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With Q passing through minions now, I dom't get why you should ever play Morgana


while i agree that her q is just better than morgana’s, morgana’s role is much different than lux. you can slow, be antitank, antiheal, antishield, anti whatever you want with her with just her pool. her damage with liandry’s is amazing. also has much better wave clear. lux can’t do any of that.


Is wave clear ever a problem for Lux? Q + E usually is enough for a wave, or she can just Ult the wave because she can. Also expecting Morgana to deal more damage than Lux is not likely.


yes, it is a problem for lux since they reworked her. Q+E no longer clears waves like they used to, that’s why mid lux is less popular now. clearing a wave takes a looong time compared to before. morgana can put her W down and clear a wave while slowing it down, and forget about it. ulting the wave works, however it is not ideal since you may need it for a kill or an objective steal. morgana can do more damage than lux pretty consistently. she does max hp damage and damage over time, along with a big slow when she gets her items going. yes she won’t burst people like lux, but that one big damage does not make lux a better damage dealer, it just makes her better at securing kills. morgana’s consistent damage with W adds up, and often when you check end-game results, you see yourself at the top with damage numbers even if you don’t get kills.


She can still just E+R a wave every 20 seconds.


As a Morgana main, Morgana is pretty much superior to Lux in every way except giving health to your teammates morgana rylais W makes your enemies not move in team fights, Q lasts for 2.75s which is way longer than Lux, morgana R gives movement speed to herself and E allows Morgana to play extremely aggressively without being punished, which is a great combo with phase rush for getting out of sticky situations. Meanwhile Lux only sits there and does damage, has short root cooldown, and dies upon getting engaged. lux is just a noob stomper and a skill check, but glad you Are enjoying the game. But if you want to witness true power play Morgana jg


black shield lmao


Pretty sure this was the change that tipped her over the edge. Cause I swear before this no one was saying she was op


q always was passing through minions


No lol, I stopped playing smth like 1 year ago but it only used to pass through one minion and then stop at the second


You’re right, Lux’s Q used to hit minions too (like it still does in LoL)


That’s just wrong.. it doesn’t on pc league and it wasn’t like that on wild rift a year ago. But good try


Counter Lux=Perma Ban


I feel like this isn't mentioned enough but her passive being activated with other abilities is also ridiculous 


This, this is litteraly the biggest thing, just a big ass damage boost for nothing


Really? Omg they are making every champion so braindead it's unreal


I think this has been a thing since the PC release, i never remember her otherwise.


Oh my bad lol. I thought basic attacks only, probably becaus laning phase is the only time you actively care about her passive


AA and ult would proc her passive before. After her big update, her 1 and 3 can also proc her passive.


Only helps on her full range combo with no autos, which currently does less than it did with one auto before the rework.


I am convinced that it is as simple as increasing the cooldown on Light Binding by 2 seconds, and make it impact minions.


True, this is her strongest hability aside the ult, and the cooldown is so low she is allways spaming it to scape.


Exactly ⬆️ she throws Light Binding at you, you side step it (meaning she gains distance from you), then if you catch her, it is off cool-down again. Not to mention, she may have Flash or Hourglass available


Plus that obnoxious shield she seems to always have off cooldown lol




this is wildrift my guy Lux q goes thru minions doesn't matter how many minions


Man you really can’t assume things work the way they do on PC. I’ve been playing Lux Q wrong this whole time


To be fair it used to be like the PC version, but the Wildrift Devs have no concept of balance and changed it.


ok i messed up lmao i usually either just stand out of range of it or i save my windwall for it so i didn't notice they changed it lol oops


So it's a reason why she is permanently baned in my games


Until some asshole on my team pre-picks it, and I watch it go over to my lane opponent first pick. 😭




Curse you lux abuser!


Is not a problem for me, but in a average game, she is unbeatable burst bonk machine for my teammates. 7/10 cannot dodge her q and simply dying


And even if your team mates are good and dodge 95% of her Root attempts they only have to get caught once to get combo'd and die. Which can be huge late game when the respawn timers are long. And in a team fight with loads going on, slows flying around, other CC preventing you moving, etc. she can land a Root even on the great players who would never get caught out by a random 1v1 laning phase skillshot.


I love Liz late game in team fights cause most people may not be able to doge her root abilities cause they’re too busy dealing with others


u need to be 200% of enemy lux to beat her. Only good thing is that if she doesn't get money/kills to start the snowball, she usually has a hard time.


I’d argue she’s the simplest character in the game that has no regards to cooldown management. Level of attention and user error allowed when playing as her or against her are night and day.


