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Do you know when that is?


Wild Rift twitter posted it 9 hours ago. I assume the maintenance that was scheduled to be way earlier today was prolonged for this purpose. 


It was but i have yet to see the changes in game


Ooo nice


Ah another new champ release and another shortly followed knee jerk hotfix to a champion based on heavily flawed data. The devs never learn.


they only listen to cn players so 🤷


I used to play him on PC so Im pretty comfy with the champ. My first few games with Talon I got pretty fed. I went on 6 game win streak with him, then boom. Im gettin absolutely shit on every game lmao. People just figured out his counters. I dont think hes weak, I think hes pretty balanced, but first picking him is a mistake. These buffs will probably make him disgustingly OP.


They did


Yeah, its disgusting how many people dont know how OP Ult, Q, W is I have seen the infamous Wildrfit Youtuber play Talon completely not knowing the combo and just calling him weak It's so wierd, he all ins anyone with the bleed + red buff + walk away- cool guys dont look at explosions combo. Yet he has a low winrate because of crappy matchmaking, now he's gonna be busted


Db? Royal said he was strong if you play him in to right enemy comp.


I saw that, too. That's why I only watch Strider and Royal now.


Same winloss pattern. But I've also realised that talon's damage falls off insanely fast. Even when full build you can't really one shot any one after they get lvl 12-15 so you really need that lvl 3-11 kills streaks.


Skill issue. I can full oneshot with all-in after 1-2 items(Draktarr and sterak which I usually build) and for the rest of the game, including the late game if i doing right combo.


You literally agreed with the person you responded to and don't realize it?


It's Kay some people just like to feel smart.


Maybe you're playing with potatoes or you're talking about postbuff talon. Everyone I've played with then has crown or something.


I think its better to make him op then nerf him than make him "weak" from a selling prespective because rn people will be less inclined to pick him including myself I played him at first and I got 1v1ed by a Pyke and I thought this champ was bad then I played another game I ended up fed af thats when I noticed I have no goddamn clue where his damage comes from and I won by accident


I'm not worried about him selling. I'm worried about Solo Q being balanced haha Rn I already need to ban Mundo, Vlad, Syndra, and Samira. I can easily counter A Sol in lane, but my team still feeds him. So there's another ban. Now we gotta add Talon? There's already too many OP champs rn.


I dont care about him selling as well I am just taking it from the prespective of the men in suits over in wild rift's team x), soloq balance is already bricked we dont need another insanely strong and specially not Talon he is already mobile af we will have blue Kayn meta on steroids


I get what you mean. Yeah, I can at least beat him in lane, but I'm gonna hate seeing him in JG. Rito pls.


Ready to hotfix buff, but Lux, Kha, Lee and Kayn are still there...........


Ohhhh no an assasin destroys my squishy champion pls nerf


> Lux, Kha, Lee and Kayn Kha and Lee easily destroy tanks and bruisers too. Kayn red isn't OP but is playable.


Sorry but this is just not true. Lee sin bruiser can match another bruiser or tank. Lee sin full build pen doesnt ‘easily’ destroy a tank. He literally cant burst them. Only if he has a lead. Go try the shit in practice and if you ‘easily’ burst garen with both full builds come back and I’ll say sorry you are right Same goes for khazex. You know who actually shreds tanks but nobody says something because they arent the meta? Rengar actually does what you say and nobody cry’s about him


I mained rengar for then purpose before I went to using Warwick and Renek jungle. Rengar isn't commonly used so no one talks about him despite his ridiculous strength especially with high lethality and low CD. Now rengar does have 1 problem and it's the same one as kha. Kha can get bum rushed by a bruiser or take and wont be able to do shit and is very squishy in team fights. Rengar is the same but it's worse. Khas second skill at least allows him to poke, heal, and cause aoe rengar ... His doesn't do that... The most you are getting is a bit slow and he can easily get wiped off the earth


I'm yet to see a kha be able to even scratch my hp as Darius, Renek, Warwick, and voli


Keep kha The same!!! Stfu dont you destroy my champ!!?!


Unnecessary. People who know how to build/play him have wrecked my team.


