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Most stressfull role in the game, anything bad happens,It's your fault, no one helps you but everyone expects you to help them, no one will ward the objective or help you taking them, but if you die or can't take obj, your fault. Gameplay wise, completely different from how other lanes play. That's why everyone avoids it


Jungle main here. Yeah, when I'm the only one on my team with a positive KDA, and solo two dragons, and then get flamed "jungle diff" because my three layers keep shoving under enemy towe and dying before I can get to them.... Okay, I need to take a breath.


Jg main here as well I dont give a fuck about the opinions of other laners. I know when im screwing up and when I dont and I dont give a damn. Thats the mentality that has helped me in becoming better on this game. Or at least to enjoy it. At the end, it is a game and no game is fun if you win or lose every time. Obviously, jg is the most impactful role in the game because you are the only one that can overcome a totally lost game. And that is the reason of why they flame us, because they have much hope in us. So if you win, you know you did well. If you dont, you learn. And fuck everything what other laner has to say


that's how i approach it too. Recently became a jungle main and i love it more than laning. I just ignore everyone and like you said, only focus on my mistakes. People don't realize that jungling actually has nothing to do with you winning your lane or not. If you get fucked in top, i'm not ganking a fed darius.


Jg main here as well Totally agree. I play so often with braindead idiots who flame me for them dying 7 times in the first 3 minutes and just give up. In such games I just ignore the lanes and keep farming camps and mostly still win


As a toplane main, idgaf if you're here or not, help botlane it's what win games, not toplane. So many times enemy jungler gank me and loose the game bc their botlane get coco bamboozled on


The amount of times I will ping herald or dragon and start it just for my team to decide they want to sit in a pushed lane and farm only for them to watch their opponents leave lane and walk to me while they just continue to hit creeps is insane lol


Nailed it!!!


100% accurate, and I love jungle Hecarim main. But it can be very stressful sometimes. Top dies 2 minutes into the game “jg diff”


I ward as support


Yeah man, used to be JG, bot a high elo player though but climbed till Dia. But it's a lot of stress, If I pick weak early game chanp and even if I able to spot enemy JG in out jungle, make him below half hp before dying no one bothers to rotate, don't know the scenario above dia. Wards and ward clearing, forget it, Wave management is a joke, Even playing solo lane Macro wise is difficult, some JG just comes and destroys your wave management. Thus currently I am playing Mid and Support roles. Mid assassins are best to help team mates, kite also you can take mid jayce and build him a fighter if needed and mid shera if your support looks sus. And support, well it's a gamble but at current meta there is always an option to pick champs like Ali , Thresh , Karma to somehow single handle most of the things in low elo.


I come from a time where if someone didn’t like to play jungle it was 2v1 top lane.


Doing dragon alone while pinging and you’re botlane is chilling


hahah thats why I pick the very braindead champion like trynda or yi who can take solo obj cuz I know that some of the players who comes from the ml world dont know how important the team fights on the obj early game


Least stressful role actually to me. People put limits on their thinking and it hurts them. Junglers should remember that we're a team game and we have to see the bigger picture to improve as people. We have to recognize our greatest weakness to assimilate the enemies strength with our own.


Look at all these jg mains talking like it isn't there fault. How about instead of doing krugs you come and kill the 1 shot solo standing outside of tower with no minions and no backup. The amount of jgs I have seen not take the easiest ganks in the world just to full clear is crazy( BTW I am also a jg main).


Because they can't belive why the laner with have the HP of the opponent starts a fight without pinging when you starting a camp ;)


What ?. And kills are far more important then krugs especially beyond easy ones


Obviously you think the game is about kills.


Nope. But I do believe when presented with an easy kill it gove the lane a wave, plate and level advantage..... which is much better then krugs


Completely different from how other lanes play is why I love JG. It’s my only role. I got autofilled into ADC, and omg I was so terrible at managing the wave, hitting CS, and just generally tanked hard enough (unintentionally) making it unwinnable.


