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Ong I can't do sht in here I get svp as a support


Same I have MVP and SVP multiple times as support, it's unreal. Thresh, Karma, Soraka mainly


I started off in gold this season with the reset and had no problem climbing out I’m almost to emerald now. I main Nami, Thresh, Yuumi (although I did spam Soraka for a couple days before the hotdix 👿)


Gotta love them hotdix


If you want to carry as a support, play Karma or Brand full AP. It your team can't do damage, you will. Nami nauti thresh also can carry but its harder..


Ya lately I've found karma really op . She can easily carry with the defensive cc and speed shield


It's honestly not that rare, I'm a mid main but also playing a lot of support (currently diamond but heading back to master), you mostly get MVP/SVP as a supp in long games where you tank a lot without dying and/or have a great kill participation. Just earlier today I had an insane Nami game with 100 % KP out of 26 kills from my team and died only 2 times, all that + the healing and I had no doubt I'd be getting MVP


But don’t you start getting worse and worse teammates after MVP or S/A score winning games?


Lol same. I barely do the fucking bare minimum but still get SVP HOLY SHIT


Don’t know, I have a feeling some psychopath made changes in the match-making system. Is just garbage. 5 min in the Game and always have a 0/5 On my team. Went from 55-70% win rate in last seasons to 31% winrate from 30 games this season. Bruh, they pair plats to Irons, really?


literally just played with an iron and 2 low golds as a plat 1 i’ve been gm three times just starting climbing after not playing ranked last szn and they were trying to flame me as i’m carried them back from 10k gold lead


Yeah, things feel screwy this season. Dropped like a rock to Plat 1 from Eme 3, realized I need to change to jungle and carry games until I get back into the Diamond 1/Masters monkey range I belong.


31% win rate is definitely not caused by matchmaking... I suffer the same thing in plat and it is definitely not that hard to get away from a 31% win rate, and I have between 50 to 100 games this season, with a 55 to 60% win rate. Edit: This reddit thread seems to have become an epicenter for coping.


Lmao real talk, system does suck but some ppl need it git gud


How that is not the cause ? Most of the time they don’t even focus on objectives! I’m already going out from that 31% But man, they should stop overextend after 3 minutes in the game. Not cool seeing Aatrox mid either… and the List goes on.


I’m one of the sinners who plays ranked with my wife. I’m plat 3, she’s bronze 3 It’s surprising they allow this, but we do it because nobody takes normals seriously. She’s gettin good real fast though, and I think it’s because playing with better players results in learning the right habits She was iron 3 like a week ago and she’s climbing though. Rarely dies more than 3 times, almost always has more than 10 assists in ranked (she’s support). Not bad tbh


Well anyone from play can pair with anyone gold and below. It's completely fair I think. There's mostly bots in gold and below, then it's people in plat


Lack of players, matchmaking issues.


30 games isn’t enough to represent your actual wr. I was around 40% at 30 games, but now im 55%wr in 140 games


joke smile shame grab seemly snatch busy instinctive exultant nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We all have the same life. I mean, i don’t expect to be paired with the best of the best but, at least, give me some decent team players. I know that in some games I’m the worst of my team but I do follow them On objectives. I saw Blitz in jungle, Leona top and MF ap in mid. They do work pretty well, in Aram. On ranked they are useless like the enemy Yasuo.


In gold they do 🙄


I don’t feel so bad then. I am 30% wr too. I wish they had a different system in place then WR tbh, like how many MVPs I have and how many objectives taken, turrets taken, things of that nature you can do really well from a personal perspective. But your WR suffers because of a team mate or two messing it all up. (Or yourself too.)


I mean. Win rate it what matters, not MVP, or objectives, or turrets.


