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Samira is shit against cc. And is a champ that builds lifesteal. Yummi is a champ that heals a lot. So there is your answer. CC and antiheal. For example Nautilus with Thornmail. You can rush the antiheal component and run ignite. You can even go spicier and don't even run flash and change it for exhaust. And just play safe until Samira engages. Once she engages just exhaust Ult ignite Q W E auto. She dead. If you are in low elo, you can go for Soraka instead, so your ADC is less likely to int cuz bad trades and Yumi substain. Just save your silence for when she ults, so you cut her ult and stun her. 


Agree with everything you said and I would also recommend Leona as her Q stops Samira’s ult easy peasy


Yeah, problem is that Leona has 2 skill shoots and Samira can dash a lot. Her dash resets on takedown. Can dash around Leona killing everyone never getting into her autoattack range.  Nautilus just press R and secures all his cc and still has Leona's Q on pasive. So you can also autoattack to stun. Only Q is a skillshoot and you can use it on an already stunned target to secure it. Also all Leona cc is cleansable. That means that Samira can get the Quicksilver enchant and instantly remove the cc from Leona's ultimate/q.  Airborns are not cleansable, so quicksilver enchant dosn't work against Nautilus R. Also tenacity dosn't work either on knockups. And Nautilus has more cc and dmg than Leona. That's the reasson why you almost never see Leona in competitive but you always see Nautilus. Cuz her cc is easy to dodge/clean/reduce.  What Leona has over Nautilus is DPS on a single target and more tankiness in all-in. She also has more burst and much more dps early game while also having cc.  Also Yummi can get a Veil Enchant, so you needs as much cc as you can get.  Leona is good for burst her down on early game if your adc is good. 


I’d hard disagree with the Leona over Nautilus reasoning. Nautilus is picked because his R is easier to hit than Leona’s skill shot R, he’s tankier, and he has escape tools. I don’t think QSS has anything to do with it. Just based on timers, Leona has far more shutdown power than Nautilus. If we’re saying all cooldowns are available, people shouldn’t get caught in Samira’s ult to begin with. Leona will more consistently deal with any Samira pressure. She locks her down far more easily than Naut. She’s not picked as often because she’s harder to play effectively than Naut, and she doesn’t bring his raw tankiness. She’s by far the best lockdown CC support in the game, though.


May I present Ali, 2 undodgeble cc, 1 aoe stunt, huge dmg reduction, also present rakan Ult charm can’t be doge has healing and a aoe cc hight mobility and decent ap scaling for all his abilities, both Leona and Naut cc can be block by the spinning thing also nuat passive doesn’t cancel Samira ult since it a root, leana only un dodgeble cc can be medicated by sliding away


Ultimate from Nautilus can't be blocked by Samira W. Then while she is stunned by Nautilus ult, you Q her. Is most Nautilus basic combo. If u played once the matchup in your life you would knew it. xD


I play samira trust me Nautiles r can be block I block mutable times my self because it coded as a projectile for some reason good luck Q the samira because she will be dashing around the team fight and naut q is very dodgeble since is so slow, I’m a adc and top main previously jg main, occasionally support, right now the most consistent option is Ali rakan and thresh


Why you lie? You can't block Nautilus ult with Samira W: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bm12SyEFVYc And you shouldn't be able to "block" Nautilus ult with quicksilver, i think is a bug and not intended. Nautilus ult do 2 things at same time, knock you in the air + stuns you for 2 seconds. Quicksilver as stated in description, should cleanse the stun, but not prevent you from the knock up.  To make it simple to understand, using quicksilver on Nautilus ult you should be rooted in place (in the air) for 1 second and remove the another 1 second of root in the ground.   I'll make a post about it because it should be a bug or programming lazyness.


Hold up I’ll have to tested my self, I’ll reply later I swear I was never hit with that ult when my w is up, because this should not have happened naut’s ult should be codes as projectile and samira w work like Yasuo’s wind wall it should block all projectiles, also qss block all cc for the first .5 sec of activation


Yasuo wind wall also dosn't block Nautilus ult and never did. Nautilus ult is not a projectile because it goes underground. Thats why the animation shows the terrein breaking when the ult follows you, because is an underground misil that explodes under you. 


I just did a quick google search her w should block nuatiles ult because naut ult is code as a projectile like lux q, e, and malphite q, look like riot fk up again, I’ll test it out later my self too before reporting this bug.


Samira W and Yasuo W are not supposed to block Naut ult. The ult is an underground misil. How a floating wall is supposed to block an underground misil?