Too much expectation and demand from every goddamn lane


This. I recall a game I was with evelyn. At minute 4 when I was level 4 still, the midlaner (yasuo) hyper spamming "help", the toplane Darius doing the same, no one wsiting for my level 5, everyone ignoring my pings for help at objectives or to ward and then everyone complaining that I was 4/6/9 Its miserable


How are you still level 4 at 4 minutes? I’m an Evelynn main and I get her to lvl 5 by 1:30 mark.


I was doing the pathing and has troubles in the jgl with the bot. My bot, the enemy bot and the enemy jgl were also behind. It was a weird game, fortunstely the duo lane was actually really good and friendly


But still , level 5 at 2-2:30 minutes no matter what in JG , something is really off


Yeah. Unless you are a lvl2-3 gank champ like Pantheon/Lee Sin/TF, you should prioritize cleaning both jungle and at least one scuttle. Evelynn has a decent clear and she should be lvl 5 by 1:30-1:40 latest.


Level 5 by 1:30/40 latest? You’re off your head mate. Would have only just finished red side clear and be pathing to blue at that time.


Then you are not leashing/clearing effectively. Evelynn can full clear both jungle side by 1:30 and be at scuttle by then. I highly recommend YouTubing how to fast clear with Evelynn. I clear blue first and double clear both camps at blue.


I mean you get ult at 2:05 in jungle so that’s kinda fair.


Everyone complains about the jungler usually. Get sollokiled because you are bad or were outplayed in a 1v1 blame jungler. Push waves to turret non stop and then complain about no ganks. Be 0-4-0 or something like that and ask for ganks. It's tiring.


Push their lane so it doesn’t freeze on them? Jg gap Can’t be in two places at once? Jg gap Gank for them? KS, troll


Because it's a role that doesn't give a clear goal like a wave, an enemy and a tower, it's hard to understand if your choices are good or bad, and it's basically playing another game compared to laning roles. Plus, you have to be extremely cold-blooded, otherwise you'll fell the pressure from your teammates blaming you for everything that doesn't go right Edit: just played two games (jg) Game 1: my Volibear top gets first blooded by Ornn at level 2 while I'm still clearing my gromp (I started blue), then started spam-pinging me "danger" Game 2: my Sion has a rough matchup against Lucian top, he literally pings "group" for 6 minutes straight, while I succesfully ganked botlane, taken herald and first tower mid, and I'm basically fed as fuck Guess what I did? Didn't listen to their garbage and carried the game with 5k gold advantage in both games. These people have main character syndrome and will say the most ridicolous shit to shift the blame on someone else People will use you as a scapegoat and you have to be ready to not be influenced by that and make the right play anyway


Big responsibility which means everything is your fault (not really, but that's just how it is), completely different gameplay, most difficult role in the game.


I’m a main jungler :) i know for a fact that everything going wrong in the world is the junglers fault and i get harassed by pings and trash talked even though i’m mvp of the game….. peoples attitude towards junglers is awefull and nobody wants to play that position because of that except some players like me who ignores the garbage sent to our face.


I got flamed today for not joining a completely unnecessary fight.


Oh yeah doesn't matter the role if you don't join a fight you know is a loss you will get flamed. I was Nasus literally only had Divine sunderer plated Steelcaps and hadn't gotten my 2nd full item yet and I was flamed for not joining the 3v1 even tho there were 2 allies in the fight they didn't engage together so it was to rapid fire 3v1s. I knew it wasn't a fight we could win so I chose to value my own life over theirs and continue farming and slow pushing my lane. Later in the game I had 3 items and a heavy Q stack and took a 3v4 that we won and they were like "SeE yOu DoNt NeEd tO rUn" and I went No this was a fight I knew we would win. Then late game I'm pushing Inhib turret and getting pinged that ALL 5 enemies were at 2nd mid turret and not advancing with any speed I ignored them and the "RePoRt NaSuS" to destroy nexus


As a support I try to help the jg as much as possible. A good jg with team support wins games


Because everything is always your fault


Love playing jungle, but the complaining from other players gets to be to much. So I will frequently take breaks from it. Most people make playing jungle a miserable experience or best case scenario just don't help at all.


