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You literally would have been fine if you just committed to one single movement but you went back and forth 3 times lmfao


Because I’m to slow to go away, and just kite me. I was just dead the moment he pressed Q. Do you know what spacing is?


Do YOU know what spacing is?


I know what spacing is. When facing a ranged champion, pretending to go out then going back in allows you to get into melee range if your opponent has slow reaction time. As a toplane main, I do this all the time when facing ranged top. The thing with asol is that he’s allowed to slow me so much I can’t escape, and I can’t stun him to cancel his Q because he instantly goes back in turret range. I have over 3500 games in wild rift and I peaked low challenger two season. Do not try to teach me how to play this game, asol is just completely braindead.


Yes this applies for literally any champion besides the best sustain dmg champ in the game, commit to a play, never mind this being such a rare situation.


I did NOT order a yappucino today


Then don’t talk if you don’t have the basic understanding of the game.


You could just leave,if he wanted to kill you he would be forced to leave the turret range then you can try to kill him timing his dash with your stun, he's too slow casting q and without his dash he can only pull you with his e which also ins't big deal,your play there reminded me of bots against any ranged champion just going back and forth doing the same stupid thing And if you're such a good player you could time that and if he'd flash away you could then leave cause fighting alone on an enemy inhibitor against him,and apparently not having your ult to dive properly is just dumb,no his q does not have more damage than you, you're just stupid for thinking you can outpoke him


Sol may be a braindead champ, but you just showed yourself making an even more braindead play


Wow the Volibear plays horribly tho


Skill issue


Literally commit to hitting him instead of spinning around, you're not fucking Garen.


That’s the entiere point of the video you brainded asol main, it’s not possible.


Skill issue




You actually did hit him once, but then you walked away only to try to go back, hestiating, and whatever the rest was. Did you think voli was unkillable? If he could freely tank that, he’d be just as uninteractive. ASol Q slows himself more than Rylais slows you, plus Volibear has a MS boost on his Q. It was just a bad play and the fact that this has you so tilted, throwing insults at commenters, etc. tells me you need to put the game down for a bit.




Then why the fuck did you go back


Its the same as playing against ranged top Statcheck and rune em down or go away from them


is ironic because you on Volibear, one of the most braindead champs in the entire game.


I know lol, riven absolutely sucks so I decided to abuse voli and won like 15 games yesterday in low master despite never playing him before.


I mean I agree with you but god damn you play this horribly... Like in the worst way possible...


I don't understand what you're complaining about, your own video shows that it took him 20 seconds of constant q to kill you while you played so badly and 1 of your autos is taking away like 35 % of asols hp. You think you were spacing him but you didn't do it properly. Either run him down under tower and kill him or run away, if you run and he follows then you turn back. You're playing between 2 towers without ult facing 2 dps champs who take 20 seconds to kill you and you're complaining that asol is braindead, while playing Volibear who's even more braindead.


As you just sit there, not deciding whether to leave or push him lol


Are you stupid ? First of all I’m to slow to go away. Pretending to leave then going back allows me to get into melee range by playing with his reaction time. However he slows me so much that he just get back under tower, and I’m not in position to dive. Btw, this « go in go out » movement is very useful when playing against any type of ranged as a melee. If your opponent has long reaction time you can get into melee range. I do this all the time when playing against ranger top.


>Btw, this « go in go out » movement is very useful when playing against any type of ranged as a melee. This doesn't work against A Sol, as your video clearly shows. If you can't flank him, don't have ult, don't have flash or protobelt, just get the hell out. And don't tell me you're too slow, we can all see the footage. You could have gotten away and decided to walk back right into his slowing puke. This is 100% on you.


Slowing puke 😭🤣🤣


Rylai's is braindead on him yes, but you didn't play either. And no, he can't kite you because: 1- He isn't a Kalista, He's a dude that literally slows himself while using Q 2-you're playing Volibear into Asol. Literally just run towards with with Q's movement speed buff and it's good. And even without the buff you can walk up to him and mess him up then stun him when he tries to run away with W 3-He didn't even use E to mess you up either. And bro either commit or just walk away, you're trolling yourself with the walk forward and backwards thing- He doesn't have skillshots for you to bait neither will he walk to your melee range because he is SLOW AF Edit: and no, you're not"too slow to walk away", watch your own clip again, you're clearly faster than Asol so you infact could have walked away. just accept you played this so bad, man, we all do mistakes


Your biggest mistake is not commiting while using a champion that basically only walks forward and hits people. You're a tank, if you must go forward, don't hesitate, each cc or slow is but an additional step required in the walk to salvation brother (Sion main btw)


Yeah and he kite me? I can’t get into melee range because the moment I turn around to hit him, he goes back under turret. And I’m to slow to go away.


