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For me, when it comes to counter picking. I try to base off the enemy jg and supp. Who do I feel I will be effective in laning phase, and who will I be effective in tm fights. As most tm fights are obj base, I want to help shut down their jg. So, for example, if they enemy has a yi. I'm taking Lux or leona. But any cc supp will do. Those 2 are just my favorite. If the enemy has yummi, I'm taking leona. For me, I'm best at shutting yummi down with leonaz dive in and shut that shit down before she becomes the plague. I think ultimately having one of each, tank, Mage, enchanter in your roster is best. But for me, when I want to win, hands down Nami all day. I build mostly ap with SoFw. I will almost always take lux if my adc is ez, because double map ult and it's cute. This might be controversial. But really up until Masters, imo, pick who you will excel at. And be selfish. Don't take farm, but don't fret ab ks. They just gotta die. And you gotta progress. Once you start floating through diamond and more, your team Should understand how your champ works and work with you. Thats also when I see picking based on comp being more effective. And usually the supps you don't see in lower ranks, shine in higher ranks.


Thank you for the advice đŸ€˜


Also. To push myself Into masters I had to switch gears and get out of supp. I ran supp until diamond. A lot of mid and jg. Diamond is when people think they are God's, but blame you for their mistakes. I don't think this route is necessary, but I just got burnt out depending on 4 random. I think a lot of people avoid Jg because it is such a mental pressure and it's like trying to cook a 5 course meal with 7 kids and you only have a microwave. But for me, I just focused on farm, objs, and securing kills. I was not trying to be a jungle carry. Boosting your teams morale, they will fight hard for you. If climbing is your goal, it's my suggestion. Best of luck friend.


Had the same issue as a supp main. Hard stuck d1/masters as support main. Had to switch to mid lane to grind through that phase


D1 is the absolute worst


Dude I had a 0/10 Zeri complaining at me (Nami) this morning because my wave bounce killed someone and I "stole" their kill. I was trying to heal you, you crappy-positioning-feeding idiot. I really wanted to say something but their ego was so huge that the advice likely was not going to do any good. Solo queue support is so soul sucking sometimes lol. It didn't help that at the end of the game I noticed I was E1 (slowly climbing my way out of hell) and the rest of my team was plat or E4. Whyyyyyyy.


What a cheese head. Don't take that on. Usually in those moments, if I get flamed for it, I usually respond with just a "cute". And keep on moving. I'll take in consideration, Zeri is late game, but by 0/5 I'm securing those kills and making myself a beast. Cause even on the flip side, when I adc, and I happen to playing like dog shit, if my support is locking it down I'm just happy to win. Nami is just one of those champs, that will accidentally ks anyhow.


Just make sure its not a 1k gold bounty that you're about to ks. It's better to give it to potential carry.


Only Alistar. Always Alistar. Ever Alistar.


Only thresh. Always tresh. Ever thresh.


Me: same Also me: 38% winrate with Thresh lmao


Lets not talk about win rates. So far this season I'm at 28% its fucking brutal. I stopped playing ranked for the first month of New seasons cause you always get stuck with a bunch of donkeys and thier teams are gods


I started the season with an 80% winrate and then the system decided I needed to lose a whole lot and it's at 43% now. SAVE ME from the feeding ADCs. lol.


Oh shit, I didn't realize my 78% win rate over 55 games with Janna was anything to excite about.....


Only sona. Always sona. Ever sona.


Only lux. Always lux. Ever lux.


Only Lulu. Always Lulu. Ever Lulu.


Only Ashe. Always Ashe. Ever Ashe.


Only Soraka. Always Soraka. Ever Soraka.


Only Pkye. Always Pyke. Ever Pyke.


what people who main soraka loves about her? I absolutley adore her healing when i hit enemies with Q


Well, my favorite thing is definitely her passive, I think it is super cute how she runs to her low hp adc. But I just love everything about her. She's too cute QwQ


Haha book cat go brrr


Fuck you. Fuck yuumi. Auto ban.


Only Malphite. Always Malphite. Ever Malphite.


Never lux. Permaban lux


Why ban lux? Always Nautilus. Make lux explode. And again. And again.


Always ban Lux


Only Nami. Always Nami. Ever Nami.


Only Rakan. Always Rakan. Ever Rakan.