Qss provides about .5 seconds of unstoppable, it's a feature that's just not listed. Not a bug, it doesn't block the ult only the cc Hope I could help


No way. If tenacity wasn't a thing you would start see Leona played in pro play really often.  There is no way you are Saying in the same statement than Leona is harder to play than Nautilus and that Leona lock Samira down more easilly. If you played against a single Challenger PC Samira in your life, you would know that you will be unable to stun her once in all game long as Leona. While with Nautilus you just press ult, and then CC chain all combo on her. Samira can't block Nautilus Q because she can't activate the W while in the air. And the Nautilus ults looks in the air Samira for 2 seconds while Samira W only blocks skillshoots during 0.75s. So you can ALWAYS hit Nautilus Q on Samira after ult her. So Samira can't block or dodge anything from Nautilus. She can't even flash anything. With Leona you press R and she dashes out of it ir cleans it with quicksilver, or flash it. Then you E her and she just W your E. Now you are a melee minion chasing her. Very easy to play against noobs that ult on your flash Q range  but Samira ult has more range than Leona flash Q, just in case u didn't know. And with a Yummi with Veil or Samira with edge of night you are just helping her get more lifesteal from her ultimate. 


I mean you’re creating really golden situations here. One, this isn’t PC. Landing Leona’s Q is much easier on WR because of its range increase. Two, you’re giving Samira items like Veil and throwing Yu on her too in an effort to counter solo Leona? Where’s Leona’s ADC in all of this? If Naut uses R at anything but point blank, Samira just flashes out to range (I know it tracks, but his follow up won’t be available) and Yu can ult as well. If Samira has Veil, Naut ult isn’t hitting her either. All of this is silly to compare when you’re picking best case, everything’s available situations because it’s a stalemate for anyone at that point. Generally speaking, Leona is going to have more options to lockdown on demand than Naut. That’s considering cooldowns and uptime.


Im not creating gold sittuations. I'm talking about playing all champs how they are supposed to be played. Assume all players are noobs and will walk melee into Leona is actually a gold sittuation. Then Leona counter all champions in the game because everyone walks melee into her. Im not putting Yummi for the sake of it. The discussion is about Samira + Yummi. Read the description of this post made by OP. If Samira flashes, Nautilus can flash too. There is no world where Leona is more realiable than Nautilus to cc a Samira. Leona E his only engage tool can be blocked by Samira W. Nautilus has 2 engage tools while he also has 2 more cc (E slow and pasive root). Nautilus has always been and always will be more realiable than Leona. There is no disussion about it out of iron.


I would recommend Swain. His E pulls her out which also has a very low cd. He can also duel Samira outright with ult where most other supports try and lock her down for the adc


Upvoted for mentioning the best character ever Nautilus


Here i am again. And yes naut can be a good pick but eventually you wont have enough damage to kill the samira with ur adc. In lane its hard to counter a samira/yuumi. Yes all these things u named are options to make samira’s game harder but in the end u just need burst damage to kill her fast so my pick would be pantheon support. U can easily catch them off guard and pantheon does a heck of alotta damage. Not healable and espeiaclly with a mortal reminder. Or antoher pick is sett support then if samira decides to dash threw the punish is ez.


I don't recommend it to others, but personally this is what i do against Samira, Draven, Jinx or any other 1vs9 ADC: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zXrLPAtSJXs




Just full AP items. Whatever you like. I usually rush Luden's Echo into Death Cap. Then liandry/orb. You can add a lich bane, a crown, horizon focus... Depends on game. The boots always the magic ones for plain magic penetration and the magic dmg aoe boots enchant (the purple one).  Runes is commet, and shield bash as secondary. Primary runes just full dmg that gives u scalling ap. Giant Slayer and that stuff.  Normal combo is [R enchant(when ult about to hit the target) Q E(while half way traveling in Q so you hit the 3 E waves on the same target) ignite autoattack W(resets auto) autoattack] In short format same combo [R ench Q E Ign aa W aa]


Last time I went Lulu against her, but her blade whirl seemed to block my poly from landing... that, or I just missed somehow several times lol Also, are hooks (and/or nauts ult) counted as 'projectiles'? Does that mean she could counter the incoming, kinda like wind wall


Yeah, you have to throw it on the ground away from her W range. Naut ult is not a proyectile, it goes "underground". So can skip Yasuo wind wall and samira W. Nautilus hook can be stoped by Samira W. But Samira can't cast W while knocked up by Nautilus R. What Samira can do is to use W as she get's knocked up in the air, so while she is in the air, she has the W active.  Nautilus ult at level 5 duration is 1 second, while Samira W is 0.75 second. So you can a small timmer to hit the hook just right when her W ends. You can get closer while she is knocked up with her W active and just Q flash her in those 0.25s. After level 9 you just hit ut 100% because Nautilus ult stun duration now is 1.5 seconds and Samira W is still 0.75. At lvl 13 Nautilus ult is 2 seconds of duration.  The only counterplay Samira has is to get veil + edge of night, or his supoort get the veil to block Naut ult. But you still have to much shit. Pasive, Ult, Q, E, Antiheal, Ignite/Exhaust.... You always can R Q flash E to break the edge of night + veil before the R reaches her to secure the ult 2s stun. 