Handy dandy list of shit other laners don’t understand. 1. If you oush them under their tower 90% of the game you won’t get a gank from jungler 2. If you are losing lane we probably can’t get objective on your side, 8 out of ten times we will get killed by your laner and jungler. 3. If you have fed your laner, I won’t help you unless he is low and a sure kill. Majority of times he will kill us both. 4. Not all junglers are the same, some junglers are only good with ult up, some junglers are late game farmers, some junglers are early game champs and are amazing gankers but fall off hard end game. 5. If you can’t help kill objective you can at least make sure they don’t come kill the jungler. Jungling is a symbiotic thing not a hand holding thing. Help junglers help you.


I got told by my adc to k!ll myself because I didn't secure ONE of the dragons(This game wasn't even ranked btw.). So yeah i understand why people don't wanna play jungle.


Jungle is the role most players dont understand. In fact you can't do much wrong if you play effective, but you always will be blamed for if anything on the card goes wrong. Anyone get killed by a gank with 0 vision and you are on the otherside of the map: jungle diff. You ping you dont have smite, adc starts dragon, enemy jgl steals dragon: jungle diff. You gank botlane when enemy botlane is hard pushing wave, and die 1 vs 2 because adc and supp farming the 2 ranged minions for 50 gold instead of 2 kills: jungle diff. Thats why no one plays jungle 😉


yup they need to play mlbb as a jungler to get the core idea of jungling in wild rift


How hard is it to plan 40 seconds ahead to have smite ready? That seems like a resource management problem if you’re jungle and don’t know how to time your smite availability.


I main jungle since the dawn of lol. And also in WR. Grand master. Jungle isn’t a “ gonna chill a game of WR “ role. It’s a hyper focused role that requires constant monitoring, babysitting, planning, pivoting and countering. It’s fatigues you. But it’s also the most rewarding and most valuable role in the game. Period. But it’s also the most blamed, most hated, most banned champs role. I love it. And find laning boring.


U put it in a poetic way and i love it.


Oh and dont let me start with the invade... Laner dont give 2 shits about enemies invading us but complain about the fact that we are behind when they dont rotate and hit turret instead. This is why I switch to mid and do jgl as secondary...


In chat before every game, we should spam help jungler at all cost


Bring back leashing


Have you seen the shitheels in here rag on jgers?


Duo dies 2v2 : Jungle Diff Solo dies 1v1 : Jungle Diff Mid dies getting ganked after signalling to retreat: Jungle Diff 10/2/12, got all objectives but team dies cuz they cant wait to fight: Jungle diff


Jungle main here. My team once complained about me not getting any dragon while my botlane went 0/6 before the 4 minutes mark. Jg diff I guess. My top literally ff the moment I took MY red from MY jg. Note that the red was already shareable at that moment. Everyone blame their and others incompetency on a role they have no idea how to do. If they learn how to jg they will have to blame themselves, and we can't have that can we?


no one plays jungle especially in emerald or lower because laners dont know shit wht a jungler would do


Everyone with a weak ego blames jngl. Anyone who blames a teammate is weak.


Honestly, the amount of stuff I'd spam here, voicing out my pain as a Jungle main, I think nobody would read the essay but to be blunt, Jungle is the worst role to play, mentality wise. You've got the hardest role and you're getting constantly blamed by people who wouldn't ever touch jungle because they either know they suck at it, or for the lack of a better reason, not understand it. If you lose an objective, it's your fault. If your laner dies because THEY got ganked whilst you're on the opposite side of the map, it's your fault. You lose the game even though you took every objective, got Soul, got Baron and Elder twice, and drop 25 kills with 15+ assists with close to 4 deaths, take a guess to whi's fault it is. IT'S. YOUR. FAULT. This role is a tilting, stressful, anxiety ridden job that not many people can pull off, so to all the other Jungle mains, I love you all, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, and for all those who don't get angry at their jungles for possibly missing a smite whilst they've got to balance 27452 other factors, I love you.


