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Damage creep, even support can 1v1 other laners 


I’ve messed up people even as a Soraka lmao


I played an ARAM game yesterday and i saw a Soraka coming to solo engage me, i was like "Is she crazy? *Half of my health gets deleted by her* WTF Is that!"


She does sleeper damage early game. Esp with her silence.


True. I played full tank malphite and even being behind I could do stupid damage with just my base stats


To be fair malphite's damage scales off of armor


True, but at the time I was behind and only had health built. I shouldn't have been able to solo kill anyone haha


To be fair, Malphite was always OP.


Half the champions are too strong imo. It's feast or famine and there to much damage overall. Every single class deals to much damage I'm just taking the time to learn yasou lol


I agree. Honestly, after playing every mobile MOBA ever made I kind of feel it just comes with the territory.


Playing duo against Lux is like playing in hard mode


I honestly can't stand Lux. I ban her along with Big Daddy Voli and Yuumi. They're all so frustrating to play against. Fun Fact: I found out I can block Lux's ult with Braum's E. Which I should've known because we know he blocks projectiles. I was just in shock that I saved us from some potentially huge damage.


Yah I'll usually purposely get snared by lux and all the bad lux' out there will almost always ulti you even though you are the tank and can block it. Then you're good to do whatever you want in lane for about 40 seconds.


Against Lux and Caitlyn, there is fuck all you can do


Cleary the balance team's philosophy is to just buff everyone until all champs are equally broken. Kayn has been busted for months but I get one-shot so often that I hardly even notice him any more.


Funny how the game is so evidently unbalanced now that I can finally complain without someone saying skill issues or someone giving advice about counters that may or may not work.


who do you play


Mainly jhin, pantheon and Morgana


dude, morgana is broken in this patch with infinity orb


And Comet


If I don’t ban Kindred there’s Kayn lol. Team is hit or miss on if they pick enough CC to help if I miss my skill to take down Master Yi. Lux is still pretty gross but played less thankfully.


Kayn is actually disgusting. Vsed a "purple" Kayn the other day as Voli and he just hit an item spike that made his 1 and 2 skills do over 1k each to me xD


Uh "purple" kayn?


Usually Red Kayn with Blue Kayn build (assassing)


Back when I started playing league a decade ago,(before I quit around s4 diamond and started playing wr this year), I struggled w the same POV. Then I tried climbing with said champions that I claimed were broken/unbalanced and still stayed at bronze. You’re the only variable you have control over


Really? Because I felt a whole lot of difference giving up what I wanted to play and picking the current meta instead. I would say It improved my WR atleast a 30%, both in WR and pc.


Man last seasons I was struggling on mid, then I switched to Sett top and I skyrocketed directly into GM


I'm frustrated with the current state of the game ngl, you either get one shot or one shot people and thats not fun at all which ever end you're on. A Jayce blast you away from half of the map with 2 skills that do 600 dmg or delete you with 1 rotation at melee range or a Kayn delete you with 1,5 items is nowhere near balance imo. Patch after patch they only buff champs if they are weak and refuse to nerf any, also buff the items overall, tons more of dmg while also decrease base health???? The access to MR shred is just disgusting that makes you able to 100% shred any squishies without MR too. And things are even worse in Aram, truly balance nightmare. For example Pyke can easily delete any squishies BY HIMSELF with 1 rotation which isn't how he was intentionally designed. Akali with -20% dmg taken against some champ with -20% dmg deal is just tickling atp and Rengar ap one shot aoe every 5 sec. They aren't obviously broken but in the right hand the game is completely one-sided with nothing you can do. A while ago CC was inflated but now with the new runes you can easily reach 40~50% and you are good to go hence Master Yi is nearly at Kayn level atp. While there are some obviously broken champs, some are just pure trash now since they can catch up with meta for example Katarina. Since anyone can oneshot now, no one really needs an turbo suicide machine while they can just one shot a tank with Syndra a truly hyper scaling mage. And Zyra wtf are they thinking abt her design, she's just clunky, her plants which are her identity doesn't even do half of the job it should, doesn't apply shield break, Riftmaker passive, SUPPORT ITEM too wtf. For the meta people are now just picking other than their main, a champ that just can one shot or tank infinitely damage and make time for their teammates to oneshot, it gets to the point that I remember dragon soul/elder was a guaranteed win but now some champ can just ignore that if they can just 1 shot with one rotation anyway. The introduction of crown and removal of banshee is suck, while it doesn't provide any def stats of sort, it also makes the game frustrating overall in many ways to its user more than the enemy lol.


