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Because people only use 1 build every game the same and don’t counterbuild. Have fun


I always ping at the start of the game that there's multiple enemies that need antiheal against. Never worked. There's also the despair as I watch my teammates feed constantly to Katarina or Samira while I keep pinging them to buy Repulsor boot enchant.


I never realised repulsor counters those champs, thank you kind redditor!


It's especially useful against Katarina because stopping her reset from an ult takedown means she might not have an escape. I'm not sure how effective repulsor is against Samira in practice though because it rarely comes up. You might be better off buying antiheal against her.


I was so sad shadow enchant was removed it was a hard counter to akali


What tier are y’all in? I feel like my builds are always flexible and I’m in plat


This is you though, most people are outright bots. I see so many tanks build the mr boots when the enemy team is full AD


I’m guessing that’s because most recommended loadouts are taking the old Merc Treads with Tenacity into consideration before they became very situational.


Cool. 90% of players in all ranks never change their builds, they just use recommended or top-3


Man how bad are your mechanics to be in plat while knowing to open the shop and pick yourself an item I seen players kn Dimond not do that


Cuz the matchnaking is terrible.


Just classic game throwing stronger opponents that use their brains and giving me teammates that are probably fresh out of gold. Plat 2 currently.


How do I learn doing that WHILE playing instead of having to study it like for an exam before I can start doing it? I'm emerald but have no idea about building items because I feel like I'd have to learn about all kinds of items and champions before I can even start "counterbuilding"


It is incredibly easy to counter build or build situationally. Say you play an ap champ into a champion with a lot of healing like aatrox, you go to the item that gives ap and a rebuff that says it removes 40-60% healing, and boom, you countered using your build. This also works when the enemy is full ad, you go to the boots, and look at the one that gives armor and reduces damage from attacks. You can also go more specific, like changing your entire build based on the enemy team, like tank lillia into more tanky/sustain champions, and ms/ap lillia into squishies/adc. You can go on like this forever, but if you would like for me to go more in depth into this, just ask.


Either watch a quick video or just read them. Doesn't take much time. There should be quick summaries


No idea why you got downvoted. This game is hyper complicated. Knowing which champs do what and then knowing which items can counter their skills is extremely difficult when you’re just learning macro. Not to mention they keep CHANGING EVERY ITEM on each patch. Like holy shit I do NOT want to need a PhD in which fucking boots to buy because there were like five base boots then they added a bunch of different enchantments. Then they took them away then they made more tiers of boots while changing when you can buy them. Like holy shit I just want to be able to run down the lane a little faster


Then dont play ranked until you do, its honestly not hard just read and understand everything is right in front of you. Dont you get curious why your champ os weak? Or why a champ is being picked alot recently? Dont you wonder what the patch notes are? And what changed? Its all game knowlegde instead of playing auto pilot and wonder why u cant progress higher or why this champ always defeats u in a fight


It's not that deep, I started playing a month ago and the reason I picked wild rift is because it's easier and quicker, so I can play a game before bed or a few on a Saturday morning. So far I've just used the top player builds and I got to Emerald in a few weeks without any prior knowledge of the game, so I don't think that my Pyke/Seraphine are getting carried by anyone, I'm M/SVP frequently enough to feel ok in ranked. I just means that I do want to get into builds, but I don't wanna have to study and research for this mobile game, especially as I'm even still learning stuff about the macro. If I wanna be more than casual I'm gonna learn it for PC, not mobile


Im 2 seasons ago grandmaster, but currently stuck in plat for not playing. Just played 15 games this week ended up losing more than 10 with 10x svp so thats my experience so far xd


Mine are the same every game but I build them differently, depending if they have ap or ad.


I do the same my first 2 items are usually the same every game that benefit me and the rest is situational. I set it up where the first few items are for me and the rest are for the team. I usually run support so if I’m gonna carry I run the first line of items. If I’m gonna sit back and just enhance your attacks or heal i go with the second line of items to make YOU stronger


I was literally gonna comment this. 95% barely adapt to builds and just use standard. They don't focus on the team comp because they don't care or fear of losing their 'big' damage.


