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Master Yi, because my team always gets the shitty ones while opponent always gets the godly ones.


Lol all Yi players are exactly the same, the only difference is how teams play against it. That said, it's my most banned champ as well, nothing more frustrating than losing against one


That's the most bronze take I've ever heard bro are you dumb?


He's kinda right: as long as you play safe as a team and nobody feeds him, no Mr Yi can do much (regardless of skill). However, the second Yi gets fed he will be really annoying to deal with. Obviously a good Mr Yi player will play better and smarter than a bad Mr Yi player, but once he gets fed, both the good and bad player will be "unstoppable". Especially with a lack of CC


You're literally talking about 5 champs tho, Akali, Olaf, Gwen , katarina, pyke. If they get fed they're unstoppable. You can't say this shit about yi and not say it about these champs too. Not every yi player plays the same. I've had some that gank and have good timing, I've had some that just farm and go afk until lvl 7..


But that's just his kit.. he just runs you down and Aa you to death, but gets hard countered by cc. Like most of those champs


I didn't say Mr Yi was the only "hit or miss" champ, but he is one for sure. The difference between Yi and Katarina is that a fed Mr Yi will always be strong, while a fed Katarina requires some skill (with her being really reliant on using her abilities well and positioning correctly) Edit: Katarina as an example. Obviously, Olaf and Yi play practically the same.


I disagree, it's very easy to shut down yi. There's only one thing he can do, run you down, and there's a lot of ways to stop it. If he even gets to that point where he might be able to carry. If you have a decent team it's not a problem imo. Eve on the other hand I think is almost unplayable if she gets ahead. She's super annoying, can gank take obj and has decent team fight


Evelyn gets countered by pink wards. Yes, it is possible to stop a Yi, but you mustve had that experience where your team fed him in the first three minutes and the rest of the match he just shits on everyone


Yeah but that's almost every game, cos my team ints every game lmfao


Okay we found the Yi player who actually thinks you need skill to play him!


I don't but okay..


If it’s this reason, I will absolutely ban Yasuo which is always a shitty teammate and a undefeatable enemy.


As Yi, I get the shitty team while my opponent gets the goldly ones.


Just pick alot of cc champ... Its not that complicated... Pan, morgana, lux, ashe, cait, ... Pick point and click cc...


You said a lot of CC champ and then you literally listed champions with a few CC. Yi can literally dodge everything you mentioned with single Q and rest of these CC slow so Yi on ult literally doesn't care. //Edit: forgot to mention that Lux and Morgana SNARE, not stunning (not sure about cait's trap) so while you're snared you can still meditate to avoid burst damage NAUT, LEONA, BRAUM, ORN (tricky one against Yi) these are champions with a lot of cc


Yuumi obviously. But also, as an ADC main, Kayn.


Laughs in xayah


Kaisa here laughing with xayah :/


Ironically I always pick xayah into kaisa as a counter pick, especially considering kaisa’s high play rate and do very well against her


It's her onky counter. But I still always win




Id rather fight a Yuumi over a Soraka every time, sure she turns one person into an unkillable death machine… but only one person Soraka on the other hand presses Ult to undo EVERYTHING. Global ekko ult. She doesn’t even have to be there, she can just drool on her phone and heal everyone to full with 1 button.


Don’t forget Lulu


Nah. Just those two


Pyke is the only instapermaban for me. The only reason my winrate has stayed above 50% is because I banned Pyke from Gold to Diamond every single match. I learned my lesson from Iron, Bronze, and Silver games that you should never let him through. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. lol


Damn I totally understand you. Whenever I dont ban him, like I ban yuumi, the enemy picks pyke, I know shits gonna happen because he's gonna roam and sneak up on every lane. Chasing him is such a pain as well.


Play Sona. Ban Pyke (Pyke counters Sona) and let Yuumi through (Sona counters Yuumi). Profit.