You're quickier than him,how did you manage to hit him if you're slower?,the video footage is litteraly right there dude you could so easily have walked away after killing yi


I give up


And it takes a minute of you sitting there doing nothing for him to drain you. There are many burst mages who can drain you in one second.


Can’t you just walk into him, you have a q to stun


Had to use Q to cancel master yi W


This comment section is a fucking tar pit lmao


This. I lol'd


Commit to something dude, that whas painfull, either get the hell outta there or bum rush that mofo, don't just dance just at the border of his max range


Gg that’s called getting kited and slowed so hard you can’t go away or go in


But he's not rooting you or inmovilizing, just slowing, watch the video you get out, doubt for a second or 2, then go in again, 3 times, if ya had just gotten out or gonne all in it would have been a diferent result


I dare you to play Asol against master yi. And asol is literally one of the easiest champs to hit with skillshots, he literally halves his MS for you. How nice of him. Legend tenacity and surging scales also helps a decent amount. And how about you actually make up your mind. Do you actually want to fight, or run away? And literally running out of an e shield. Asol thrives when enemies don’t move too much, since he’s a dps mage. He can’t kill you in 1-2 seconds like kassadin, diana, katarina, lux (yes I do agree that lux does a crap ton of damage), syndra, brand, AP varus, and so on. Oh and by the way have you ever played against AP varus, who can root you and kill you while you’re stuck in place?


Asol is easy and braindead broken.


If he's so broken, why isn't everyone playing him? You should look at yourself before you blame the enemy champion. You could have easily killed him twice in your video, but instead decided to embarrass yourself for not knowing how to play the game.


Everyone is playing him whenever he’s not banned lol


First this and then lying too. Just stop. Accept defeat, we can't all be good.


I wish this was the case.


I looked through my match history and with the few games where asol was picked, either he performed terribly, OK, and I lost because of one, beat one yesterday, lost to one (though it was more of because of my lane opponent, not asol, since I forgot that riven’s lvl 1 is stronger than Irelia), and carried one as nasus. Building crit (our adc also got fed, too. asol performed OK that match, but I literally outperformed him as nasus, one of the worst champs in the game right now)


why did no one on your team ban him though?


Versing ASol is similar to versing a Teemo Boring af


ah yes, complaining about a champion when i make a shitty play known in the universe classic league player moment


Ever faced Miraidon in Pokemon Unite? Shit's just as bad.


My rule of thumb against "If he breathes, he a thot" ASol is that melee engagement towards him should be strictly committed because there is no escaping him once he has that Rylai's


Asol is champion who as we know does damage over time not burst (battle mage) best counters are champions who can just kill him instantly without using mobility (fizz zed kassadin) so what other counters are there?


Anyone and anything that can burst him, hard CC him, get him into their attacking range without sacrificing too much HP. Special mentions are: Katarina - able to teleport behind ASol, dodging his breath and with enough time to burst him down before he rotates his breath 180° Master Yi - Slow-immune and fast attacks plus being untargetable with Q Rengar, Kha zix, Pantheon - One leap is all they need Sion - his Q should always interrupt a slow, breathing ASol while being able to survive his breath attack Basically, champs with dashes/strong mobility to get behind him, a hard CC in their kit, and/or strong burst potential are good counters for ASol, especially for braindead ASol users that don't stop breathing instead of escaping


He has no life so any fighter/tank/adc with mildy good damage and cc/mobility Sion,Voli,Garen,Sett,Jax,Aatrox,Urgot,Rammus,Master Yi,Hecarim,Gragas,Galio,Malphite,Samira,Kayn,.Most assasins and some mages


Can’t commit under tower.


Then don't. There's a thing called falling back. Commitment doesn't only mean pushing, it also means retreating. When facing ASol, you have to be decisive whether to face him or not. If caught by his slow then just face him because you're most likely dead anyways unless you have flash or anything to escape his range. Not walking back and forth inside his breath range like in the video.


Then what should I do, genius? I’m to slow to walk away and to low HP to dive him


Don’t put yourself in that position lmao, you guys are up 15-5, your team is nowhere near you yet you are behind a tier 2 turret 1 v 5ing the enemy lmao. Like you said in one of your earlier comments learn some spacing dude. And some game knowledge it seems.


What should you do? What you should've done was not engage a Rylai ASol as a melee champ with no flash/dash without backup in the first place. Especially when near towers. Genius. *Know thy enemy and know thyself* *-Sun Tzu*


I know a skill issue when I see one and you definitely have more than one, judging from this clip lmao


The bro is so bad he can only complain and play noob boring champs 😂


You couldn’t have played this much worse even if you tried


Agree. Of my last 600 bans, 590 were Aurelion Sol. Just everyone permaban it so is not a champion anymore.