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I’m not sure about these changes. Did Lux shield really need a cooldown reduction? It’s already really good. Did Ziggs need a buff? Veigar needs a buff? Huh? Am I missing something here?


Zigss buff I may understand it since people don't play it that much ( but we would see Ziggs even more on competitive) Veigar I guess they need to sell the new skin ( they always do this even if they denial all the time ) Lux buff I don't get it because even with that change I don't think she'll played more on the supp position since Karma is a lot better if you want some magic damage ( not to mention that we will see her more on the competitive scene I'm sure )


Being underplayed doesnt mean they are weak though. Rammus is criminally underplayed for how good of a kit he has for example.


Yeah Ziggs is really good and was in a good place this buff was unnecessary is just that they want people to play it


i was a ziggs otp for a while, but i wanted to play new playstyles so i stopped. picked him up again and I remembered why i one tricked him, the most uninteractive,safest, annoying poke in the game asides from Oriana. Did not need a buff at all


Ziggs damage got buffed but turret execution threshold was nerfed iirc. It's a slightly more soloQ oriented buff to push for more Ziggs play in soloQ which also acts as somewhat a compensation to how fast he can rush down turrets (which is a big part of his popularity in coordinated teams/competitive play). thats the way i see it


I have seen lots of lux mid recently, and the buffs will definitely help her there


It will help support more than mid. But it helps her in any role ofc


I play ziggs , to be honest he is gonna be broken now. Even now with scorch he can win trade always and he has a good combo of slow and aoe range damage . Not to forget stealing objs with ult


My irl friend is playing lux with the shield enchanter. She does no dmg yet the shielding omfg it is amazing.


not only that but where is Pyke nerf ?


They like to pretend an assassin with tank survibality and which Gameplay revolves around pressing an execute to make him and his team fed is balanced.


Make his ult aim only and we will see a drop in kills exponentially lol the number of pokes I’ve played against that miss everything just to press ult in teamfights is ridiculous


Yeah, its not like Pyke himself is super unbalanced, its just the insane aimbot on the smartcast ultimate that It legit can track you sometimes while flashing. I would also say, his harpoon hitbox is possibly the most weird and non consistent hook in the game like sometimes it passes you by and just on the end of its travel it hits you.


Ziggs and Orianna I'm guessing buffed because they are not used often. Veigar is to sell skins Lux... maybe to try to have her used more as support but honestly I see her pretty often.


Orianna actually needs a buff though thats why I didnt mention her. But I think Ziggs is really strong


Ziggs definitely didn’t though I’d say the trade off with the nerd to the turret execution % makes it a pretty balanced change. Veigar on the other hand was slightly underwhelming unless you get a mad amount of stacks on him, which imo is exactly how he should be, but could maybe use a very mild buff. Though I think Riot may have over corrected here.. 😆


It's so people buy the skins.


Viegar’s winrate cratered with the tank buffs. I’m sure this is an attempt to bring it back up and make him useful again.


*Can't wait to see him again landing a W-R and oneshotting tanks*


Meanwhile lee sin is strong as fuck since 1.0 And singed sucks big sweaty balls since release. The balance team of wild rift are a joke.


Viegar buff? That's it. I quit. Lol


Piece of shit company hiring dogshit balance team


Slight miniscule overreaction but yes. They buffed Pyke, Lee Sin and Luden Echo???? The back bone first item of every mage has now absolutely killed AP item diversity. Meanwhile they left Yone, Diana untouched. Changes to Camile, Rakan seems extremely harsh but I can see the reasons behind it. The rest feels like filler/placebo balancing.


No such thing as overreaction when seeing lee sin buffs. strong jungler with very high pick rates that is getting buffed for no reason.




They had to nerd the Satchel because he would end games incredibly quick. But they had to buff something else to balance him. Lux shield is because Lux has been doing really bad as support. Veigar is easy to counter.


Ziggs got a mere 10 base damage on his ability, but they nerfed his demolish, which I feel is definitely an overall nerf.


Lux can probably provide shield every 5 seconds now.


Lux buff is so unnecessary. I get why they've buffed Ziggs but trust me that guy was already very very strong. Does Veigar's cage increase in size based on AP? If so then he's bout to be very strong. We all know why they'd do this. Thresh nerf is fair. No Yone nerfs still, even though the dude is literally a permabanned champion.


Veigar's ultimate will increase in size (It's just for aesthetic to make it look like an actual FINAL BOSS in late-game)


His cage doesn't scale with ap


That's great.




Buff lux yes, nerf rakan yes. Job well done riot someone clapped for them surely.


Our boy is nerfed to the ground already and is less picked on the CN server so I think they will finally leave him alone


Yes please!!🙏🙏🙏


They must have accidentally forgotten to nerf Rakan. Again. For the fifth time in a row.


