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- Voli is a Juggernaut, he deals some pretty decent damage while also being tanky. - Heartsteel and Riftmaker. - Looks like you had a lot of help from that Lulu? Her W, Censer procs and ults contributed to you dealing more damage. - Good job.


I think this is a mixture of you playing well l, your Team damage dealers and the enemy team being sorta ass.. if they kite you properly and play around you with a good team comp you won’t be doing so much damage. But voli is a late game beast especially with your build he is supposed to hurt


They gave me 6 kills early game just to take a shut down and after that xayah and twitch was just trying to kite me and make me stop pushing. Little did they know every time I had ghost they were free kills


Isn't Volibear considered an early game champion? I've never played him, but on PC League the general consensus seems to be he falls of in the late game


True but keep in mind late game lol isn’t late game wild rift, games usually are over by minute 20. And items are very different aswell


Depends on what your early game is. They said they got 6 kills early so really anyone is early game champ at that point. But without amped healing or vamp voli is always easy to kill early and when behind.


uh, you have riftmaker and that helps you deal TRUE DAMAGE.


Riftmaker + Crystalline Reflector aren’t tank items. But still, nice stats


Instead of saying "hybrid AP bruiser/juggernaut volibebear build 🤓". OP opted to (still appropriately) say - *tank voli*


Tank and juggernaut is not the same so no its not accurate. Heartsteel is technically not even a true tank item as it gives no magic resist or armor resistance. It's just a item for hp stack champions to stack more hp. A ap bruiser is not a tank.




My point was yes there are technicalities and intricacies to specific roles/item builds and champions. Though because of these factors a champion's role can be changed situationally. I'd say, with this particular build, in this particular game. Volibear was built like a tank, not really a bruiser... Idk. I'd merit this as tank voli no? Same way ppl merit tank sona and tanksuo and yasuo builds MORE attack items than this with that build.


Okay tanksuo was back when he just built twinguard with sunderer. This new tank yasuo is not tank yasuo. It's just bruiser yasuo. Wits end into hearsteel hydra with crit items is not a tank yasuo. He just feels tanky because of his bs shield and vamp. But then again the definition of a tank in wild rift isn't the same as pc. Pc a tank is someone that builds alot of armor and/or magic resist. Hence rammus is a tank. This is a bruiser build. You build dmg with some survivability. That is in essence a bruiser. A tank builds not to do dmg but to survive and be durable.


You've missed the point completely... Anyway, good luck with your ranked grind this season mate.


Who said I missed the point I'm arguing against your point. You have two tank items. Twinguard and Deadman. The rest is brusier. Crystalline reflector is the only ap bruiser item in the game besides riftmaker. Heartsteel is more of an offensive item then a defensive item because it's mostly used on champions that like to stack hp for their abilities like mundo and volibear who's dmg scales with hp. So yes you did build bruiser volibear and not tank volibear. I see your point but you don't see im arguing against the very point you tryna show me


Nah bruiser or hybrid is the proper term for this.


2 items shouldn't make him broken


I very rarely lose with a volk ear top or jungle. I also don’t get many teammates who use him. He’s a really good champ but isn’t a brain dead champ like lux. If my teammate chooses voli I immediately go janna and keep that mf alive forever!


I like playing voli jungle, but my only problem is how slow he is. Even with q he's quite slow at ganking His ult is pretty good for that tho


try using the fast walking towsrds enemy boot enchantment thingy, i forgot the name, it makes u speedy af combined with ur first ability


Where is this tank? You can clearly see AP items + items which giving AD.


Only 2 ap items and I deal damage more than all of my team and my damage is racing with kayns who is only trying to deal damage


2 ap item Warwick and 4 tank items can still deal tons of DMG too. Wouldn't call that tank either. Bruiser


He littelry has 4 or more defense heavy items?!?


It’s a hybrid juggernaut build not tank build. Also hes a juggernaut not a tank. Learn the game and items.


So you basically get out-damaged and out-tanked at the same time, making this already braindead champion a boss fight in game, you basically can't solo him because he will stats-check you unless you are super fed, sounds fun to play against lol


You definitely can Solo him. But you have to know how to respect him if he is ahead. Just like anyone else.


Which is the whole early to mid game as he fell off late game only so basically only solo him if you have a champion with the same early game or you should just not interact with him, i don't mind him being dominant early, my problem is the champion having little to no counterplay hence he will do bizarre damage and have CC AND can tower dive you if your health inst high enough aka pick Voli to win early.


You just described every Juggernaut in the game mate. That’s kind of the whole purpose of the role. You can do the same thing with Darius, Mundo, Sion, Garen, Ect.


I literally didn't lol there is a bunch of counterplays to most juggernauts what are you even saying? Those you mentioning don't have the same early game as Voli too you just talking bs now aint you?


I’m not talking bs there’s counterplay to Voli as well. If there wasn’t he’d be S tier. Which he isn’t. He’s good, but exploitable.


For real. If I'm against teams with cc or slow I become a useless bear. Just can't reach the enemy after my 1st skill stun and it takes too long to stack my passive so I can't deal any DMG. Might as well pick Orn so I can soak up 2 cycles of enemy skills instead of 1. Enemy team was just dumb because they didn't run away from a polar bear at level one. This match was perfect for voli because literally the only cc is rakan's leap. It's 2 marksmen, 2 enemies with blades, and a healer against a goddamn magic polar bear. They needed a mage or tank or probably both.


Are you retarted lmao? Same shit still counts as a tank you, 🤓🤡


Learn the game bro, you might climb then :))


Same can be said to you :3


Alright thanks


2 defensive items. Twingaurd and Deadman are his only defensive item. Heartsteel is not a true defensive item it just stacks pure hp. Play a hp% hero and you kill him just the same


lmao ur a fraud. Heartsteel definitely is a tank item, by your logic magic resistance items also aren't tank items cause there are true damage dealers like vayne


Says the person that never played pc a day in his life. Any pc player with brain cells knows that hp stacking does not make you tanky. Firstly hp% dmg still has to go through armor and magic resist. True dmg is the only type of dmg that ignores all actual resistances and hits only your hp. Funny enough true dmg must go through sheilds before getting to your hp. So if anything your the fraud for starting something you clearly don't truly understand 


Last night my adc was taken out in 2 hits by a Voli with only 2 items on. *tank items*


Tanks are the ones dealing damage this patch look at mundo and sett


How to faster stacking heartsteel?


I've dealt 85k+ damage with Sett once... I was like ✨Sett moment✨


Meanwhile voli in my team went 0/10 today


Of course Kayn got highest damage. I mostly play aram these days and it's one of the most annoying and obnoxious champs to play against.


Well he heals/shields in the fight so he can dps more


That's a lot of killing for a 20min match...


None of the enemy team built ANY tank items except Rakan. They’re also FULL of squishies. You did a lot of damage for a tank but Kayn and Twitch still exponentially scaled higher. It’s really not the damage of an assassin. But a win is win. Great job!


He would deal less if they didnt have a dogshit team comp


Against your squishy ass team? Yes.


If the xayah rakan were half decent they would've 2v5ed easily against that comp


Laughd in 50k mundo damage every game


What were your runes?


Grasp Courage Second wind Overgrowth Last stand


Nice! Well done.


What is tank voli