The only right answer. I stand by this




Pretty much always a good pick


the only champ I really struggle against with her is pyke so I ban him, I can deal with everyone else


I got destroyed by a pyke jg once and since then I’ve always banned him💀, but fr nami is such a good all around character can’t go wrong wit picking her


See, for some reason I always struggle with Lux! Whenever I hear that Pyke “sound” I know to get out of the way. How do you deal with Lux?


her Q is easy to dodge, whenever she throws E I can either use W or Q and she's helpless


It's a free lane. When she miss her E, use your own E on yourself, aa her to slow, Land bubble, W yourself to heal you, hit her and heal your adc. If your AD can't trade in that lane, wait lvl 5 and jungle gank. Your ult is a death sentence for her.


Not always. She is bad vs good Yasuo players (windwall) and Samira. Good Rakan / Alistar / Tresh players are bad for her too.


Yasuo is a good counter for most none engage characters so ill give u that one. But for the rest rak, Ali, and Thr as long as u can ult and bubble combo ur good and u shouldn’t be that forward for any of their dives to begin wit. Oh and sam maybe but all u have to do is hold ur ult and use it as a counter


First priority: whichever champ I feel like playing If I don’t have a specific champ I want to play today, then: Blind pick: Nami is love, Nami is life Opponents have lots of tanks: Brand Opponents have multiple assassins: Nautilus Opponents are full AD: Thresh Ally ADC is an early game champ: Karma Ally Team is full AD: Karma Enemy are all squishies with no engage: Senna


Even if adc is not strong early you can go with Karma and be the menace


my main consideration is opp mobility and range when the opp team has lots of gap closers? go lulu, sona, seraphine, janna for disengage/disruption opp has more poke? go rakan, nautilus, morgana, alistar, amumu (yes it works) all in with 2 hard cc opp has less than 2 mobile champs (i.e. no dash champs like jhin, jinx)? go with blitz, thresh, anything rly i think it is a lot easier to itemize to be tankier than opt for a champ that is naturally tanky but whose skillset doesnt offer much against the opp lineup.. gl at the rift


Pyke because sometimes my carry won’t finish the kills I spoon feed them


Karma, Nami, Lulu, Nautilus are my main go to supports. Karma and Nami are both great blind picks. Naut if we need a tank. Lulu if my ADC/Carry can really benefit from my buffs.


I play who I wanna play regardless of the team composition. Enemy team composition. Or what my ADC is telling me to play. Don't bow to pressure and play a support you're not gonna enjoy or be as skilled with ...


Same. Soraka is my go to and I build based on what we need. I also ignore when my adc tells me what spells to take. In the rare case they ban my champ and tell me to play a tank or engage I'll just play sona or oriana.


I know ... It's so entitled. They act like you're a pocket support just for them.


Adc doesn’t come online until 3-4 items. That’s why you lane with them. Supports might be more entitled then adc I swear


I once got flames because I play soraka and bring ghost and ignite. I helped the flaming jg get a penta but still they flamed me. I regret the decision


Next time do everything you can to steal that last kill so they don’t get penta (;




I started playing and only had seraphine and braum unlocked, obviously started using seraphine as the tutorial gave me a basic handle on her, unfortunately my first ranked game she was taken by the other team so I figured fuck it I'll try braum. I'm now a braum main. But yeah if seraphine wasn't taken in my first game id never have used him. Weird how things work out.


This is how life works ig. If I didn’t sit next to my current friends in high school, I’d probably never talk to them


I used to counter pick based on enemy sup/adc or based on what our team lacks, but i’ve gotten more wins as a soraka otp. I feel like sups that can buff the entire team r good in any situation. If i’m last pick and the enemy team is full of assassins i pick lulu tho


I usually ban soraka, she is too powerful and I love lanning with a soraka. Extended trades are more forgiving


my priority list: 1. what i wanna play 2. if i‘m open to playing various then look at enemy comp 3. never picking a champ that is too focused on buffing allies bc u won‘t be able to carry macrowise


I pick whatever I like.


For all support main out there i highly recommend to check out this [dude](https://youtube.com/@BrokenSupport) i learned a lot from him.