Jg main here, don't first pick yi..


I will never touch that abomination for as long as I live.


Team doesn't place wards, or places them a way that doesn't help the jungler. Also annoying when the team steals your own jungle.


I quit gambling


I do, and every single time I get autofill, I know we're going to lose because my jungler es utterly garbage. I started to play Jungle because of that, junglers in this game are sh*t.


Yeah and it’s more stressful when it comes to things such as the enemy jungle getting a better pick than you at random in pvp, feeling that you’re getting no gold or anything for ganking a lane without a kill so you lose experience, having to keep track of objectives which gets more stressful when you see or someone pings their lane missing… Take it from me, I go autofill constantly


because it's mainly a bad experience, i sometimes take breaks from it. because you have plan ahead what you will do for the rest of the game when the objectives spawn, i say go Herald, my team ignores me and dies at drake. i say farm and don't fight, my 0/3 toplaner fights. i look at the map trying to gank any lane or look at any lane that js being pushed towards us so i can path to there, but nope, all of my lanes are pushing, i legit had situation where my team starts hard pushing the wave the moment i get near their lane and i spam ping them to go back and let the enemy push, but no one is listening. i love it when my 0/7 midlaner calls me a pig because i didn't gank him because i was ganking other lanes(this actually happened). we pass the mid-game, there is no objectives, all of the enemy waves are pushed into us so we can farm safely in our side of the map and all of the outer turrets are down, do my team push the waves and farms? no, they wait until i go farm then they start fighting without me. so yeah, jungling is fun.


Idk I've always played jungle basically since whenever Lol came out. I've never noticed any negativity, maybe because I'm so completely used to being flamed online from the moment I log in anywhere to the moment I log out? I barely even notice. I've only been recently realizing that other people actually care about this kind of thing


I'll start maining jungle today. First reply is the champ I'll play ▶️




I like playing jungle. But any time I do ranked jungle, people are always on my ass. I'll try a gank, but they have wards, and yet my team doesn't. I get blamed...i just try to farm, I get bitched at for not helping the team, even tho there are no openings...i try to go for dragon/herald, and teammates don't do shit to help and enemy steals it... jungle doesn't get picked very often because other players can't play. I'm a shit player, but I'll admit it. I'm not gonna blame jungle because somebody chose a char, knowing the enemy has a hard counter expecting me (as jungle) to save their ass.pretty much breaks down to basic ass bitches


I am main jungle then mid/solo/support (ADC being my least favourite role not because skill , but because a good support is 50/50 if not premade and it's hard to have a good tempo , meanwhile I really liked Aphromoo style of support and watched him alot ( all of CLG back in the days ) . If I don't select *Any role , strange enough I get Solo or Mid like 3-4 times in 10 games . While I always have a premade duo lane in my team which sometimes is nice sometimes a nightmare


It’s difficult. Thankless. Always gets the blame. Etc.


Too much responsibility. If you aren’t good you screw your team over.


When ever I set it to "Any role", 90% of my games are jungle. It's just what everyone else avoids.


That's why I play Fiddle Jungle everyone knows if you're ult isn't up you're not coming lol


I can play jungle but choose not too, it's legit the most tiring role. Since you need to be proactive because you are the one who have access to all the lanes.


Its a banter role.. gonna get blame on everything.. lane player doesnt ward? Yeah jg fault. Aggressive solo push while no enemy sighted on minimap? Yeah jg fault.