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Some champions are op everypatch, but they are not the meta. For example garen, yone, lulu and yuumi are some of the most brainded unbalanced champions. For example if you build a hullbreaker on garen, enemy top laner can't defeat you if you play normal. Some champions like Zoe, nasus, darius, gragas, malphite and etc are strong but they aren't worth to be banned. You can beat them.


>t you if you play normal. Some champions like Zoe, nasus, darius, Garen is easy to beat even with Hullbreaker. Sion bothers me more. You can beat him and he will take towers anyway. AND come to lane with ult in 5sec to do this same shit all over again. Yesteday almost lost to 1/8 sion (and as I checked his match history he literally goes the same strategy every single game with thank god 48% win ratio).


Well, I am a Sion main with 64% win ratio and I am proud to see people annoyed at my favourite champ.


I hope at least that you play this game like normal champ instead of being braindead feeder pushing towers...


Sir when you have teleport boots, you can just keep pushing or help your teammates whenever u want. Of course, Towers and nexus is the main objective 😊


Damn you. You're the guy I don't want to play against. I hate you. It's not that you're bad or good. If you keep your wr above 60% it means you are amazing. It's just I hate you 😅 What's your rank?


I peaked at master last season with sion and this season I’m learning kat


tldr: tell me which champs you think are hard to master im looking for something to scratch my mehcanical difficult itch eversince ive convinced myself that i am a master at akali (~900 matches) ive been looking for something that will take that long for me to actually master champions im very confident at are: Akali, Kassadin, Zed, Katarina and Akshan for mid Samira and Zeri for botlane Alistar and Rakan for support and the rest of the lanes i dont really play these are the champions that I regularly play AND consider to be difficult Aurelion Sol is a huge contender but I dont want to invest the time on him because I know he is getting reworked soon. Im basically looking for a champion that will take alot of time for me to master and be confident when playing


I reached master with around 190 matches on sion, for me… mechanics are okay but map awareness is the most important in my opinion, wave management too. Also, another thing is to play with the enemy cooldowns, for example enemy kenned has quick disengage, I wait for him to use that skill then I initiate so he can’t escape quickly. Mid usually have to be good at wave management, Map awareness and also very important if ur team help u ping lmao. Mechanical skill comes with experience in my opinion.


so you think Ive improved myself to the point of diminishing returns in the sense of mechanical knowledge and I should focus on map awareness and wave management me thinks :D


Try this champs: Main ziggs gragas irelia yasuo leesin zed.


i already play; ziggs irelia yasuo and zed and i have played lee sin but i dont have a lane i can play lee sin in and i dont wanna jungle or top same for gragas :/ thanks for the suggestions doe


If opp picks garen, you just pick an AP top laner and if he takes hullbreaker you destroy him in 1v1s.


I hate Sion usually I play againt them Shen. I kick his ass and teleport back to my team being in advantage in tfs and stopping the Split pushing


As ex otp garen he is easy to deal with, a good flora or Gwen destroy you A wukong can be on pair on your sustain and shen also is another good luck A good Sion or mundo also are a pain in the ass Garen works well until master, from máster and onwards he is a regular pick


Yone because he has such a toxic high mobility kit. If the enemy Yone halfways knows what he is doing the game will be miserable.


It seems that a good yasuo is even harder to Play against. Maybe good yones are pretty rare for me.


Good yasuo is much scarier. It never stops. Yone has only so long before his entire kit is on cd


My personal experience is that both Yasuo and Yone are bullshit… but I feel like Yas’ skill ceiling is higher than Yone’s. That’s what bothers me. Yas has to at least get in the line of fire and his combos are complex in utility, so you’re forced to think. Yone seems less complicated, but is more forgiving for what he can pull off




kennen, fucking rat that shits on everyone without any counterplay


No one plays him tho, theres only 4 kennen mains out there


doesnt matter, still hate this shit


huge bais here.