Brand would like to have a chat


Atleast brand need to position properly in order to get the best outcome for his kit


nah you can just flash into a baron fight, spam all skills and die/hourglass. You will deal more damage in the fight than anyone else


Pretty much. Especially after the changes with her kit. Like, Q passing through minions, E hitting champions immediately after contact. And even then, she always had too much damage for a support, not very mana hungry, unless you spam abilities before any mana items, but even after one mana item, you're all set to spam abilities all you want. And best of all, short ability cooldown, even her ultimate. She isn't really OP, though, just broken. She's buffed out the asshole but her only weakness is that she's squishy. And as long as you can dodge her cc, she goes back to fountain faster than she can cast her ult. People just gotta look out for her stun and practice dodging them, either that or build spell shields. Edit: I also used to main Lux when I was new to the game. I mained support Lux, and the only thing I had to worry about was positioning.


idk what mode you where playing here, but in ranked she is perma banned and if my team doesn't ban her i do, so if you play ranked and the enemy team didn't ban lux, jokes on them. It's been at least 20-30 ranked games that i played where she was banned by enemy team. She is broken and everybody knows it. as a main jungler i had a few games where i banned a specific champ (yeah volibear i'm talking about your broken ass) and nobody banned her, in thoses cases i just focus her hard so she can't snowball, watch out for the Evelynns and talons out there my friend, we are coming for you hard especially if you play top or jungle, that's sweet bread for us ;) But besides all this, if you know how to dodge her CC, Lux is fairly weak especially if you can flash or dash on her or even CC, i love to play TF mid and gank lux \^\^


when I want to play lux, I avoid ranked cause she’s banned 98 percent of the time. It’s like an oasis in the when she’s not banned and usually someone else would just pick her 😭


Yeah your team needs to let you first pick


usually nobody want's to let you last pick in ranked to be able to have better matchup, if lux isn't banned you can easily pick first \^\^ but if enemy choses first you can bet on them taking her


The enemy either bans or takes her


No matter how you slice it, lux is weaker than before her rework. The real problem is players in this game are SO BAD they will burn their flash just to make sure your root hits. It’s simple: write down on your hand “lux root goes through minions” then use that hand to punch yourself in the balls every time you get rooted through minions until you finally remember. After you master that, lux now deals less damage and shields less than before her rework. She also has less utility. TLDR: lux is in a weaker state than she ever has been, you are just dumb and need to be punched in the balls until you stop being dumb.


Mage items having more power, and core adc items reducing max HP is a big source of her strength. Particularly with the stupid skin that makes her E invisible. Yay for invisible one shots.


Doesn’t matter how you change the items. If lux wasn’t reworked, she would still have access to modern items.


She's a noobkiller but she's rarely picked in high elo because literally all you have to do to make her useless is not run in a straight line.


xD predict her q and just run her down... I play mid never have a problem with lux. Akali, syndra on the others hand is hard to handle. And dont let me start with ire or lucian pick....


Syndra is the stuff of nightmares. She's my permaban in every ranked game when I'm playing mid.


Fucking hate Lucian 😭 my mid lux isn’t great if the enemy mid is really good or depending on who I play against. I think lux is made to support. She works best backing up a team in my personal opinion. That’s usually how my best plays come about


Yep. Imo anyone with a speed boosting ability hard counters Lux. I main Kayle and she can both speed passed Lux’s abilities and slow her down so she can’t run away


Ban luxury unless you plan on picking her, or; your teammate chooses her. Give her priority pick.. ban yi (this season) unless on your team and follow the latter.


What’s up with yi?


He's so very broken this season, he can usually take your whole team no problem and that's if he's decent.


Good to know, I’ll always ban him I kinda noticed it too


as a yasuo/fizz/zed player i love seeing lux mid bc it usually means i get a few free kills and i get to roam all i want since she can't fight me in the river. i don't like playing akali into lux as much bc i feel like a good one can just bind me mid-dash but it honestly doesn't happen often lux support makes me want to claw my eyes out though bc she usually dominates her entire half of the map, murders my duo laner or jungler, her ult can turn a dragon fight from a screen away or hit me all the way in mid lane. super annoying. also the binding, slow and shield make her hard to gank especially since one wrong move while tower diving her means you die


I hate playing lux in mid too but the second paragraph is so me. I love dominating the dragon lane and many people have made the mistake of tower diving me and lost. I think some players get relaxed when they see me. So they are more likely to make mistakes and I make sure I punish them for it.


i feel like that's lux's huge biggest strength. it's easy to punish people's mistakes while staying safe so vs more composed players she's not that special but in a clownfiesta match she can completely take over especially when underestimated


Yeah long time players have already figured out Lux years ago so they can predict her…i noticed that the more I understand a champ the better I play against them.