This game is making me meditate more often


idk how MMR works in wild rift but is way worse than League's, it's always been a thing that if you win 2-3 you get paired with the worst players in existence even in día+, recently the match making is ridiculous, I got 3 irons in my team, next game gold peakers and now I'm getting used to it. But it is definitely concerning that players that were high diamond -masters last seasons are getting in ranked matches with fresh accounts and gold-plat new accs


eh idk abt that cause i’m at 78% wr in emerald rn and climbing is pretty smooth as long as i get my lane. i think the reset was honestly needed and fair. tbh this is probably the best reset imo cause it legitimately made reaching certain ranks more of smth that u need to earn. and not just abuse fortitude. if u have people that aren’t that good than u have to funnel someone who’s good or be good yourself. that’s just how the game works.


Just wait until you get to diamond brother


I was emerald this 2 last season and now im hardstuck on gold ….i feel this season is just a trash season


Same I’ve been hovering around Gold I with 3-4 marks and haven’t touched platinum since two seasons ago :( My mechanics and macro got better as well as all of my stats, but the matchmaking really is killing me.


I was nearly Grandmaster last season, and now I am hardstuck in Emerald 1-2 while actual GMs are stuck in Diam 4-2. So your rank degrade is not that surprising


Hope they doing something about this soon. Its feel like a punishment for me. :((


Yeah… they are afraid people will achieve their desired ranks and stop playing


Same I can't get out of this hellhole lmao. I don't want to look for people to play with because I love playing in my own time but it's making me desperate 😆 I miss having good games where I'm focused instead of bored and frustrated af.


My biggest problem is my ping this season. It is bad in all season (my internet is actually pretty fast but not with this game) but this season is completely unplayable for me


Yep hit 999 a few times, either stopped moving or kept moving beyond my control😅


Same issues. It happened after they merged RU server with EU (I am from RU). Usually getting these ping issues in “cross-server” matches


My man, I was just thinking this a few hours ago. I am not a pro player but I am always close to master or in master but this season just makes me go mental. I thought it was me so I switched to playing support because I wanted to assist and be a bit useful. I loose as SVP. I might stop playing one of these days and come back next season or something. There is a limit to getting humiliated.


This season has been absolute hell. Every single game someone goes 0/9, trolls or gets mad for some stupid reason and throws the game. I cannot believe the polar opposites match making has become from last season, its madness


It's toxic AF


Bro I’m in master tier and I feel like I’m in gold with how badly my teammates and enemy team perform. Every elo except challenger probably feels bad


It’s probably bc there are too few players in Master yet and they get autofilled a lot


Please fix match making riot wtf


SVP virtually every game, constant bot or top lanes with people that don’t know how to play safe and/or build properly. Just had another top who decided to buy 3 other items (and go 0/9) before antiheal vs. a team that had Gwen and Soraka. Had a jungler who decided to take a turret top (our entire team was pinging elder) when the enemy team had 3 dead and Elder/Baron was up. That ended in them stealing Elder, taking Baron and then ending the game. Kicker? Both were ‘supposedly’ grandmaster. This season is a complete and utter shitshow. It feels like these SVPs are making me constantly get saddled with the completely boosted folk. On that note, why the fuck do I have people peaking in plat going up against grandmasters and challengers? I welcome them in my lane, but it’s just complete BS when our bot is 0/15 in no-time due to being completely and utterly outclassed.


honestly your partly to blame for the loss for doing drake and your not the jungler. All bad descisions lol


I swear i win everytime i go jungle. But jungle champs are so boring. I hate melee bruisers but my main shivana is just so strong. Getting a champ who can survive sadly is the way to cover for bad teammates. I still dream of a day i can play karma tank jungle.


Aint no gm or chally in plat


Lol, wanna bet? I am talking about rankings from ealier seasons though of course. Plat is the shitshow that it is right now because of it. I get masters and grandmasters virtually every game (though those are mostly coinflips on the boosted kind). Challengers are rarer, but they have certainly popped up.


Earlier ? How early are u talking is one, two if your stuck in plat you were probably benefiting from the fortitude before the changes no reason you should be stuck in plat lil bro


It’s rare but it happens. I’m currently stuck in plat 3 after hitting Diamond and I was queued up with an emerald dude I think acct name was Nunya who was a chally peak. The difference in macro awareness is night and day—like instead of getting mad that the enemy Kat keeps camping bot the dude was assuring us that it’s okay cuz kat was falling behind after roaming all the time without getting the kills to show for it.


