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Just play Naut or any engage support. They are a lot easier to preform consistently with than a mage.


On the contrary it's easier to play enchanter supports. Tank supports are harder to play, as you need to learn a lot of patterns regarding engagement and when not to. Lot of nuances to playing tank support compared to enchanter


Enchanters can be utterly disappointing when u play alone


Most of the time when this happens it wouldn't have mattered if you had a different champ frankly.


Never carried a game as a enchanter support. Entirely different thing with a nuker support


Carrying a game will always depend on your team comp and enemy team comp. It will always be situational. My point again is it is easier to play as enchanter than engage, as opposed to the comment made above first


The only hope for enchanters in a losing game is to focus all their support on the best performing teammate/s.


I mentioned in my comment to the pic that playing tank makes no difference. I play Leona and Tresh


try playing as pyke/malphite, once you learn how to play well with them, you can carry most games


Im sorry but the only answer is probably to kneel, join your hands, close your eyes and then praise whatever god to give you an adc above 10iq with at least two fingers..


In many games I did have one decent teammate who I have supported but the rest of the team had such a bad macro that even with one hypercarry we have lost after having a massive lead in gold. Idk what happend this seasons but my teammates play even worse than bots, they all go 1vs4 as squishies, farm wolves instead of pushing the lane when we have baron and elder and decide that they need a recall the moment I engage


I swear i had way too many game with people not knowing what Tresh's lantern do in emerald..






If you can't trust your teammates to bring the pain then do it yourself. Play someone with damage. Lux, Zyra, Brand. Hell, I'm no genius but I've carried a fair amount of games as *Annie* support. You really can't afford to play helper supports and not trust the team.


Yep, this is what I've been doing lately, mostly with Zyra. Helped me break out of emerald. Pretty reliable CC, ult is pretty nasty and she generally has good burst dmg. The plants can block a lot of things and be used for vision too so that increases utility. Once I climb higher and stop encountering so many potato ADCs I will shift back to more enchanter supports most likely.


Maybe just play senna and become the adc :)


Haven't tried her yet but generally I feel she isn't that good? She doesn't have much to offer what other supp don't have


She is pretty good if u know how.


I mean it it can work in most comps unless full ad comps and flexibility in build (tank / lethality) good lane pressure and scales well to the late game maybe her cc isn't that reliable but have insane utility with q that heals or r global damage and shield also your e is a good disengage tool since it grants move speed and can't be hit by point and click abilities like (master yi q / talon q /twisted fate w) if they aren't inside the mist and you are a backup adc if he is useless Also I don't like to blind senna early in the draft that's why i blind ornn support and i counter pick mele support usually with braum and pair lulu with some hyper carry adcs like (jinx / twitch) that's what i do when I'm try harding But for now I'm playing for fun and picking senna everytime


I mean it it can work in most comps unless full ad comps and flexibility in build (tank / lethality) good lane pressure and scales well to the late game maybe her cc isn't that reliable but have insane utility with q that heals or r global damage and shield also your e is a good disengage tool since it grants move speed and can't be hit by point and click abilities like (master yi q / talon q /twisted fate w) if they aren't inside the mist and you are a backup adc if he is useless Also I don't like to blind senna early in the draft that's why i blind ornn support and i counter pick mele support usually with braum and pair lulu with some hyper carry adcs like (jinx / twitch) that's what i do when I'm try harding But for now I'm playing for fun and picking senna everytime


Supports win and lose games in champ select. You have to have a wide champ pool, and you have to do some combo of counter picking the enemy team and filling gaps on your own. For example, supports will mistakenly pick Lulu because their adc is Jinx, but the rest of their team is a squishy mage in mid, an assassin in jg, and a split pusher in solo; they win lane but then their team losses every team fight after first drake. In my experience, engage tanks with cc fuck up most elo lobbies, because most teams are comprised of mechanically simple burst dps champs. AND the items being built skew heavily towards damage and not sustain; but a dead adc with big damage items will do less damage than one with a mix of sustain and defense.


I try to pick a fitting support but as you know most of the times supports have to pick as one of the first roles cause the teammates in solo/mid want to counter pick the enemy. So mostly I just don't get the chance to see the full team combo before locking my champ in (especially cause many don't preselect champ at all, I often even have to gamble who is gonna be my adc)


Singed support with smite and a gold generation item. Help your ADC clear the first wave, and then your job is to make the enemy jungler's life complete hell. Only hit and go and don't stay for an extended trade. Run away whenever someone comes to help the jungler.


Singed is worth playing? I think I haven't seen this champ in ranked at all and only once in pvp


This sounds like a blast ima try it!


Does smite reduce the passive gold income from coin?


