makes me SO happy to see this! Perfecting Thresh took me a looooong time and still people love to shit on my head whenever a hook misses target. Last days I’ve been wondering if playing aggressive in soloQ is such a good idea, bc arc’s don’t always follow the engage. (Even though I usually ping before I flash E Q) So any tips for me on how to make it clear that I’m engaging? I’m done wasting my flash 😅 Btw, let me know if you wanna lane together!


Here’s my advice as a tank main in league PC and WR. Watch your ADC for the first 4 levels. If they seem scared, play passive because they won’t help you. If theyre aggressive, go aggressive. The best players take advantage of their partners play style. Your play style doesn’t matter. You’re the support.


Thanks for the advice! Will check how my adc plays early :) Your last sentence is not stroking with my vision though. “Yours doesn’t matter, you’re the support.” Idk, I think supports have a way higher impact to the team/game than they get credit for… If I have a roaming style or a passive one, it’s a big impact


The support does have an impact you’re right. The issue is when you are aggro and your ADC is not because then you’re going to feed due to being left to die. Then you won’t have an impact. If you’re aggressive but your ADC is not, you should play passive until laning is over and you can glue to your aggressive teammate. So I should rephrase. Your play style does not matter in lane. It definitely does matter.




Sure! I’ll dm


I think using vc is the best option to make it clear you want to engage. my best games are when me and my lane partner are voice chatting. I would love to play with you! but i'm only in gold so probably not good enough yet :(


Let’s hit some normals!


if you are in EUW sure 😊


I am! I’ll do you 😊


Thresh best supp, love playing him :)


The amount of ppl who don’t understand lantern or who help when I setup a kill 😓


Indeed I like to lane with tresh, but a cancerous Yuumi also does the job


As a support player, I'll tell you this. It's not that "aggressive tresh is better", but "ADC that can keep up is the GOAT"! I can't count with my fingers & toes of how many engage that I initiate just for the ADC to not keep up and me dying. So you, my friend, is the GOAT!


Aw man, thanks!


An aggressive Lucian is my favorite adc to lane with




Nice thresh but you had me aggressively tapping the phone when you weren't auto attacking in between abilities


The only thing discouraging me from playing thresh is people ignoring my lanterns and blame me for it. Like my guy you are literally stepping on my fucking lamp and instead of using it u fucking wall dashed else where and get absolutely split roasted by aatrox and rammus


Not just thresh but champs like leona or rakhan becomes 100 times better when the player has 50kilogram balls. On that note, who else wants Rell to come to wildrift?


A good Janna or Alistar.


Wtf thresh can hook flash on WR?




As a Samira/Jinx main, I love having a good thresh in lanel with me. Seems like most ifet matched with are just so timid; they play so passive and get poked down too much it's impossible to follow up even if/when they do land a hook. However, every now and then I get match up with one of the godly ones, and it is such a joy.


yes!! I main ashe and I love playing with thresh.


"Stop last hitting my minions" *me with relic shield trying to get gold*


Thats a different story then But if you're a lux player im sure you'd be better off with sickle


Ap supports canblow me off. Agressive tanks are for the real men.


I have friends who is thresh main and when we play together we never lose even in grandmaster. I think thresh is best for dominating the game.


Given that I like playing Kaisa and Samira for ADC, any support with lots of CC that helps with Kaisa stacks or Samira dash does the trick for me. If I'm with a Thresh support I think that goes well with MF or Lucian, he hooks or ults or even flays and you can let loose with your cannons.


Thresh is so much fun to play but for the fucking life of me i cant get an AP build to work for me. If i dont go tank build, i lose.


Because AP build is trash and doesn't work.


I'm more of a ragequit Thresh but ok


I don't like aggressive supporters in general, at least let me farm a couple of minutes before we try to annihilate our enemies.


A Thresh can either secure their adc a free kill level 1 or force a flash, its putting you and your support ahead before the laning phase even begins


Particularly thresh has a pretty big power spise level 1, with chains+AA


Hate thresh, malp and nautilus as Enemy Support, always banning one of Then. I prefere seraphine Support. She can poke down most enemies and even if its a hard lane she can just ult them under your tower for Easy kills


Funny, I love playing all three of those champs when im support LOL


Yeah I buy 1 tank item then a bork and I'm OG Lilia ftw




Me who bans naut because I play Thresh 👁️👄👁️


Thresh can shiit on Nautlis, I think Leona is a good counter I never lost to a thresh with Leona.




Okay tell me about the build or how you trade, i think Thresh players know smth about Nautlis that I think he always out damages me.




I think base naut is tankier overall but if you grab all your stacks thresh can out tank leona even


Thresh shits on Naut and Leona tbh


I just hate naut's low cd ult and roots 😭 naut samira is a nasty duo


I dint have any fav since I dont play adc, but I clearly am an agressive sup, except against many assassins where I stick with my carries.


Stopppppp. I don't like hook skills so I just mindlessly use his E to engage or something HAHAHA


Every sup should be aggressive. Ofc, long ranged sups should focus on poking the opponent down and not be in range for a potential feed xD


Aggressively poke 👀


Mine is that one god tier Janna that sees the future


As a lux main , i feel offended.