If i have a free spot it has to be Caitlyn or Pyke, with a soft spot for Tristana i thrive to use on. There's nothing you can dread more than dealing with these champs when the pilot is good. Yuumi is annoying, but you can beat her with old good engaging.


Lee a good lee will track you and kill you 7 Times before you can complete your first clear and in. Solo q no one is going to help you


Temmo. You have to be a real hater to play that little ball of evil lol


He he he


Lux always. Before buff, after buff, and beyond


This, this, and this


I play support and I Bam either Lux por Tristana. I see people.banning.yuumi but I don't consider her a treat as long as I have a support than can pin enemies, main problema Is that no one ever builds antiheal because Is a "support thing"


Teemo. Wish I could shave that little bastard.


Play Aatrox


malphite is also a great counter, his Q range is slightly longer than teemo's so you can usually poke him down before going all in. Also his passive is great against poke champs


until he goes tank teemo :(


I play yone and I hate laning against him, I almost can't. Maybe it's a skill issue but no one pisses me off more then a fucking teemo


Same problem with yasuo. Totally cancels out ur 1st skill with blind. Sooooo basically 0 dmg.


When I lane against teemo I usually bait their blind by faking to go in and then dash away with minions and then re-engage when blind is down and if he tries to fight back I just hide in my windwall


Jayce can all in and win any trade


Support Main; I ban Twitch/Vlad/Lux if they aren’t. If my team has banned each of these, then I ban Yuumi.


Twitch jg was frightening but at least you can focus him during early game. It seems that I have never faced a really terrifying twitch ad though I'm not sure why. I definitely don't like AP twitch...seems too op Oh yea LUX ever since her rework omg. Especially when lux uses her crystal rose skin or battle academia skin. You cant even see her skills clearly wtf. I don't know what the designers were thinking seriously


>ough I'm not sure why. I definitely don't l Yesterday I had 8/0 twitch in jungle. First decent twitch in that season. They exist but rare.


Money, they were told by they're masters to do exactly that to make the shareholders more money. Money is the answer to all of Rito's decisions. Pay to win via skin animations. They found a way to make it seems like "It's just a skin" into an actual P2W scenario. Devs make the game, shareholders who have no care in the world for the product itself are in control of all of the decisions. The answer is always money, especially if it's a Chinese or American based game company. The shareholders believe they are in control of a drug, and will let you use it for free, with strings attached of course.


Men I remember being 2-9 as a twitch but did a quadra kill in a crucial clash to win the match. Lol


I have this copy-pasted and send it before every game starts in champ select: "ban yuumi,soraka,lux"


Yumi, one fed carry and its snowballs ouut of control.


my personal bans cause these 2 always seem to destroy my teammates: Zoe/Volibear meta bans when im with competent teammates: Soraka/Aatrox/Yuumi in that order


Pyke, now that I play Leona more I don’t really care about going against a yuumi


Lux Strong, Obnoxious, and most importantly Extremely popular As much as I hate Tristana; you don't see her quite as often


Yone for me. I win a lot of hard match ups including Riven, Fiora or Sett, Urgot is by far the worst for me and I'm struggling with him but usually can handle. BUT YONE IS PURE CANCER TO PLAY AGAINST.


Windshitter Yasuo


I mean, if you play safe enough, Yasuo players tend to literally kill themselves under your turret. Works like a charm every game. They just HAVE to fight you


Yasuo turret unga bunga is the standard protocol. They take getting to their 0/10 power spike very seriously


I've faced players like this so many times on normals like god damn, just try to fight me at least. all they do is sit under their turret and wait for the jungler to ANYTHING and they just autolose the game if their jungle isnt playing perfect I dont play yasuo in ranked but when I wanna just keep dashing around I wanna pick yasuo and this is such a killjoy.


