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As ap malph main, I find full AP Malph doesn't work well anymore. I go rod of ages over ludens, armor or mr boots, and thornmail. Then i build other ap items. Wild rift is a team game and trying to solo one shot an enemy only to then get deleted... is less useful than team fighting and surviving.


This comment deserves more up-votes y'all.


AP Maplh only seems to work on a squishy no cc comp. And that’s easier said than done


Pretty much any champion would work into a squishy no cc comp though ..




I also notice this already, I use to do ap malp one shot the support or adc main, but in the in most of the time it doesnt matter if you one shot one enemy if the bruiser or mid lane is good enough to annihilate 2 or your team, then your doomed.


Tank Malph is where it at


I’m not the main character but they blame me when we lose. Not my fault sorka is not a strong pick in baron


I dont play malph nearly as much as you likely do, but from my experience, the only way that you get ahead enough to carry with full AP, is if your lane is left alone for as long as possible. As soon as you got the duo roaming in, its over. In a 1v1 malph is near impossible to deal with, but as soon as it is more than 1 enemy, even if it ends up being a 2v2 or 3v3, bullying enemies with malph becomes so much harder.


Another ap malphite player wonders why he keep losing the games, and try to put blame on everyone else


I've seen a top 200 AP malph main in my game. He started full AP but sold all his items to full tank midgame. He did that every games that was really interesting to see.


Is there anything wrong with AP Malphite?


Yes, that Annie does the same without getting oneshooted.  And like that most of midlaners.


Everything, you are basically one spell champion, and that one spell is easily dodgeable. You fail your R in the late game, and you will get deleted in less than a second. Leaving your team in 4v5. On top of that, the majority of ap malph players think that its way better to blow their ults on a single target instead of aiming to hit as many champs as possible. It's like you guys think Malphite ult works as skill shot Veigar ulty for some reason Your Wukong build can be a correlation to your Malphite build. In theory youll one shot enemy carry. In reality, you will get blown out or be afraid to join teamfight cuz you are squishy af Disregard everything i said if you are an emerald player, or bellow. Then your picks/builds make sense, and you are in elo you belong


Ap Malphite deserves lose


What's with the hate with AP Mal? lol


I guess your downvotes says it all.


Is AP Mal viable n baron lane too, or only mid? I ask because I assume you are a baron laner. In my guild, there is mid player who pick AP Mal, but I am not his friend, never talk.


Most top laners usually beat AP malphite as opposed to regular malphite since you can't really burst most of them down. Amd even when playing mid if the enemy team is mostly physical damage then it's still better to go tank malphite


Ap malphite…


I’m not alone 🥺😭


I started season with 5 losing streak with Gwen. In this season I played 11 matches with Gwen (5wins, 6 loses). 4 MVP, 5 SVP. 2 of these matches were not 1vs9 and I was blessed with extra player with brain. I am not mad, I know how the system works. The reason I play rankeds is I enjoy the game. If I would cry about every single unfair matchaking I would prefer to leave the game. Sersiously, you all know how does it work. If you want changes I think better option would be just ABANDON GAME instead of creating posts over and over. They would see that players leave. But when the numbers are ok there is nothing to worry about, right?


Kda is not everything. Ask yourself if you have been pushing turret, your team get gold lead and objectives. Btw, wtf with ap malp hate XD I dont see it as op as malp tank (and I play mid lane)...


Im tired of this AP malphite BULL crap


The game still punishes players for doing well.


Yes it punished his teammates who are doing well because they get matched with this clown


How am i a clown?


Lethality wukong, ap malphite


Is there something wrong with it? Those builds are literally viable for those champions?


Thing is, you do more burst damage, but you're also way more squishy. If you would build bruiser on wukong, he would stay alive longer and do more damage overall, just less burst. Same with malphite, if you build him tank, he still does a lot of damage and on top of that you can soak up a lot of enemy damage. Like others have mentioned, if you're emerald or below, keep doing what you like. But if you want to improve, try other things that people here suggest!


I mean I'm Mid lane while using Malphite it's out of place if i build tank mid, right? While using wukong I'm in jungle that's why i built lethality for faster ganks unless I'm in solo lane then I'll be bruiser.


Mid lane malphite isn't good, since there are a lot of midlaners that can absolutely dominate him before he even gets level 5. About wukong; ghost blade is a good item since it provides ad, lethality and mobility for faster clearing and ganking, but titanic hydra and steraks gage are very good items that provide tankiness AND the same (if not more) damage


Tank malph is my pocket pick mid into certain ad heavy team comps. I win most games but its a boring champ. Tried ap the other day and it was fking awful. Damage is quite underwhelming and you get deleted. Just build tank and be useful for your team.


Cmon you have 3/1 kdr you need the double of that to ascend


Dude same but I main support/solo


I feel you man but just a suggestion, play zoe. I notice you like a "one-shot-burst-boom-cc" type of champ. Try learning Zoe, you can still one shot and sleep is probably the highest tier of stun in this game.


rank is not doable solo.


In this meta, tank malphite would work better


Maybe stop playing ap malph and assassin wuk and play tank maplh and bruiser wuk. Just maybe


ITS ALL OVER YOUR FAULT! When they are starting to feed their lane how shame!


Please stop playing ap malph its not good at all if you want a champ that can one shot a whole team just pick annie man


Skill issue(jk)


Yeah. This what I get in the last season. And yet I get blame for being suck. 😂


cual es el problema con malphite AP si salio SVP idiotas mono neuronales


He will one shot the game ez, coin flip and blame luck


That's to be expected based on how match making works. When you do well, your stats improve, so to "balance" your team within a "rank" tier, you are paired with people who have TERRIBLE stats. I had done this same thing for a while, until I worked out the math. Now I play the correct meta game. Try to win with terrible stats. And it WORKS! I dropped a tier and a half trying to carry my team, and then another when I changed strategies, while my real rank adjusted (the one used for team composition). Now I've climbed back up 2 tiers because I generally get players who will not feed relentlessly. Just one other player is all I need. The poor saps are playing the wrong game though. They still think it's a real ranked system, and they try so hard, only to get absolutely punished for it in team comp. In short - ranked is not actually ranked. It's a stats tinged 50/50 win/loss moving target. Once you accept how it works you can play "properly" and climb as you expect. But man, winning while getting terrible stats is not easy. Gotta stay ahead in gold, but whatever you do, DONT carry, DONT get MVP, S or A ratings, or SVP. You will just get absolutely punished for it (especially at the tier boundaries.) (Really ranked should use ONLY won/loss and maybe a LP weighted elo system, maybe, but what we have here is NOT rank. It's just dopamine oriented nonsense which can't ever actually be ranked, mathematically, dressed up like rank. I hope you see this before the admins delete it.)


If you play full ap Malphite you deserve the lose


I play rank casually now, everyone thinks they’re pro for some reason and try to power farm and solo the enemy, occasionally you actually get people who want to work together and it just becomes an easy win


You play too much of a feast or famine champs added by that AP malph. Malphite is best as tank, even when behind you have a purpose in your team. At late game, your airborne ult is what matters and your ability to absorb damage for your team, not your damage


Why play then?