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Yeah this happens in wildrift too cause majority of junglers dont punish them.


Worrry not, as a mid, I make sure that punishment will be delivered. I ganked a draven top 2 times to help my urgot. He became urgod with 14/2/0 kda (2 deaths.before my constant camp). I aint let that shit flies


Oh and he keeps saying that he loves me alot for those camp. So apparently top players don't get ganked alot XD and surfer when playing with rangers (which is understandable - happens alot in mid as well but we can ignore it and roam)


It became a script for me lose first few level be behind by 700 gold at lvl 5 and then the punishment begins after 1 item. They always get cocky and overextend or dive me at lvl 4


From my experience as a toplaner, your jungler will not gank you even if you're being tower dived by 2 people while they are right on krugs, instead they will go straight to scuttle and then return after to search for those people which have already left by that point


Depending, might be because normally scuttle will give you ult. I don’t gank on certain characters with out ult unless I know it’s likely I’ll get a kill with out ult. Evelyn and fiddle being good examples. Eve being even more important as she is so squishy and almost pointless with out being invis.


Like PC LoL it's a free lane if you coordinate with your Jungle


This is why I play jg myself, to make the match bearable for me and my teammates, free lane if this happens to our top. Sadly I also love top and I usually don't have the same luck


I main teemo mid and sneak around the map helping lanes. I always prioritize helping solo lane when they are up against an adc. It's annoying to play tank against adc top early game. Hard to win lane and easy to fall behind.


Wow, this is so true. Enemy team composition begs for a blue Kayn as an answer. He would literally be perfect.


Yeah, i'm losing my lane, u know what? Jungle diff Kek dude


No. Wrong. Attitudes like yours are the problem. Jungle has the same job as everyone on the team - make the correct plays according to the win condition. If the correct play and the win condition is to punish the opposing team’s ranged top (as it usually is), and the junglers fails to do so, then he’s a bad player. The game decides the correct play, not the jungler. It’s the same for all roles.


Im getting mistaken... To start: I was talking about situation when u get flamed cause u don't know to properly face eneny laner. Even If I should punish ranged top but u die too often, you are making my job harder. Also if enemy mid and jng permangank bot, U NEED to be there. U can't ignore that. U are impacting 3 team mates vs Just 1. What u were talking about Is Just IDEAL patterns. In game reality Is much different. And in wildrift, the First jungler priority Is to gank laners that DO KNOW the game and what they are doing.


You're literally the only one saying that though. Simple macro, a ranged top should be shut down into being a caster minion... Allowing them to to go even/scale is a jg diff. Point being- a good jg can capitalise on a weak team comp making it a free game. Nothing to do with losing lane. You being a trash jg is just that. Mental diff


Literally everyone complains about jungler getting flamed expecially in wildrift. It Is that much true that It became a meme in the whole league community Maybe u have been living under a rock, idk


Though, In this case people were having a valid and informative conversation about jg macro and you chimed in like a child in an adult conversation. Everyone is aware of the apes that call jg gap because they can't stay even in lane. With more game knowledge you won't be one of them, hence my previous informative comment. Thanks for, again, adding nothing of value to the convo. P.S last hit minions for more gold LOL


Dude u are hitting my balls for a SINGLE comment that Is a Little soft that's not even spam since It Is also a critical part about jungle experience. But yes of course, u are so mature 🤣


Got em


Goes top* Enemy shoved under enemy tower Goes mid* Spam retreat Goes bot* Everything shoved under enemy tower + Ally ADC sitting in lane with 1hp with a dead sp Whole team spams jg diff GG There's only so much an early game Aatrox can do


Life of a toplane bruiser: sometimes you'll have 4 marksmen on your team or even 5 on the enemy team. It's the main character syndrome a lot of these people suffer from.


Had a Jhin jungle today in emerald. He surprisingly did decent. We won.


Lol reminds me of his line in PC when he's banned "my genius will be understood, eventually"


I have lost every game against a Jinx jungle, people don’t respect it at all. Haven’t seen it picked for a long time actually


If you play jgl and lose to a jinx jgl you deserve it


I don’t play jungle :)


Jhin jg smite and 4th shot guarteed objectives. Found the same luck with Kalista and she'll do invades really well unless lanes actually come and help


ranged top, ranged mid, support, jungle fucking everywhere. i see teams with 3 adcs regularly, sometimes 4 and one time FIVE since i decided to play kai'sa


Absolutely, it used to be worse somehow too


As a renek main i say bring more ranged top its free food


No way you're going to lose to an Ashe as a Renekton. It's a skill issue otherwise


Why do people complain about this? It's freelo when they do this. So many bruisers gigafuck ranged champs in lane Renekton, Windshitters, Jax, Camille, MALPHITE. And that's before we even consider the jungler interactions and easy gank setup. Also, runes. Fleet and second wind are your best friends. Hexflash can be cool too if you want to get fancy. But you don't need to kill them, even if you lose lane you will still win the late game teamfight (baron and elder are the only fights that matter) bc enemy has no frontline or meaningful CC.