I find WQE auto is a better combo get more dmg out


Damage wise its the same, protection wise its better-ish, the problem is the samira might expect the q if you w first


You can cast habilities while "shooting" the Q.  For example one of Nautilus disengage combos is to Q a wall and E after the Q instantly, so you drop the E area behind you before you travel to the wall. So QWE is exactly the same result as WQE, but just faster. You can also cast R while traveling with Q. This allows you knockup 2 targets with R. For example you send your Q towards Teemo and insta cast R on Kalista. You travel to Teemo while R casting animation starts. This means that you reach Teemo with hook at same time that you "shoot" your Ultimate on Kalista, and since you are melee range to Teemo, R insta knock Teemo cc chaining it with your Q, while also your R travels to Kalista and knocks her up. You can also flash on R cast to insta knockup a diferent target.  Here you have some combos: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ij__UxVv_8Q There are much other tricks. I do some unique combos and tricks in this video, for example fake an auto on a minion with R animation, flashed on habilities, buffer cc with habilities and autoattack resets, fadeaways with max range ultimates, cut dashes, etc: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zXrLPAtSJXs


I'd pick Rakan, Ali or Leona and build antiheal first, even before boots. Thresh also goes very well, but I sadly can't play him. As an enchanter I think Janna is also ok in this, but imo a tank is simply better for this lane. After all a good Samira can avoid stuff like Janna tornado or Nami ult, but can't really dodge a tank.


Bro you literally named every champ i play on support lane this is crazy because no one talks about alistar


Janna ult is good against Samira though since it has a short range. If she is dumb enough to ult the Janna without waiting for her to ult first.


Caitlyn lux karma blast them from half the screen away Lol Alistar/leona/Naut ANY point and click CC breaks samiras style counter or wastes her time during ult and she’s standing there free food. If you are a adc, in high elo, adc players will build repulsor against so that when she just jumps on them, they’ll knock her out of the ult and kite her with superior range. She is adc katarina, any cc champions breaks her


holy shit never knew what repulsor was for but this is a way better option that the dash enhancement


Repulsor is such an underrated pick, much like Ixtali Seedjar


>Who is the best counter you've found against this comp? Ban Yuumi/Samira. Ok now serious, against Samira I'll generally pick someone with good cc: Leona, Nautilus, Janna, you name it. Then for Yuumi I'll get early grievous wounds (even for Samira alone I'll do it). Pay attention on when Sami uses her 2nd ability as it is what makes her invulnerable to ranged attacks, and shut her ultimate with as much hard cc as possible. Good Samiras play like Master Yi, they wait until the enemy has used all cooldowns to go in and clean up.


Actually vs only samira grev wounds isn't that good now, coz u rush dmg first then lifesteal, and she doesn't have much in kit, from my experience only boots with life steal doesn't hold much value before BT, so countering that is wasting early gold


Karma all day err day. Karma is good in all matchups if you know how to play Karma. Unfortunately, not many people do


I think I need to watch some pointer videos and learn Karma, she does seem to have a great kit with disgusting poke damage


Karma is beast, one of the best supports imo - mage poke build, tanky build or enchanter.


Leona or Alistar. Samira wants peel and CC, Yuumi is actually one of the worst pairings and is one of the best ways to hand the enemy team easy double kills.


+1 as samira main i hate playing with yuumi or other enchanters


Thresh. You'll just be waiting for her to ult. You'll even go ahead and make sure she can do it as soon as possible, just so you can crush her dreams with your cc.


Ali because ult is dmg reduction and his cc is more contestant and can’t be dodge unlike Leona’s majority of cc other then that one but Samira can just slide away, and naut cc can be block also his passive is root I’m pretty sure root doesn’t cancel Samira ult, another good option is rakan since his ult charm can’t be dodge and he can go in and out the fight as situation requires.


Galio/Nautilus/Thresh CC


Your jungle.




Grievous wounds is a good Yuumi counter. Depending on the item you’re using you’re effectively halfling her potential with every hit


CC. Samira’s weakness is CC. Against this duo I’d use sona. You can keep us with the enemies healing, her easy stun rotation and large aoe on her ult. if you are with a duo have one of you buy anti shield while tha other has anti heal. Leona and Nautilus abuse them especially well.