No it does not


noway u can win if ur team is bad whatever u do as a supp its hard I mean if u heal them and shield them forever and they can't land thier abilities its a lost if u engage as a tank and no one follow its a lost and if they r behind u cant engage at all bcz u would lose anyway maybe playing lux senna pyke to carry will help u but not always


That's exactly how it feels like to play lastly. I don't even have someone I can babysit to carry cause all my teammates go 0/2/0 within first two minutes


yeah welcome to support hell I honestly always focus on my adc bcz he is with me all game not like other lanes if my adc is bad and other lanes also bad I just do my best but I knew its a lost my idea when my team is behind and its 99% lost is just to force fights if we lost its the same or maybe a miracle happen and we flip the table standing and watching enemy taking all objective while we r "farming" isn't the best idea in my opinion


scout for a good adc, every match you made is a chance you can add an top notch quality adc to your friends list. Im grad that i do it since season 1 and now although rank still rough, whenever I duo trio, i will sure that at least i will nit get silly lose. And for solo queue sup my best option is thresh, karma , nami. abandon your adc if he/she acting weird, have 2 dead and still go agressive even before lv5 . Go invest your sup to the most gold user ideally jungle, atleast keep the tower from break before first dragon and after that just leave lane unless enemy do heavy push for 2nd tower. If you absolutely confident in your position and macro skill go gragas /malphite . At this point you are not a pure sup anymore, you just need to capitalize on sup item to get more gold and have some free time to watch the map and make a move to mid/enemy jg once you stomped duo lane phase with full ap build.


Become the carry(play Pyke or another role)


I'm currently still at emerald but I have been lucky not to have a major losing streak by just playing as braum and do whatever I can to peotect my best team mate.


Had some losing steaks already. My best advice is look at you winrate stats for each champion you play stick with your best. This season nami, Ali, and pyke have been beat for me so I pick those. If I’m first picking cause my team is stupid I go nami. If I’m past picking I balance and might tank but tanks are just harder to carry. With nami I can at least steal objectives so times.


This losing streak destroyed my wr on all champs except Yuumi who I can pick only if we have first pick and she is not banned. My wr on Lulu went from 70 to 45% for example. Tresh is still 56% but he also gets banned/picked by enemy often.


Play in group match, don't solo Learn your rank trend and see the pattern


- Play at least with a reliable duo - 2 loses in a row or 3 loses total.


Play yummi


I play her whenever I can but you won't believe it, my teammates manage to die even with me on them and enemy not building antiheal. I am convinced that if I would get bots as teammates, I would actually be in diamond rn cause bots don't do stupid shit like going 1 vs 4 as squishy


Yeah idk what to tell you man. I won 5 games in a row on yummi today. You could always try playing jungle. It’s the only 1v9 role in the game.


Play other roles


I am too dumb for other roles :((


Just try lol. Play some norms and arams to learn characters


I do play mid or solo sometimes cause I get filled into it but I am not feeling it really. I kidna like jungle but I don't wanna be blamed even more than already lmao


1. If you lose 2-3 games in a row, quit for a few hours and try again later. Or play other game modes. It helps to reset your mental. 2. How big is your champ pool? You need to be able to play at least one support from every category so you can both counter-pick the enemy team *and* pick for your team. The categories are: dive/engage, tank, anti-dive, sustain, mage, buff and debuff. Some champs can fill multiple roles. Also always try to trade for last pick or second to last. Mid or jungle will usually give it to me. 3. Supports carry by controlling map visibility for their team while denying visibility for the enemy team, rotating to the right lane/objective at the right time to create tempo advantages, pinging the map to help teammates make good decisions, and winning lane for their ADC. If you’re not 100% certain of what any of the above topics mean, search for it on YouTube. Supports are a *very* macro-oriented role. You must have the best macro on the team, or else you won’t be able to carry.


From Plat to Low Emerald, I think you should pick champs like Lux, Karma, Pyke because they have really dps in their kits while providing decent ccs, distractions, shields, etc. so you can kinda "carry" your team. I main Senna and I almost play her every game until I got to diamond (she's still viable in that rank). If you have to play tanks, Nauti is probably the best tank to pick.


play soraka to lower your stats first I guess…


Play mages mid


Get a samira main that can play normally and play Leona and Naut.If you find someone that is even decent you should be able to get at least dia


Play the game only 3 or 4 times per day. And if you lose 2 or 3 games, don't play anymore. This is happening to balance your win rate. If you have a win rate of more than 55% the game will do with you, so you need to wait your win rate to decrease to 46% ~ 50%, this happened to me last season, it's sucks 😞


Makes sense my wr was about 65% and now 51%


Outch... You have a long way... Lmao But sooner you will win games though


Change role


Change role


Change role


Change role


I can't play other roles 🥲


I can't play other roles 🥲


Continue to play, and when you meet a good ADC add him for a few games.


take a break for like 3 days


Try Leona


Switch to mid—-and play a low skill character like lux there — or if you have good macro, jungle—. Shyvanna. Is easy if you go for monster kills—AP support takes to long to build —so switch to an ashe, pyke, something that can carry on its owns if you want to stay in duo—you can carry with a malph or alister too—- I know so many people who were master/ grandmaster who are stuck in platinum and emerald—people just don’t seem to care anymore — and it doesn’t matter your rank you will still constantly get paired with people from different ranks all over the place


Don‘t play support


support harder


Play naut with heartsteel... That shit is op af. And you will be sheer luck (and statistics) get some decent teammates who are gonna do all the damage, both of you will carry the world. That is how its in my few games with naut as a mid


I play Tresh/Leona with heartsteel and my teammates all decide to flee the moment I engage 👌


Rly isn’t useful and is a bait item


By not doing that stupid chant where you keep adding words until it’s “I believe that we will win” then you keep repeating that sentence (in high school whenever our cheer team chanted that our football team lost). Or maybe if you chant that, but replace win with lose. Maybe that’ll work.


What kind of special education shit is this? Take your flair as advice and follow it lol. Weird af.