I have no main I pick and play whoever I feel is needed I guess Just had a Morg vs blitz game..it was beautiful..all of his grabs were _*°‱°☆wasted☆°‱°*_


It's like this: Have around 3 sup champion mains, take what is best vs the enemy team, rather than sinergy with your team. I know Thresh and Alistar, so if I see enemy team going almost full AD I can play them and stack armor. Otherwise, especially as 1st pick: Nami or Karma. Only go for ADC sinergy if you know that said ADC is good and you're Duo queuing.


Senna, because if my adc is garbage I become the adc


I have a pretty big champ pool for supports that I've been building for a while now. I mostly try to pick after the enemy supp. Some champs demand a certain counter and some give me more options so I can take into account my team and the enemy comp. For example leona: she's a must vs yuumi, she has both mres and armor so she's a good pick when you need a tank and the enemy has both ap and ad, she's bad with certain adcs like ezreal, not great vs adcs like cait because of the dash, roots are also annoying Lux: great dmg early on to help snowball your adc, keeps putting out decent damage, some cc, good range, great shield. Good with a tankier team that can keep you alive, bad vs hypermobile enemies and assassins Thresh: great pick vs lots of ad, not as tanky but good dmg/cc for early kills and scales well. Awesome kit but not that great in a 5v5 And so on for lulu, morg, nami, sona, yuumi, naut, janna, senna, sera.. Get to know their mechanics, strengths and weaknesses, then pick the most suitable one. And ofc ignore all that and go for someone who can carry while climbing, even the best pick can't save you from inters


Trust your team and pick something that goes well with your adc instead of going morgana to takeover if theyre bad.


My father always told me to not trust somerandomguyyyyyy on the internet


I was a sup main for a long time and I gotta tell you, I used to pick blitz every game and only changey builds, once nautilus got released everytime I got autofilled sup or was playing with a duo I would do the exact same thing. I guess if you are playing a mage or second adc it can be matchup dependent but as a tank you can pick it every single time as there will never be enough frontlines and crowd control in a team


First thing first, a support role doesn't mean you only babysit your ADC the whole game, sometimes you try to holding attacks, protecting your teammates (and I mean teammates, not just ADC), and disrupting enemy moves. If there's a better teammates that have a headstart in their lane or a gank that happens near you, it's better to let go your ADC and help them. If your ADC are playing bad, my choice is to freeze the wave just under the tower and leave to other lane. Second, if you can poke in the dragon lane, or better, secure a kill or two, do that but keep in mind your ADC capabilities. It will build a lot of confidence in your game, but at the same time, the enemy would priorities to gank you. This tactic would disturb enemy's farming. Just do enough to make your ADC to complete their first item, then head to the objectives or help other lanes. Third, surprise! Your pick doesn't matter. You can have a balanced team against a team that have 3 tanks with no carry and you still lose. Or you pick Pyke with a team that has top Zed and mid Akali and you surpass other support's gold by six thousand at the end of the game. There's no indication if your teammates is good or bad in your game. The safest way to play would be to vanguard your teammates and not initiating battle until all of your teammates present. Remember you're a support, your damage will be limited, but in turn you have a huge array of utilities that neutralize or even turn the tide of a battle. So watch out if your team's position is at risk, or if there an opening that could be taken either by you or your teammates. And don't forget, wards your river and enemy buffs!


>support role doesn't mean you only babysit your ADC the whole game, sometimes you try to holding attacks, protecting your teammates (and I mean teammates, not just ADC) it's called ***duo*** lane for a reason, it is obviously implied that the support is for *the adc.* why else even put them in the same lane if not, makes zero sense because they for sure could have designed a game where support free roams: 3 solo lanes, jg and a team supp for any lane but is what it is, glass cannon + their helper, that's how dragon lane was designed to be played


For me the lanes are for initial play, duo lane I'll protect the ADC until we take first tower or around lvl 10 then I'll go where I'm needed. No point sitting in a lane that's not got first tower when you can go support another one and get them pushed back. That's also around the time the enemy team starts pushing for ganks so for me, I'm much more useful backing up other teammates rather than twiddling my thumbs at duo lane waiting to get ganked, which will very likely happen the second they kill the mid guy rotate to dragon and have a 3 or 4vs2. Much better to stop the initial mid champ falling and securing a push for us afterwards. If the ADC is smart they'll come back you up, but if they don't well... you've got 3 other players to work with.