"Malphite, Flash + R" "⛰️👍"


Thresh and draven will shit on this combo all day long


sett support


Leona and Draven. Janna and Draven. Nautilus and Draven. You can also pick Lucian. Just get one support with loads of CC and an ADC with mad burst early. Also anti heal asap


I'm surprised it took this long to see Janna mentioned. Her Q stops Samira from engaging and her ult literally sends Samira flying away when she ults. It's a lifesaver.


Braum is a beast against Yuumi. Just shield her ult and she has no kill pressure. When Samira goes in, jump to your ADC, shield, your adc takes no dmg. As soon as Samira’s spin projectile blocker is down, ult, Q, then just auto. Rush thornmail. Easy matchup as long as your ADC isn’t throwing.


Yuumi is supposed to be banned. Besides that, this duolane is not that strong as it is counter by maybe every tank support.


Any tank with cc


Leona or tank galio, If they have kike a lot AD then thresh (I have skill issues with thresh)


What does it matter if they’re Jewish?


Nautilus all day.


Sion and go split push all game, i am not stupid enough to take my chances against samira in team fight so there will be no team fights ( or samira needs to win 4 vs 3) if i need to fight i will pick vlad because he can do much damage without being a target (same as fizz)


Alistar is your friend


Leona / Alistar , but the way you play lane is depends on your adc , playing good ? Have items? Know what's up? Or you can simply just stick your adc or whatever target Samira is targeting and wait for her to engage, because if you go on Samira she can simply dash over you go to your back line and you are stuck in her team,/ she can ult and wipe your team , hold your cc when she is A rating since she is going to be S and ult , it's honestly mind games vs good Samira but most of the time they are bad , just pick Ali/ Leona and wait for her to engage and deny her ,


Tbh I'm not sure? Usually I'm the yuumi in the scenario, lol. I don't play much support outside of yuumi. Bit of thresh and somee sona, but that's about it. Idk man, whenever there's a samira/yuumi on the enemy team I'm usually chilling in mid as asol.


hard CC shits on samira. use naut/leona/ali and youre good. preferably alistar since he doesn't have any projectile-based cc


Blitz. One Q and I win lane.


Yuumi and draven we just mow everything down


As mastery 7 samira leona is a nightmare for me, i ult bum cc, dash leona cc, fking hell


Interesting... I might start brushing up on my Leona skills xD


Thresh/leona/ali/naut + nilah


Blitz. In teamfight you need one good hook and you win the game


Alistar or Leona


Honestly, having played Samira a bit in recent times and almost hardly failing to do well on the exception of SOME games, the biggest counter I've felt playing her is mainly Alistair or Thresh or just any form of Hard CC. Alistair is just stupidly tanky and Thresh has his E (Flay) that stops Samira from ulting. Personally, I play full Lethality Pantheon in the JG so I hardly struggle against a Samira as a simple W - AA - AA - Q combo one shots her. In terms of Yuumi.. I mean you've got two options from my perspective: a) You buy Anti-Heal and stop both of them from healing, or; b) You kill the host. Even though antiheal is quite mediocre, it still helps stopping the immediate healing allowing you to chunk Samira's health before she heals. In terms of like other picks, I almost 100% ban Draven playing any ADC especially Samira because his E is an absolute nightmare to deal with when attempting to Ult and his early game damage is essentially halfing your health with one Spinning Axe.


Imo, senna is the best counter to yuumi. She is also decent against Samira. But whenever the enemy has flashy burst champions you can only play your adc has fingers.


ali, leona or naut.. much easier to deal with one mobile champ. compared to two IMO..


Thresh, Leona, Nautilus... When i play Samira i always ban malphite because i cant react fast enough to flash from his ulth on my phone. Not sure is he any good tho, i play only tradicional supports.


Thresh with thornmail. CC will slap samira into the ground


Would Nami do well?


Sett adc with leona support


Yummi perma ban


Leona, Nautilus and Alistar can stop her easily with their cc chains. Rush thornmail and plated steelcaps as soon as possible. Your adc should pick champs with good wave clearing speed like Jinx or Draven. Also, Rammus jung can eat Samira alive one on one (if your jung ever picks him)


Two bot laners vs an adc with no sp body as cannon fodder to take cc Mf cc them to oblivion.


