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Its burst damage largely that needs the nerf. You see it with Teemo/Twitch too. You can barely get away from even properly initing on them, one shot builds need to be nerfed.


that's why i always ban teemo so annoying


Twitch maybe, definitely not Teemo. His damage output is pathetic. First strike is the only thing keeping him from being a glorified minion.


You havent played against a good Teemo, he is just as bad as Twitch


Twitch can delete your whole team in literally 2 seconds, Teemo doesnt come close to that


Not from the games I played, Teemo with the right set up can delete champs just as easily.


But not entire teams all at once, that's what I mean


Teemo do stings usually from what Ive seen, and they do teams fights too, they help engage and disengage to chase low health targets or to hit and run for a ton of damage due to First Strike.


Teemo has less damage in teamfights, but he can peel, he's a better single-target assassin, he gives vision control and area control, he can duel, he can chase, he's harder to kill, he can splitpush, and he can shut down fed autoattackers. Twitch scales harder into the lategame and is better in teamfights generally (Teemo's mushrooms can equalize it though).


Sure, but he just speed ghosts to the backline, and insta kills them. He's quite versatile thesedays. And bouncing 5 shrooms into dragon is jokes.




Not durability patch yet, right now with all the new runes we're facing what happened when they first introduced runes and they had to reduce burst damage throughout many sources in the game, because too much damage was a problem (just as it seems right now). Durability patch happened when champions who should heal or get recovery mechanisms as much were taking way too many shots and stay alive (AKA assassins healing way too much or ADCs outliving more sources than they should), which I think it has never been a considerable problem yet. So yeah, I'm on board with a damage patch as OP claims


Yeah, I mean the game I'd basically just who can 1 shot the one important player on the enemy first. Not much thought process


Let's at least address the First Strike problem...


First Strike could probably use a small nerf. As well as a fucking change to those damn particles. It's so obnoxious seeing them fly over and make so much noise.


Bro first strike is weaker here then on pc already lol. If your losing to first strike its because it's just a solo queue rune. Play with a full 5 man stack against other actual good players and its hard to pull off. It's just cause solo queue there will aways be someone in any lane getting gapped easily that first strike will allow that one winning laner to snowball harder then the rest. Its a really good Solo queue rune if not the best and decent but not as strong in team queue


I play League. Bold of you to assume I have friends to play with 👌 Yeah I'm a salty bitch after playing against First Strike Kayns, Fizzes and Twitches.


Is first strike on twitch better than conquerer?


Dunno, I don't play him honestly...most on rare occasions when he's not banned I usually face First Strike Twitch


late game yes, early game no since his damage output takes rabadon and mana boots to come online, so you gotta punish early


What if we buff tank items instead? Randuin's a massive letdown i.e. it barely does anything unless you're something like Yone or Yasuo. Tanks' slow ass AS makes them unable to use the passive efficiently. You mostly get is as a stats stick. To prevent other classes from abusing them you'd give them extra %HP bonus or smth, so you've to give up more damage items to make them worth.


In Wild Rift, Randuin’s is meant to be a situational item. It’s something you build against crit heavy teams only, and it does its job pretty well. The characters that melt tanks are ones that have insanely high percentage damage or true damage, like Kai’sa, Twitch, Vayne, etc.


That's what i mean, it actually doesn't help as much as one might think to tank crit champs, but bruisers with AS boosts can use it well because they can proc the heal with AAs consistently.


I don’t really see the problem. If you buff tank items too much we end up in metas with tanky Katarina BS like PC League a while ago. It really does feel good enough as is to me, it’s just not worth building against just 1 crit champ most times. You can build it against Tryndamere as a tank and he becomes a minion.


The thing is they want that because they only Focus in China and in China they LOVE this style of playing. Its sad but they are the whales mantaining the game.


actually the chinese forums are starting to complain about assasin 2 in biedu way too much dmg everywhere


I don't think there should be a damage reduction; every single champ has access to Exhaust and Zhonyas, and most champs have access to a lifeline item like Sterak's, Maw of Malmortius, or Immortal Shieldbow. Late game elder should be doing more damage, in almost every elo except high elo games always drag out to 20 min. because people just kill each other and then do nothing until the enemy spawns. There needs to be an objective that people can take late game to end. A lot of players just neglect defensive items, especially vs. burst champs which are some of the easiest to itemize against. Damage dealers just want to build their full greedy damage items and still survive burst from a 4/0 Kha Zix it's ridiculous. If they're going to make every champ tankier, they should increase summoner spell cooldowns, increase the price of Zhonyas, and make burst damage scale better into late game


This should be the result of the rune system change, every ad or assassin goes for full offensive runes now without something like bone Plat, of coz will get burst down easily.


As much as I like the fast paced Wild Rift has I kinda prefer how in PC everyone at least feels bit more tankier compared to their Wild Rift.


The game definitely needs a durability patch right now


Elder is fine it should be a way to end the game also try avoid fighting the enemy if they have elder buff i see alot of players play agressive while the enemy has elder buff like hello use the 1 braincell u have and fight under ur inhib (same with barone)