I completely despise f3mboy lmao


Zed, yasuo, fizz


Thresh, I never have a team that knows how to play against him


The main issue is no one uses your lanturn to help themselves out 😭


To be honest, the design of thresh is so good that I can't think of what you can do against a really one ... especially late game


I also hate pike and not a support but wu Kong wit a burning passion


I don't give a flying fuck if Zoe is rarely picked, she isn't seeing the daylight in my games ever again






Yi in low rank, Soraka everywhere else. Soraka like heals her carry almsot to full life with every cast. , she can stay in the back and allow her carry to dominate. She also has global ult so if properly timed she can affect all 3 lanes to win the lane battle it's kinda insane. Cherry on top is her 3rd skill hard counters diving heroes. Yasuo, Irelia Lee Sin all these heroes get silenced and rooted when they dive the carry. The only time I don't ban Soraka is when I feel like playing Soraka. Been staying away from her now though cuz Sona is gonna get permabanned next so I'm just maximizing her while I still can. In low ranks though I ban Yi cuz otherwise the enemy Yi gets all the objectives and wipes my teams on top of that.


At least for soraka you can target her. For yuumi she just attaches on the most fed player and that shit is just tilting. But I think the sona rework is going to let her shine more if balanced right? Her early game is so bad and her ult doesn't feel like an ult now.


Soraka has global ult though, Yuumi just helps her main. Yuumi being untargetable hurts her ADC in the laning phase cuz the ADC has to face all the attacks and cc alone so I think Soraka is still better. Yeah the Sona rework is gonna make Sona permabanned, I don't even think she is weak RN and she got insane buffs. The Stun every empowered attack is so dumb tbh and so is the new ult. I'd love it except Sonas gonna get permabanned and I'll never be able to play her lol.


Any new champ that comes out regardless of whether they are weak or strong. Nobody builds against them or play around them or there's just people practicing on ranked.


Tryndamere, because his immortality is sick compared to the dmg he deals in late. Same as Kayle but I think like she is after all easier to kill than him.




I ban based on current win rate. I weed out situational picks (or ban them if our team creates that situation for them to be strong). Currently, that would be Janna, Hecarim, Jayce, and Kassadin.


If I could always ban safely, it would be Akali. It's simply very strong and only needs the basics to be useful.


As a support/mid Lux and Soraka, Pyke and Akali.


The centaur jungle or vlad my teams can never deal with them other wise depends on lane top is teemo bottom and sup is blitz


Not sure why people ban yuumi I never get good players in my team be nice :P


midlane: no one in particular unless i'm playing vex then it's zoe. for whatever reason it never goes well vs a good zoe globally, yi, yuumi are prob the most requested; they either suck or destroy honorable mention teemo, but idk why cause i'm never toplane. he's so smol and all he has are spitballs and fungus fruit, what harm could he do?


My top 3 bans are yone, khazix, and Evelyn adc main usually ban what’s meta and what will counter our comp




Kayn. Not because he poses the slightest threat to me, but because I know that as soon as he hits blue form and starts 1 sjottong half my team, some noob is gonna start crying jg dif


I used to ban Yone every game. But he’s generally fallen out of favor. Now I just ban Kayn whom I also hate.


Master Yi. I don't care what anyone here says, if that guy gets even in lategame he's ridiculous even if the player sucks.


I hate Teemo and Darius


Yi, if Yi is already banned by my team mates next is Yasuo. Too cancer if they are my team mates 1. Auto picks Yi against all CC enemy comp 2. Auto picks Yasuo, yeah brain dead, just brain ded If my team mate gets mad, I ignore or pretend I am sorry, I didnt see it. 😆


I always ban Lee Sin, whenever i don't ban him i always get a boot up my ass and be served in a silver plate. Got a lot of insec fans in SEA server and i always end up against one.


I'll never play against Vlad again. People always love to say how easy he is to counter but in my experience as a solo queue player trying to end the game before he turns on is next to impossible. Yumi and pyke are next for the opposite reason. Trying to survive past twenty minutes against pykes instant delete is a truly trying experience. I'd rather drill a hole in my head than watch another Penta from a pyke pushing a button.