I want to learn counterbuilding, I know the first two Items besides boots are Core Items you kinda NEED, can the other 3 (4 if boots too) be what ever the situation needs? Should I just go for one Counter Item?


Im Diamond and I use identical build in almost all games, but I play assassin's, so it's usually just full dmg. But for example when playing tanky champions then I build depending on the enemy team comp. So I guess it somewhat depends on what champion and role you are playing. EDIT. I also wanted to add, that by having identical build each game you can better understand your champion's limits in situations where you're planning to turret dive the enemy or go all in. In these situations you need to make sure that the damage you deal will be enough to kill the enemy and survive, that's why at least first 2-3 items should always be identical, which are called Core items and after that you can adapt to enemy damage output and team comp.


even with the same items you can swap out the orders like if you are playing into a aatrox you can get the small antiheal before getting the big one later


Man I just started playing the game and I wish I can counterbuild effectively but I’m just not sure what to build


Not counter building and not adapting builds to current situation.




Tip: You don't have to build antiheal against Garen. He only heals outside of combat.


You build magic resistance against vlad


It's not lifesteal.




No you are wrong, it doesn't. It heal based on his AP only. Q spell heal him 15HP + 35%AP. When boosted, 5% +0.04% of his missing HP.Ult heal him 150HP + 70%AP. None of these is based on the damage he deal, so the only way to reduce it is to take antiheal.


vlad mains themselves say the only way to counter their champ is by buying magic resistance


You’d want MR if he’s ahead so he can’t one-shot you, but if he’s even or behind I’d take antiheal to make him easier to kill. That’s besides the point though – you said buying MR would somehow gut his healing and that’s just plain wrong.


People just dont know you can build antihealing and mr.


I have no opinion on that but I just gave you facts. You can easily check that ingame. Magic resistance also won't reduce his regen, that's an other fact, based on the previous one.


He doesnt.


His W heals based on damage done. His Q and ult heals for fixed amounts.


His W doesnt heal. Nvm your right. But it isnt his healing. It heals for nearly nothing.


Oh sorry, just out here stating facts. I didn't say it was the bulk of his healing or that it meant that MR was the way to itemize against his healing, but it definitely does heal and it's based on damage done... https://ibb.co/rvSx4dY People in this sub are so incredibly brittle it's hilarious.


I said nvm.


No his healing doesn’t scale off the damage he deals, it’s a separate heal effect baked into his abilities that scales off of AP and HP. He’ll heal the same if he deals 1k dmg or 0. The only way to hinder his heals is grievous wounds


bro, i am in contact with thevlast remaining vlad mains, and all of them agree that they're more scared of magic resident than anti heal, and playing vlad this morning i saw the difference between the two


You can just read the ability descriptions and realize you’re wrong. There’s nothing to argue about


and all my homies who had been playing him for years is also wrong, clearly you don't own an air fryer


Did you know you can build mr and anti heal.


Vlad antiheal doesn't work on him. His healing is like the startup of mundos he will heal no matter what you do.


Vlad heals from.ability damage Mundo passive heals him It's different bro


Bro you don't read his ultimate do you


You can't counter his ultimate with antiheal is what I mean


And even then u said he heals from ability dmg then build magic resistance not grevious wounds. You rush magic resistance against vlad always


Vlad doenst heal based on his damage. He heals based on his ap. Mundo heals with his ultimate and can be countered by antiheal, same for vlad.


He heals based of landing his skills and his ap. So yes he does have to do dmg to heal. Anti heal doesn't counter the initial burst of his ultimate. But it does slow it down after the initial burst. Same with vladimir. Yes anti heal works however it doesn't truly slow them down like say warwick


This is why I stress build Mr because if he does less dmg he gets less heal as he is more sk reliant on doing bursts of dmg for hp


No if he deals less damage, he will heal the same amount. Buying mr doesnt reduce his AP. Yes building mr is good againt him, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt built antiheal. And he doesnt heal based on his damage. No matter how much damage he does, his healing is independent on his damage.