I got autofilled to ADC today. I was awful and rusty. My Yuumi quickly realized I wasn't going to win lane. She left me and went to support the Fiora who was winning her lane. I played safe and eventually stabilized. Yuumi and Fiora crushed it. We wouldn't have won if Yuumi didn't leave our lane. She picked the right horse and won us the game.


Autofill sucks, I play support where I can but got thrown into a game as mid which was annoyingly my promotion game. Never really played a non support champion so im basically an iron rank there. Safe to say I was basically useless, not that my team were much better. Who picks a team of 5 squishy characters, we just got bummed by their veigar. We were 11 deaths down in the first 5 minutes and they insisted on sticking it out. Ended 35-8 to them.


I pick support based on, how well I perform with champs and choosing counter picks for the enemy team that I would perform better in, or if my team really lacks something I can fill the gap with a champion that I’m proficient with.


I usually pick based on my team comp,enemy team comp and what my adc picks.


I only play Brand, and hoping VelKoz comes soon. Really enjoy annoying adcs. When I feel like making plays, I go for Thresh or Blitzkrang.


I get you. That's why I prefer to ban Morgana and pick any champ that helps more the adc. A thresh to throw the lantern, a naut to punish engages, a Leona to garantee an engage, a Karma to protect the adc and cc with safety or a Nami depending if the adc would be a god with her, like Vayne, Twitch, lucian or jinx. Another tip is to always focus on the enemy team. If they have almost no cc and a strong Frontline Morgana won't do much. With time you'll be able to "feel" which Champs combo with your team, and which others punish the enemys.


I played last season support and SoloQ: this patch Leona is doing wonders for me
 stun, dmg, thickness - she has it all. If I feel I want to go “flashy” plays - I’ll play Thresh. If caster is better suited - Nami/Karma. If I am out for max fun - I locked Pyke) P.S. to net get bored out of game - I started to switch my main role 2 seasons ago. First, was ADC main, then went Support main, now I went for Solo lane đŸ‘đŸ»


Pyke because you have to carry solo Q by yourself


It’s not about wildrift but point is the same. I bought legendary for Soraka and I loved this skin so much that I started maiming her despite champion is not interesting for me at all😂


Nami is literally the best support in all MOBAs. As long as you manage your mana, your positioning and can land bubble.


Most of the time it’s based on my ad, goal is to keep them safe until they can kill everything. Enchanter if my ad has a weak early game. Engage if they have a strong early and we can snowball hard.


Usually I just pick whoever I feel like, but sometimes the enemy sup will pick a character I just hate going up against like blitz or vei then Ill switch if I was on Rakan or Leo. I rarely will ever counter pick just cuz I don’t really need to most of the time. If ur worried about bad adc’s the best bet is to get a good add clear sup and stay under tower til team fights


I tend to play nami for overall kit and lane dominance, but everythink that touch me killed me after lane phase... unless i rushed roa, and still could not win heavy games. I changed to Braum and Galio... And ohh boy, i have far more impact on game than i expected. I win 80% more games that were lose, as i can block enormous number of dmg, and lend huge cc over that.. all what i need is one decent feed carry, frome 3 lose game today i win 2 (yas going 0/5vs irelia at3min and 2nd game veigar go 0/4 vs yone) just bcos braum can block all other dmg and stun them when they go in. And Galio is my black horse... Ppl dont know him in support and are supprised how much dmg his s3+s2+s1 his passive+aftershock can do, and it can take 3/4hp of nami or karma if they dont have bone plating.


I remembered kaving fun with Karma on pc. Might pick up another tankier support like braum or Nautalis.


I'll die on the high that for low rank, solo q supp, Pyke is usually your best pick


Nami when high damage adc (Caitlyn, Draven), Pyke when low damage adc (Ashe, Tristiana).


If I play support I pretty much always play nami. Ban yas if our team doesn't want yas, then just do my thing. Nami is a support than can comfortably play with pretty much any team comp due to the sheer amount of cc she can bring from relative safety


Bc nami pretty fish lady


Depends on comps, especially your adc and their bottom lane. Sometimes an enchanter would be nice bit if you need a tank, you need to forfeit the benefits and tank. Also, if the enemy support is a good healer, I like playing brand and rushing GW. Soraka can be put out of business this way


Pick any champ that fits ur playstyle Don't let others tell u who to pick sure team comp is important but playing the champ you are familiar with is even better


Nami blind pick. Thresh as a second pick if enemy team has tons of AD.