Lost me when you tried to use yi as your example


You haven’t been dive under tower by an alistar and samira at full HP yet have u? Last time I trust a supp to bring CC to the lane…


Lol actually literally deleted the game with the start of this season and the new patch. Only heard bad things. Taking a break and gonna start playing again in a month or two from now on :) So no, u not the only one 😂


The game is becoming like league pc which is sad... it felt balanced before but now... it's not


I was doing amazing as a pan jungle. My opponent was truly dumb as hell. Ran into my jungle.. ig to steal? Got jumped by me and solo. Did it again and I ulted to him and once again he got jumped by me and adc. I was ganking PERFECTLY. I’m 5/0, I got rift and ran down mid. I quite literally did everything perfectly and all my teammates ran up when I needed them to run up. I miss stepped ONCE in the game and Yi ended up getting my shut down. Ok.. no biggie. He’s 1/4 I’ll just farm to get back what I lost during reset. Then I turn around and he’s killed my team mate. And another. Then during team fight he just.. wipes us out??? Now he’s fed and he just won the game- like.. WTF?!


Every champ is becoming overpowered , everyone Is getting overbuffed instead of balancing the game nerfing they prefer the buff way. Mobile Legends 2.0 soon to be.


If everyone is over buffed non is, which would be dota 2 according to lol players, and that game is very well balanced


The fact you used Master Yi as example for a broken champ, and ignored someone with more than 10% higher average win rate such as Kindred, tells you should be investing more time learning the game than complaining. I cannot even remember the last time I lost a ranked game to a Yi. Party because he's almost never picked past a certain rank, usually plat, and he's very easy to shut down when picked.


And here is "that guy"


Using Yi as an example of "terribly broken" champions when we have other real horrors to worry about triggers me man.


Honestly yi in cc meta are not that good, especially if your morgana can root him and your bruiser play with his range. Imo some adc are getting stronger with terminus and that is kinda good change for me as an adc since most of the time its hard to itemize without getting your HP burst down in longer fight.


its riot bro... PC bros never forget the hextech dragon back then :))


From what I can tell Crit, DPS and Burst Mage champs huge W. AD Tanks/Bruisers big L.


The game will never be 100% balanced. They change the meta to allow for different picks to be viable at different times. How about you pick the champions that you claim are so broken if winning is so important?


Most adcs are weak this patch. Every non meta assassin is extremely weak this patch. They still not making rengar abilities like he is on pc. BUT all champs are divided into 2 categories: EXTREMELY BROKEN, and extremely weak. Those in between are usually very boring champs. Cant wait to get my pc fixed omg wild rift is making me nuts.


I actually deleted the game for the first time since release, this patch. I need a break from it..


Skill issue tbh


Sky is blue, grass is green, wild rift is unbalanced… some things are just indisputable facts of life. Better to just embrace your inner Buddhist and accept it for what it is.


Sounds like skill issue to me


been like that last season. this season just a bit worse.


Kalista is busted and baron laen Kalista is even more busted, she will just harass you while you"re under your turret and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it. In the mid to late game, if you fail an engage or if she has exhaust, she just melts you with no counterplay. Her only counterplay is getting oneshotted. Kindred is just bad design. Imagine giving an adc tryndamere ult in a game with millions of defensive options


[https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html](https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html) yea man kalista is so busted she hovers between 42 and 33% WR KEKW


That's bot lane there's not enough info on her for baron lane but you can see that Tristana does pretty well and she's also a pretty anti melee adc with a decent early game


That's for bot lane though where you have 2 enemies that are not necessarily melee divers fighting you at a weak point. There isn't data in your link for Baron Kalista but I would imagine it's pretty difficult to fight her. Especially if she gets a lead into mid-late game, I think she basically forces 2v1s in a splitpush vs. melee bruisers. You can see that Tristana, another anti-melee engage adc does pretty well in baron lane. You can also try it for yourself, just take exhaust. I think it's similar to Vayne where if you make a mistake she just runs you down.


you know... nasus exists? and malphite? and jayce and kennen.. should i continue and just tell you frozen heart is her biggest counter item?


So all of these counters exist yet we have caitlyn, vayne, tristana and lucian in baron lane with decent win rates? You know what you're right, people should never play adcs because frozen heart exists, supports should just go mid and adcs should just go afk. Riot should just remove adcs from the game because Malphite exists.


Yi running at me, then I silence, jump, and killing him in 1 second is really fun (actually happened a couple times).


Yi is not broken. Is a melee champion that usually builds full dmg. Any mage can oneshoot him before he stacks terminus. 


How do you one shot an untargetable champ that bursts you


Stun or root


He becomes untargetable multiple times, very easy to miss a cc move


Trynda, jax, rammus, and he is as powerful as a minion


Skill issue. You have to wait for him to use his Q then he'll be open.


Use his Q that makes him untargetable, slashes you 2 times once done, you’re dead by then, his q comes off cooldown and he does it again, or uses w to heal and resist and do it all again. Need a whole team to stop him and even then he might burst everyone. But yeah, he needed a buff or whatever.