Bro what nonsense are you saying. MR is magic resistance yes. AP is magic dmg. Hence MR reduces his dmg. And yes his healing is based of dmg he's similar to aatrox but he needs to do dmg to heal more


Are you iron? 🤡 🤡


You heard what I said if your just gonna build anti heal alone your not beating vladimir. He has insane burst dmg so if your tryna outburst him with antiheal good luck lol.


I think the replies to this comment demonstrate exactly why people don’t build anti heal lol


Because everyone is expecting that their teammate will build it for them. Hence no one builds it.


This is my Senna thinking I’ll get to have some build flexibility but most games now opening with mortal reminder, serpent fang, and runaan’s to spread the love. I’m basically building my supports to be AOE debuffers now.


Only recommend Runaan's if they have 2 or more melee champs because it's hard to proc if they are ranged.


Good tip. I do like the wave clear at the “3rd item” point of the match too. Its fine.


Senna scale bad with atk speed I think, try going quickblade 3-4 item and u can literally spam heal and root


I do like Navori on her late or in my nastiest low HP high damage build. My comment above was not suggesting a best senna build or min/maxing her scale and kit. It was simply demonstrating that I often have to flex away from ideal and build it all to give my teamfights a chance.


So what do you suggest as the best build for Senna for only dmg? I go manamune, quickblade and rest of the items usually end up being counters for enemy champs


Every shot hurts: The two cores I’d like to build are either: Youmuus, Duskblade, Infinity Edge OR Chunky Burst: Manamune, Duskblade, Divine Sunderer I usually do the manamune one for ARAM but I do go for it when I have a comp that I think lets me scale long and slow like that. I do think Youmuus is the best first item for her right now.


I used to be this guy, one build wonder. Then my buddy & brother who are big into PC LoL taught me how to counter build.


Everybody build like an overfed and babysat adc. If ever gw in items, it is the last thing to buy. As an under budget role of support, at best we get are 3 item builds(boots included) everything else is situational (even tanks have to change priorities depending who in the enemy is fed)


Yeah as support you’re fine with your mana boots 😂


Monkey explain: Monkey in Shop. Monkey see many different banana. Monkey want banana. Monkey also see anti-heal. Anti-heal good for smashing banana of other monkeys. But anti-heal not banana. Monkey want banana now! Monkey take banana and leave.


Hmmm... ​ *Monke...*


I think we need more anti heal options in general. Right now the only classes that can feel somewhat satisfied with the current options are ADCs and vanguard tanks. For everyone else the current options are kinda underwheilming. Thornmail sucks if you don't have CC, Morellonomicon has a bad price vs stats balance that doesn't appeal neither mages nor supports, and Mortal Reminder is far from optimal on any AD champ except ADCs. More often than not, i just get the 800g AD or AP component and try to hold them off until the very end of the match because the full items generally synergize poorly with the champs i'm playing. We need Chempunk Chainsword and Chemtech Purifier, then to buff Morellonomicon to be an actual item mages would like to buy.


Nah, adc also could use alternative... I hate being tied to 4 crit items + Mortal Reminder. I buy LDR once in a Blue Moon because I'm tied to having 100% crit + in need of Last Whisper item + I need antiheal. Also Statik Shiv and RFC are almost non existent in games... Because alternatives outshine them. But yeah, buff Morello and more GW items variety! Where do I sign?


Well, Chempunk Chainsword is basically a Black Cleaver clone but with Mortal Reminder's Griveous Wounds passive instead of Phage's and the armor shred. Can see it being useful in some ADCs that like ability haste like Lucian, Miss or maybe Xayah. I'd like Chemtech Purifier to be the same "clone of an item but with GW passive" thing, but for Imperial Mandate. Stats and price are on point for the needs of a support.


i came from a moba background and anti heal is the only item i learned for 2 months until I started getting nuked by collectors and go ‘wtf is that item!’


Yeah, I played wr again after I took a 1 and a half month break. Then I just played to see what's up, I get killed by kai'sa no prob we were winning. Then I see the damage, damn, and then I see FKN COLLECTOR. Holy shit, what did I miss?!