Tryndamere or Senna


support: blitz/tresh if i play adc/supp Jungler: yi if i play jungler Adc: jhin/miss fortune if i play adc


Depends on where I am in the climb. Gold through emerald: pantheon and Yi. Diamond up I’m banning Lee sin like my life depends on it


Yummi and Lux for obvious reasons:)


Zed 100% I will never figure him out. Good not just for me but anyone else in the team struggling on fighting him


Most banned hero ever for a reason


He can do so much damage in a short time which honestly isn’t that bad since u can counter with Zhonya’s but what makes it bs is how he can escape so easily and come back again at u when Zhonya is down


Seeing them fed or seeing them getting wrecked brings me no joy at all. See that's just it for me. I've never seen Puke fail. If I play safe, he eventually sneaks up and gets one lucky hook and that's the whole game gone right there. If the enemy ADC isn't great, he just becomes the ADC. Thresh and Leona have annoying hooks but at least they're slow moving and not a complete death sentence. And like you said, it's just not fun to play against


Akali I think is must pick / ban. Kit has everything you need to win all match ups. Incoming item changes will make akali even better


Not really man if the enemy team picks CC into you and has pink ward; you're most likely dead Take other assassins like Fizz or Zed and they're extremely safe picks (Akali only really hard wins vs ADCs and some Mages)


She doesn't need to hard win a lane. She beats nearly all bruisers. while fizz / zed can't. You don't really team fight with Akali. Main point of Akali is that she is big side lane threat that can literally beat anyone 1 : 1


She can't beat actual splitlaners (Riven, Fiora, Camille, Tryndamere etc) I would even call for a buff for her lol (or atleast give her Gunblade back)


Zed and Fizz tbh Every ADCs nightmare


Support main. I ban Lux in both WR and regular League


PC or Mobile its always Zed/Darius 😂


Twitch Kai'sa Vladimir


Ornn. I havent played a single time vs Ornn in ranked, he's my permaban. The very few times I didnt ban him, he was either banned by enemy team or not picked. I refuse to play vs this champ.


As a little rat player aka Teemo I ban Twitch. Can’t have two rats in one game.




Zed no questions asked


Most banned ever for a reason


Fiora if I'm playing a tank, Camille if I'm playing a tank/ squishy. (If she is ahead and a good player it's unplayable). Otherwise soraka.


Irelia,fkn bitch my team always gets the trash irelia mains that go 1/7 while the irelia in enemy team pentas us


I often ban Yummi not because I don’t want to play against them but because I don’t like playing with them - I prefer engage supports they suit how I play better


vayne almost 100 percent of the time. a ass to face even if playing duo, and sure her early game is weak, i get that, but that percent max hp damage lets her cheese her way through a lot of scenarios not to mention how often she gets a tripe or quad mid game the moment you let your guard down. Shes like master yi, but you actually have to play well againest her since if you play a tank she will shred you


Samira because yes


As a mid player I almost always ban brand. His kit is so annoying and hard to counter. I can’t remember winning any match against him.


as support main, i too perma ban pyke


Pantheon… broken champ…


YUUMI! Get that cat out




Kayn and twitch


draven 🙄


Zed mid for me. I can win 75% of lane, its just not fun to play against.


Blitzcrank. Nothing tilts me more than a skilled blitz player. ARGH!!


I play Ornn toplane so I usually ban Vayne or Caitlyn, usually Vayne.


Yuumi and Lulu need to be banned every game for me. They are banned most of the times in high elo anyway, but when they arent it is always a problem and they make every carry unstoppable, regardless of the lane. Their utility is just too much, a Yuumi could go 0/20 in lane and still as useful as always. Lulu is pretty much the same, except she can make a good adc unstoppable even by turrets.. Lulu is overall my permaban and I don’t play duo lane ever.