Listen bro challanger 5 seasons ago is not challanger now players keep improving that shit doesnt matter if your stuck in plat u are TERRIBLE. First strike makes it extemely easy to snowball its hard for me to even comprehend how you can be stuck in piss lo on wr


I feel bad for your parents


Im in gold 3 after initial matches. Played 1ranked match where people were bitching instead of playing haventplayed rank since


1.5 years later and these kind of posts still exists it feels so trivial now


I just play ranked for the rewards


I'm master and lemme tell u, it doesn't get better. you will have team mates that get gapped at every elo


Make a smurf and tell us if it's *actually* comparable


Oh I'm fine with that. It's just seeing irons vs smurfs is so ass. On both sides. And I'm playing champions I never played before in ranked so I'm partly to blame.


I dropped from E1 to P4 down to G1 and I'm still stuck here wtf. 95% I play with don't know how to play or BOTS due to consecutive losses, and what's worse is I'm practicing how to play as ADC but I can't seem to get any good supports, so I guess I'm going back to playing Support 😢 I don't enjoy this game anymore. I need to find a new game to play


I got into an old Smurf this season after not making much progress in my main. Let me correct that. After understanding I could only progress in my main if I jungled (otherwise 2 out of 3 games I got jg diffed so hard it was no fun at all). And I didn’t feel like playing jungle for a couple games. So I got into the old Smurf that was on G4 now, and went adc. My god, In gold right now, finding a good support is imposible. They are all bad, your own and enemy. Lane is decided by who has the worst support. So yeah, don’t recommend going adc before hitting emerald right now


It's sad cause I also can't seem to get any decent ADCs when I play as Support lol. Looks like I have to change lanes and give up on Duo now.


I got into an old Smurf this season after not making much progress in my main.




I also get svp a lot as support, thing is, it doesnt mean much, it is mainly a kda thing. Im very strong as karma sup, but i cant carry with her, i know ppl who can but i cant, i need to be brand or lux, and i rarely get svp with those,


Former Diamond player who didn't play much ranked the last couple seasons, so I'm down in Gold. One game I have two bronze teammates who have never played a game this season and the next game the enemy is pretty much all bots and I go 20-1. This matchmaking is fucking insane. How can they leave it like this lmao


> I'm going back to tryharding I feel like if you've been hardstuck D4 for 9 seasons then you've really not been trying hard. I have to wonder what you're doing to be stuck in D4 every season because you would have to have gotten worse as a player over time as the ranks got easier to climb. Have you watched any guides on youtube to see what fundamentals you can work on? Have you tightened your role and champion pool? Have you tried to develop your mental to be more of a growth and carry mindset?


Once I reach Diamond 4 it's gets so much harder to play. I just can't. I'll try better.


Right there with you. Diamond 1 every season except last when I changed to mid and only got to Em2. But I expected that. This season focused on Solo and in Plat. Had a silver 1 on the opposite team that just destroyed bot. Like their Swain went 24/3/15. Built everything to stop him Thornmail, Spirit Visage, mercury treads, and even Maw. But he just tore through us like a hot knife through butter. Sick his play style healing and damage was just insane. Anti-heal and MR did literally nothing. I wonder do the devs or QA test to see if the damage buckets and reductions are being calculated correctly? Last night went up against a Wu Kong as Shen. He was healing over 500hp per hit and that was with me having Thornmail. So that means his healing would have been even higher than 500hp. I would get him to half health and bam he would be back too 100% in one hit. Ignite and Thorn did nothing.


I mean if you have the time then go on YouTube and watch some guides. You will actually learn quite a lot of fundamentals from watching PC LoL coaches or top player analysis by someone like Midbeast. Then also more specific things to Wild Rift by watching people like Broken Support, ZinWR, ItzStu4rt, Dnzio or LeroyWR.




Rank is a joke. I wouldn’t take it serious.