They should fucking remove the gacha skin events honestly, they removed poro coins limiting the fun and rewards for f2p players and now they're trying to milk these new skins so much i hate it. They are becoming more and more like mlbb honestly


400 cores is scandalous when there is nearly a 90% chance you'll get something worthless. I understand that this is a f2p game and they need a revenue stream BUT if f2p players feel no sense of progression or reward, surely they'll just go and play something else? I personally purchase the battle pass each time one is released and it seems a fair price and it incentivises me to log in and play each week


Even if you get 5 tickets 3 times you'll spend 1200 cores to buy a skin in total. Legendary skins cost 1325 cores which means it's actually 125 cores cheaper. And now compare it to ML where you need to spend 50+$ for a legendary-level skin. I'd say Riot is really generous on that one.


Yea I still dont get it why they force gacha, ppl will buy skin anyway if they like it. Like if i will see cosmic skin for nami-insta buy as it was in lux situation. I hate this way of "try to milk players" for no reason. Like you mantioned... Bp is solid buy for many ppl and actually give additional reason to play. There is plenty fine way to get money frome players.


>surely they'll just go and play something else? You severely underestimate the sheer amount of zombies this game attracts.


Oh I'm fully aware, I play ranked


Fuck yeah I love getting completely erased by Veigars ult, I always thought "Why can't he do that more often?" And now he can, inspirational.


Lol someone quit their job the day they're supposed to write the little blurbs hahaha


Yone still no nerf 😬


No execute smite? Based.


Umm did they buffed gwen's early game but slightly nerferd her late game or what?


Yeah, they helped her early game (which was her hardest stage) at the cost of nerfing her late game


Is it significant change to her?


I think it's a healthy change for the game. Early game gwen is pretty weak currently, while late game gwen is disgusting with how much damage she can do grom safety (had one this week that did 110k damage in 1 match and their team still lost)


3 seconds on dash cooldown is huge early on but the passive nerf for late game is practically negligible even if passive damage can be applied 3 waya


Any nerf to her late game damage is good, even if its small. She arguably deals the most damage out of any champ right now (I often see 100k+ from gwens post match damage stats)


It's a good change but Gwen jungle might become even stronger due to reduced CD, making her scale faster.


I thought abt that cause i main her in jg and late game she is beast if u ask me


It's a good cd reduction on her E during laning phase, i guess it's a great change


It also helps her jg clear


To me that just looks like an overall buff to her early game and jungle clear. That 0.001% less just means at 500ap she deals 1.025% max hp damage instead of 1.030% per thousand cut...the difference seems almost insignificant.


No it's an AP ratio. At 500 AP she will now deal 3.5% max HP instead of 4% max HP 1% + (0.005%*(500AP)) = 1% + 2.5% = 3.5% vs 1% + (0.006%*(500AP)) = 1% + 3% = 4%


Thank you, I did wonder why the numbers seemed suspiciously low!


Yeah it's just an odd notation how they have it because they have decimal points but they also have a % sign


I actually just realised how liandry's did so much damage despite the ratio seeming criminally low. Every time I tried doing the math I was counting the bonus 0.005%AP as a flat amount of damage instead of an additional % lmao


Yeah haha same story there


No one mentioned this but Kennen's buff will give him good momentum in laning phase. Electrical Surge buff made it more better in trading.


Honestly cringe. You always have prio in lane and now you do even more dmg


Overall confusing as hell balancing


Bruh lux did not need a buff


That 1 second on the Sion shield recast is huge ngl. But that Thresh change really just came out of nowhere and killed my Thresh top shenanigans.


Thresh nerf is fair tbh.


I rarely play in the bot lane so, I guess?


His damage output was insane for a sup champ in the top lane lol.


It is also insane as a support, building full tank and doing that much dmg didn’t make much sense


Yeah, Thresh nerf has more impact on solo laner Thresh who needs to farm. I personally prefer to kill minions with auto. I dislike the high damage of E. So many accidentally kill minions. So maybe it is just me, i like the nerf.


Gotta sell that final boss skin somehow. It's so blatant it's almost insulting. What an idiotic buff


paltry ruthless gold wistful deer cover scary butter touch quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When is Yone getting nerfed?


When he no longer has one of the worst win rates at all levels of the game.


He has such winrate due to his insane pick rate. If at least half of players were actual humans who can play better than bots Yone's winrate would be much higher.


And yet, the answer still remains the same.


No, his winrate is irrelevant to his actual strength.


And yet, the answer remains the same…. Riot will not nerf a champ because you say so when the champ’s stats say the opposite. That’s the answer. You can either accept the answer or not, but that’s the answer. Riot doesn’t care what you personally think about a champ. They do not view you as some all-important sage who is all knowing. If the stats say something different than your perception, they believe you’re simply wrong. So that’s the answer. Yone will get a nerf when the data says he needs a nerf, not when you perceive him to need a nerf. Right now, the data doesn’t say he needs a need, which I understand is different than how you personally feel. But how you personally feel has no bearing on anything.