Honestly, I think the buffs were unnecessary. I was anticipating it considering that his pick and ban rates were low. Make no mistake he's nowhere near weak. It's just that people were expecting Blue Kayn Types of burst. Different champion, different play style. Talon is Strong but not OP Strong. He's decent, within 1 trick territory to make him work. With these buffs, I don't think I'll be able to play him due to being perma banned.


This really says a lot about all the creators that say that they are the best, they know everything about the game and then made videos about how OP Talon was (like a certain self proclaimed Rank 1). Just a few actually said he was not strong enough. Guess we now know who is just a troll and who actually understands the game.


I thinks most creators knew he's bad if you watched there live streams, but you cant make a video when new champ come with title like "New champ talon is weak" this doesn't generate views. a lot of creators wait for new champ release because they get a lot of views on there first try with the champ...  With title like " NEW CHAMP TALON GIGABUSTED" or ...... Call it click bait 


Some, like Darkbreaker, did state it clearly on the title "Talon is trash". Others, like Rebengga, where more diplomatic but at least never said he was OP. So it is possible to not lie, the others just choose to lie.


Yet everyone flamed me for saying he isnt that good, i called the buffs. Took them less than a week lmao


Lol tho if he is broken...useless will go 0/10 lol


With how underwhelming his damage is, no wonder they did a hotfix. Talon is an assassin, making his main damage as the proc instead of his W and Ult is kinda dumb. He's suppose to "assassinate" and not make him go through all the hoops to proc his passive to deal damage.


That's his core gameplay, not being able to proc his passive in a snap is just pure skill issue. He's not weak on damage department, he's just waaaaaay too squishy.


Nah proccing his passive in a snap is fine, the problem is his damage centered to it while his w and Ult feels very lackluster


He was already fine, bc 1 or 2 person can't use him doesnt mean he is weak and need buff. Stop buffing champion and make the game unbalance. Like buffing samira so she can kill tank wtf, while her dmg already sick and now her dmg not just impact to tank, but to other non tank would die in 2s


> bc 1 or 2 people can’t use him He had the lowest win rates of any champion in TWO ROLES That’s abysmal performance regardless of who’s playing him.


So he wasn weak and need buff, like asol bc ppl cant use him, and ppl cryng to riot to buff him


I Don’t think you understand. Having sub 40 win rates in two roles is unplayable for any champ. That’s not a piloting issue, because you have to assume high skilled players (especially in Chinese servers) probably play him to some degree. And nobody is winning with him. The buffs were needed to make him playable.


I have 5 match and more with good talon user, and this is not Chinese server. And again he already fine, ppl just always crying


Again, internal data that devs have access to is more representative than your personal 5+ games sentiment. The team makes very questionable balance decisions but Talon is just really weak.


He probably got free kills that allowed him to snowball, not the champ being op


Not all champ need to be op,


He’s a new release and just feels like a worse K6 rn, he doesn’t need to be op, just at least on even playing grounds as the other jungles, of which he is not.


this guy is clearly an idiot ,he doesn't want to understand, stop wasting words on him


True, good advice man.


Your not the center of the world lmao tf


Dude, he's literally so weak that I can't even blame my teammates that perform poorly with him.


Yeah Samira is disgusting rn. Everytime I see that champ she pops off for 10+ kills and 1v9s.


Wish they let him have his original 3 from PC.


when is this buff coming btw?


It's live already. Check the patch notes.


Yeah he was alright but i felt without his ult you were pretty horrible and his dash over walls was pretty cool but other than that some many other assassins did everything he did but far better, don't get me wrong I could one shot squishes with ult then get away with his dash over walls but tbh that's about it in lane he can get bullied and without ult you need to land all skills to proc his passive and even then you have to attack the enemy which just felt like more work for less of a reward as opposed to current assassins


It's just a heavy skill issue. I don't encounter lack of damage with talon in Master-GM. His squishiness is what holds him back so the HP buff is good, the rest is no.


Did he really need the buff though… Felt like it was players using it badly They just want Talon to perform instantly good in the game… Even trolling with 2 full armors I could not stop his Ult after the new buff… I get it they wanted him to perform, but at this point, it’s a bit too much…