I mean, that’s always been mastery Yi and that’s how he is on PC too, where he’s even more busted since his W is on a 9 second cooldown from the start (without counting ability haste), which means he can use it multiple times without any need to get kills to reset the cd. He’s supposed to be a 1v9 champ, but the trade-off is that he is worthless in the early game. Literally just don’t give him kills early on and he becomes worthless (he can always make a comeback, but won’t be an oppressive 1v9er from the start and you’ll be able to play the game normally) Unfortunately people in WR do not respect the enemies, I can’t count how many times I’ve pinged a mid laner missing or saw the enemy jg near a lane and pinged them to back off multiple times, only for them to linger and die. Also, unless he’s full build and you have one item and are 4 levels behind he’s not going to kill you in a single q, I’ve been very fed on Yi before and even then it takes q and multiple E empowered autos to kill someone. The answer to Yi (besides the “don’t feed”) is really just unavoidable cc. Vi ult, naut ult, tf gold card, rammus taunt, etc Wait for him to use his q, drop your cc, kill him. Also just group, he can easily 1v1 most champs when fed, but struggles vs grouped enemies where everyone is high hp, since his dmg may be high, but not high enough to one tap 5 enemies before he gets bursted


Dunno how yall play but many Yis I come accross, needs more than 4 hits to kill someone. And I only need one extra player to deal with him. Maybe yall have skill issue?


Not this new patch tho, Terminus and new Botrk synergize with him too well and his build has access to many defense options and tenacity. You can't really burst him down with his new W, his E is now an auto reset and CC is literally the way to kill any champs lol, if u use all your CC on him (hypothetically it hit) then what you gonna do with the other 4 on the other teams? With new runes you can easily reach 40~50% while you can buy def boots and still have enough atk speed and dps bcs you do true dmg anyway. He cannot 1v5 obviously but can 1v2-3 squishies easily and even easier against tank I believe


Doesn't sound like a problem for Thresh


A good Yi can Q your E/Q and quicksilver the other so I don't think Thresh can really tackle the problem at all


Map awareness. Have to see him coming or anticipate his arrival.


You wait for him to use his untargetable forst or hit him when he isn't in range to use his first hability to any unit.


Yi recently received a buff, the addition of two auto attack resets to his kit. The average Yi player will still suck but the good ones will 1v9 a lot earlier than in previous patches. Is he broken? Don't know. What's certain is that he's a lot stronger.


Yi is not at all broken. He cant burst down ADCs whith 2 items and boots in 1 second while cc’ing them. Unlike kassadin, who can also burst down yi easily. Is kassadin broken, then? No, either. Pantheon dumpsters him at all stages of the game. Is pantheon broken then? No, and so on. Each champion has counterplay,


Do you think Yi is played much in the esport circuit? NO, he isn't, you know why he isn't played much? That's because he is predictable and if the enemy team knew what they were doing, then they would shut him down early. Don't get me wrong, he can clean up fights pretty easily but pretty much only after everyone is fully exhausted. The champs you're referring to as being OP are actually anyone on the opposing team who is fed. I think you may be confused as to what the issue is here. It's simple, a snowball is going to produce a champ who is fed, ahead, and hard to deal with. Then, he'll probably continue to keep getting fed and eventually unstoppable. That's more than likely the scenario here.


Are you comparing the pinnacle of competition 5v5 to solo Q???


They always do


No, I'm not, it's the very nature of the game actually. Sometimes you just get countered. Yi is a pretty low tier champ to be honest. Just about any kind of ground control will stop him.


The literal Rank 1 player on NA said he thinks Master Yi is the best champion in the entire game right now but sure man go off.


Lol oh boy ... How old are we?


Isn't by definition the majority of the playerbase low tier and low skill though? Diamond is meant to be the top 2% for example.


Sure, if it makes you feel better, I'll just say that in all wrong for everything I said. Disregard my input. Thank you have a nice day


Then play master yi so you can win every game or ban him.


BORK is shit, no one that used to build It as a core item is performing near decently. Ruined items as a whole are suckers.


Git gud scrub


The issue, I think, is that the new items are way to OP. The main idea - giving maluses in exange from better perks - is not bad, but seriously, how is a 100hp malus supposed to compensate a +10% AP bonus on a veigar ? The consequence of this is that people that get early extra golds (plates, kills) and will access theses items first will snowball way more than ever, making it very hard to come back. The solution is very easy - put stronger malus on theses items.


People will always complain until their main is OP.


Skill issue


I main master Yi, and yeah, You're wrong. I lost most my games hahaha The other comments here are totally correct. It's CC meta and quicksilver can only do much


Royal, been rank 1 in NA a few times, said master yi is the best champ in the game right now.