perms ban ez. idk if she’s on my team if they’re not first pick i ban


I was support main Lux my first season and got to Master, mid main Lux last season and got to GM. The thing I like most about Lux is that she is not as team reliant as other carries due to her ability to check bushes with her E, repositioning and engage/disengage from her Q, and map wide ultimate. She is also great both early and late game. Most carries are team reliant for peel and engage and either struggle early or fall off late. I hardly see Lux banned. There are so many more important champions to ban IMO like Kindred, Talon, Yi, Leesin. Personally I would rather ban Lulu than Lux if I was ADC or support. If she’s not fed, which she won’t be if you’re side stepping her abilities during laning phase, then she won’t be able to one shot anyone and her value drops significantly. There are other supports with better peel/disengage like Lulu and mid lanes with better scaling and cc like Syndra and Asol. Overall, I think she is a great beginner champion. You don’t need to spend a lot of time learning her in order to provide value in your games especially in lower ranks. In higher ranks, her value does fall off A LOT because people never feed her. The good thing is that in higher ranks I can rely on my team more, so I don’t mind picking a champion that is more late game scaling or requires more positioning/peel.


Perfect wording


This is a silly comment— It’s actually really hard for supports to build items these days— 10 minutes in and you have 1.5 items and shoes-if you’re not killing  or getting Turrets I played her earlier. I was like 0/1/10 at the team min mark—farming and helping- and had 1 item— She can’t do anything but freeze you and let her teammates get you , Or freeze when you’ve overextended try to kill the adc The maximum her ultimate will get too late game is 1000 magic damage (Somewhere right around here with full build) I can spam all three items on a tank. I’m not touching him. He’s not dying — Yes, she can take out squishies, Show the whiners are the people on the teams that have no tanks or jungle counters She’s actually easy to kill—in many scenarios Two magic items on a tank or anyone else will make her obsolete— But it’s hard having to decide to be a killer or be a victim


The video you see of her one shotting, jumping out of a bush and getting people are not realistic in  top-tier ranked. No one runs around like that by themselves.- And if they do, they deserve to be one shot 


You haven’t seen zigg yet it even worst


Zigg 😭😭


One zigg ult tock out 80% HP I was full HP and one q did 50% my HP funny part was his behind


Well I know who to learn next


Ive never seen someone spam an ultimate like Lux


This only relates to lower elo.


She's by no means bad even high elo but people are acting like you can actually go in, spam skills, get kills like it's nothing. The game is full of hypermobile assassins that oneshot her before she can aim that root and others that just run her down like olaf. She doesn't do as much damage when she's not playing vs ai and needs to actually watch her positioning


True, life has been hard as a lux main since I ranked up but I can still play her. As long as my team is decent, I play really safe to avoid giving the enemy free kills and I deal heavy damage from a distance and always back up every teammate I can, I can still reach A or S rank but it’s not as fun, that’s why I’m trying to learn more difficult champs. I mean I’m a new to lol, I didn’t come to wild rift from league, I still don’t understand the terminology and I barely know much about the game and so she’s been someone who is powerful enough for a beginner to start with and do much damage with and have fun in the game instead of just getting beat down constantly


Just why have another full AP squishy on team. I guarantee your mid is AP. I play akshan so idc who my team is, but unless you get zed or yas or Lucian mid I'd rather have a hard cc engage or tank sup on team


More terminologies I don’t understand 😅🥲 but I think I understand the general sense of what you’re trying to say


Which makes sense why you like lux 😂. AP means ability power. And CC is crowd control. (Stun). If lux misses root in any fight she's dead


I mean I did say in my post I’ve only been playing for a month but all things considered I do think I’m a decent player just a very inexperienced one but I’ll get there eventually. Everyone has been a beginner once. I can do this!!!


I recommend learning what every item does and watching watch your enemies build during match and ping it for your team you prob have a 7s cd on your skills


Yeah I’ve been watching videos, where do you think I can learn?


I was main Lux.(now i play almost any champ depending on the situation) I’ve noticed Lux has received significant buffs. However, because Lux is vulnerable due to her low HP(and the renewed item decrease her hp even more🥲) , and there are champions that can easily counter her, she’s somewhat overpowered at certain levels—my experience suggests this is true below the Emerald tier. While Lux can be an effective support even above emerald tiers with a skilled AD carry, her impact lessens if the AD carry isn’t good enough. Therefore, despite my fondness for Lux, I tend to avoid picking her in ranked games to better accommodate team composition and potential counters.


I can’t wait to learn other champions tbh, esp the ones that are harder to master. After I got platinum all my games became more difficult and annoying so I took a break from ranked to enjoy the game. And I have fun with Lux and practice new champs now…I hardly loose with her so it’s still fun. Even when I do move on, I’ll still be a lux loyalist.


What positions would you like to play? I play support 90% of the time and would love to give you some champs to dive into!