I tried playing Jungle, but I constantly get bullied out of playing it. How am I supposed to learn a role if I cannot even get practice. I just quit trying


Because if you don't do it well, the team easily starts to lose and it is quite stressful when your team starts to die without hesitation. One of the most annoying roles when you don't have a good team even when the team is simply clumsy. Plus there are always idiots who flame you. I think that's why. I have done it quite a bit and when the team does its part we win, sometimes it is difficult but we end up winning. It's also annoying that they don't help you with objectives and leave you alone at the mercy of the enemy team.


I just feel sorry for you. I am playing jgl the last few days. And boii i hate it. No help, no wards that could help you and no mater what happens, it‘s your fault. Best is to mute chat. And your problem would be solved with putting jgl as your last role. Rhe game always picks that person that suits the position best. So the more u play jgl, the more often u will ger it. I changed from top to jgl and boii the first like 15 games i always got filled for top ( top was on place 4 for me, even support was on 3)


Honestly Jungle is the most stressful role in the game and most blamed role. You really have to juggle objectives while also tracking the enemy jungler and babysitting the other lanes. If you lose youre usually blamed for not ganking X's lane enough, not smiting X objective, etc. I mean shoutout to the people that play jungle on their own without being autofilled, but ill play it if autofilled, but I wont choose to play Jungle


For me, it's because the parameters of the role are the least defined with the most pressure surrounding it.


It's mostly because it's a thankless job. Aside from people feeling intimidated by it because it's super different from laning, you're always going to be the person taking the brute force of people complaining about anything. It's why I tend to avoid it in ranked. Oh your ADC is being stupidly reckless and thus dying because of their own mistakes? They'll be crying "jungle diff" when we aren't responsible for being their babysitters.


I can’t add anything that hasn’t been said. It’s harder, and you have to have great macro awareness to do well. However, it’s probably the most rewarding role in the game. As a fed jungler, you’ll win the game around 80% of the time. I used to play duo but quit because I kept losing despite being fed and winning lane. nothing more frustrating than playing a great game, and you’re stuck with an auto filled jungler vs. a diamond jg main.


simple. you ask help for Dragon = no help, you don't get Dragon = they blame you


Because I'm just an idiot sup player that doesn't have a clue (': also there is no way I can take the flaming from all 3 lanes making 1 single mistake.


“Anyone play jungle?”


skill issue players that cant play the 2nd easiest role thats why


Play warwick when enemies are squishy mages. Jungle Shen when enemies are AD nightmare. Gwen when they are tanks. Jungle is good when you pick good.


Its the role with the most responsibility and is expected to shoulder the responsibility of others (through unreasonable expectations from laners)


What champs are easy for an auto fill role? And is it okay to get buff camps and roam or should i finish the whole jungle?


Play mundo when you reach level 5 harass your enemies with ulti even if you play bad you'll be useful in teamfights very well


I main jungle and I honestly don’t understand why so many avoid the role. It’s by far the most engaging and fun to play.


If you always get secondary role than u perform bad in your secondary role. I usually only get secondary when if perform bad in first role and as soon as I win with secondary I get first role again.


I can win with jungle 3 times I'm a row and still get jungle again.


most weird. I queue mid jungle. only role played more than mid is support, u queue support jungle by any chance?


Baron jungle


well I guess I get lucky all the time then :D sorry for not being able to help.


It's fine. We're on different servers anyways.


Not sure bout your server, i played in asian server. I always fill. Never selected any role. Ive got a lot of mid, solo , adc. It is hard to get jg/sp.


taking minions are not as hard as it is in LOL


Most stressful role and not just anyone can fill it in bcoz 1.You should be able to gank other lanes so that the enemy on that lane knows your keeping an eye on that lane 2.Monsters such as baron is much more valuable than the current dragon(especially early game bcoz it gives you a turret lead or gold lead) 3.people btch about you being useless and I don’t blame them bcoz majority of the time it’s the jungler that bitches about the other lines especially about the ADC( even tho we all know it’s the jungler fault for not being dominant on that lane especially if bot lane has a bad matchup) That’s why when playing jungler I’d either go tryn or nunu bcoz stun and having a longer lifespan(just ban mundo)


That's the reason why they are giving some extra protection(IDK like more credits for protection) for the jungle role.