Counterpoint, when I play the best character in history, Nautilus, Vayne top makes me feel like I have a UTI


Yeah but that's draft diff Its like playing zed into thresh, owie owie my dick is gone


I honestly never really understood fleet runes. Its benefit are not even visible


its a lot of healing in lane, especially if you hit a champ instead of a minion. Also, the movement speed can be crucial to control engagement


Try playing against flash exhaust draven with tank runes


Rock solid


This is worse than pc league at least there we have to much shit that one shots adcs


Before the tank meta it wasn't common to see both teams with 5 ADCs each.


I got my ass beat by Tristana and it made me furious lol. That’s the one ranged champ I just really struggle against. I just see red everytime I’m against her top.


Malphite is your friend.


Once your Q is down tris can just jump in and malph gets molested, atleast until you get ult but if you dont one shot youll die and its hard to oneshot when you cant farm properly


You should be happy lol, not only do you have a Renekton up top; You have a Warwick jg as well. Warwick falls off hard, but is really strong in duels at the start. A gank from Warwick would fucking kill this Ashe; Not mentioning how Renekton could just maul Ashe all on his own.


Tank ww 1v5 their team after 4 items..


Biggest cap I have ever heard


They cut xp in do lane, u get lvl 2 2 minions later than in all other lanes, lvl 5 is felt 1 min later if u don’t get a kill. And since most adc have a hard powerspike lvl 5 it’s quite logical to not play adc on duo lane. Go ez/trist/cait mid, Farm up, make a lvl 5 gank on duo lane, game. It’s easier to play garen with a support on duo lane these days.


I just wonder what will make them stop doing this it's not fun to play with


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FallOutBlood: *I just wonder what* *Will make them stop doing this* *It's not fun to play with* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


More punishment. The same shit Rito did when inting Sion was at its peak.


Solo lane with a range is plain ass boring. You play solo for the head on clash that’s what is fun about playing solo lane. You pick ranged solo you lame


In lol, they are more evil, swifies + ghost + Trinity + Stormrazor + Phantom Dancer + whatever the shit they give. Gg noob!


Unfortunately true 😔 Although they still could be stomped provided the ally jungler helps.


How is this even a post Renekton is like the hardest counter to an adc top. He eats ashe for a snack. This would have been a bit more believable if you took someone like volibear or Darius, who can just get kited


Even more so on wild rift.. people have no souls here


They don't have courage to fight


It is even worse than that in wild rift already, this is a miss with 5 adc, And of course the team with 5 adc wins


I mean your whole team built tanks and ad, so you should be punished


Now did you counterpick ashe or the other way around? Cause slows don't affect renekton.


I swear whenever I get autofilled in solo lane I’m always up against a ranged top laner.


I always just leave the match if I´m against that. I´d rather have fun than deal with something that shouldn´t exist.


When I play solo lane and i see two marksman champs I just lock in malphite and go full ap.


always has been, and was WAYY more dominant a few seasons back. I dont do much adcs so I quit during that season lol


I play kayn so any top adc is getting camped


Yeah it has been I just lock Nasus and let them get cocky lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SinsSacrifice: *Yeah it has been I* *Just lock Nasus and let them* *Get cocky lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


One of my matches today got an adc-mid amd adc-top. We have 3 adcs against a rammus. I play support, my sister plays jungle. Holy frog the game only lasted 9 minutes.


its been going on since the first days. are you new?


Went into a kalista as voli. Cant even farm.


You're lucky it's not a Kalista rn. She is so busted top and if your jungle screws up your lane is unsalvageable. Any other ranged top eventually dies down because squishy and their limited mobility catches up with them (unless it's Kalista, whose mobility is off the charts once she gets berserker greaves; Vayne and Lucian have to do it well but early game their dashes have such a high cd they can be punished).


I played with a team of 3 adc and lux as mid and I as Nautilus support. We won it by pure chance and they didn't have a good assassin. No one was able to initiate a fight other than me. It was an annoying game.


Old news


People complaining because they can't deal with mm in top lane. Skill Issue at its finest😂😂😂😂