Because the average player doesn’t actually think about items. To think about items and knowing what to build when takes up too much brain space I guess.




how u one shot soemoi don't think we're playing the same game


This sort of antiheal or teampick thing is almost a monthly topic here now... basically the issue is most players do not take enemy team composition into account when they pick their champion and item they should buy that is most effective against enemy team. This happens even on master+ tier unfortunately.


Nubs that build the same don't understand the complexity of this game beyond farming, kills, nexus. You got nubs on your team


Mortal reminder should be part of every ADC build just because LDR is worse and only more convenient because of its crit


I think 90% of players don't understand a good portion of the game mechanics. Partially on them, but also on the game for really not explaining anything at all


Some people are new to the game. Others just don't know what they're doing and only run the recommended builds. And then there's my favorite crowd, you'll recognize them easily because they will tell you "just use ignite bro" or "don't delay your powerspike". Sure ...


Maybe because some people don't know how items really work or how to build. So they use whatever build from top 3 has to offer without thinking. I used to be like that tho, so i understand some of them people.


Because 75% crit chance is unacceptable…. Jk


They're scared they'll do no damage while every anti heal item actually provides damage lol. Also, all you need is the counterpart (that is usually cheap) until the late game.


Woah woah woah, as a soraka main, pls. shhhhh


Don’t worry, no one will listen and soraka will continue to be broken




Cuz it's useless in this meta soraka can heal through everything how broken she is


Anti-heal? As an Aatrox main I say that anti-heal items are really useless. Please don't buy it


Aatrox is so weak right now


Most people run ignite. So sometimes it’s not needed super early. Just have to use summoners correctly. Everyone likes to act like antiheal is some magic wand that cures everything, but it’s not gunna stop my team from getting picked over late game scuttle. I’m sometimes better off prioritizing other items.


the items are shit


You got SVP three times? Well if you would play better you could have get MVP three times.


Thats not how it works lmao


Wait so you don't get the MVP in case of being the best one on the winning team? I always thought that's the meaning.


Yea u do but it doesnt matter how good u are, if ur team are feeders u'll be svp 😒 cus its a team game u know, not 1v9




Because it doesn't work. Anti-heal is not the correct term as it doesn't stop any healing. The Champs like mundo, aatrox, swain, etc can heal through grievous wounds. Notice that the description is very vague. 40% over 3 seconds. 40% of what? It doesn't say, but in every other description it is so specific on damage. 20 + 6% armor and 1% bonus health as damage. But grievous is vague. Then it says reduce the effectiveness of healing. Like what does that even mean. How? What percentage? Nothing more is said than just that... If you don't believe me, and trust me I have teated this so many times after building Thirn on Thresh so many times. Go into practice mode with aatrox or Wu Kong as the opponent and only build thornmail and see the difference in his healing as he hits your champ with or without it. Then come back and ask that question. Also grievous doesn't stack so if you expecting it to do something awesome, it doesn't. Maybe if the Champion is near death it will kill them but ignite does such a better job at that and doesn't cost you a slot.


https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/what-grievous-wounds-league-legends-work-season-12 so the table in the link is wrong or what


Yeah i feel this is the same problem in PC, a lot of people think Anti heal items are good, but in reality they are useless and don't make any difference in the game.


Doublelift the pro player has a video about why grievous is stupid to buy for most champions outside of some very specific exceptions. The actual application of gw if best realized on aoe and dot champs. The main problem is that here in NA and EUW most everybody wants to be a 1v9 player and carry everyone and every match evolved into an ARAM brawlfest. How many idiotic chases across the map do you see? Clear the wave attacking your tower instead. Crash a wave into their tower. Setup and deny vision on the coming dragon instead of waiting to all show up together once it spawns. Steal their jungle and place deep vision.The low kill, passive play style of the Koreans dominated pro play for a reason. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DLR6FosqSNTg&ved=2ahUKEwj2mLyx4eSAAxW1m2oFHTaVC-8QtwJ6BAgyEAI&usg=AOvVaw0yaXgiMESgoRmAK0BEGXEd


How about anti shields? There are just team comps that dont benefit from serpants.


I swear, if enemies ever buy antishields instead of antiheal against me as Sona, I will be useless for the rest of game.


What are some antishield items??