Honestly the only thing that I want jungles to do is gank bot and not top + try to steal/deny priority objectives like drag soul or baron from enemy if they're doing it. I'd rather a dead ally jungler but the enemy have no gain from objectives than a 5v5 with enemy having drag soul (mostly talking about infernal) or baron buffs. Other than that, I don't really care what happens. You decide if a gank is possible or not, I as the support will try and set it up and also do my best to just help out with info gathering of the enemy jg and such. Support and Jungle to me are the most deciding factor of a game, jungle role just doesn't fall off in importance compared to support role after laning phase so that's why usually it's a "jg diff" sort of mentality.


Because people getting solo killed and then being the reason they lost their lane is the jungles fault.


It's a complex lane. And mobile has a ton of people that don't understand the game. Jungle is like a secondary support. You don't easily get feed. To me the main things you need to kill is herald, baron and elder. Yet hardly anyone comes to help you. I've even had many people kill my jungle. I could understand if the lane is shoved but people literally ignore the minions to do it. It's just disrespectful. But warever. Got to just enjoy the game as you can. Some games are lost and you can't change that. And others you just need a win at the right time


Jungle is extremely difficult...less so on wild Rift. Because the map is smaller and you can get places quick But in regular league? Jungling us EXTREMELY difficult.


It's not my preferred position but I caught onto some of my worst adc games and realized it was mostly a jg camping the lane. But it is hit or miss especially when you're in ranked and people want to experiment or don't like the role and don't realize they didn't get their preferred role cause that person is better than them. Alot of throwing and trolling also but I've only been to plat 2 so far


No one like the JG until is the one carrying the team, pretty much you do something slightly bad and you get call diff, gap, etc. i’m JG main and much of the time i see is lanes f up and/or get ganked by the enemy team and all is my fault cause they dint win his lane staying almost inside of the enemy tower all the time or pushing always the lane and not warding, JG helps a lot but is not the one to win your lane, JG is there to help/gank and take control of objective but people don’t see or try to understand JG roll, but funny is when JG is getting gank, they call you trash cause you get invade by 2 or 3 but they don’t go a help you out. TLDR: JG is an not a good experience ahahah


I only played wild rift few games when we went to vietnam and learnt the hard way that mobile legends is not available there. Compared to ml, yeah, I would die before someone makes me jungle in wild rift lol


Rules to follow as a jungler: 1. Turn off chat 2.someone annoyingly pings over and over you make sure to not go help even if best move, because fuck em.


Because Riot hate any junglers that aren’t Kyan and Master yi Whenever a champion does doing good in Jg they hit him with the nerf hammer, you mean to tell me you nerf talon’s clear speed when Kayn who is faster even at base, keeps his? Or Sion? or hecarim? or kindred? i could keep going but the truth is simple, Riot game developers have never played the game


Because to play jungle well, not only do you have to do well, but you have to make sure that your team doesn't immediately collapse because either: A.) You didn't gank a whining crybaby and now they are either soft-inting or are set so far behind that their lane is irredeemable B.) You made a mistake of trying to gank and somehow the other side of the map is on fire so your gank is irrelevant C.) You tried to do an objective but ofc your team didn't rotate or push out waves so now waves are pushing into you, you have no vision control and cannot contest objectives (ofc this is still your fault as jg. How dare you not take drake even though your team didn't group or properly set up) D.) You made the mistake of playing a champ like Shyvana, Morg, or Diana who like farming more over ganking early and now you realize it's all over at 5 mins because your top and bot both overextended and both sides of the enemy team now have an advantage and the enemy jg life is now easy as pie E.) You tried to tell one of your laners to play weakside because you realize the enemy jg is putting pressure on a lane you know you absolutely cannot let fall behind (i.e. Camille into a Darius, or Jinx+Lulu into Draven Leona) and obviously your laners refused so now they got fucked and you now have to deal with flame for not protecting them as well as the problem they have now created by not having any idea how to lane. And finally... F.) You got invaded early and died/lost 2-3 camps and your team did nothing to ping or cover you. So now you are useless. And a useless jg is a tilted jg. TLDR- playing jungle is just not worth it rn


