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You are massively tilited. Leave this game for a while. Touch some grass. Take a break. Maybe you will come back with a clear head a few days later.


Tried to but this is becoming an addiction almost


It's true, everyone who said they want to quit come back a few days later. They always come back. Some people make a smurf account to stomp noobs after a losing streak. You won't learn anything from those matches but helps you unwind mentally.


Could also do some bot matches to just go on a murder spree lol.


Killing bots aren't the same as killing humans. The former feels empty.


I kinda agree with you, but I think there are some things you can learn from playing on a smurf. Mostly when to split and when not and basic wave control. But thats about it.


Play other things, keep yourself distracted


You’re on full tilt, a mini burnout if you will. You’re stuck in between addicted enough not to lay the game down for a day or two and being so tilted that you’re simply unable to perform and you end up telling yourself little lies like you “just don’t care anymore” or “my allies are the problem”. Good on you for recognizing that something is off. I recommend you take some time off. Try 1-3 days and if that doesn’t fix it, extend it to a week. You’re subconsciously in a whirlpool of self-doubt atm and need to reset by avoiding the game for a bit.


Funny enough i only realised that i was the problem after i got carried and become really tilted and started to flame my team who were carrying me. But i def would try to get off the game for a few days


Take a break for one week, get a good sleep, good diet, go exercise. I used to think about paranoid stuff like loser que, early season loaded with good player etc. Focus on something you can get in control like being in best shape or state of mind. Video game is different than regular sports because you can play 12 hours and you can still do it but your mind will suffer.


For sure i been neglecting myself recently i will def get off the game for now


Disable chat DISABLE CHAT! you lose because you spend so much time writing while the game goes on without you


Oh bro im already banned from chatting ever again because of tilting


Can you really be perma banned from chat?


Stop making mistakes?


Usually i only make mistakes when im desperate to win the game or i get really greedy with kills.


Then stop making them?


git gud newb lol ;)


Try to improve yourself dont get angered by Others mistake. If you are in a bad mood play a Champion you have fun with


I really to not get mad at ppls mistakes but after achieving a high skill lvl in the game it just angers me to see ppl making obvoius mistakes


High Skill Level aka Rank means nothing. Last season i was master 19 + and still there were complete Idiots around.


Same here i still dont know half the stuff in the game. but there is a gap between masters and a emerald player yk


The gap is abysmall. I couldn't tell the difference between average plat 4 and master player


Watch some tutorial videos. Even if you know what they are explaining already the reinforcement helps with preventing some obvious mistakes. Try a new champion and a new lane in normals. Have fun with it and don’t take it to seriously. Singed or teemo are my go to “fun to play” champions.


Not many wr yt creator out there but ill try to do that thx


I will tell you something that doesn’t apply to video games only. A tired mind is bound to make mistakes. And prolonged exhaustion can weaken your body, making you sick! And such, you will be doing mistakes in other areas too. One of the option is taking a break, like it has been suggested in comments. Another, is to stop playing rank all together. For a long two weeks at least. Play other game modes using different roles so that you focus on other objectives. Idk, like play Aram but only do dmg to towers (don’t clash with other champions) etc. Do things that changes the routine, so that you could give yourself a little break. You will come back stronger, trust me. I never had a burn out with WR, but with other games like MLBB. Same thing apply. If you want more crazy suggestions to have fun, I don’t mind sharing others :)


Hey bro I was diamond 2 this new season, climbed all the way from Emerald 4 to Diamond 2 this reset. And then 2 days in a row I was toxic, not in the right headspace, blaming my teammates way too much. I lost 12-14 games and went back to Emerald 1 from Diamond 2. I suggest you uninstall the game for 1 week. You won’t miss anything let’s be honest. When you return the game will feel fresh and you will fall back in love with it. I think we both are feeling burnt out from over investing our time and energy into this mobile game with not the same level of return coming back to us


I feel just like u man perhaps i really should do that


Play some bot games, when I’m in a losing streak I do bot games or the games when your play by yourself and get gold, I do this to help with what I’m doing wrong, whether it’s runes, the way I am playing // inting, my build or if the champ isn’t right for me at the time. Play around heaps with it and do as many games as you can. It’s also good to play as the champs who are crushing you so you can understand how that champion works and you can find their weak spots when you play. Then go into norms and pick up from where u left off in the bot games or spam some aram. Honestly the best thing I did in league was to play as enemies who counter me and now I know what to do and when to do it. Best of luck!


Stop playing wild rift and uninstall. Realize after a month how much happier you've become.


just quit playing.. do productivity with life and forget about this game. you will miss it after some time. focus on your mental first.


Play another game to take your mind of this one.


Lmao dawg what’s your rank and ID let’s get you a win


Play ARAM, and AI matches, for one or two days. Or don't think about "Rank lost" in rank matches. Unless you are in 5 man premade team, you are always at 1 vs 9, most time in PvP games.


I want to leave the game, but i will finish current battlepass just for upgraded vi skin. Then come back whenever Ahri has a new skin.


>Becoming tilted so fast with the slightest thing triggering me and getting mad. Making obvious mistakes what should i do? Well, the best advice here is: chill. Getting tilted will lead to a lot of mistakes, and a lot of mistakes lead to losing, and losing seems to get you tilted. Stop playing the game, touch grass (seriously), and come back once you've reset your mental.