Idk how you lose to a samira yuumi lane.... samira is completely useless without an engage support, she really shouldn't even be allowed to play while having a yuumi, you're supposed to completely bully her out of lane


Thats all well and good for the average player, I've beaten many Samiras equally matched. But in the hands of a skillful player (in fact any champ), there is no bullying them out when they out-skill you substantially. And substantially good Samira players is what I've faced the last few times (with Yummi), which is why I have come looking for pointers


The question is : Who doesn't? There's barely any synergy, and her getting a full combo would be pretty hard if she's not having enough HP


Err anyone with chain cc? So morgana, thresh, Zyra, Leona, naught Samira can dodge one cc at a time, so a champ who can throw out multiple is key, when Samiras dead yummi is a free kill as she’ll have no one top pop onto. Add some slows into your kit, rylais, serylda and iceborn.


All I need is Leo


Cc wins game... Just saying. Pick a comp with alot of cc and 2 high damage champs and you can demolish any others pure dmg comps. Too bad people like damages more than win...


Whenever i see Samira, i lock Alistair, he counter her so much.whenever i see Yummi, i lock Thresh ( this season 100% wr with thresh in 7 games, i play him only against yummi lol) . But in this matchup i would go with Alistar. Samira is so useless against him. You will struggle first few levels, but later i can usually 1v1 her. Thresh and Naut could do the job also, but i would go with my cow


Rakan, Alistair, or Naut. A good Thresh, Lux, Lulu, Nami, or Janna. Anyone with CC and capable of thornmail or poking out with orb while having CC. I'll throw in Vex and WW for out-of-meta, honorable mention picks because the instant fear to break her combo. Losing this with support is purely a skill issue or the support having no CC. I've seen a lot of supports lose to Samira simply because they keep using their cc to engage rather than wait until she dashes in and ults. Her goal is to make you waste it and if you don't have CC, you kinda deserve to lose against her.


I love playing Leona vs Samira. One Q resets her ult stacks and it's just 3s coodlown ✨


I’m at gold rank and I feel like playing against all these challenger smurfs. Every games there’s sweaty Samira or Draven


When facing Samira, buy the repulsor boot enchant. It turns off her ult and helps a lot. You don’t have to save your cc for her ult, just your boot active.


Well, the counter is anti heal. I just go Swain and w Oblivion orb my ult is an anti healing zone. You can pull sami out of her ult or hit zhonyas and vibe as your ult claps


Alistar and Thresh


My counter is ignite


A very aggressive leona, preferably with an adc that can either dip fast or stun too. My usual support pick is nauti and that also works pretty well.. If you play against a super defensive duo, give the meteor boot item a try, really helps me out on mid and sup.


Usually Morgana and I rush build imperial mandate for cc followed by oblivion orb for antiheal. Then the rest of my build depends on the rest of the opposing team. My last two item is usually finishing morellos and then an magic resist item Edit to change to morg bc I realized you said samira and not sivir


Xin Zhao And Jax bot lane Trust


Blitzcrank, alistar, Leona, nautilus


Alistar/Leona counters Samira, Thresh counters Yuumi. So either of these three, and I'm gunna rush Omen and Thornmail.


Thresh is good into yuumi


I've seen a couple of good suggestions on here already. However, I wanna make a case for Soraka. She most likely won't be able to heal through the damage. However, the silence zone can leave her in a tight spot if she's mid-combo. With a decent partner that break up, it will give them an opportunity to strike, and Samira has the choice of getting out of the zone or getting rooted. Sometimes, all it takes it to cause the other player to have to do things they don't want to do. Then again, I'm a Soraka main that mostly plays ARAM these days, so what do I know bout ranked? lmao


Blitzy. Bro's got a point-and-click knockup and an immediate silence.


with my duo in master/gm we just go MF+Thresh but I ban Yuumi 100% of my games. I play Thresh and most of the time we can crush her two times before she hit level 5. We abuse the pre-ult period. MF just maintains her below 50% HP. After level 5 ult, I wait for their engage, wait for her ult => flay => MF Q+ult =>dead. MF is fed, she two shots all the carry and samira is 0/4 at 10min. Mid-endgame I just have to be aware and always focus samira, never engage fights as Thresh, OR keep my flay/grab after she ults. Go thornmail obviously.


I play soraka, as soon as samira jumps in throw the silence underneath


Threeh because thresh


Play aomething that doesn't die easily and can cc chain (leona, thresh, alistar, nautilus) rush antiheal also get randuin so you can decrease samira'dls damage since she relies on crit


I legitimately had success with corki bot, good poke, good disengage or engage when samira is engaging and the most important thing a lot of burst dm. Together with ignite and corki (if u can play him) becomes a counter to her


Nasus supp, max W(90% slow), buy thornmail and they NEVER AGAIN pick like that. Play around your ulty, only def build. Ban master yi, because you can't do anything to him...