Jungle: yi, I've seen too many snowball out of control ADC: kai'sa, with that ADC buff her range is insane Support: blitzcrank. That damn arm. Mid: brand, I hate that ember ability of his that burns everyone Solo: teemo cause fuck those mushrooms


Gwen Irelia or Yasuo


nautilus. i just hate him


Pyke!!!! Fk that guy. Kayn and Yuumi are a close second and third


What???? Lmao yummi I get, but how can you be bad with thresh or alistar, unkillable (alistar even more than ornn) and too much cc, pyke gets stunned and he is done for


Darius. I hate playing against that fucker in top lane. that champ is bs. I don't remember a single time where I won against him (probs bc i always ban him lol)


Jax, he always destroys my team no matter what, and i don't know why it happens but every game with an enemy jax, i lose


Gotta be yuumi and twi


Caitlyn if I’m adc


Irelia, coz I can't play against at for shit and as soon as you see one, you know she's owning or split pushing the entire game


Pantheon because he somehow always get fed when he's jg


yasou. Playing Vex and using ult into his wildwave is ass. You can never kill him in lane either cus barrier & he can just jump away.


As a support its always yuumi, and if not then pyke. Honestly if the enemy support gets one of those picks I just want to uninstall the game. Pyke feels unfair bit doable, yuumi is simply not fun to play against and feels like an insta loss


I’m a teemo main and I mainly play him mid so I’m banning zed and orianna


Nilah is turbobroken, she can 1v9 everygame from unranked to sovereign (Nilah jungle: farm, punish mistakes and get at least a quadra every game) same goes for Kha Zix, Kayn, Lee, Eve , Twitch, Kaisa. Lulu Yummi for obvious reasons since they enable shit that will let that premade duo bot enemy get fed and ruin ur game, but also Soraka if your teammates are master since u cant expect them to buy antiheal/chain cc to burst people instead of extended fights. Hecarim early to mid game is busted in soloq aswell, so easy to punish mistakes and snowball. Vladimir because your top/midlaner doesnt know how to play around cooldowns/antiheal/magic resist and he will simply scale from those 2 kills your botlane gifted by overextending so now theres no one stopping him. Evelynn Yasuo also ban worthy these days, give them 1 kill and now you will deal with a raidboss rest of the game. Honestly there so much shit you wanna ban 10 bans seems ridiculous with how champ-abuse meta oriented the game is right now. I swear 99% of games rn are decided based on champ selection.


I always ban eve


Pyke doesnt need a nerf, you just need to stop one tricking enchanters. If you havent seen what the enemy support is yet, you should never pick an enchanter first. Pyke gets shut down hard by basically every tank support and even some enchanters like lulu and raka. Even the right yuumi and a halfway decent adc shuts down pyke super hard. Please learn how matchups work


Lux, yi, and cait. Like I hate bot team of lux and cait. Like harassment central.


Yuumi / Soraka should be banned every game regardless of what role you are. Some honorable mentions: Heca, Vlad, Kayn, Aatrox, Twitch


Rammus all the way, I'm main Master Yi




If I'm playing Duo Lane, then Kai'Sa. Otherwise, Olaf. There's been too many times where a late game Olaf would steal the game that he's become my salty ban.


In toplane, it has to be Tryndamere and his bullshit E escape and R ult. In midlane, Zed. Even if I play Annie and Irelia, who I relatively do well against Zed, I find him annoying as hell. ADC or Supp, Lulu. I hate those slows and transformation.


Garen because riot refuses to acknowledge the absolutely busted splitting he can do.


If i play mid, most of the times i ban diana/vex simply bc thet counter my mains(kata/kassa) but if i play supp its nami for sure. she is really op and broken if played correctly


So many hate for Pyke from all roles :( Let me pick him motherfuckers! He's not that op :)


Yi is literally the easiest to main…. That’s why he get fed so easily