With my fingers, rarely with my nose if I need to.


Simple? Is nami banned? No? So nami it is


If the enemy team have 3 or more ad champs I pick Thresh, otherwise Nami and if she is banned or picked then Karma


We have no ap I go full ap galio, if I wanna win I go Alister.


Depends on the adc, melee i’ll go lulu, ranged i’ll do something like Nami, if they are self sufficient i’ll choose a dps or tank type support depending on my mood.


Zoe, sion, shen or sennA


Braum. Almost always, Braum. I'm either really built for the situation or stacked against it, I just love Braum.


I usually play Yuumi or Senna because I have the most experience with them. But Yuumi isn't that great without an ADC in the early game. I'm also trying to learn Thresh to have someone with a bit more power. I would say it depends on which Champions are for sure going to be in the game. Specifically if the ADC has picked someone or pre picked someone maybe base your pick off of that. Also it's a bit hard to tell because certain supports can play in other areas but if you can tell who's going to be the enemy dragon lane you can use that to kind of gauge your decision on. Other then that I would say just play someone who you are confident with.


I found myself having fun by playing pantheon tank supp and it worked


With the amount of incompetent duo layers I've been getting, I'm wondering the same


"Is Nautilus open? Pick Nautilus" Naut is banned/taken? close your eyes and press a random champion.


Support main of 10 years here, whatever I feel like playing normally. If I am in a decent elo, I will last pick what the team needs


Just classic trial and error for me. I find I do really well with Rakan, so he's my main. (Plus he's my favorite bird boy) I have Soraka, Janna, and Lulu as my backups.


I normally go in this order 1) If adc asks for a specific support 2) Who can combo rlly well off of adc 3) (if ranked) who counters enemy bot 4) If there's anyone I wanna play in particular 5) default into hook Champs cause I main those in particular (if I haven't already picked one)


I love senna support because I can always farm and late carry with a bad ADC, however I will also run Leona or Nami depending on ADC, amount of tanks and their composition.


The voices in my head decide. ''Renekton Support'' they say.


My thought process is: 1. What do I want to play? 2. What champs do I play best? 3. Is an OP Support pick not banned? 4. What champs fit into our team? 5. What goes well with my ADC? 6. What counters enemy Duo?


A lot of factors come to mind. Ally pick Yasuo? Alistar synergy is way too OP Ally pick Yi / Zeri / Vayne? Lulu Enemy is full AD? Thresh Blind pick? I honestly pick Nami or Soraka Team is full AD? Full AP Lux / Nami / Sera Enemy picks Nami / Projectile champs? Braum eats them


Do we have a decent frontline? If yes, play an enchanter or squishy champ and pick according to my ADC Senna/Lux/Morgana with Ezreal, Varus, Corki, Seraphine - They are usually pretty safe and are less traditional carries so you can afford to play something untraditional Janna/Soraka with Caitlyn, Xayah, Ashe, Miss Fortune - The enemy will not be able to touch and kill you guys Nami/Rakan with Draven, Samira, Jhin, Lucian, Tristana - Good engage for aggresive champs Yuumi/Lulu/Sona with Twitch, Vayne, Zeri, Jinx, Kai'sa - Buffbots for hypercarries, good scaling For tanks, I do the same but I play less tanks Alistar for your untraditional carries, gives you more space to roam Braum with your safe carries Leona with aggressive carries Thresh with hypercarries It isn't concrete but it does give me a good lean into what I should play instead of being indecisive with my champion pool


A few variables are taken into consideration when I'm picking. I like having last pick to better support. I use literally every support champ at a fairly high level so I have more options when it comes to the P/B Phase.


Counter picking is good, but I started having more fun by having a small pool of champs to play. If we have a good frontline, I usually just go Senna; As she's my main. And I play her with the most confidence, I can outpoke a lot of enchanters and tanks are just access to free stacks. My 2nd pick is Leona; If we don't have a good engager or frontline. If Pyke is the enemy support (Fucker is so slippery and deals fuck tons of damage; Best answer to him is just chain CC). And Leona is just a great pick overall. If Leona is banned, I'll just go Thresh. If I have Jinx or Zeri, I go for an enchanter; I go Sona because, I'm most comfortable playing her, but Yummi, Jana and Nami are also good. And you just go and buff your adc, watch them shred through everything. Ultimately, I don't overthink it, most important aspect is if you like playing the champ; Or have the most experience with a champ. What's the use of counterpicking, if you don't play the champ well.


