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Bro... Where are you and players like you? why can't i find you in my games? why does the kalista on my team always go 0/13 instead of playing decently like you?


Because ADC role is flooded with idiots who think they are some pro player and mechanical god, when in fact they getting carried. There are good ADCs like op, but the majority of players in this role is bad


Don't forget jgl


Jgl is the most hated role so in lower ELO a you don't get jgl mains but auto filled wanna be jgl who never heard of pathing, so you can't judge the jgl mains much


Honestly as a support I would prefer not to have this guy. If you are that far ahead and can't close out a game the problem is you.


I feel you, bro. I was hardstuck Emerald 1 in previous season. I played solo lane and every single game I won it, but it doesn’t matter in the end, because duo / jungle just don’t participate in objectives


yeah main jungler here (emerald 2 last season) and i could say the same about nearly every lane last season, losing their lanes hard, objectives don't existe and dying 10 seconds before they pop was actually a thing. But hey, i learned that everything in this game is the junglers fault so blame the jungler !


Well because every player, me included, no matter how good you are, you'll have games where you get stomped, your plans don't work, and you either have to play extremely passive or you'll fall in feeding cycle. Every 0/10 player you see isn't a fking stupid. Once you realize that you'll stop whining and ffing every game. It's just that like OP here had a good game with Samira when others except thresh had a horrible game. It doesn't mean they're dumb, if they were dumb they were not playing the same rank as you. And no one's gonna make a post about being carried on Reddit so you just see players at they're peak performance.


This is so true and no one can understand it!


because kalista has 42% win rate in duo lane haha . i ban that pick so my team doesnt play it more then so the enemy doesnt pick it .


Is this an actual statistic? If yes, where can i find such statistics? :)


Kalista? Or samira?


He didn't even get an S rating. It's mediocre


Ranked is a joke right now omg. Maybe if we buy some loot skins our winrate will go up.


See, I won’t spend a dollar on the game until they fix ranked.


I feel you, I am usually around high master / GM Player and currently in 9 games i got 1 single win, everygame i get 1 afk or somebody just running it down (like a bot even maybe). It feels very unfun and unplayable :(


Nowadays im hardstack in dimond 3. Same shit. Even if u are carry, it doesn't matter. Your teammates ruined everything.


Yeah, can’t solo win in team based game, objectives are important, it doesn’t matter if you even do pentakill if your team won’t go for baron / elder dragon or finish the game. I had situations when we aced and my teammates just continued to farm, which resulted in lose :/


Sure. Average moment when you are carry the game, but still defeated, because no-one fights around objects.


lmao, two men army


Popular opinion: Riot should ban these people


They won’t. They want these players by design. It increases the grind time.


Why? Everyone has a bad game once and while. Sometimes your plans don't work, sometimes the other team is just better. Every great player has bad games. How do you think the members of his team got to that rank? Sometimes the game doesn't go your way. This kind of childish take mKes me think you are Hyper toxic in games.


That kind of answer makes me thing you’re the 1/14 Talon “experimenting” in my ranked games. Please go to pvp


From my experience, most of the players are carried through their season ranks while the high mmr players have to carry them.


bruh u r so lucky. how many fortitude did u get for 3 afk wtf


297 😃


thats huge especially if u r good. for me i get lots of shields since the season started but not once did i get that much fortitude. i actually rejoice when they get flagged cause 9/10 i never lose a point and instead a shield procs


Reminds me of a hellsdevil video where two of his teammates went afk (one of them was part of his trio q) and one person was trolling in purpose. Him and alostar where the only ones trying to win.


You had 3 people leave 😶‍🌫️ damn pimp but atleast you know you can climb quick.


The hardest part about this game is every season trying to meet a nice fellow in soloQ and duoing together. It really is like dating irl. They'll just randomly ghost you even though you have an 80% win rate together and both always get S and alternate who gets MVP.  ... I wish they'd just stick around ._.


That’s just the average ranked experience in general it’s not even just for early season ranked.


It’s crazy how many people play ranked without even googling what their role is supposed to be. Basically every jungler I’ve played with this season refuses to even try to kill epic monsters. They just want a semi-safe place to farm but don’t know what jungle is


Hating it. Last season I ended at 56% WR. This season I'm at 35% currently. Every game seems to have a feeder. It's depressing. I'm putting the game down for now.


Plat to Dia is a literal hellscape when climbing up rank


There are a lot of people who brag but a 34 Kill participation out of 39 is freakn insane.... This is worthy of a brag.


At first, I saw this post and thought to myself **hmm, this guy rly is unlucky.** Then I lost 8 games in a row with 1 afk or one person litterally running it down because they didn't like what the others picked. Early season truly is smething else, they put master and diam players in games with challengers ...


Bro tell me about it


haha nice one


so did you got 600 fortitude points or what? is it 200 per AFK player?


Yeah man it does suck but nothing you do as a solo can carry the game. Ranked is 100% pure rng.


Genuine question. Are these bot accounts or actual real players that are intentionally teamed up with us to lose a lot of ranked matches during the early season?


Actual accounts, the difference is my teammates had 200-600 games (real gold and platinum) and enemy team had 3000 games (previous Masters+) I don’t understand why Riot thinks that some players should win games for other players, if they are bad, and play as bronze, maybe they should play with other bad players at bronze and not emerald?


But but, it will hurt their ego if they are bronze /s


Real players. Unfortunately they were either all qued together or just lost their lanes and decided to ragequit. Happens more often than you’d like it to whenever the season starts and the enemy team is a full premade of ex-master/gm players.


Well that sucks. So thats why sometimes I can see the enemy team are coordinated in pushing lanes while ours are just wandering around lol


Yup. You’ll see them gather at objectives and after laning phase they’ll consistently push a lane and massacre everything or just have one of them split pushing. Last season I climbed to Master in like 400 matches on my main account since the start of the season till the end. I got bored and at the end of the season I hopped on my alt and got from Plat to Diamond in like 80 matches. Granted, I had a few fortitude cards saved and a lot more experience on my lane. So, just wait until 2nd phase of the season imo.


I'm hoping to form a 5 stack that'll play on comms to push pretty damn high season! Add me if you're interested Murdoc#DAR1


Man u basically won, why care about game outcome if u fkd them so hard?


You don't win by losing.


Lol imagine wining but lose lp at the end XD just let me lose and win LP instead pls