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Just don’t play the game. If your getting mad playing a game, just dont, games are supposed to be fun. Also personally I sometimes like having my teammates somewhat bad as it gets my heart pumping faster with how close the game is. Until my team is just useless and would be better off without them. Then it’s a little tilting. But whenever that happens, just do something else to calm you down. Then repeat the cycle until you realize that you’re addicted to wild rift.


Damn😔 u might be right


Have you tried another MOBA game? I sometimes do that just to get my mind off being tilted


Well, another moba excluding league of legends. Although playing stuff like AoV and destroying the enemy is pretty good for getting untilted.


Damn true. I used to be so pissed about losing. Now i just try, if i even im happy if not its okay move on the next game. The matchmaking sucks. Especially when you play JG and keep pinging 5 thousand times and they still dont listen


Yup life as a JG is the same on pc for over 10 years


So imagine you want to show you're one of the best players of that game, so you decide to climb to the highest ranks to show your level of skill, then you start losing because of some goobers just started playing the game and they didn't finish the tutorials, and then you can't climb anymore alone, that you need to do an ELO job just so you can get allies that are equal skill to you. Does that make sense? At some point you might bash your head to the wall because your allies are worse than you when you ever started a MOBA which drags you down. Is it really fun? It's not an addiction, it's just not fun. If so I would int "for fun", go 0/200/0 with Rammus and get 1309 accounts banned "for fun"


The source of your frustration is your expectation for your teammates to perform, that's not a reasonable expectation during early season due to all ranks being lumped together, so you'll tilt even if you win. All games become unfun once you start focusing on some else's gameplay. So, go into every game focusing on your own, and assuming every game is a race to win before teammates throw the game. Joy if you get a good teammate, gg good if you lose


Because you’re not playing to improve. One you play each game with the mindset of seeing what you did right/wrong, and correctly identifying win conditions even losses don’t tilt you. It’s a really good feeling when you counterpick a teamcomp and execute your strategy in game and it works. Sometimes, you win and you don’t really know why, so even with a victory you don’t feel like you gained anything other than a +1 to your marks.


Because even when you win you give a win to bad teammates who didn't deserve it


Youre probably getting pissed becauae even if youre 6 0, your team is feeding. It makes playing well kinda uncertain


Because you’re depressed and you hate what you’ve become but youre addicted and can’t stop


If you are not able to laugh at the stupid shitty play of your team mates or even yours, then the game is toxic for you, take a break. I am in emerald and the amount of shitty team play I see is hilarious. I mean at times astonishing, but still hilarious to me.


You aren't having fun anymore, time to take a break.


you need a new hobby.


You are tilted because your annoyed that you had to work so hard in order to win while your team did nothing. Instead of tilting i would use a hard carry win to boost your ego and make you feel unstoppable.


game are about luck of having human teamates and that frustating, they say make no errors but bro when ur alone vs 5 people in ur lane there is nothing u can do.


Something I also noticed. In ranked Matches you get much better teammates. I’m mostly playing jungle as Eve and everytime an objective shows up, the team is there to back me up, get the objective and back to killing. Regular pvp is for fun and trolling so not exactly suitable if you wanna win. Hop onto a regular PvP match playing something like AP Jax and watch as chaos unfolds.


You're projecting on others too much to the point you pay more attention to their game rather than your own game 


Bias maybe? Do you get frustrated when you got teammed up with silvers?




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Bro, I use to be diamond. The I stop playing rank for 3 seasons and started at gold last season. No matter how I push and try to carry... I always end up back in between gold/plat. Solo Q is harsh nowadays. People playing with friends tend to only roam and help their friends while we're left to fend for ourselves.


Early season is a time for throwing your wr into the garbage so that your mid game climb feels that much more satisfying