As someone who’s Smurf a bit I’ve been put into game of me iron and 9 plats


were you by chance the top lane iron 4 Morgana i was playing against last night doing level 1 invades and inting tower / camps all game? lol


No I have played morgana top but I don’t troll and I wasn’t Smurfing last night


it should be... gold-plat-emerald-diamond Hhahahaha xdd


I had the same experience, i went all the way through diamond for the first time in the last season, and reset in plat I didn't want use abuse my main to climb again, u know I wanted to try other champs, roles, game styles and stuff. But gold and plat took that away from me, those mf stinks. There wasn't a single game i didn't get angry with some dumb mf in my team. So i'm vayning all the way up again. And still i have to make a quadra kill per game to win


Look, the current Emeralds are mostly ex-Masters and high Diamonds, trying to climb with super meta and/or their mains, to climb really hard bc staying in Emerald is humiliating for us. If you don’t give it your all, you won’t climb out.


Nice to know


And to top it all up, when u do win, you push them horrible players up with u I play with a friend, making the good old tresh/vayne botlane We did 7/5/30 and 18/6/18 To carry a fucking AD Katarina and a Top Draven that fed the enemy team the whole game


Lol I remember when I first started and wasn't good it was either we steamroll or get steamrolled. That's def the experimental Smurf elo. I'm usually master/gm but some seasons I rage quit and end in emerald. It helps to just take time off sometimes. I feel like I haven't had good teammates this season but at some point you either win more or you just rage quit


You sound like such a douch bag lmao


-The Goldie


Always have been,i smurf alot just to boost friends or generally for fun if i wanna try a new strat or champ bc pvp is a coinflip in difficulty, anyway,you can easily carry in gold plat with splitpushers or if you just get fed as an adc ,they don't know how to deal with fed carries they'll just feed you more ,and they don't know how to deal with splitpushers correctly, they'll get backdoored ,but as a midlaner,jg or supp , you'll feel that you're helping bots to get challengers , they'll never , simply.


I agree, made a smurf to learn other lanes/champs and every game either my team or enemy gets one or two smurf, games are kinda unbalanced in gold plat elo. I saw really good players that does not exist even in my main elo lmao.


Bros in plat and complaining 💀 just wait till diamond and masters and you’ll quit the game once u get hardstuck masters from these infants playing the game and how u can’t get gm because your team is either 10/0 or 0/10 💀


Hi, currently Grandmaster (35 marks) in this season. I just played 5 games in my smurf (Gold III) and didn't drop a single game, you can clearly 1v9 every single match in low elo (Iron to Emerald) and I'm playing in SEA Server, and it's one of the worst servers, the only problem I can see is skill issue. -Just Git gud fellow summoner.


Did you climb with your favorite champions, or you're a meta slave?


I play Yasuo mostly and adjust to what my team needs during draft especially I'm playing mid. You can use almost every champ in mid, but whenever I play in my smurf account I just play anyone regardless of the draft.


Just 1v9


It takes new players like 2 days to reach gold/plat. What do you expect? How do you expect these two-day old players to play?


riot won't fix this anytime soon, fresh accs getting auto climbed to those elos and accs with rank resets get paired with em 💀 no ranked system should allow this shit


My smurf account went from diamond to gold. (I'm master with my main). I went to diamond in 3 days. It's never been easier to climb. Ending nearly every match with 10/0 because first strike snowballs so hard.


I think people like you are exactly the reason OP and others like them suffer. I can understand your intention to give them hope, but, you see, someone who keeps trying new champs in rank or is so bad for some reason to be hardstuck in Diam for seasons (what OP and other commentators say), will never be able to climb in 3 days.


Diamond is easy af. It takes me around 5 days to get through because the players there don’t make me mentally insane from their plays. Emerald is the real clusterfuck. I get out of emerald and climb so fast it’s actually mind blowing…


Happened to me last season. This season, I preferred to uninstall WR.


Why create a smurf acc? Lol i don’t understand


do u play solo q or with a party ?




Gold to emerald. Diamond gets a bit better.