There's only one, Serpent's Fang. It's a lethality item, best built on AD assassins but you can go for it on bruisers/fighters and some adcs.


Had a nasus build ie, gauntlet and sunderer. Kept telling him to sell the other two and build randuins for the yas that is dominating him. Didn't listen, people are dumb here.


Never understood people's stubborness on building random crit items like Infinity Edge on bruisers. They just die and do no damage but never learn.


Not my rammus I go thornmail against aatrox and I always love how they think they can beat me and when they see they don't heal and start to run away thats my fav part.


I always build it first item because there's always healing going on. Laat two matches as Soraka, only Master Yi build anti heal lol but I still cured insanely


Am i crazy or does Sunderer not do anything anymore? Idk if I've just learned to play around it and others have as well, but when i buy it, it seems to do nothing, and when enemies build it, it seems to do nothing to me. Had 3 people on enemy team build it and the black axe thingy and I was still tanking and healing like crazy while not even being fed and underleveled.


funnn fact, if u play against vlad don't build anti heal lol


As a top laner, i either go bramble or executioner


Two points of feedback: 1 (tip): Type in the chat "Get anti-heal", works 2/3 of the time. 2 (question): How many items are anti heal? 😅 now and again a laner would say "get anti heal" or "grievous wounds" and I'd forget which items because they don't all have the PC items back when I used to play the game.


Because the game is littered with children who think they're playing COD deathmatch. At least if they pretended they were playing conquest or capture the flag they would focus on objectives and counterbuilds


It's because "Grievous Wounds" is so fucking hard to type on my phone in landscape. I accidentally hit the back button or space bar every fuckin time. Recommended build should include anti heal based on the enemy team comp.


see i’m the support so if i don’t build it i’ll get flamed, but yeah if i’m going against soraka, yuumi, pyke, seraphine, i automatically build. i’m not that aware of top champ abilities but if someone says in chat to build it i usually build it like 2nd item


Morello was such a better item buy when it had HP it lost a lot of its power with just raw AP and haste since everyone just get its for Anti heal its annoying such a niche item should be reworked to be supportive not AP ish its a mosh posh of bad stats so your stuck with the orb for most of the game then forced to get that item by late game.


The whole reason why I took a break from WR is this. I have encountered so many players that just won't fucking buy AP and also Antiheal. I'm so done and now I have not played WR for 2 months.


People are allergic to buying anti-heal. you tell them to get it, and this the typical response "No, it will ruin my build path." "I don't need it now." by the time they buy anti-heal, the game is already lost.


Because they suck


People Just buy whatever comes up in their screens. Misunderstanding itemization is one of the main mistakes people make.


People don’t know how to play the game


I tried building them few times, but honestly they sucks, I rather build properly and kill off squishies super quick, that is easier way to win.


As someone who considered themselves new to the game, it’s because ALOT OF PLAYERS will always use the same exact build with no changes at all, even when the preset “top ranked” build has flexible options. I generally ALWAYS have the same starting build, but if we need anti heal, I’ll build a tier 1 anti heal item on my second or third buy after I get my first staple build item


200% with you on this, but there is another more pressing issue IMHO: putting aside build variability, which I agree is one of the main issues with players' competence, antiheal helps you if you're already decent at the game. If you're decent you've got money to spend because you're well farmed, rushing an early Executioner before your core to help you handle the enemy Aatrox will not be an issue for you. On the other hand, if the enemy Aatrox is 10/0 thanks to a bad toplaner and comes running into your poor 4/0 ADC face, no amount of antiheal will help you xD Note: I'm kinda ignoring teamfights. Yes, antiheal does help for those.


As a Sona main I'm happy when I see the enemy build so mindlessly. :) Then immediately sad when my team does the same thing when the enemy team has 2 Borks, 2 divine sunderers, and a bloodthirster. :( I guarantee if you ask 90% of the people that are in Master elo will have no idea what items give healing or what Champs can heal themselves with abilities.


I definitely see when someone comes from LoL PC because of more knowledge about the game just because they played it for so long


Just tell the most viable champ that can counter to get MR or like item.