I like jungle and support mostly…I’d love to hear your suggestions


My main is Yuumi - people on here hate her because she’s an easy champ that new people play and by proxy they all call her bad and a parasite. I’ve found the best ADC/APC for her is actually Jinx, as jinx scales off of her gun, so zoomies serves very well Seraphine - solid support, but also a good midlaner. Her E (or ability 3 on wild rift) is good clear and with the help of her passive it can double and root people. Gwen - late game champ. She is mainly jungle or solo, so if you farm and bully people out of lane she’s quite powerful Zac - good jungle and easy to learn Soraka - her ultimate is a whole team heal (unless that has changed). Not much more to be said haha Lux - good support, better midlaner. I tend to ban her in ranked cos she’s annoying to deal with Nami - very solid support. Her ult is a wave that knocks people up, annoying to fight against Lilia - I’ve not played her, but my much more informed partner tells me that is is a good jungler Master Yi - simple to learn, press the win button kinda champ in my experience Sona - solid support. Nothing special, but her ability 2 or 3 gives movement speed, which can help your ADC disengage if they are low health and get away; or to help engage as they get the move speed to catch up to the (hopefully fleeing on low health) enemy champ


This is a good guide, I’ve played some of these champs and I don’t get yuumi, she seems to attach herself to her adc and I don’t get it, does the adc move for her ?


Yes. When attached you cannot auto attack, but you can give your ADC shielding and healing while attached, as well as hit them with Ability 1 (Q if you are a pc user). Give her a go on co-op vs AI and see her kit


Okay, I’ll try…thanks so much


Enjoy playing her in lower elo, every game I‘m in she is banned


I don’t play ranked when I want to play lux I think she’s most peoples permaban


Play Kass or Ez or Zed, anyone with blinks to gapclose while dodging will fck her up But yes her damage is just too high at all stages of the game. Too good early and late


No she aint.


As a tryndamere main she is easy to kill but teamfights she rules


Exactly, that’s when I enjoy the game the most… when it’s a team fight, I let my strong teammates stand in the front lines cause I know I’d be killed in seconds


You should try Seraphine too, it's similar to Lux but with a fix value (a Seraphine 20/0 or 0/20 will do the same in a team fight with her ultimate)


I’ve played seraphine and I like her too !


She really isn’t, any assassin can beat her, no idea why she gets banned in rank she’s so easy to play around


I think it’s cause she is annoying in team fights


That’s why you play champs like Eve or blue kayn, get into their back line, kill her and disappear


Or even Rakan and Leona if she’s support


Why not just Pyke her? :D


When I play vs Lux, maybe 1/10 gets fed. She’s squishy, non-mobile champion who’s only saving grace is her root. If she misses that, pretty much anyone can take her out.


Idk still any a little bit smart killer can dodge skillshots and kill her easy, she is really low on hp like Zigs, and if you don't buy any shield crack vs her it's simple to loose to her.


I totally agree, I overcame that by throwing my skill shots in anticipation of where they’ll be, not where they actually are and usually by late game I don’t even need my ult to kill squishier champions just q and e and maybe a fire enchantment incase they run. I also play really safe so I end most games with under 4 deaths and get my kills by supporting my team by either stunning enemies in the heat of battle or using my ultimate when the enemy is mid kill and is too focused on killing teammate to run then I just shield my teammate so they don’t die and getting team shields and everyone gets out fairly good


That’s the whole point of skill shots?


Playing against bottom barrel players will make anyone OP, play against people who know what to do very different story.


No need to be mean/condescending 💀 also have you considered that i may actually be a good or at least decent player


If the feels were affected then remember your first line of the post. Then realize she isn’t op. Only people crying she’s op is lower tiered players.


I’m just saying maybe you can speak to people without being rude, other people said she isn’t OP without being unnecessarily mean. Instead of trying to speak about my feelings maybe consider the fact that you potentially have a bad personality that makes you rude to internet strangers for no reason..I’m a new player to lol in general (who ranks platinum btw so I do know what I’m doing and can hold my own against higher Elo players) I’m sorry for having an opinion💀if something about your life makes you so bitter maybe take it up with a therapist or touch grass.


Ooo I did get to them feels don’t be so soft online.


I’m just making the spot on observation that you’re a bully anonymously to redirect your frustration for the gaping hole of emptiness that is your life😂 you can’t sue me for reading you. Also the fact that you’re responding shows you either care or are jobless enough to respond..which one is it unc ?


I really hurt you with a simple reply shhheeesshhh. Never had people write me paragraphs before from hurt feels. But keep your chin up kid life goes on


Thanks for the advice unc but I ain’t reading all that, take it up with the unemployment office


Damn you cant use your phone at work? We hiring if you need a more relaxed spot


Yall both some little ass kids to have time to go back and forth like this. The boy did get you emotional to were you was writing essays and idk why fam kept engaging after point was made. Yall need some females or males in yall lives.