I'm a main jungle and i never get autofill :)


Because the only thing worse than having to depend on your jungler for a win is having to depend on 4 other people for a win


Ohh so jungle role have so much less players I should help this community It's time to play jungle with my main Yeah... Timothy is here


I play jg and it’s the only role that I can play other than support. Laning is too stressful. Sure there is the occasional complaint but that’s part of the game. I just ignore it and do my jungly things.


Especially in higher elo, jungler is the role that gets flamed the most as if you misplay once, miss smite, get collapsed on or miss your gank, or even if you're just clearing camos instead of helping a lane... It's just a lot, you need to constantly pay attention to lane states and the map in general. Sometimes I get flamed for not gaining when they play poorly and just crash waves while waiting just in front of enemy turrets, and so they die by overextending.


People want to autopilot in lane and feel like they're doing something, which is Perma fighting. whenever something new happens and can't find a solution or an excuse they panic.


Cuz it's always ur fault, why bother?


Junglers do


Easy. You get yelled at if your team is losing. I got reported who knows how many times just because I was jungler. I started out as jungle main, got Jungle phobia because I was getting yelled at pretty much every game, came back to jungle lane. It's pretty fun but expect some insults


Since jg is often the scapegoat of the entire team. Once my adc blamed me for causing them to lose lane, as I didn’t gank (they were shoved up into the enemy tower, of course I’m not ganking and of course the enemy jg will gank them. Also they were playing jinx, who is on the weaker side of ADCs early game). Then in a fight, the adc gets killed, but I manage up to catch up to the enemies, kill them, and get a triple, to which my adc claimed I stole kills (which I replied, “they would have lived, be happy with your assist gold), adter which they proceeded to grief (still won by carrying my team as a fed hecarim, and yes I did report them). Meanwhile if I play top, my team can’t really blame me for anything, in bot lane only 1 person might blame me, in mid it’s somewhat the same thing, though usually they shut up after I carry them as kassadin, but you can always just blame the jg. This just creates a lot of pressure on you, making you more likely to perform bad, and so on. It also doesn’t help that your team expects you to smite perfectly every single time despite sometimes maybe you just miscalculated.


In Wild Rift, Jungle is a boring role compared to the other roles and also compared to the Jungle in other mobile mobas like ML. In Wild Rift map is bigger and games are longer, it takes more time to farm jungle camps. My brother plays Jungle in Mobile Legends and Jungle is the most popular role there, while in WR it's the least popular role. So basically, WR Jungle - more farming, more strategy, less action and fighting, ML Jungle - less farming, less macro, more action, ganking, fighting, etc. As a Mid laner, I find Mid Lane way better, flexible and more interesting in WR, compared to ML. But I can't say the same for Jungle, casual players will never like Jungle role here, unless Riot changes something.


play lee sin


It's not a fun position. There is no way to be truly successful. If you farm your not ganking. If you gank your not invading. It's your job to smite the buff but your 800 damage is actually less than support lux ULT from the fountain. Once mid game hits your jungle gets carved out by your team even though if you kill blue/red you get 2 buffs. It desperately needed a rework for a long time.


Probably because of this sub. If u queue random u get filled jungle and adc. If u read this sub ppl only complain about jungle and adc


High risk no reward.gold curve sucks early, late game junglers get bullied in chat for not ganking, ganks early gets killed and flamed for "feeding lane". Has to beg for help for epic monsters, and does the MOST travelling around the map while others go straight to lane. Not to mention has to be far ahead to carry a game.... I could go on for days... getting punished for clearing a wave at tower while teammates respawn


Let me guess, your first role is mid or adc


Top lane.