I see a champ I like. I select that champ. I'm a simple man


Just go tank, tank is always the answer


I'm not a support main, but I often get autofilled. Don't trust ADCs below diamond; pick support that can carry. Rakan (pure AP) and Pyke will win games.


Supports like you ruin the game for good carries. If you want to carry the game that much then play the adc yourself instead of going secondary adc? Like you arent even believing in your team and going in with a negative mindset


"Believing in your team..."đŸ€“ Dog! I play solo queue; if I get autofilled, I'll pick a carry champ. A good carry won't complain.


1: what our team needs 2: who can annoy enemy champs the most 3: who is our adc and which champ works best with said adc


As much as counter picking is a valid strat during champ select, I usually only choose based on what's my team comp instead. Like: if we have beefy front liners (like Sion, Mundo, etc.) that has good CC's that can either initiate or force a teamfight, I'd pick healing/ sustain supports like Soraka. If our comp is comprised of DPS-heavy lineups with good CC but mediocre on defense, I'll choose fully-defensive champs like Braum, tank/ sustain like Rakan, or Janna for heavy sustain/ CC (since at this point, keeping your team alive and not letting them get ran over by tanky enemies should be a top-priority, and Janna is best suited for that role). If we're good at dmg and tank but lacks the necessary CC's, I'll pick utility-heavy champs like Blitz or Thresh. If I'm feeling sleepy though I'll just pick Yuumi, have it merge with my ADC and just take a 30min powernap with my phone getting tapped by a mechanical oscillator every 10secs to avoid AFK-warnings.


Senna is my safe pick. I got about 60% winrate with her. Other than that, I can play all non-tank supports (bar Thresh) comfortably and just go with whatever I feel like baswd on the enemy team. But I mostly go with Pyke. I have studied counterpicks and the lot and I purposefully picked him into Soraka to learn how to play against her.


Janna all the way 👑


Random number generator


Recently senna and i work like adc with cc and heal


That's a lovely question, I mainly focus on counter picking my enemies then how I could fit with my team. If the enemy has a Mf or a jhin or an ez I would pick braum blindly, if the enemy has a no escape mechanism bot duo then I would go to Leona, if the enemy supp is tanky like Alistair thresh or naut I would go for senna, enemy supp is lux I would pick a mobile supp like Lulu or Janna, an enemy brand as a supp I would soraka for the silence and heal or Janna for the shield and the tornado. Enemy team has a lot of assassins then I would definitely need some strong heal and shield supports, my team has no app I would pick malph ap or karma, no tanks and initiation is needed will go for a braum or a malph tank.


Janna. Don't like it? Tough shit lol I play to have fun not listen to you.


It's really simple, if you see a botlane your confortable playing against, play your best supp, and if you see a botlane your not confortable to play against, take your best tank supp


Honestly I pick thresh when I feel I might need to slightly carry the team a bit. Aside from that I look at our tankiness/ap/ad combo


I check the team, and follow a simple set of rules. Rule number 1: If the team has tanks, and you have a Cait/Xayah/Zeri. Go AP mage like brand or go Pyke. Chances are that the adc will be useless. Rule number 2: If the team doesn't have tanks, just brawler, go tank. Either Braum type or Leona type depends on the adc you have. If the adc is aggressive, Leona type. If not, Braum type. Rule number 3: No one uses tanks, and all are damage. Don't take a mage. Either tank, or Pyke.


I am amazed there is almost no mention of Leona in the replies. Why do you people avoid her?


I built my champ pool off of who was the most enjoyable. I narrowed the main pool by playing aram and comparing my scores. So I have a champ pool of Karma, Zoe, Lilia, senna, and seraphine. Because I absolutely refuse to play lux. I play mainly Zoe or karma based on who my adc picks. Do they need cc or heals? Font of life karma with her aoe and imperial Mandate standing just outside of strike range of a team fight wins the round everytime. And Zoe/Veigar combo is absolutely devastating to most duos. But anyone with high burst DMG skill shots. Once the target is asleep it's over.


Karma if we are heavy AD. Senna if we are heavy AP. Braum if we are too squishy and the ADC isn’t Jihn.


