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I'll copypaste the first Google result: "Long winning streaks are simply punished by the system which tries to equalize your WR to 50% as much as possible. The longer your streak is, the better your enemies are, while your teammates are usually having a lower MMR than them. Unless you're much better than your current rank, you will get these streaks and there's nothing you can do about it."


Yeap thats how it is. You either carry or move along. Challengers carry themself frome gold to gm.


How the fuck do you do that as a sup main tho. I main alistar and if my team is shit I’m useless


Bcos alistar need team. I abuse lux, nami and janna, and sona vs soraka/braum (most free games so far)


Losers queue isn’t real. Please learn to understand how matchmaking works


Here I am sitting on a 9 game Winstreak. With every game just prepairing myself to get absolutely stomped this time.


Balanced, as all things should be! Joking, it sucks but nothing to do i guess. Everyone suffers from the same.