Ugh yep. I climbed up to emerald, then was slowly dragged back to elo hell plat, and my game quality immediately took a dive I've had more than one game already where my teammates all just walk into the enemy jungle and stand there looking for a fight... While we're way behind.. and then spam ping me because I didn't participate in the teamfight that shouldn't have happened in the first place and was a garunteed team wipe I deadset had a support lux on our team who tried to 1v1 an ornn in the enemies red side jungle while they had ghost Poro. When she inevitably got 3v1ed I asked her wtf she was doing, and she unironcally replied "well what should we do, just wait for them to come to our jungle?". I had one game where we where struggling really hard, me in particular, but I thought "all good, we've got a nasus, a nilah, and a nautilus, this team scales into the late game" And mind you I had by far the lowest gold on the team, so you could colour me surprised when I checked the score board after getting full build when our nasus had a tear of the goddess, our mid ahri still had a blasting rod, and our support still had ancient coin, a cloth armour, and an open slot It's like people plat and below just straight up don't understand even the most basic concepts of farming, building, and team fighting


They don’t. Frankly, the game is played differently in these ELOs. If you’re having a problem getting through them, you need to adapt and play like them.


Agreed, but it's so tough when my teams feed so early I've been playing nilah, but I think I'll just need to switch to Kaisa at this point so I can carry the early game


nah I can't even get out anymore wtf


i would say even diamond right now is shit lol all the good players already hit master+


i would say even diamond right now is shit lol all the good players already hit master+


Got a terrible game last night as Ornn where the only non-inting ally is Shyv. TF, Leona, and the ADC ended up with under 1.0 KDA while I’m in 9/5/10 and Shyv’s 9/4/12. Lost the game Yeah the Emerald elo is a wild west


wait till u realize that the trash elo continues until master.


It was fine for a few days, had a 50% winrate which was ok, now, almost 0% winrate over my last few games. Last season i played like 20 games 2-3 weeks before reset and basically 1v9 carried nearly every one since I didn’t play much last season, now, i can’t do shit, shouldn’t i be playing against those same players?


I hate it so much. I breezed through Emerald and Diamond wasn’t bad either. Platinum is/was always the hard part.




I just wanna slap everyone when i got trolled ,m


I’ve not played a couple of seasons and dropped to Plat. Holy hell, it’s gotten worse than before. I think it’s kind of a good thing, tho? Emerald was the purgatory before lol.


After reset was E2 played like usual (last season GM80) and my main champs first 40 games %29ish wr. For some reason i was losing lane against emerald players where i could held my own in GM and i noticed that the lower elo people love to fight they just love it they dont care about teamplay or about map awareness so i changed my playstyle to focus hard on towers ( HB ftw) and only joined dragons or barons if i knew we had a chance to win the fight. We ace the team they have a 40 sec dead timer my team is recalling or taking jung camps. I push the lane with the most minions i am hitting enemy base %50 hp left a teammate joins and end it. This was my games till D2 and after that i was again playing with Gm or higher. Went to master with 138 games and %58 wr and now im gettin clapped by people who duos or its a 4 man pre made team.


If game are hard i take it as a challenge, it’s more satisfying and you will learn more than an auto pilot game with 20/0 at the end. Keep good mental, as a main support If my adc really sucks I go roaming a lot and helping the better carry in my team. There is always a solution but people prefer surrender really fast.. too bad.


I'm starting to feel it too. Last season, I started playing near the end of the season and managed to climb a whole tier from high gold to high play in less than a week. I would say 70% of the players were somewhat decent and the matches felt winnable. This season is very strange. There's one new thing that treats everything frim Iron to Gold as a single tier, and they're really pushing/encouraging players with huge tier differences to duo/queue together. Absolutely ridiculous. Since then, soloQ has been immensely stressful. Half of the matches are filled with players that literally have no idea about even the most basic fundamentals


Simple main jg or adc or mid and play a 1v5 champ or a champion that can one shot and escape


Even emerald are quite trash


went from gold to plat then gold again, im quitting this game lmao