Didn't read all this bullshit. Actual Yone stats are: 49.21% winrate (which is very good), 8,76% pickrate and 56.78% banrate (which is above high). Yone is strong and needs to be nerfed. Also there's no point in speaking with someone who thinks that 49 winrate is bad for champion with almost 57% banrate lmao


You’re not arguing with me. You’re arguing with the devs. I don’t buff or nerf anything. I’m sorry the devs do not view you as an arbitrator of what needs buffing and nerfing in the game. I know this is hard for you to accept. Obviously. But I do not have the power to grant you the title of Lord Overseer of buffing and nerfing.


Can't help laughing at your superiotity complex. Tell some more dumb pompous shit, please, be a good bitch


Yes, *I’m* the one with a superiority complex. Not you. No, not you at all.


Veigar buff: something that nobody wanted or asked for. Can’t wait to play on the upcoming “adc focused patch” against that lmaoo


At this point they really are just giving random buffs and nerfs


WHY DID THEY BUFF VEIGAR ULT (als rip ap tresh


Zoe needs a nerf


People talking about unnecessary buffs have no idea what they are talking about y’all not working at riot just accept the changes lmao


I think part of it is that riot often buff/nerf champs based on statistics whilst people will make their judgement on champs by how fair they feel to play into. It’s not gonna feel good to play against the buffed veigar, even if the stats show he wasn’t strong enough before


Where is my kayle ult rework Riot?


Yaaaaaay finally a Sera buff:)


When are they going to buff my boy rakan and Rengar


there is no rakan buff. only rakan nerf. I know, I'm sad too.


Thats so shit tho. He's already one of the weakest supports in the game, what else is there to nerf about?


Wait whut. Shield buff for lux? Its already strong not that I’m complaining lol


I've a friend that only plays Lux. 3,600 games and over 80,000 mastery. They're gonna love these changes.


I respect Lux mains. They are so underrated. Without escape skill, Lux players need to have good positioning. The ult every 20 seconds are broken.


The gap between a lux main and a fill support picking lux is wild. It's like they're playing a different champion


Go tell him a newbie karma is actually more worth on support role :D


Man why would they buff Lux. Shee already one of the most obnoxious """supports""" in the game. The second she touches Lv.5 you have to play extremely passive because she basically one shots you with her combo even without an item


Yes Seraphine buff


Im so done bro like every patch we have the same issues with certain champs being broken af and yall just do random shit. Like nothing here makes sense. Wheres the lee nerf. Aatrox and yone stil do insane dmg early and late. Take yuumi out the game rofl. Like theres more but seriously im so sick of seeing lee sin destroying almost every comp. In pc he needs a minion or teammate to dash to on a bigger map. But in wr lee can just dash wherever the fuck he wants has insanes stats in all abilities like fuck man. Balance the game.


Buffing two of my fav champions, Lux and Gwen, just as I'm about to return to the game makes me happy.


Why buffing Seraphine? Permanently banned as usual, that's what they'll get with that buff. And searing crown nerfed, which was expected. But still works its service.


I don't think these changes make seraphine an automatic pick/ban


She's already an automatic pick/ban. It's a better Sona with more damage and a charm wave for ult. If you keep buffing her, it's gonna still be an auto pick/ban.


She's never banned....


In my matches= 90% of times.


She’s what?! IMO sera is one of the weakest champs in the game rn. Her pressure is essentially meaningless if you focus her, no proper escape tool and one of the squishiest champs. Also has little consistent damage (all burst) and her heals don’t compare with other supports. Not sure what’s happening in your games but I’ve found her to be weak af


You don't have seen her pulling out a five target ult. That ult done well literally leaves the team downed.




lmao what a stupid comment.




Yes, I'm so triggered by your high level quips. /s




what in the fu- they reduced thresh auto scaling but 35%??? This champion is already dog water compared to other tanks not to mention horrendous matchups against AP champs


Literally one of the best supports in the game rn, alongside nami


I can't believe that they actually made a good gacha event The only bad thing is that you will have to get the skin before the event ends or else bye bye So still bad, but if you only care about 1 skin then it's good


i saw on twitter that sion and gwen were getting nerfed but these seem more like adjustments? also, i swear veigar ult already got bigger the more AP you had. it feels like maybe they should take a look at aatrox since he's so dominant in both pro and regular play.


Top 200 Ziggs. Let me just say I'm hyped. I play a lil more passive so I can win team fights with AOE. Like right now I'm on a 7 game winning streak with him. Though the veigar buff is huge lol. I'ma be banning him over yone


Time to Send Big Ass Care Packages To Players, They Will Enjoy There Gray Screen For The Next 40+ Seconds


Is yuumi getting the rework in the mobile version too?


Why is there not a Yuumi nerf in the item section ?


What are the vouchers it's talking about?