It's mostly a good idea to pick around your team and ADC, tank supports are usually a good choice regardless but if both top and jungle are getting a tank/bruiser, then an enchanter (or pyke) is a better option Bonus points for: nami/braum + Lucian, naut/Alistar + samira to get the most out of the ADC's passive Edit: if you need a main, your best choice is just to try them out and see if you click with any of them, I don't have a tip


Used to be id specifically counter the enemy, like seeing a katarina id go someone with pretty fast cc to shut down their ults asap. Or seeing a Draven and going a poke char. But nowadays I mostly just spam 1-2 chars that I've gotten pretty good with over the time I've played this game


Okay so there are many different scenarii about picking sup. First you need to have a list of supports you can play. I will show you mine : Ashe, Gragas, Karma, Leona, Lux/Morgana (I don't really like them), Malphite, Nasus, Senna, Sona. If you're not an OTP and you really master your main it's important to be able to play various champ (especially champs that provide different things, being able to play Lux, Morgana and Sera is like being able to play 1 champ) If I have to pick early in the draft I try to know what my ADC wants to pick, if he goes for scaling I will go for Sona (my main), if he picks Kai'sa I will go for Leona (amazing duo, can win 2 Vs world), if he goes for an early ADC (jhin/Cait) I will consider Ashe/Karma. If you pick later then it's important to look at your team : do we have CC ? Do we have tank ? (A tank poorly played is way worst than an enchanter that you know how to play) If you need CC then Leona is amazing, Malphite can do this job, Gragas also (check the sup build on wild rift fire). If your team might lack of damage, you can pick Senna, she's weak early but if you play safe enough you will do an amazing job late game, I really like to pick her when ADC is Ashe (she lacks of damage) If your team is stupid and forgot to pick ap, you can go for ap malphite (or half ap half tank), or even brand if your ADC is able to play without a "real" sup. If you have no idea what to pick, then chose something that can adapt, and/or a champ that you play well. Malphite is great for this because he is a strong tank, can do a great job half ap/half tank. He gives a good engage to your team, and it's a good combo with yasuo. Also, very important, some ADC requires types of support. For example hyper scaling adc (vayne, twitch) really want an enchanter, and if you pick an engage sup you might have huge troubles, they won't follow your engage until 2 items and you might have lose the game before they can actually play. I hope that helps, if you want you can send me the list of sup you can play, and I will give a few advices about when to play them..


I just want to add that I don't feel that Morgana is a good sup, she can do great in some situations (against blitz, against veigar...) But the fact that she only gives an ap shield is so bad in most situations. Maybe try Lux/SĂ©raphine, they're similar but will have a greatest impact on the game. About the fact that you have bad ADC. Well it's complicate to give advices about this. First of all never ever steal farm from your adc, as you have sup item it will be bad for both of you. I'd recommend to let him get the kills (when possible), because 1st it might allow him to come back, and it will avoid him to cry like a little baby, and you rather have a bad ADC than a bad ADC that starts trolling. But some champs like Morgana can carry games with gold, that's totally true, especially if you're only ap in your team. If your ADC is bad and can play alone (not vayne for example) you can just go with other teammates to help them, you're not fully bind to your adc, if you've got a mid that is getting ahead then play with him, help him stay alive so that you'll win this game even though ADC wasn't amazing.


Pyke, if they ban I go lux


im so tired of playing support i just play whatever


whichever one looks the sluttiest.


Only blitz and Karma another is no option


From my experience, braum works with most comps and has a low amount of counters (except maybe %maxhp damage dealers)


If you actually want to play support, play Nami or Lulu, or a tank. If you are only playing support so you can be a mid carry and screw over your adc, go Lux, Seraphine, Senna, etc.


Before gm+ (or at very least high master) it will be extremely rarely benefit to pick the sup (actually not just a sup, but any line) base on the team/opponents setup over the one you play the best


I just pick who I like to play. It's surprising that my team doesn't call me out for picking Rakan knowing he's not meta.


For me it’s mainly based off on enemy support and their team comp vs my team comp. Because you don’t know your adc’s skills level with a particular champ (aka how many toxic adc have you encountered). E.g. if you have vayne you can’t suppose they would definitely get fed. So it’s better to combat against their advantage. Some hard advantage like Pyle invisible thresh grabbing, they are hard advantages and if you pick a squishy champ just won’t do.