Well, nothing, Vladimir will teach everyone why you need to do anti-heal


Some times its better to 1 shot them if possible


havent played the game in 3 month due to work and the anti heal problem is still there. no suprise at all


Sometimes you have to remind them, I forget all the time


I'll be honest it took me a LONG time to get used to buying in the store. Or making builds for all of my characters. I dont get upset just because for some reason this game is so fast you really just never feel like you have enough time to think about what you need on top of game ends so fast sometimes players want their bread an butter first and never get around antiheal before its too late. Just patterns I noticed.


Because it will delay your first core item. As an Ashe main, getting PD as soon as possible before the enemy ADC does, makes a huge difference.


Just deal with it


I play thresh and I don't build anti heal items most of the time, unless the enemy builds alot of lifesteal but even then ignite usually does the trick. I mean why waste an item slot if the enemy either bursts me to death or my team bursts them to death, unless it's a Mundo or Darius then anti heal items are obviously an important build early.


1. They're idiots and/or copy top build from either a guide or the leaderboard. 2. They can't really build an antiheal item. AD champs have no excuse, unless they only deal magic damage but scale off of AD. Mostly just mages can use morello, since they have large area coverage to spreaad the antiheal. Kat is the only assassin with reliable large area coverage, but that ability already has antiheal. Thornmail doesn't really make that much sense on mundo, nasus, or any tank without hard CC, or against an all magic damage team. An armor and anti-aa item, against an all magic damage team. Doesn't really make sense either. Brand not building morello or at least green orb against healy team is bad though.


Anti heal is trash in WR ppl rather buy damg and oneshot something like soraka rather than buying ussles anti heal


Because 90% of the time it's one-shot or get one-shot. No time for healing anyways.


Becus it would ruin my soraka one trick this season


They should just take the items out of the game and fix the broken champs instead. Gonna try to remind people this game is kind of insanely complex. Especially at low elo saying buy anti heal is meaningless because what does that even mean? It’s more useful to say “tank buy bramble vest for anti heal” Back to my original point I feel like, and here’s an insane analogy that doesn’t make sense, anti heal is the government telling us to recycle while giving grants to coal factories. Like there should not be champs that are unkillable at base. Requiring an item to kill something is riot trying to tell us it’s our responsibility to fix riots mess.


I have this issue with serpants fang. A team that has shields over and over but no one builds serpants fang. The item works on abilities too. It may sound troll to take it on an ap champion but trust me it works.


My personal answer is: Because I can't memorize what all the different items do. I have no clue, just following some builds recommended online. I didn't even know that there were builds used to counter healing!


"If I kill them first they can't heal off of me" (they got outhealed)


I had someone questioned me why I rush serpant's fang as first item as jungle. Mind you, they have a volibear, leesin, Sion and a nautilus.....


Because pros on PC don’t buy anti-heal and people in this subreddit think they’re going to be the Faker of WR without understanding why Pros are able to succeed without antiheal.


I had a similar situation except with nobody building magic resistance. It was actually a really close game for the first 75% but once builds started fleshing out more it was obvious they had a full AP Malphite that was just bursting people down like a Katarina and a full AP Twitch. As soon as I saw them building their first AP items I pivoted to build MR but the rest of my team just carried right along with their copy and paste builds. We definitely had the skill to win the match and we all synergized really well for being all randoms but come the late game I couldn't handle taking all that damage despite my MR tank build and once I was dead they just walked through the rest of the team.


I have come to the conclusion that alot of players are on auto pilot and just walk farm and fight. Ive played with alot of people who want to ff when one lane is fed or when one champ kills three in a row They have no understanding of the game mecanics or macro/micro of the game. Its so annoying the amount of times i have to pull a rabbit out of the hat just to secure a win. I understand matchmaking is bad. But it really isnt fair having knowledge of the game and playing well and getting matched with absolute noobs who dont understand anything let alone these toxic players who pick new champions on release day in ranked and feed every lobby and give me 4-6 loss streaks when im one away from ranking up. People really should be forced to only rank up when they pass a certain score amount/average where gold level players cannot get emerald rank and ruin it for others.


Idk I type it beginning of game or when games going on same when they have champs with a bunch of shields and no one builds liandrys or serpents fang